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  • Do you agree very unprofessional of this food  delivery guy?

    I ordered food and the guy arrived. He called to say that the food is here. My coworker answered phone on speaker.  My coworker and I were arguing so I was so angry with my coworker I said he is stupid ( but I did not mean it).  I just said as venting my coworker said your on speaker

    I went down to get the food that I had ordered

    And the delivery starts confronting me 

    “Why did u call me stupid”

    And he kept asking the same question and arguing

    I told him I did not and I’m a good customer I always tip you well why are you arguing with me

    He should of just left the food there and leave

    Military2 hours ago
  • Need help with phobia ; seeing a therapist but not working?

    I get panic attacks when my parents go away for 2 or 3 nights and i sleep alone at home

    The reason for it is past experiences .even though they are only 2 hours away I panic

    I panic what if I collapse and nobody is home to save me

    The reason I think that way is because I already had two scary things happen to me when alone for a few nights 

    One a hip fracture

    And the other a bad asthma attack

    I ask friends to sleepover they put excuses

    5 AnswersMental Health5 days ago
  • I have 2 fears I will get professional help for my phobias Help me get over this paranoia Dont laugh when you read this?

    Mental illness sucks . Im so frustrated.

    1. Im afraid that when i sleep go to bed that my house will burn. How will i wake up to escape?

    2. Im afraid that as im home alone i will faint drop dead or lose consciousness who will save me? Who will do cpr if nobody home? How will EMTS get in if all doors locked!!!

    6 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • Im having phobias of sleeping alone at night?

    1. I recognize the problem

    2. Im going to get professional help

    I have these 2 stupid phobias. I work long hours so i think its affecting me.   

    1. Im scared that as im sleeping the house will burn down . How will i wake up in my sleep to escape

    2. I fear that i will lose conscious when im home alone and who will do cpr ir save me. How will emts get in if all doors r locked

    2 AnswersPsychology2 years ago
  • he doesn't want to pick me up he wants me to meet him closer to him. he lives in pompton plains and I ive in rivervale about 35 min?

    im going on a 3rd date with a guy but I said I don't like driving on highways I told him because I was in an accident he acted like it was not big deal he coudnt understand y I am afraid. so he is 35 min away and wants to meet closer to him. he prefers for me drive to meet him somewhere then for him to pick me up. how can driving be an issue if its aready, I do drive to meet him to places that I knowof. " I don't think I could pick you up bc it woud be to much back and forth for him :(

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • would u consider this emotional abuse?

    I have a new car and I was at the store and I put a new air freshner. my dad is furious bc its a brand new car and I ruined the new car smell with an air freshner. hes screaming car is ruined with the smell and that it makes no sense to put an air freshner when the car is new. hes furious constantly repeating how ridiculous it was that I bought a dollar air frshner for the new car and ruined a new car with the cheap smell, to me its not a big deal .

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • I went on a first date yesterday with a guy I met online im 27 hes 31 years old.?

    he lead me on he really seemed into me. he said he had a great time and that he wants to go on a 2nd datetoday is my birthday and he blocked me on facebook on my birthday!! ho mean and low is that. thst so selfish!! wow! im kind of hurt. would anyone else be hurt?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • would anyone be offended if a guy did this to you?

    I was talking to a guy for 3 months nonstop everyday but he never met me but calls me princess and baby which is so nice . on Thursday he said goodnight baby sweets dreams. I haven't heard from him in 6 days so I sent a text message saying" I hope you are ok im worried I haven't heard from you." he hasn't responded at all for 2 days after that text . how rude!!! I don't plan on texting back but how could he lead me on for 3 months and dissapear

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • ive been talking to a guy online for 3 months we STILL HAVENT MET!?

    I DID A BACKGROUND CHECK EVERYTHING IS REAL he sent me videos and pics but he always says soon we will meet but never does. do I have a right to be angry? how should I address this issue with him

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • i never knew guys don't like compliments? my date says guys don't like comlpiments?

    im dating a guy and he says your a nice girl but you give too many compliments. I told him I cant help it. I like that he has his masters and is nice and handsome. he was like stop, guys don't like compliments

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • how do I cancel this date or should I go on it?

    im going on a date however im upset because the guy goes so what are you going to wear and I say I don't know. he goes wear stockings or skirt something tight and nice that will drive me nuts. im fuming because then I said well since I get out of work by the time we are meeting and he goes "well you have time to change" im offended would anyone be annoyed here or is it just me? I said I don't have a dress code for you I don't care what you wear as long as your a good person and

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • how do I cancel this date or should I go on it?

    im going on a date however im upset because the guy goes so what are you going to wear and I say I don't know. he goes wear stockings or skirt something tight and nice that will drive me nuts. im fuming because then I said well since I get out of work by the time we are meeting and he goes "well you have time to change" im offended would anyone be annoyed here or is it just me? I said I don't have a dress code for you I don't care what you wear as long as your a good person and

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • should I cancel this date?

    this guy I ve been talking to asked me out so I said yes. he says so what will you wear tomorrow I responded not sure. he sends me pics of girls with stockings. first of all that is a turn off sending me pics of women and then he goes wear stockings or something that would drive me nuts. I responded by saying I have no dress code for you . he goes well I have to be attracted to the persn then why I wouldi get to know themand I say Im not shallow I want to get to know you. he says just don't wear anyting baggy show ur curves. ISNT THAT ODD. BOOTY CALL? HE WILL ONLY GET TO KNOW ME IF HE ISATRRATED TO ME HE KNOWS HOW I LOOK LIKE. SHALLOW?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • i was in a car accident days ago. i had x rays done a ct scan. the dr said i have muscle contusion.?

    no fractures. he said i'll just be sore for a while. i was hit on the drivers side. i missed two days of school. i plan on going back tomorrow. my mom said two days is a lot. my back hurts even though i had no fractures. Do you think 2 days is a lot if it was a minor accident?

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • his parents wont let him date me? we are both 26 years old and they never met me? he is listening to his pare?

    he is listening to his parents. it hurts me that he said that what do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • we are 26 years old. he cant date me becasue his grandma said no and his parents said no. they never met me?

    is that judging ? its very controlling. he said he has to listen to them because he is still financially dependant. so am I and I date whoever I want I don't listen to my parents when it comes to love. he obviously doesn't love me. WE Skype and his grandma said we cant Skype anymore isn't that kind of rude?

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • im dating and talking to this guy we love eachother so much but?

    his parents and grandma have never met me and do not give him permission to date me. so he ended it we are both 26 years old and he said when his grandma made a decision that's the final answer. she makes the rules.. I found that to be mean and controlling how dare they judge me they don't know me. he obviously doesn't love me to listen to them. what do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • i was talking to this guy on facebook who i went to school all of my life in highschool?

    he had a brain injury so now he take Adderall and he is soooooooooooo sweet amdsooooooooooo handsome. gorgeous he Is tall he is everything I want! I talked to him on video chat and we got along so well he said that im a beauty and that life is short. he realized from his brain injury from skiing that life is a blessing and that you should always smile and think of yourself as the best! this is the third day and now he hasn't talked to me all day hasn't called or nothing. what happened :( he was so sweet

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I had the norovirus in January. I was using my old contact lenses. I stopped using my contact lenses since?

    then because I wanted to take a break an use my glasses. It is now july and I want to wear my contacts. My question is I don't remember if I disinfected them. Lets pretend that I didn't can I get the noovirus again. or did the virus die n my contect lenses ( since you can get a virus through eyes , nose and mouth )

    2 AnswersOptical8 years ago