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Seth D
Is Six Feet Tall Enough to Date Tall Women Who are 5'9" - 5'11"?
I am a fraction of an inch over six feet tall, meaning I do not really consider myself particularly tall but rather in the mid range for male height.
It is widely known that women prefer tall men and wish to date a man who is taller than them. This includes tall women. However, simply in general women do not just want a man to be taller but rather for the height difference to be significant.
For example, let's presume a womean is somewhere between 5'9" and 5"11 tall. I would only be a couple or a few inches taller than her. What are the chances that she would truly be attracted to me or that she would really prefer to be with a man who was much taller?
I know this question appears very shallow, but the reality is that height IS a major factor in how attractive women perceive men to be.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago¿Cómo tiende a ser la percepción colombiana de Estados Unidos y de los estadounidenses?
Me gustaría viajar a Colombia el próximo verano, puesto que sólo he podido conocer un poquito del país cuando estaba estudiando en Ecuador hace un par de años. Espero poder pasar más tiempo en el país y conocerlo un poco más a fondo.
¿Cómo tiende a ser la percepción de nuestro país y de nuestra gente en Colombia? ¿Somos bien vistos o somos percibidos negativamente como unos “gringos,” bien sea por la política exterior de nuestro gobierno o por las acciones de algunos turistas?
Sé que nuestro gobierno ha intervenido mucho en el conflicto interno (por ejemplo con el “Plan Colombia”) y que hay viajeros que van como “turistas sexuales” o tal vez con otras intenciones ilícitas. ¿Ha causado esto una percepción negativa de todos nosotros en general? ¿Tenemos una mala reputación?
Sé que “cada cabeza es un mundo” y que la opinión de cada colombiano será diferente, pero a veces se puede identificar una tendencia general entre la mayoría. Gracias por sus honestas opiniones.
1 AnswerOtros - Sociedad y Cultura9 years ago¿Cómo tiende a ser la percepción colombiana de Estados Unidos y de los estadounidenses?
Me gustaría viajar a Colombia el próximo verano, puesto que sólo he podido conocer un poquito del país cuando estaba estudiando en Ecuador hace un par de años. Espero poder pasar más tiempo en el país y conocerlo un poco más a fondo.
¿Cómo tiende a ser la percepción de nuestro país y de nuestra gente en Colombia? ¿Somos bien vistos o somos percibidos negativamente como unos “gringos,” bien sea por la política exterior de nuestro gobierno o por las acciones de algunos turistas?
Sé que nuestro gobierno ha intervenido mucho en el conflicto interno (por ejemplo con el “Plan Colombia”) y que hay viajeros que van como “turistas sexuales” o tal vez con otras intenciones ilícitas. ¿Ha causado esto una percepción negativa de todos nosotros en general? ¿Tenemos una mala reputación?
Sé que “cada cabeza es un mundo” y que la opinión de cada colombiano será diferente, pero a veces se puede identificar una tendencia general entre la mayoría. Gracias por sus honestas opiniones.
3 AnswersOtros - América Latina9 years agoWhich accents in Spanish are the most difficult for you to understand as a language learner?
I personally find the accents of Mexico and Ecuador to be very clear, whereas the accent in Carribbean countries such as Puerto Rico tends to be more difficult.
What are your experienes, for those of you who have studied Spanish as a second language?
3 AnswersLanguages10 years agoIs French or Portuguese more valuable as a third language (I already speak English and Spanish)?
I have already studied Spanish extensively and have acquired a D.E.L.E. (Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language). Now, I would like to branch out into another language and have a hard time deciding between French and Portuguese. Which language would you choose and why?
12 AnswersLanguages10 years ago¿Por que van los turistas latinos a Miami cuando visitan EEUU, si la ciudad es tan latina como estadounidense?
A mi como estadounidense me ha encantado viajar a paises latinoamericanos como México, Ecuador, Colombia, y Puerto Rico. Para mí el propósito de viajar es experimentar una cultura diferente a la mia—aprender y practicar un nuevo idioma y ver y hacer cosas que no puedo aquí en mi país de origen.
Obviamente en cambio hay latinoamericanos que viajan a mi pais, los Estados Unidos, pero muchas veces deciden viajar a los lugares de Estados Unidos que son más influenciados por su propia cultura latina en vez de viajar a los lugares más representativos de la cultura tradicional estadounidense.
Tomemos el ejemplo de Miami. Que hay en esa ciudad que tanto les atrae a los latinos? La oportunidad de ver una nueva cultura? Casi no hay una nueva cultura para ver en una ciudad que es tan latina como estadounidense! Son las playas y el clima agradable? Hay muchisimos lugares en latinoamerica que tienen playas tan hermosas y climas tan agradables que atraen a miles de los mismos estadounidenses como turistas cada año! Es la vida nocturna? No hay clubes nocturnos en las ciudades latinoamericanas?
Con todo de respeto, no entiendo porque piden la visa, gastan tanto dinero, y viajan tan lejos sólo para ver las cosas que pueden ver en casa. Como me comentó una amiga, es como ir a un restaurante mexicano para pedir una hamburguesa. Si van a viajar hasta Estados Unidos, no seria mejor por lo menos hacerlo para conocer los verdaderos Estados Unidos? Hay harto de sitios históricos y culturales, parques nacionales e estatales, y aspectos de nuestra propia cultura que podrían ver si quisieran.
Que opinan?
7 AnswersMiami10 years agoStudents of Spanish: Which countries have the clearest and most difficult dialects for you to understand?
I am curious about the point of view of other people who have studied Spanish as a second language. Please understand that I am not asking you which accent you think is "better" or "worse" because I know that asking that would offend people and I do not wish to instigate an argument. I don't think that you have to frame the issue in terms of the "superiority" or "inferiority" of one dialect versus another to admit that some might be more challenging than others for language learners (For example: As entire languages, let's admit that Mandarin Chinese is much for difficult to learn than French for native English speakers. Does that make Mandarin "worse" than French? No. It just makes it more challenging. See my point?)
So, what do you all think?
3 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoAmericans: Do you think Puerto Rico should become a state? Would you allow it to remain Spanish dominant?
This is a two part question:
1. Would you welcome Puerto Rico into the union if its people were to request statehood?
2. If the answer to the first question is yes, would you require Puerto Rico to implement English as the dominant language of the island or would you allow it to remain a Spanish speaking entity much as it is now under commonwealth?
5 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhy don't Puerto Ricans who oppose statehood simply support independence? Why do they choose commonwealth?
It seems ironic that in the whole status debate over Puerto Rico only a very small percentage of the population supports independence while the main divide is between those who support statehood and those who support some form of commonwealth or free association. Why do so many try to get the best of both worlds instead of simply choosing more decisively?
3 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhy is travelling on a U.S. airline often such a mediocre experience? Where has all the fun gone?
Does anyone else have the impression that much of the glamor and pleasure of flying has just gone out of the whole airline travel experience?
It seems like there just isn't very much "classiness" to flying anymore, from the lackluster interior comfort of the aircraft, to the occasionally brusk flight attendant, to the limited food and beverage service onboard. Air travel ought to be fun and exciting, and I think it used to be. What happened?
The only truly impressive flying experience I have had in recent memory was flying from Quito, Ecuador to Miami, FL on LAN, which is one of Latin America's best airlines. It was on a widebody 767 that offered seatback entertainment with movies and music even in economy class where I was.
Why can't our airlines here in the U.S. step it up? Are there perhaps some of the newer, smaller airlines that give better service than the bigger and better known legacy carriers?
6 AnswersAir Travel1 decade agoWhat percentage of Puerto Ricans speak English? Do they prefer to speak English or Spanish to visitors?
I am planning on visiting Puerto Rico this summer and spending four days there on vacation. I am looking forward to seeing beautiful places like Old San Juan, the beaches, the El Yunque rain forest, and seeing the culture. The real reason I am asking this question about language is perhaps the opposite of what you are thinking. The truth is that I have traveled and studied Spanish abroad in Mexico and Ecuador and really enjoy the Spanish language and Latin American culture. My real concern is whether or not PR will have so many english speaking people, especially in tourist areas, that I will miss out on the cultural experience and find few opportunities to practice the language. Perhaps this is not so and just sounds like a silly question--I mean, who wouldn't appreciate your efforts to speak to them in their own language while visiting their homeland? However, I can remember as a language student in Mexico that if I went to a touristy area or on an organized tour it sometimes seemed like the guides, etc. wanted to speak to me in English even if I wanted to speak to them in Spanish. Fortunately, because I was enrolled in a language school and stayed with a host family these situations were the exception more than the rule and I normally had plenty of time to interact with locals in Spanish. However, in this trip to Puerto Rico I will be going just as a tourist, staying in a hotel, and probably taking organized tours. What do you recommend I do to get opportunities to see the "real" Puerto Rico and get to know some of the local people?
I am sorry this question is so long... :/
14 AnswersPuerto Rico1 decade agoIs Chapinero Alto a safe neighborhood in Bogota, Colombia?
I am considering attending a language school that is located in this part of Bogota and want to know if this is a good neighborhood to be in. I have travelled to Latin America before and have spent most of my time in Mexico and Ecuador. The only city I have been to in Colombia is Medellin, and that was only for a weekend. What are your thoughts about this neighborhood in particular and Bogota overall in safety terms?
I am especially interested in hearing from those of you who have actually lived in or visited Bogota. I already know all about the negative image that many people have of this country, and I want to hear the real story from people who have first hand knowledge of what the situation is really like.
Also, what are the best places to see in Bogota? Is this a good place to visit in Colombia or would you recommend other cities like Cartagena or even a return visit back to Medellin?
6 AnswersOther - Latin America1 decade agoWould you rather spend a week in Medellin or Bogota if you went to Colombia?
Please give me your reasons why because I am considering travelling there this summer. I have been to Medellin already, but only for a brief weekend trip while studying in neighboring Ecuador.
6 AnswersOther - Latin America1 decade agoIs San Juan, Puerto Rico or Cartagena, Colombia a better destination to travel?
It seems like these cities would have a lot of things in common. Both are former Spanish Caribbean outposts where you can see old colonial architecture and forts. Both are UNESCO world heritage sites. Both places put you close to a beach. Both are highly popular tourist destinations. So, what sets them apart? Is Cartagena different enough to make it worth the much higher airfare to get there?
I am open to all opinions!
7 AnswersPuerto Rico1 decade ago¿Cuáles son algunos hoteles buenos pero baratos en Cartagena, Colombia?
Estoy considerando la posibilidad de viajar a Cartagena en el verano si puedo, y quisiera saber algunas opciones económicas para mi hospedaje. No busco un hotel de lujo, primero porque mis finanzas son limitadas y también porque iría a Cartagena para salir a explorar la cuidad y no para quedarme en mi cuarto. El hotel puede ser básico—mientras tenga cama y baño privado y esté ubicado en una zona segura de la ciudad estaría contento. Más que nada quisiera conocer la ciudad amurallada y los sitios históricos de la ciudad, así que un hotel no tan lejos de esos lugares sería ideal. ¿Qué me recomiendan?
1 AnswerOtros - América Latina1 decade agoWhich Colombian city is better to visit for someone like me: Medellin or Cartagena?
I have already been to Medellin once before, but it was only for a short weekend visit. So, if I went back I would deepen my experience there. Which city is a better place to spend about a week? Cartagena's appeal is its historical and cultural importance---the colonial architecture, old Spanish forts, etc. It would also be an opportunity to see the Caribbean culture which I have not yet seen in my travels in Latin America. However, I am somewhat afraid of Cartagena being overly touristy. Is it? I am conversant in Spanish, and my main goal in travelling to Colombia would be to see history and culture while interacting with the local people. I can't say that good nightlife is a big consideration for me. Certainly I would enjoy an evening at a pleasant restaurant with outdoor seating, live music, and a nice ambience in a colonial plaza or something like that. What I mean is that I don't really care to drink or go out to crazy nightclubs. (Why go abroad do to the clubbing you can do at home? Also, just for the record, I have NO interest in either recreational drug use or going as a sex tourist in case anyone is wondering). What are your suggestions?
4 AnswersOther - Latin America1 decade ago¿Cuál ciudad es mejor para visitar: Medellín o Cartagena?
Conocí Medellín sólo brevemente porque fui a pasar un fin de semana allí cuando estaba estudiando en Ecuador. Ahora estoy considerando la posibilidad de volver a Colombia para conocer un poquito más del país. ¿Es mejor volver a Medellín o ir a Cartagena? Me gustaría conocer Medellín un poco más a fondo porque apenas rompí el hielo en el otro viaje, pero también me llama la atención el significado histórico y cultural de Cartagena (la arquitectura, los fuertes, etc.). Además, sería una oportunidad para conocer la cultura caribeña por la primera vez. Por otro lado, quisiera ver la verdadera cultura colombiana y no sentirme limitado al lado puramente turístico. ¿Es demasiado turístico Cartagena? Hay una pregunta más que me da un poquito de pena hacerles, así que les pido su paciencia y comprensión conmigo. Soy ciudadano de los Estados Unidos y quisiera saber cómo tendemos a ser percibidos allá en Colombia. ¿Hay resentimiento contra nuestro país y nuestra gente, bien sea por razones políticas o por cosas que han hecho otros viajeros? Sé que nuestro gobierno se ha metido bastante en asuntos internos con el Plan Colombia y toda la campaña antinarcóticos, y que algunos van a Colombia con la intención de explotar al país usando drogas o siendo participantes del “sexo turismo”. ¿Podría eso darnos a los demás viajeros una mala imagen por asociación? Si yo voy a Colombia es para conocer a la gente y su bella cultura; no tengo la menor intención de hacer cosas ilícitas como consumir drogas o usar prostitutas. Su país es lindo y quiero ver el lado bueno de ello y no hacerle daño. Muchas gracias por su comprensión, y les agradezco con anticipación sus sugerencias y consejos…
9 AnswersOtros - América Latina1 decade agoWhich Colombian city is better to visit: Medellin or Cartagena?
I have already been to one of these cities (Medellin) but it was only for a short weekend visit when I was studying in nearby Ecuador. I am considering returning to see more of Colombia. Which city is a better place to spend about a week? Cartagena's appeal is its historical and cultural importance---the colonial architecture, old Spanish forts, etc. It would also be an opportunity to see the Caribbean culture which I have not yet seen in my travels in Latin America. However, I would not mind spending more time in Medellin to "deepen" my experience there and I am somewhat afraid of Cartagena being overly touristy. I am conversant in Spanish and would want the opportunity to connect with the local culture as best as I can while I am there. What are your suggestions?
3 AnswersOther - Latin America1 decade ago¿En general, perciben los colombianos a los Estados Unidos más como un aliado o un poder intervencionista?
También me gustaría saber si los colombianos tienden a ver la alianza colombo-americana, a través de políticas como el Plan Colombia o el pendiente TLC, como algo que ayuda o perjudica su país. O sea, ¿deberíamos nosotros los estadounidenses decirles a nuestros gobernantes que sigan con el Plan Colombia y que aprueben el tratado o deberíamos decirles que terminen con ambas políticas?
2 AnswersGobierno1 decade ago¿Cual país latinoamericano es más anti-estadounidense y cual es más pro-estadounidense? ¿Por qué?
¿Qué país de la región es donde la gente tiene la peor percepción de los Estados Unidos y sus ciudadanos, y que país es donde la gente tiene la mejor percepción de los Estados Unidos y su gente? ¿Cuáles razones apoyan tu respuesta?
6 AnswersOtros - Política y Gobierno1 decade ago