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  • How to unblock youtube and facebook at school?

    Before anyone snaps on me for asking this question, let me provide a little detail.

    At school, I take this computer class that I excell at and can finish assignments fast in it (and still get straight As in it, literally, I have rarely gotten a B in it) and have half of the class period to mess around. Normally I have nothing to study, so if you say "do something for a different class", I have nothing to do for a different class.

    The way I used to unblock youtube recently was blocked. Almost everything that goes to ultrasurf is blocked. I don't have my cell phone with me either (I'm at school now, with 20 minutes left before I switch) and anyways, youtube wouldn't work on it.

    5 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Is this a wisdom tooth already?

    I'm only 15, though I do turn 16 in a little over 3 months.

    So lately, my jaw has felt sensitive or hurt a little around where my upper-right top far back molar is. It reminds me a lot of tooth eruption when I think of it a little. Its either a wisdom tooth trying to come in or a really REALLY bad cavity and I'm thinking its the wisdom tooth.

    Second question: Do I need to get that wisdom tooth taken out?

    This has been really recent that I just started feeling it. I've had orthodontic work, and although the rest of my teeth have stayed straight that top right far back molar has been starting to twist out of place. I wear my retainers faithfully, so its not that.

    1 AnswerDental1 decade ago
  • Any ideas of what I could do over summer?

    I'm 15 years old, turning 16 over summer. I live in Georgia.

    The things that are already etched in is, I'm taking Drivers Ed to fulfill the Joshua's Law requirement and because I need to improve in some techniques in driving (I've already been driving for 7 months now) and I need to study for the Math SAT (we start SATs in our Junior year in Georgia).

    The ideas I have are:

    Helper at VBS.

    Junior lifeguard at the Family Y....or am I too old? I wouldn't think so because the Y hires at 18 and up.

    Junior camp counselor for the younger kids camps (probably not but still an idea).

    Summer job?

    The other things I am doing is I am probably going to hang with my old friends and new, a couple 2-3 day vacations, and at home my mom wants me to work around the house to earn credits for gas to school (and maybe some friends houses).

    1 AnswerAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Which science should I take next year?

    I'm a sophomore this year. I've taken Biology and I'm taking Chemistry right now. After Chemistry is Physics and my dad is suggesting I stay away from that class IF I pass Chemistry. In fact, my head is telling me I need to try and talk my Chemistry teacher into signing my up for a different science if I pass. I struggle a lot in Chemistry, that is why.

    The choices are:


    Earth Science

    Anatomy and Physiology

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Have colleges raised their standards in the past 29 years by a lot?

    I ask this because my dad said he didn't ace high school and back when he applied to colleges he was accepted to every college he applied to (UGA and GA Southern are two of them). To be more exact, he had some Cs in high school but excelled on the SAT.

    He says if I want to go to a big college (not ivy league, btw) I shouldn't worry about getting Cs and the time to start worrying would be if I bombed the SAT (which I take next year).

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Am I done growing, or if I'm not how much more will I grow?

    I'm 15, almost 15 and a half and I'm 5'8". Maybe that is pushing it and I'm 5'7" and 1/2th. My parents are both 5'9" (though one claims it, but I think the other is, the one that claims it is actually my dad, shh, don't tell). I've had my period for 3 years which makes me think I'm done. The other thing is I think my height settled after I began high school as I still wear some things from 8th grade.

    Tallest person in my family is 6'9" but he isn't related too closely to me. Shortest person I know in my family that is grown up is my grandma, she says she was 5'3" before old age but thinks she is shrinking or teases me.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • When is the next time Georgia beats Florida?

    Because it sure as heck won't be in the next 3 years.

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How do you open a high school locker quickly?

    I feel stupid right now on this. I can probably drive better then some people older then me, yet can't open a simple hall locker.

    Before you tell me what I already know, I know you are supposed to go right twice or more, left once and passing the number you turned it to first, and right. It just has never worked for me. I'm a sophomore BTW, not a freshman, and this is my second year in a school where you don't switch in lines and you have hall lockers, not just gym lockers (where you buy a lock for it, and I could open the store bought locks in a jiffy when I needed to).

    Anyhow, I'm not sure if it'd help or not, but on the third, are you supposed to continue spinning it till it stops, or stop it immediately on the number you need to go to? I absolutely can not stand carrying around 10 pound bookbags now that I haven't for a while and its either locker, or that. Don't tell me to get a rolling bookbag because rolling bookbags just aren't going to work at my school, trust me. There is one, just one person at school that has a rolling bookbag and he mainly carries it.

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Should Willie Martinez (the DC for UGA) be fired?

    I say he should, if he continues letting other offenses score 40+.

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What wii and gamecube games should I get?

    I already have Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz, Wii Sports, and Wii Fit.

    6 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago