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Stay at home mother to Noah (age 3) Madeleine and Bailey (8 months) and pregnant with twins due in July 2013.

  • cloth diapers/nappies?

    We have decided we're going to start using cloth diapers...

    what are some good sites/shops that stock them?

    what are the pros/cons towards them that you have found when using them?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • panic about baby names!?

    For months, i've said i'm naming my twins Aubrey and Lily.

    I'm 36 weeks now and all of a sudden i don't like the name Aubrey.

    so many people have said it's a trashy, teen mom name.

    what are your opnions?

    we were going to name her Aubrey Grace and twin sister Lily Claire

    10 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Cloth nappies/diapers?

    We have twins who are a year old and i'm due with twin girls June 8th.

    our twins at the moment go through easily 15 - 20 nappies a day. this is crazy. i can't even begin to think how many we'll start going through when the newborns arrive, we're looking at roughly 50 nappies a day - this is absurd.

    we're thinking about cloth diapering.

    what advise do you have on using cloth nappies/diapers? what are the best ones? which are best for newborns and toddlers? which are cheapest? how do you clean them?

    any information would be amazing!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • First birthday party!?

    My twins, Madeleine and Bailey, will be a year old one the 1st May.

    We don't know how to celebrate, we don't want a huge get together as they're only 1 and money is a little tight at the moment.

    the only thing the girls are interested in is Peppa Pig and Mickey Mouse.

    Any ideas?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • breastfeeding whilst pregnant?

    I gave birth to my twin girls Madeleine and Bailey 10 months ago, they're breastfeeding on demand still, in between their 3 meals a day (finger foods all the way, they eat what we eat)

    i'm 28 weeks pregnant with twin girls again and i'm wondering should i carry-on breastfeeding their 1 years old (May 1st) and start to wean them off before the new babies get here or should i stop before that?

    i don't want to stop early and then have an issue feeding my newborns in the summer e.g.

    will my body be confused as to stopping and starting again suddenly?

    has anyone else breastfed whilst heavily pregnant?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • need help with our twins names...?

    we're having twins in July one of them named Aubrey Grace, the other we love Lily Claire, (middle names are family names after mine and my husbands sisters) we're now wondering if we should name Lily, Lilia but call her Lily as a nickname

    our other children are Noah, Madeleine and Bailey.

    Aubrey and Lily


    Aubrey and Lilia

    what do you think

    16 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • what do you think of my babies names?

    Noah David James (born April 28th 2009)

    Madeleine Rae (born May 1st 2012)

    Bailey Elizabeth (born May 1st 2012)

    Aubrey Grace (due July 8th 2013)

    Lily Claire (due July 8th 2013)

    all of their middle names are after family members. what do you think?

    10 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • Aubrey & Lily vs Aubrey & Alice?

    we thought we had decided on Aubrey and Lily but now we're not so sure!

    Aubrey Grace and Lily Victoria (originals)

    Aubrey Grace and Lily Claire

    Aubrey Grace and Lily Harper

    Aubrey Harper and Lily Claire

    Aubrey Grace and Alice Harper

    Aubrey Grace and Alice Claire

    opinions and suggestions!

    other children are Noah David James, Madeleine Rae and Bailey Elizabeth

    Baby Names8 years ago
  • 3 year old suddenly very clingy?

    my three year old son is normally very independent and happy boy but since going back to nursery this week he's been very clingy, asking to stay home with his sisters, not wanting to go to nursery etc.. last term he loved it.

    any ideas on what could be causing this and how to help him get back in to loving nursery?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • struggling for middle names for one of my twins?

    I have Noah David James, Madeleine Rae and Bailey Elizabeth.

    my twins are Aubrey Grace and Lily - we need a middle name for Lily

    Lily Victoria - our original name but now i'm not sure on it

    Lily Harper

    Lily Claire

    Lily Catherine - mine and my grandmothers name

    suggestions welcome but Lily is definitely the first name!

    16 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • middle names for Lily?

    i'm having twins due in Summer 2013, we settled on Aubrey Grace and Lily Victoria but now i'm not so sure on the middle name for Lily. my other children are Noah David James, Madeleine Rae and Bailey Elizabeth.

    open to all suggestions but nothing matchy-matchy like Lily Rose or Lily Violet

    19 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • how do my children's names sound together?

    Noah David James age 3

    Madeleine Rae 8 months

    Bailey Elizabeth 8 months

    Aubrey Grace due summer 2013

    Lily Victoria due summer 2013

    what do you think of these? separately and together?

    8 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • baby names for twins?

    I have a 3 year old called Noah James, 8 month old twins called Madeleine Rae and Bailey Elizabeth.

    i'm pregnant with another set of twins due in July. what do you think of our names so far?

    Aubrey Grace

    Lily Victoria

    Isabella Marie

    Freya Daisy

    Harper Grace

    Ethan Thomas

    Finlay Edward

    Rory Thomas

    surname is Gilmore

    6 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • breastfeeding whilst pregnant?

    i have 8 month old twins and i've just found out i'm pregnant again!

    i'm breastfeeding both girls 3 times a day and was wondering if anyone else had breastfed whilst pregnant and if it was advised or not? this is very early stages of pregnancy so i haven't spoken to my doctor yet.

    any advice would be helpful thank you x

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • worst pregnancy symptoms?

    I've had 3 children in three years (a little boy now 3 and twin girls now 8 months). during my first pregnancy I had morning sickness morning, noon and night. during my second pregnancy (twins) i got severe heartburn that last the entire last month of my pregnancy.

    just wondering what your worst symptom was?

    6 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • 6 month old teething?

    I have 6 month old twin girls who are both teething right now. We've been up all night with fevers and sore gums, i've tried cold toys to chew on, dummy's (pacifiers) that are dipped in teething medicine but nothing seems to working.

    any ideas on how to ease their pain a little?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • 7 week old twins different sleep patterns..?

    I gave birth to identical twin girls on the 1st may. at first they were completely in sync and it was working really well but for the past two weeks Bailey has been waking up an hour after Madeleine meaning i'm constantly breastfeeding at the moment.

    Bailey is also waking up every two hours during the night whereas Madeleine is every 4 hours the subsequent noise is then disturbing my three year old

    any ideas on how i can make their schedule similar again?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Naming my twin girls due soon...?

    Okay. another question for twins names.

    my son is 3 and called Noah

    The middle names are Elizabeth and Rae (after grandmothers)

    the name i'm having trouble with is Marley because people are always relating it to the film Marley and Me which is about a dog.

    What's your opinions?

    Marley Rae

    Marley Elizabeth


    Madeleine Rae

    Madeleine Elizabeth

    Darcie Rae

    Darcie Elizabeth


    Bailey Rae

    Bailey Elizabeth

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • twin girls on the way...?

    I've got a 3 year old son called Noah David (David after my father)

    i'm 25 weeks pregnant with identical twin girls!

    i've got a few names but as i'm teacher its really hard to choose!

    Darcie and Bailey

    Maya and Alice

    Maya and Darcie

    Alice and Bailey

    Maya and Bailey

    Charlotte (Lottie) and Cydney

    Coraline (Cora) and Lydia

    Anna and Sophia

    at the moment, my favourites are Darcie and Maya or Darcie and Bailey

    open to sugestions!

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • early pregnancy signs?

    so, i had sex 6 weeks ago, 7 days later i had what i think was my period but it was light, only lasted two days and then spotted for a few days. i completely forgot about the sex & period, but now, six weeks later, my period is two days late my boobs are enormous, i have heartburn that is making me want to vomit continuously, i'm so tired i feel like a zombie even though i slept fine last night, i've got a temperature and bloating. so, is it about time i do a test or do i keep pretending to myself my period is going to come?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago