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Whats causing these erection issues?
My husband and i have been married a year we dated for a year and a half before marriage. We have NEVER had issues with sex. We have sex a lot. Over the past 3 weeks or so we've been having some issues though, he has been going soft during sex. Doesnt happen all the time like last weekend we had sex friday and saturday afternoon then saturday evening we went to go again and he went soft. Before that it happened 2 other times. Last night we had sex and he ejaculated shortly after we began with no orgasam, He does have a very mild umbillical hernia and i want to hope that maybe this might be the cause. But i'm begining to get discouraged and wondering if its me. I dont want this to affect our marriage. I guess what I'm looking for is someone that have maybe experienced the same or something similar that can give me some insite. I've tried discussing it with him but hes uncomfotable discussing it.
4 AnswersMen's Health9 years agoDoes bud light go bad?
in thanks giving I bought a case of bud light ended up not even opening it. brought it home and put it in the closet and its been there since. Does anyone know if it would be ok to drink?
7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits9 years agoAnyone ever haf spotting after sex?
anyone ever had spotting after sex? my husband and I have had sex 4 times in the past 24 hours. and I went to the bathroom and I had some light pink spotting when I wiped. um just curious if anyone has experienced this or if its something I should be concerned about. I know I'm not pregnant and I got off my period about a week ago.. Any insight?
4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoLeaving puppy at home?
I have a 6 week old puppy I need to leave today for a meeting that's going to last 3-4 hours and I'm not sure if I should leave him in the crate that long or set up baby gates and let him just hang in the kitchen my concern leaving him on the crate whould force him to soil where he sleeps and then he would have to lay in it vs him going on the kitchen floor and me cleaning it up later I am taking him outside to go to the bathroom
4 AnswersDogs9 years agoHow much bleeding is too much?
my period started yesterday and it started slow but last night it picked up and I was bleeding through a super plus tampon an hour and then today in the past 2 hours I've bleed through a pad and 2 super plus tampons. I don't normally bleed like this during my cycles. Could it be because I had a baby 4 months ago? I've had 2 periods since I've had my son and they were nothing like this..
3 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoHow long do the effects of laxatives lasr?
I have been suffering from constipation for the past few days so I took a laxative last night around 6 or so about 12 hours late I got hit with horrible stomach cramps, and it started working I've spent the majority of last hour and a half on the toliet. I have an important appointment in about 3 hours and I'm wondering if the stomach cramps and need to use the restroom will subside by then
1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years agoNames for a golden retriever?
my husband and I are getting a golden retriever puppy Jan 20 and are having a difficult time picking out a name. any dog like any ideas?
15 AnswersDogs9 years agoPregnancy tests and ectopic pregnancy? ?
has anyone ever had an experience with an ectopic pregnancy and never gotten a positive pregnancy test? did you feel pain? did it come and go or did it hurt all the time? did you have irregular bleeding?
1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago2 day period anyone had one?
OK I know women can experience off cycles and all that I'm more looking for someone who has exprirnced something similar.
I had a baby by csection Sept 19, 2011. My first period was mid October and pretty heavy as expected and about 6 days. My next period was 2 weeks late. I took several pregnancy tests all - before my period came but this period was strange because it lasted 2 days was fairly light very small clots and over in 2 days very werid. I know I'm not pregnant because of the negitive tests and I got my period. But what I'm looking for is has anyone experienced the same after pregnancy? Should I expect mg period to possibly start up again? Its not a health concern just curious..
4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years agoPregnancy debate between my husband and I ?
My husband and I were talking about who is more important in respect in pregnancy the man or the woman. This is going to sound stupid if it doesnt already. My husband says that men are more important in pregnancy because without sperm there would be no way to make a baby which means no people. I say that women are more important because even though you need sperm to make a baby it's a woman's responsibility to do everything in her power to deliver and healthy baby.. I would like to get other people's opinions on this ;)
7 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoCoupons and samples anyone tried this?
My husband and I took a budget for baby class and they suggested signing up for websites because they send coupons and sample and stuff like that, and one have any suggestions on what websites to sign up for?
1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting10 years agoContractions and labor?
I'm a mom of 2 and a nurse eventhough I havnt worked in a year but I know everyone experiences are different so I wanted to know if anyone here who has kids has ever contracted for days without cervical change? If so how long I've had contractions for 3 days that are getting closer together but no cervical change so the hospital will not do my csection.. I'm 35 weeks and 5 days
1 AnswerPregnancy10 years agoIs Norfolk Va considered a low lying area?
I live in Va we are about to get a hurricane and our governor has issued a state of emergency but said low lying areas may be evacuated I just wanted to know if there was a way to know if we lived in a low lying area do we can be prepared.
5 AnswersGeography10 years ago3 months post pregnancy and no period?
I had a baby via csection aug 26th since then I have not had a period. I havr slight spotting for and hour or so usually the day after I have sex, I was just wondering if u should start to be concerned. I am not on any kind of contraception and I'm not breast feeding
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHow do people feel about naming children after people?
I usually don't like the idea of naming babies after people I feel children should have their own namesake, but my husband and I have not agreed on a name for our first daughter (we have boys) and our last child. It just so happens my grandmother passed away (she raised me and my sisters) and will be laid to rest tomorrow and my daughter will be born Thursday via scheduled c section and now I am thinking of using her middle name as my daughters middle name. I just want peoples opinions on name babies after family members and stuff like that.
6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoCan you save music to a motorla cliq?
I'm going on a trip this week and have a 13 hour drive ahead of me, I wanted to know if anyone knows if you can save music from limewire to the motorola cliq, because I can't find my ipod. If it make a difference I have the original cliq not the xt.
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWhat middle name goes well with Arianna or Adrianna?
My hubby and I are expecting our first daughter (we have boys) I am trying to figure out a good name for our daughter and we have basically decided it with either be arianna or adrianna, but deciding on a middle name is hard. Both of out mothers passed away when we were younger and would like to incorporate a middle name with an L in remembrance of them because both of them have L's for their middle names. Any good idea of L middle names?
12 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat color is a good idea to paint a room for a boy and girl?
I'm pregnant with a little girl shes going to be sharing a room with my youngest boy and I trying to think of a good color to paint the room while he is out of town thats neutral. I hear yellow and green a lot but i was wondering if there was anything else.
2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoBlond, pink, or red highlights?
I have black hair and I am looking to do something different for me and maybe a little drastic. I am thinking about either blond or pink or red highlights and I'm just looking for peoples opinions or maybe someone who had an experience with this. Any info would be appreciated.
7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agocan a toddler get tonsilitis from being in a home with a person with tonsilitis?
my babysitters daughter has been sick for a couple of days she went to the doctor and found out she has tonsillitis, i know that this is contagious and im concerned that he could have caught this from her from being in the same home. My baby sitter claims she stayed in her room all day but obviously it being my baby sitters daughter she has gone back in the room with her and then come out and could at some point touched my son and the girls bf was over laying in the bed with her and then came out of the room and when i dropped him off she cause coughing really bad, I just want to know if my son might have gotten it.
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago