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  • Help identifying a song!!?

    I wish I had more detail for this but I have NOTHING - sorry!! But basically the song is slow, and is performed by a man. It sounds like he says "Adelaide" (or something similar - ay-de-lay?) - like bu bu buuum Adelaiiiide - bum bum buuuum - adeilaide - bum...bum...bum...bumbum..bum...bum..bum... I'm sure I've seen heard it in a movie where there's dancing and then suddenly this song comes on and the main couple in question starts to slow dance to it - and maybe they realize they're in love? But I can't remember what movie, or even who the actors are! It's driving me NUTS. I'm sorry if this doesn't give much information, but maybe someone can give me ANYTHING. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • Is it appropriate to ask her to be a bridesmaid?

    I was just engaged last week, and now I'm being faced with deciding who to ask to be in my bridal party. I've already gotten my maid of honor and one, I'd initially planned on having 2 co-maids of honor, because I'm best friends with both girls. I already asked one of them, and had always planned on asking the other girl, but I changed my mind and decided to go with just one because when I told my other best friend, all she said was, "Wow, that's....random." When I asked her a little later if she was going to congratulate me or anything, she said, "I don't mean to be rude, but as much as I hate him, I just can't muster up the enthusiasm to congratulate you. When you told me, my heart dropped into my stomach. But I'm glad you're happy!" She then proceeded to tell me that she would suck it up and do what she had to do to be my maid of honor. I told her that I didn't really think it was appropriate for her to have that role, since she can't support my engagement.

    Now, I don't really know why she hates him so much; she's never liked him, and she's never been shy about telling me that - but she's never told me why. I've asked her, and she says things like "I just don't like his personality," and whatnot - but she barely knows him, and she's never given him a chance. She was like this with my first long-term boyfriend as well, but she says that THAT was different because she liked his personality, just not him. I don't really know.

    I guess my question really is: while I've always wanted her to stand in my bridal party with me, is it really a good idea to even have her as a regular bridesmaid, given her complete horribleness towards this whole situation? I just don't know how I feel about having someone in my bridal party that can't even say the word "congratulations," and who tells me that she can "suck it up." What are your opinions? She's one of my best friends and I've known her for 12 years now...but does that really matter?

    23 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How long for a ring re-sizing?

    I'm just curious, how long does it take to have a ring re-sized, usually? If it depends on location, I live in the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania area. Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago