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Favorite Answers8%
  • Jiffy corn muffin mix in pie tin?

    I'm using the whole box, as if I was making a batch of muffins. Should I adjust the cooking time or temperature?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • How do i boost the Wi-Fi reception on my nexus 7?

    I'm waiting for my internet to be installed in my new apartment. There is a public WiFi that almost reaches my unit, bit not quite. I'm hoping that I can find a way to boost the signal so that my tablet can pick it up. A cantenna won't work (I think) because I don't have a laptop. I know this is not okay to do for a long time, but my install date for Comcast is not until Wednesday, and it'd be nice to be able to do some basic web searches in the meantime.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • My psychological profile after testing appears to show that I'm equally attracted to males and females?

    I'm a guy, and I'm really not sure what to do with this knowledge. It doesn't bother me or make me hate myself, and I don't have a problem with homosexuality, I just don't really know how to process it. I've already known for a while that I've been this way, because I've had encounters with men in the past, but not often. I would have considered myself hetero with some curiosity, but I don't know now. Am I gay? Am I completely bisexual? I don't know if there really is an answer to this, and it may not help at all to ask it here, because I'm sure the trolls will be out. For the record, to the people who want to take the time to call me a "Fag" or a "queer" or quote the bible, I'm not in spiritual anguish, and don't care what YOU in particular think, so I'm glad I wasted your time. I would be interested in hearing some perspective from those who have some knowledge and perspective about their own sexuality.

  • What kind of neighborhood is East Village Chicago?

    A friend of mine found an apartment in East Village that she is interested in. She would be living alone in a one bedroom place, and I am not savvy enough to know the neighborhoods of Chicago that well. Does anyone know the details about that neighborhood? Is there a lot of crime? Is it a safe place for a 27 year old single woman to move into? Thanks!

    3 AnswersChicago9 years ago
  • How do I compare cost of living from 1965 to 2011?

    I work for my father, who is a self-made millionaire. I am currently responsible for a large portion of the day to day operations of the company, and I earn a salary that I consider quite paltry by today's standards. However my father seems to always make comparisons to when he was younger, and say how he never made $15.00/hour. However, he paid $6,000.00 for a sports car that now costs $50,000, and I could never afford to do something like that. I have had to fight this battle every year for a long time now, and it's really starting to get to me. What I would like to be able to do, is to show him on paper what inflation has really amounted to, so I can have a logical argument to get a raise that he very clearly can afford. Where might I be able to gather that type of information?

    6 AnswersEconomics10 years ago
  • I need a discreetly portable bed that can be used for......stuff. I was going to use an airbed,......?

    but I've heard that they won't hold up to extracurricular activities. I need to be able to carry the bed discreetly, set it up, use it, and take it back down in a reasonably short amount of time. I dont want to spend a lot of money on an airbed if it's just going to pop during the first session. Any thoughts?

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • What kind of mortgage rate can I expect?

    I'm thinking about buying a place in the next year or so. My credit is about 580-600, in good standing with all accounts, just waiting for old stuff to fall off. I've got an income of about 31K, and my girlfriend makes 34K, and her credit history is very limited, but she has nothing negative on it. We're trying to get her some more credit in order to build a history. We're probably looking for something at bout 225K, with 25% down. What kind of rate might we qualify for?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago