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  • Is this a glitch with Samsung Galaxy S4?

    So I have had the Samsung Galaxy S4 for about a year now. Apart from the battery life being drained by me, it really is a great phone. Zero complaints about it, until now.

    I am not sure if this is because of the 4.2.2 update that recently went active on my phone or if this is something different. Before I go and take it to a Samsung help desk at Best Buy or go to my local Verizon Wireless store, I figured I would see what the rest of smart phone users might say about this.

    Here is my issue; anytime i go to text, or peruse on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter, or honestly whatever I am doing, my screen seems to flicker a little, like it is dimming in and out. I have adjusted my brightness, which I always kept at low and on auto. I turned it up a little bit from the low and turned off the auto but it still keeps happening.

    If anyone has any advice it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance as well.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Printing Powerpoint?

    So I am taking a class at the moment, and each week the teacher posts the power point presentation online for us to view. However she posts it directly as presentation format. Is there a way for me to be able to print this presentation as a handout rather than full page slides?

    I tried to open it into editing mode but that is not possible, I tried both on my mac air and on my microsoft surface. I would really like to print this powerpoint so that I can write my notes on the slides and use them to study later on.

    Thank you to all in advance.

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • How to connect Samsung GS4 to 2010 E 350 via Bluetooth?

    I recently purchased a car, yes, a Mercedes Benz. 2010 E 350 to be exact. Financing worked out amazingly for me so a quick thank you to those who answered my previous question about whether or not I would need a cosinger... I didn't need one, my credit score is that good.

    Now, I am trying to connect my phone to my car's bluetooth, so that I can drive and keep my hands on the steering wheels when I would like to answer a call. I do not text while driving, no thanks.

    I tried following the instructions and it just was not connecting. My phone searched but did not find my car in order to connect with it. Did I do something wrong by any chance?

    All tips are greatly appreciated, and a thank you in advance to all.

    By the way, I do not need any snark comments about why I got the car I did. It was my decision entirely, and I went to the dealer with a mechanic (my father, my brother (a Mercedes mechanic) checked everything out as well afterwards to be sure) and made sure everything was the way it should be before deciding to go ahead and make the purchase. I am in no way a brat spoiled by her parents, since I did buy this car with my own down payment and made sure that everything worked the way it needed to, I drove a tough bargain and stood my ground. As for the choice of make and model, I work hard, and I deserve to spoil myself with a well worth my time and money purchase. Not to mention, my brother is a mechanic for Mercedes, why would I get anything else?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Wisdom Tooth Extraction... Do I really need it?

    So yesterday, after not having insurance in about 6 years, I went to the dentist. She did full mouth check up, did like 20 xray shots, and then proceeded to check for cavities and such. I was told that 3 of my wisdom teeth have come in, and that my lower 2, have cavities. However, the cavities are not at the top of the tooth, but rather near the gum. She suggested extraction...

    Here is my problem though, I am not afraid of going under and having them removed, by all means if it must get done and there is no other option, OK fine I will take time off work and have them removed.

    BUT, here is the issue. My brother and I both suffer from canker sores, its something that seems to have been passed through the generations from my father's side of the family. My brother does not get them as bad as I do. When I have an outburst, and it can be brought on whenever and however, they tend to just pop up. When I have one of these canker sores in my mouth, they tend to get pretty big, and depending on where they are located, I am forced to go on a liquid diet, if it fits in a straw, I can have it.

    The one scare I have, because when I get a canker sore due to a cut by food or utensil or toothbrush, those sores tend to take the longest to heal (as in upwards of 3 weeks). If I go and have these teeth extracted, I am terrified that not only do I need to take time off work to get this done, but that those incisions won't heal, or take a really long time to heal. Is there any way to have those cavities filled in? What are my options outside of removal, because I don't want to deal with such sores in my mouth longer than I need to.

    All advice is appreciated, and please as many options as are available, please let me know.

    Thank you to everyone in advance.

    2 AnswersDental7 years ago
  • Could Microsoft Office be causing "Kernel Panic" on MacBook Air?

    I had posted this question earlier, and I thought I had been able to find a solution, but yesterday in class, my macbook air decided to have a kernel panic. Luckily I wasn't typing and it was just on and open in front me, so no panicking on my part. However I had the same issue on Sunday night while getting everything ready for the start of classes (I am a grad student). I did a chat with Apple Support on Sunday shortly after, and I was given steps in order to trouble shoot. I did a disk recovery, but as I mentioned, it happened again last night.

    I am searching all over the world wide web, and I keep seeing that it could be apps and programs installed that are causing these panics to happen. I do use the newest version of Microsoft Office on my mac, which I purchased along with the mac back in November 2013. I am beginning to wonder if that may be causing these panics. I do have a sticky note app downloaded (Yellow) as well so that I can leave little reminders on my desktop. I feel like it may be one of these issues.

    I am going to delete that sticky note app when I get home today, and I will see if that changes anything, but I am considering taking my macbook air into an Apple store for support.

    If anyone knows of any specific apps and programs that are known to cause kernel panics, or if anyone has a solution that might help, please share.

    I did upgrade to the Mavericks system with one of the most recent apple support chats. I do check for updates weekly, and as of last night, everything was current and up to date. I wish I could provide the 10.x.x. so that it might be of some help, but as I mentioned, I do not have my mac with me.

    Thank you to anyone and everyone in advance for any tips and advice.

    2 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Will I need a cosigner?

    So, I am 23 at the moment, and I have begun my car research. I have checked my credit score this year, in early March, and I had a score in the 700s. I have 4 credit cards, 2 of which are store specific. All are paid on time, and no debts on those. I do not like to have outstanding balances. I do have a school loan under my name at the moment, by the end of the program, it will be around, 30K.

    I would like to purchase a new (used) car in the next 2-3 months. While talking with my family, and knowing that both my brother and father will accompany me when I go to the dealer and actually pick, test and ultimately purchase the car. Both of them are mechanics so unless they say I can test it out, I am not getting behind the wheel no matter what the dealer might say.

    I do plan on giving between 3 and 5k down as a down payment, and I am looking for a car that is under 30k in price. I have a few in mind and I am doing quite a bit of research in what I want in my new car and what I expect to be paying.

    I do have a steady job, and I will have been at the job a year in Feb 2014. But my previous employer was actually the City I live in. I do make a sufficient amount in income.

    Will I need a cosigner when I do go in and begin the purchasing process? Ultimately, I would like to be able to make the purchase and drive off the lot without having a cosigner. Are there steps I can take right now to make sure I am in the clear?

    Thank you in advance to all replies, however if you are going to comment about why I should not waste my money on a newer car when I can purchase an older car for cash, I already did that, the amount of money that went in the car after things started going wrong surpassed the retail value of the vehicle and both my father and brother worked on my car numerous times and they both said it is not worth it to do that again and leave me without a car. I need a car for work so I need something in real good condition. I would rather pay a monthly amount for a few years and be covered with a great car, than pay cash up front for a car and then put in more than it is worth.

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling7 years ago
  • Macbook Air "shut down because of a problem"… why?

    First time macbook user…. so I am freaking out about this…

    I recently purchased a Macbook Air 13 inch, for grad school. I got it after having too many issues with my old Dell.

    Everything was running smooth until yesterday. I was sitting in class and while working on a group assignment, and not using my mac for about 15 minutes, it shut down. Not knowing what was going on, I ended up pressing the power button until the screen turned on again. It took me to the login screen, and after logging in a window popped up saying "mac shut down due to a problem" and a 60 second countdown began saying that if I pressed continue it would take me to my home screen. So that is what I did. After that, I noticed my downloads icon in my dock disappeared and my downloads were not popping up like they used to (that lithe bouncy ball that went to the downloads in the dock. I was able to recover the downloads folder… but that downloading still isn't working like it used to.

    Today, everything was running smooth until the professor let us out for a break. I closed my mac and went out. I wasn't even gone 10 minutes. I come back, open my mac and the screen is black. Once again it "shut down because of a problem" and the countdown popped up again.

    What does this mean, how do I find out what the problem is, and what do I do?

    I have applecare so if I need to I will go and see what is wrong, but I would like to have a possible idea of what the issue might be.

    Any advice and assistance is appreciated.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago