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I am a retired navy chief. I am currently a volunteer fire fighter, I also work with several emergency management agencies. I will be setting all aside soon. I love to dance, i love good techno and music in general, to play in the ocean, to read, a descent scotch, seeking answers to lifes unanswered questions, most of all, I like to think and to exchange ideas with people. People are the greates show on earth, I am ever so happy I made the show. SILVERTHORN

  • What will you do on December Fools Day, 21 dec 2012?

    My suggestion:

    Have a bar b que with friends.

    spend on hour thinking for yourself

    spend one hour trying to recapture the insatiable desire to question everything you had as a child

    think of ten questions man can not answer that interest you, each day of the next year spend some time trying to answer them. good excercise for the brain.

    Give anyone you care about a hug and tell them you care about them

    Have a great day

    Ok i have been resisting looking into a source on this, have other things i am working on. 2012 was generated by a think tank associated with the tavistoc inst. in London. by a man named Dr. Ko. he is an FBI operative. Below is a link that will take you to a great web site and to a particular video. It is lengthy with lots of info you should know anyway. Two thirds of the way through is when he drops the bomb on the 2012 thing and where it came from plenty of documentation if you want to dig it up. I suggest you do. validation is always a good thing, I am very familiar with the Tavistock inst. I know Jan as well, he is legit in my book.

    6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • I can only conclude that Descartes work in epistemology is seriously flawed below is why what say you,?

    i have never studied philosophy formally. i have since child hood thought in philosophical i have had since childhood an insatiable urge to find answers to questions having no answers. Is there a god for example: by the way my current answer is yes there is. there is always a boss. but if there is a god then he has one two. ref fractal, chaos theories, and macro and micro atomic's ;so to speak.

    anyway around the mid nineties it occurred to me nothing can be known for certain. I developed two quotes "there can only be that answer which is most correct" the second more as justification and clarification of the previous quote. "unless all that is is known then nothing can be known to a certainty". today i viewed a brief video outlining the basics of Descartes work in this area.. i am with him on the doubt thing. 100%. but not with him 100% on his notion he found something he could know to a certainty. That simply is not possible. we know nothing of how the brain or our consciousness actually works. we are not even sure what the seat of our consciousness is. as far as it goes i am inclined to believe at this point the seat of our consciousness is found in our genetic material. the apparent superiority of the design of genetic material tends to support this notion, but my conclusions are not drawn based on that consideration. the brain is just an organ, the genes are where the fire works are.

    I think therefor i am, and this lead him and many today to the divine, really? why not we think there for we are. i am currently of the belief that at least three semi separate or separate entities comprise the being which is us. this is hinted at in many of the major religions. even frued (spelling) hinted at it, though i consider him at best a quack. my point being the meandering path with very shaky bridges and chasms with no bridges does not lead from "I think there fore I am to a certainty and certainly does not lead to the divine". I believe in a god, but i do not believe any one alive or dead can define gods nature or find a link between God and a philosophical theory or anything else..

    and everyone is buying this stuff. scary.

    8 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • the extent to which a source is able to influence or control your emotions is the extent they control you?

    i will consider all answers carefully, did you agree or not, why. consider how one group is selected and propagandized as evil or bad. they keep doing it, just like in my country they tell us certain groups are evil. then when they make war upon them we go and kill them. our leaders appeal to our emotions. we think we are the good guys. the other leaders do the same with their people. these leaders work together to keep us ignorant and under thier control. it has been like this since the time of the pharo. its the same bullshit, they drink fine wine, we die in wars. Its time to wake up boys and girls, time to think for your self. what ever country you come from doesn't matter. No reason for us to kill each other, none whats so ever. when you want to learn the magician trick. don't watch the show, watch the other hand. don't watch the propaganda, watch who is sending it, watch the results, think rationally and you will see the trick.

    3 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • My own quote "emotion is the bane of reason" am i right?

    success in reason is dependent of objectivity and data, objectivity can only be achieved when the mind is in a rational state. emotions are the opposite of rational. when the mind is in an emotional state reason can not be achieved successfully reliably. Emotion does not care about fact, it only cares for what it desires and will sacrifice anything for its desire if it desires it enough.

    7 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • How is it a hand full of people can cause millions to kill each other for nothing?

    In a dozen countries millions of people are killing each for nothing, for race, religion, cultural differences, oil, does this mean I should kill the gas station attendant when I fill up my tank. Should I kill a few on my way to church, should I kill a few because they look different than me or talk different. I think they do it by knowing how to influence our emotions to the extent we act irrationally and kill upon their command.

    9 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • A tree, a cat, an unborn baby, a born human, at what point may it be said intelligent life exist?

    a tree decides to grow towards the sun, a cat decides to recognize you or not, an unborn decides to kick when startled, a born human decides no other intelligent life exist but its self, I have decided intelligent life exist at that point a life form possesses the capacity to make a decision. what is your decision?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • A blade of grass, dog, unborn child, human born, when does intelliegent life begin.?

    All examples above are living. Only one is generally considered intelligent. that is the born human. I would argue intelligent life can be said to exist when the capacity to make a decision exist. A blade of grass decides to track the sun, a dog chooses one scent over another, an unborn chooses to kick when startled. a born human choose to deny any intelligence other than its own. what do you choose to think.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago