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  • How do I get rid of the gross smell after masturbation!?

    I'm a female and I'm a really bad squirter... I use towels every time I go at it and always wash them (and my toys, and myself!) right after I'm done. But my family still complains of odor, even down the hall. I don't want people to have to smell that, especially my family! Any idea what's going on?!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • I'm afraid to make stories where a black person is the main character because of this.?

    When I was a child I had no trouble making stories where the main person was a person of color. We're all the same underneath, right? So I wrote my black characters the same way I did my white characters.

    But lately I have heard people complain about non-black authors/artists under-representing/mangling the "Black Experience" and that only blacks can truly understand what it means to be black. Then they go on about how people have discriminated against them because of their hair, their dialect, their names etc. and how that drastically shapes their personality and vision of self worth.

    I'm trans, disabled, obese, and female so I have had plenty of experiences where I've been discriminated against. For example: when I went to middle school I was made fun of for my unkempt appearance and erratic behavior (which ended up being aspergers).

    But I'm still white, from a well-off family, and have a "white" sounding legal name. So I don't have specific instances of being excluded because of my race's culture.

    I still want to include black characters in my stories because, well... I'm not racist and I don't like the idea of all-white casts in stories. But I also don't want to downplay the impact of racial discrimination on a person's psyche and I'm not sure if I can portray it realistically.

    Is it really that different of an experience being discriminated for culture than being discriminated for a disability or gender?

    3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Why is shy behavior considered attractive in anime and manga?

    I read a lot of manga and one thing I've noticed is that a lot of times, when an effeminate character suddenly gets very nervous and kind of recoils, the male characters always find it EXTREMELY attractive. It's also a huge part of why Moe stuff is so popular. The question I want answered is... why? When I see someone act like that IRL my first reaction is "give them space" not "romance them!"

    I've tried googling "why is shyness attractive" but all I get are other Westerners saying "shyness isn't attractive, confidence is!" But if that's the case then why are shy characters like Fluttershy from MLP or Mio from K-On! considered very desirable? I don't get it... help!

    3 AnswersComics & Animation5 years ago
  • What kind of slug did they use for the Yeerks in the Animorphs TV series?

    I know they used actual slugs, but what type are they? Yahoo answers won't let me upload a picture but if you google "Yeerk" it's one of the first results.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape6 years ago
  • Speech patterns? How do I fix this?

    For the first ten years of my life, I actively avoided watching live action tv shows or movies. I didn't interact much with real people (socially impaired) and when I hit puberty I had no interest in pop stars or anything. The result is I talk like someone who is voice acting, not like a "normal" person.

    Also, I'm in college right now, but my parents were born in the 50s and 60s, so their opinion on the world is... dated. Basically they made fun of everyone who talked like a "valley girl" while I was growing up, and as such I figured anyone who talked like that must be really stupid/shallow.

    I just learned a half hour ago that 2/3 of my generation talks like that because they're subconsciously imitating various pop stars and the way they talk/sing, not because they're "trying to look cool" like I always assumed.

    The result is I find it really hard to connect with people my own age. They think I talk funny, I think they talk funny, and there's always just uncomfortable silence after I say anything since I don't have a "human" speech pattern.


    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • I am socially retarded. How do I remedy this?

    I'm not using "retarded" here to mean that I'm somewhat awkward and I need help. I mean I am literally socially impaired.

    I can't recognize complex facial expressions and vocal intonations are a definite no unless they're clearly pronounced or exaggerated. When I was a baby, every time my mother laughed, I would start crying profusely. Nowadays, that's translated to every time someone's surprised and starts speaking in a high pitched tone, I get extremely sad. I made myself sad about an hour ago by being surprised at something that happened in a video game. People tell me to stop "whining and complaining" when I'm just asking a question out of disbelief. My normal speaking tone is often referred to as "yelling" or "hollering".

    As a result, people don't know how to react to me since I come across as being shouty and alien. Where do I start on fixing this???

    5 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Is this "settling"? Or am I naive about relationships?

    My older brother was a very artistic, outgoing person who met a woman about his age right after college. She was just as artistic and outgoing as he was and they always bounced ideas back and forth. They were always hanging out and having a great time together. Each Christmas they'd give each other gifts that they'd spend weeks on for each other. This relationship lasted 6 years until they broke up because he refused to have sex with her before marriage. She stormed out on him, saying "You're supposed to marry your LOVER, not your FRIEND."

    It took him a long time to get over her. He got rid of everything she'd given him, including the cat he'd been taking care of because it reminded him of her.Around that time my side of his family (his mom, step-dad, my sister and I) didn't hear much from him. We called him but his conversations were always brief.

    Maybe eight months later she phoned him, broken up with tears in her eyes and saying that she was so, so wrong, and that could he ever find it in his heart to forgive her. He said, "Sorry, but it's over." I don't know how or why you wouldn't take back your best friend of six years just because she believed the whole "if he doesn't have sex with you he doesn't really love you" myth that so many people perpetuate.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • A dream? Or something more?

    Two years ago I had a dream that I was riding a train with a brown interior and center facing seats. I was holding a print out of one of the stories I was writing in my hands. There were a few other people in the car. An older man sitting across from me smiled at me and motioned me to come over.

    He introduced himself as Ray Bradbury, who is one of my sister's favorite authors. I asked him where he was going and he said, "Oh, I've just died. I'm going to heaven. But I wanted to make sure I talked to you before I left. May I see your story?" So I gave him the papers and he read through them for a few minutes. Finally he handed them back to me and said, "You have a lot of talent, but you're not quite ready to be published yet. Keep on working at it, though. Don't ever stop writing!" Then I woke up.

    I discovered an hour later that Ray Bradbury had died that morning.

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation7 years ago
  • Why do I like Moe stuff so much?

    I'm a 22 year old female and I am slowly becoming obsessed with moe girls. I am bisexual but lean heavily towards males, and I'm not really into the whole shota/loli-type thing. But I've always really liked the visual style and the whole slice-of-life comedy bit. I've even been watching the openings of some h-games on YouTube just because I think the characters are really cute.

    I feel weird admitting it because I was waiting for a certain anime to screen at a convention, and beforehand there was a moe show (Girls Und Panzer). The only people in the room were two greying men old enough to be my dad, which made me really uncomfortable.

    I guess I'd just like to start drawing in that style, but I don't want to attract only middle-aged pedophiles to my work...

    2 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • How do I stop viewing people one-dimensionally?

    Basically, I've always had trouble coping with people changing their minds or changing their interests after a short period of time, even though I do the exact same thing.

    I recently realized that it's because I always try to "simplify" everyone I see down to one or two personality traits, to make it easier for me to "deal" with, and when someone does something outside of those traits, I get confused and upset.

    How do I get rid of this habit? I don't know how to consider that people are complex!

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Recurring dream about being Fluttershy! What!?

    A little background: Yeah, I used to collect My Little Ponies about 8 years ago, but I recently got rid of most of my collection except for a few of my favorite ponies. I'm not really interested in the new show (it's cute, but I don't find it spectacular) and so I don't consider myself a "brony".

    But for some reason, I keep having these dreams where I turn into Fluttershy (it's always Fluttershy!) and hang out with the rest of the "Mane" 6 ponies, and we always have to save people from... something. I remember having to stop a magical forest fire from burning down a whole meadow, and then rolling in the grass with the other ponies when it was all over. I also remember a dream where we all rescued people from a burning building, and I had to help a kitten find its mother after the fire was over. I do a lot of nuzzling with animals in those dreams, and a lot of hanging out with the other ponies, and I always wake up in an exceptionally good mood.

    I'm just trying to figure out -- why Fluttershy? Sure, she's cute and all, but I'm not especially good with animals and I'm far from quiet... I'd call myself more of a Pinkie Pie kind of person, for sure. And why do I always feel so amazing after these dreams? Is my subconscious sending me a message?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Old-schoolo Detective movies...?

    I realized a couple days ago that I've seen parodies of black-and-white film noir detective movies, but I've never actually seen one for real, which is kind of weird since I've always liked the aesthetic...

    I know they made only about a gazillion of them, especially from the 30s to the 50s. Anyone have any suggestions for good ones? Thanks.

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • My head hurts every day... but not at night?

    I've been having this problem for several years, but recently it's gotten to the point where it's interfering with my life.

    I wake up around 11 most days, and have been on this schedule for the last few years. Two hours later, I always get this strange, numb migraine... I become sensitive to light and sound, there is a painful dull pressure between my eyes and in the middle of my forehead, and my eyelids become VERY heavy. This is sometimes accompanied by nausea.

    When I get these headaches, I usually can't focus well enough to do anything until I've taken a two or three hour nap, regardless of how much sleep I've gotten the night before. I am having this headache right now and I slept for nearly ten hours last night. I become very slow to respond to anything like phone calls or people at the door.

    The thing is, though, that even if I've had this headache and felt exhausted all day, that I am fine once the clock hits 9 or 10 at night. I don't understand why this is. I thought at first that I was just overtired, so I tried going to sleep earlier, only to wake up two hours later feeling like I had a full night's sleep and unable to go back to bed for another 8 hours.

    This is a huge problem for me. Help!

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • What were these 90s lollipops called?

    I don't know if they were actually created in the 90s or before, but I haven't seen them in years.

    They were branded as "gourmet" lollipops and came in nonstandard flavors like strawberries and creme, chocolate and creme, hazelnut, coffee, etc.

    The logo on the packaging had the brand name in the center of a curly brown border. I seem to remember the name being "Chippa Lyppa" but googling that game yields no results.

    They are NOT creme savers, but tasted similar.


    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • What would you do if you started turning into a hippie?

    Looking for creative answers here...

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Would someone please help me get this out of my head?

    I stumbled upon this earlier, and even though I've not played this game, the song makes me nostalgic for my 90s childhood.

    But for the love of all things wacky and plasticine, it's been in my head for THIRTEEN HOURS now! And I just keep pressing the replay button over and over! Someone help... send me something that will get it out of my head!

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Do YOU love OTTOBORG?

    This is Ottoborg:

    Don't you just love him?!

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago