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  • Why isn't NAC working for me anymore?

    I've had pure o ocd for awhile and have always had trouble focusing. I also feel like I never have complete mental clarity or that my mind feels blank. A few months ago, I took 600mg of NAC once a day recommended by my psychiatrist. I literally felt almost like myself again that whole week it was amazing. I was more talkative, had more energy, and just felt like I could think more clearly. The feeling went away though after the first week. I then started to take 2 pills a day, but I actually felt worse. I felt like it was too strong and felt "out of it." Now I'm back to taking 1 a day, but don't feel much better really. If I stop taking it though, I feel a lot worse. I'm not sure why it worked so well the first week and suddenly stopped. I think it's possible it was a placebo affect. Should I keep taking the pill because I'm not sure if it's really doing anything. Thanks.

    1 AnswerMental Health2 years ago
  • I need help please answer!!!?

    I've had pure o ocd for a very long time and I'm not sure I'm getting better. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I feel like I'm paralyzed by my anxiety and have a lot of trouble making decisions. I've been on nearly every medicine and still feel my anxiety is severe. My most recent obsession has been with food and whether it would hurt my stomach or not. I was diagnosed with IBS and am lactose intolerant so I worry everyday about what I eat and it controls my life. I avoid working out because I cant decide what to eat or feel my stomach hurts too much. A lot of times if I can't make a decision I just will be safe and eat the same things I always do. I just want to be happy so bad and I don't know what to do anymore. I've heard that running every morning can maybe help my anxiety. Medicine and supplements don't seem to work enough and I need something to change. I'm 27, in a job a don't like much, and never had a girlfriend. I know there is so much more to life, but can't seem to break free from my ocd. What should I do? Thank you

    1 AnswerMental Health2 years ago
  • Please answer I don't know what to do anymore!!!?

    I've been struggling getting past my avoidance behavior and it's starting to drive me crazy. I have pretty bad pure o ocd and tend to avoid something that may make me anxious. One thing that's bothering me, although I feel weird talking about it, is avoiding following random models on instagram. I really want to follow certain models on instagram in order to view their profiles, but get extremely anxious when I click follow. This is because I feel creepy and pathetic that I would follow a girl on instagram just to masturbate to her photos. I honestly don't think it's that weird though and a lot of other guys probably do it. I'ts driving me crazy because I can't decide what I want to do. I think following them and realizing it's not a big deal is the only way to get past the anxiety. Part of the reason I have so many problems with avoidance is that I stopped seeing my friends because hanging out with them made me anxious. They were making fun of me too much, so I decided it wasn't worth it to hang out with them anymore. Even though I avoided seeing them because I was anxious around them, it was honestly the best thing for me and not just based on anxiety. Since that worked out and I felt better not seeing them or avoiding them, I apply that to other things in my life that i know I don't have to avoid. Is stopping avoiding things that make me anxious the only way to get past this? Thanks.

    2 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • Is this the only way to get past avoidance behavior?

    I have pretty severe pure o ocd and feel like I have to avoid something if if makes me anxious. I feel talking about this, but what I've been avoiding for awhile is choosing to follow random girls on , instagram. I rather masturbate to models on instagram than porn, but a lot of profiles are private. There are plenty that aren't, but some girls that I really want to view their profiles, you can't without following them. The reason I've been avoiding it though is because I feel pathetic and creepy if I follow a girl's page for the sole purpose of masturbating to her photos. Literally the minute I click follow, I became extremely anxious and cancel the request. At the same time, I don't want to let my anxiety stop me from doing something I want to and I know I can't be the only guy that would do that. Should I just follow these girls and realize it's not a big deal? I avoid other things as well just because it makes me anxious so I think maybe this is the only way to get past all my avoidance behavior. Thank you.

    2 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • What's wrong with me please answer!!!?

    I feel a little weird talking about this, but I think I'm addicted to looking at girls on the internet. For some reason, I'm actually not into porn, but rather look at photos and videos online of hot girls. I feel like it's becoming an addiction because almost everyday I look at instagram models and usually end up masturbating to them. I feel guilty about it afterwards though.I think part of the reason I do it so often is because of my bad anxiety problems. I have pretty severe pure o ocd and masturbating provides an escape I guess and temporary pleasure. I admit though I am very lonely and never even kissed a girl and I'm almost 27. I also feel like I'm way too shallow when it comes to looks and feel really bad about that. I even didn't pursue dating a gorgeous girl because I thought she had too much of a gut. I still feel terrible about that and think I will be alone forever if I have that mindset. I think I'm a good person though and just want to be with someone and be happy. Do you think my addiction to looking at girls online is because it's a temporary escape from life?

    6 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • How can I get past my anxiety please answer!!!?

    I've had pure o ocd for awhile and it's made my life extremely difficult. I've been getting through it, but it's definitely held me back. I feel like I could have a better job and more friends. Also, I've never had a girlfriend or even kissed a girl and I'm 26.I don't want to use my anxiety as an excuse but it's definitely hurt my confidence. Without going into too much detail, I seem to have an obsession that I fixate on and it distracts me from my everyday life. Ever since I've been diagnosed with IBS, I'm very worried about everything I eat because I'm' afraid it will hurt my stomach. My latest obsession is that I'm worried that this new pill I'm taking will hurt my stomach so I have to make sure I eat as healthy as possible before taking the pill. In other words, If I only eat food that is good for my digestion and healthy, I can narrow down any stomach issue to the pill. I know the pill doesn't bother my stomach, but I keep obsessing about what I eat. . Trying to eat "perfectly" never works out because it always seems like something goes wrong or I eat something that bothers my stomach. Is the only way to get past my anxiety not thinking too much about what I eat and dealing with the intense anxiety at the time? I think that's what I should do be it's so hard for me. It's like my brain is programmed to think a certain way and I can't change it. What should I do?

    4 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • Is my ibs pyschosomatic?

    I've had pure o ocd for awhile and have always had stomach problems since I was little. I realized I was lactose intolerant about 3 years ago since anything i ate containing dairy made me very bloated. Then, all of a sudden, any greasy or fried food made me really bloated just like dairy. I went to a doctor who diagnosed me with ibs, which my dad has and I've been taking medicine for it every since. My stomach has seemed to get worse though and my therapist doesn't even think I have ibs and that it's all in my head. If i eat something and it gets me bloated after having it a few times, in my mind I decide I have to avoid this food and think it will always upset my stomach. My therapist, however, believes I get so worried about avoiding a food that eating it will get me bloated no matter what since i'm anticipating it will. I used to be able to have cream cheese and butter if I take a lactaid pill, but now it gets me bloated no matter what. Also, eggs with or without butter make me bloated as well as tuna fish which never gave me issues before. Ever since my stomach issues, my anxiety has been focused on what I eat and I obsess every day over what I could eat that won't make me bloated. I think I have ibs and the anxiety can make it worse, but don't think it's the cause of my ibs. Is it possible that it's all in my head? Thanks

    1 AnswerMental Health3 years ago
  • Why can t I feel an orgasm after I ejaculate?

    All of a sudden, starting this week, I don't feel an orgasm after i ejaculate. I feel the build up, but then it's a numb feeling when i ejaculate and it's not very satisfying. Is something wrong with me because this has never happened before. Would taking a long break from masturbating help at all? Thanks.

    8 AnswersMen's Health3 years ago
  • Is this the way to get over my pure o ocd please answer!!!?

    I've had pure o ocd for awhile and often my friendships were what I would obsess over. I felt like there no closure in one of my friendships and felt that i had to see my friend one more time before ending the friendship. I don't want to go into detail about the friendship, but i knew I wanted to stop being friends with someone and felt a compulsion to see him one last time. Eventually I did see him one last time and the anxiety went away, but now I have a similar situation with a girl. Even though I don't want to see this girl again that badly, i have a strong compulsion to see her at least one more time for closure. My therapist said if i really don't want to see her, then acting on the compulsion may relieve the anxiety temporarily but then I will obsess about something else. I can't stop obsessing about seeing this girl one more time and it's driving me crazy. I think with how much time has passed, it may be awkward to ask her to hang out. What should I do? Thanks

    2 AnswersMental Health3 years ago
  • Please answer i don't know what to do anymore!!!?

    I've had pure o ocd for awhile and it's been really bad lately. I met a girl at a party I thought was cute this past summer and I still am obsessing about what happened with her. I asked her out and hung out with her a couple of times along with her friend. I didn't really pursue the relationship because I was conflicted about how attracted to her I really was. I thought she was beautiful but had kind of a gut which I couldn't stop fixating on. I felt horrible and was upset that this was bothering me, but I was too anxious to want to keep hanging out with her. I texted her that I'm just not ready to be in a relationship because of my anxiety, even though it's because i'm questioning my attraction to her physically. She said she would still be friends, but the idea of hanging out with her still makes me anxious. I have a compulsion, however, to see her one more time since she said she would be friends. We haven't hung out since and it's making me extremely anxious because I feel like there's no closure with the situation. My therapist said seeing her just to satisfy a compulsion will only feed my ocd. What should i do? I also feel like a bad person for being so shallow about looks that something like this would bother me so much. I want a girlfriend so bad, but think I need to lower my standards.

    3 AnswersMental Health3 years ago
  • Could I really be this shallow? Please answer I need help!!?

    I asked out this really pretty girl at a party and she agreed to hang out but brought her friend also. I was definitely attracted to her and thought she was probably out of my league so I was so happy that she would even hang out with me. Even though I though she was attractive, she had a little bit of a gut and not the slimmest body. She was still pretty skinny, but that's the only thing that stood out to me that didn't make her "perfect" in my mind. I didn't really care though at first and know it's unrealistic to find someone that's perfect physically. Suddenly, that's all I could focus on even though I thought she was beautiful and really nice and easy to talk to. I have really bad pure o ocd and tend to obsess or fixate on small things so that was the one thing I was fixated on. When we hung out, I was just really anxious and couldn't even be myself because of my anxiety. i feel like deep down I don't care that she doesn't have a perfect body, but my ocd is causing me to obsess about it. I'm also thinking though that it's possible such a small imperfection actually is enough to turn me off to a girl and that I'm in denial of how shallow I am. I think it's the first one, but either way I feel like a horrible person and hopeless about getting a girlfriend if I'm being this shallow. We're not even talking anymore because I was so paralyzed by my anxiety I didn't really keep enough contact with her to maintain a friendship at least. I'm so upset about this what should I do?

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Could I really be this shallow? Please answer I need help!!?

    I asked out this really pretty girl at a party and she agreed to hang out but brought her friend also. I was definitely attracted to her and thought she was probably out of my league so I was so happy that she would even hang out with me. Even though I though she was attractive, she had a little bit of a gut and not the slimmest body. She was still pretty skinny, but that's the only thing that stood out to me that didn't make her "perfect" in my mind. I didn't really care though at first and know it's unrealistic to find someone that's perfect physically. Suddenly, that's all I could focus on even though I thought she was beautiful and really nice and easy to talk to. I have really bad pure o ocd and tend to obsess or fixate on small things so that was the one thing I was fixated on. When we hung out, I was just really anxious and couldn't even be myself because of my anxiety. i feel like deep down I don't care that she doesn't have a perfect body, but my ocd is causing me to obsess about it. I'm also thinking though that it's possible such a small imperfection actually is enough to turn me off to a girl and that I'm in denial of how shallow I am. I think it's the first one, but either way I feel like a horrible person and hopeless about getting a girlfriend if I'm being this shallow. We're not even talking anymore because I was so paralyzed by my anxiety I didn't really keep enough contact with her to maintain a friendship at least. I'm so upset about this what should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Do I have relationship ocd please answer I need help!!!?

    I've had pure ocd for awhile and think it may have developed into relationship ocd which I just read about. I met a girl recently that I thought was really cute, but all I can think about is that she doesn't have the slimmest or most fit body. I'm definitely attracted to her and didn't think about that when i met her, but now it's become a fixation. I hung out with her and some friends a couple of times and think she's so nice and I really like her. I felt I couldn't be myself though because of intrusive thoughts about her body, which make me feel horrible and guilty. I'm really upset because I think I have a chance of going out on an actual date with this girl, but my obsessive thoughts are ruining everything. Part of the reason I'm thinking this way I think is because I have an obsession about my health and feel that if I eat healthier I'll think more clearly and be more confident. When I think about this girl, I have the thought that maybe I can get someone even more attractive and better body, but that's unrealistic and not how I really feel. This girl is probably out of my league anyway and think it's ridiculous to think I can do better when I really like her. How can I stop thinking like this? It's ruining my life.

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • What's wrong with me I can't take this anymore!!!?

    I've had pure o ocd for awhile and the latest thing bothering me is really hard to deal with and I don't understand why it's happening. I met this cute girl at a party a few weeks ago and went out with her and her friend last week. I'm not sure if she just wants to be friends or not but I'm having intrusive thoughts about how her body isn't perfect and that she has a little but of a gut. I feel horrible and extremely shallow thinking this, but I have this obsession with things being or going perfect, so maybe that's why I have that thought. I was thinking to myself that she's perfect and then that one imperfection popped into my head and I can't get it out. The thing is I don't care that her body isn't perfect and think she's beautiful anyway. She's also one of the nicest girls I've ever met and I was so happy to just get her number. I honestly am very attracted to her, but these thoughts are giving me anxiety and I couldn't enjoy hanging out with her as much as I wanted to. I've never been this shallow about a girl and don't understand my fixation on her having perfect body which doesn't exist anyway.

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • What's wrong with me please answer!!!?

    I ve had pure o ocd for awhile, but feel like I am getting better recently. My problem has always been that I would obsess or fixate on one thing that would distract me from from everyday life. My problems started affecting me in high school so I never got the confidence to get a date with a girl and still haven t kissed a girl at 25. I did get the confidence, though, to ask out a girl recently at a party which made me really happy. This is going to sound extremely shallow, but the girl I met, who I think is really cute, had kind of a gut and not the slimmest body. I honestly don t care that much and know I won t get a girl with the perfect body, but I m obsessing over that I don t think shes "perfect" in my mind because of her body. I think part of the reason I m obsessing over this is because I know how nerve racking my first date could be, and I want to be really attracted to the girl, which I am, if I m going to put effort into making her like me. Because I can t convince myself that she s perfect, it s conflicting with my desire to date her in my mind. I really do want to go out with her and think she s beautiful, so I don t understand why i m fixating on her imperfection. I really want to date her, but I feel more anxious than ever. What s wrong with me and how can I get this fixation to go away? Thanks a lot!

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • What's wrong with me I don't understand why I feel this way!!!?

    I've had pure o ocd for awhile, but feel like I am getting better recently. My problem has always been that I would obsess or fixate on one thing that would distract me from from everyday life. My problems started affecting me in high school so I never got the confidence to get a date with a girl and still haven't kissed a girl at 25. I did get the confidence, though, to ask out a girl recently at a party which made me really happy. This is going to sound extremely shallow, but the girl I met, who I think is really cute, had kind of a gut and not the slimmest body. I honestly don't care that much and know I won't get a girl with the perfect body, but I'm obsessing over that I don't think shes "perfect" in my mind because of her body. I think part of the reason I''m obsessing over this is because I know how nerve racking my first date could be, and I want to be really attracted to the girl, which I am, if I'm going to put effort into making her like me. Because I can't convince myself that she's perfect, it's conflicting with my desire to date her in my mind. I really do want to go out with her and think she's beautiful, so I don't understand why i'm fixating on her imperfection. I really want to date her, but I feel more anxious than ever. What's wrong with me and how can I get this fixation to go away? Thanks a lot!

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • What's wrong with me will I be ok please answer I'm worried!!!?

    Two nights ago I ate a half pound of salmon, but honestly didn't need to because I wasn't that hungry. I have pure o ocd thought and have been obsessing over eating healthy. This might sound weird, but I've also been having trouble knowing how hungry I am. There have been nights were I thought I was full enough before going to bed, but woke up extremely hungry feeling weak. Part of the reason I ate the salmon was because I know how healthy it is, and I worry about letting fish sit in the fridge overnight. I thought I would just eat half and save the rest, but it came out really good and I just ate the entire half pound. I honestly thought i was hungry enough to eat it, but I felt like my stomach was going to explode a half hour later. Yesterday I ate a turkey sandwich and pb and j sandwich and was satisfied. Today all I ate was cereal and a turkey sandwich and feel full. I'm worried that I messed up my stomach because my appetite so suppressed now. I'm hoping I can get past this obsession because it's driving my crazy and making eating everyday a huge deal. Will i be okay and when will my stomach get back to normal? Thanks a lot!

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Should I take omega 3 pills or just eat fish?

    I've had pure o ocd and depression for awhile and feel like I can't always think clearly. I've heard that omega 3 fatty acids can help improve brain function so I thought I should try taking a fish oil pill. I realized that besides tuna once in awhile, I never had any type of fish my entire life. I did start eating salmon though recently because I know they have a lot of omega 3. I haven't noticed any real difference yet from having salmon a few times, but it definitely has helped my stomach feel better. I have ibs also and it seems just eating salmon can help me feel a little better. I did try taking omega 3 pills just for a few days, but they actually seem to hurt my stomach a bit. I think it's because I'm not used to taking the pill, but I'm not sure now if it's worth it. What should I do? Thanks a lot!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Please answer I can't stop worrying!!! Thanks?

    I bought think sliced pork chops at the supermarket today and am worried that they were possibly spoiled. When I took them out of the package every pork chop had a part that was clear rather than pink. It was also only on the parts that the pork chops overlapped each other which I why I think they were probably okay. I'm hoping the loss of color is due to being packed on top of each other and not that they were spoiled. I ended up cooking and eating them but they came out drier than usual. I have a stomach ache now though so I'm worried maybe something was wrong with them. I also have anxiety problems and worry obsessively which may be causing the stomach ache. Do you think they were they safe to eat? Thanks a lot.

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • Please answer I can't stop worrying!!!?

    I bought think sliced pork chops at the supermarket today and am worried that they were possibly spoiled. When I took them out of the package every pork chop had a part that was clear rather than pink. It was also only on the parts that the pork chops overlapped each other which I why I think they were probably okay. I'm hoping the loss of color is due to being packed on top of each other and not that they were spoiled. I ended up cooking and eating them but they came out drier than usual. I have a stomach ache now though so I'm worried maybe something was wrong with them. I also have anxiety problems and worry obsessively which may be causing the stomach ache. Were they safe to eat? Thanks a lot.

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink4 years ago