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  • Positive OPK at CD27 with 33-35 day cycle....What's going on?

    I normally have a 33 day cycle but recently every other month I've been having very long cycles (38-45 days). On my shorter cycles I ovulate days 18-19 but this cycle I haven't gotten a positive OPK until today, cd27. Is it possible that I'm just ovulating super late?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • Relactation Questions for Moms who have restarted breastfeeding...?

    I had to stop breastfeeding my son at 4 weeks old due to a medication I needed to go on that was not compatible with breastfeeding. My son is 3.5 months old now and I no longer need to take the medication that is unsafe for him. I would LOVE to be able to reestablish breastfeeding with him even if we continue to do part formula part breastmilk. I want to try to rebuild my breastmilk supply (which was great in the beginning) and am looking to hear from woman who have successfully taken time off from breastfeeding and then were able to build up supply again. My son also has had some gastro issues due to his formula and I think that breastmilk would be easier for him to digest.

    Any suggestions or advice.

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting10 years ago
  • Newborn with Painful Gas?

    My son is 3 weeks old and in the last week he has developed really bad gas. I switched from breastfeeding to formula (similac sensitive) for medical reasons and he's had the gas both from breastmilk and formula. It often wakes him up from sleep and he turns red, cries, and starts pumping his legs. It prevents him from sleeping well and we aren't getting much sleep either!

    I feel so bad that I can't make it better for him. We've tried using Mylicon drops, which work some times but only for a small amount of time. We are also using Dr. Brown's bottles to eliminate some of the gas.

    Any suggestions? I've called the pediatrician and am waiting for a call back. Thanks!

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Bad pain when breastfeeding...HELP!?

    My son is now 3 weeks old and for the past 2 weeks I've had really bad pain when he latches on to eat. I feel like I never quite heal all the way and I've had some minor cracking and bleeding on one side.

    I have no signs of mastitis or thrush other than the pain and it goes away about 2 minutes into the feeding. But, I dread feeding him because of how much pain it's causing and I'm miserable about it, though I really want to push through so that I can breastfeed him instead of switching to formula.

    Any suggestions or advice from moms who have gone through this? I've also met with a lactation consultant multiple times and am using an anti-fungal nipple ointment on my nipples after every feed. LC also recommended a breast shield but it hurts even while using it.

    Feel like I've tried everything! Help!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 36 Weeks Pregnant and Sick?

    I'm almost 37 weeks pregnant and just got what seems like a bad cold in the last few days. My nose is always stuffed and I have stuff dripping into my throat plus a headache. I just feel lousy in general and I'm wondering if you have any suggestions so that I can get rid of this before the baby comes!

    I've been using saline nasal spray and I've taken some tylenol for the headache but neither seems to do anything. Same with taking hot showers and using a humidifier!

    I'm miserable and just looking for some advice. Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Packing your Hospital Bag?

    How far along were you when you packed your hospital bag? Just curious! Thanks.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone else have a late walker?

    My daughter is about to be 17 months old and just started walking in the last 2 weeks. She's always been super cautious and so even now she can walk across the room but if there's anything uneven about the surface or in her way she gets down and knee walks across the room. My mom says she thinks something is wrong. At her last Dr appt the pediatrician said that we should just "wait and see," which I found very unsettling. My daughter is very verbal (says 150+ words) but she is just slow physically.

    Any other moms been/going through this? I'm a first time mom and I worry!

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Good Shoes for Chubby Toddlers?

    My daughter is 17 months old and has size 3.5-4.0 feet. She's really chubby and her feet are a bit too fat to fit into normal shoes, even the Stride Rite XW shoes are too tight in the ankle area. Any recommendations?!


    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How chubby is your baby?

    My daughter is 16 mo. old and 28 lbs. She's 50% for height so she's pretty chubby. Chances are she'll thin out once she starts moving a bit more. How chubby is your baby?!

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Chubby Baby! When Will She Slim Down?

    My daughter is 16 months old and weights 28 lbs. She's about average for height. She eats pretty healthy and I've recently cut her milk back because she was having around 20 oz. and I read that she really only needs 16 oz. Her father and I are both average in both weight and height. She isn't walking yet, though she takes steps on her own. Did you have a chubby baby and if so when did he/she slim down?

    I wrote this once before here and got 2 very rude answers about how I was feeding her junk, even though I don't and the pediatrician says she's doing fine. So, please, no rude comments.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Tips for Nutritious Meals?

    My daughter is not a very picky eater but I find that she really liked mac n cheese (even made with whole wheat pasta) and meaballs with sauce. But. she's started disliking the food we feed her ourselves and is very into self feeding. hes 16 months old. What can I give her other than just plain fruit and veggies that she might like that is more nutritious than meatballs and hotdogs etc.?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How long would be predict I'll go...?

    39 weeks pregnant, 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I've had bad stomach and back aches all week and feel very heavy. Like I know I should be walking a lot, but I can barely move and I feel to tired from having restless sleep at night. I've had very regular bms and some nausea. Do you think these could be signs he's coming soon?

    Has another tried methods of home induction, like acupressure, eating pineapple or spicy food, or walking, or nipple stimulation? I'm not sure sex is even an option right now given how uncomfortable and big I am. What can I do to speed this along...I'm ready...dr's say he's ready!! Help!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Baby Wont Sleep Unless Home...HELP?

    My daughter is 1 year old and she's a wonderful sleeper at home. We have black out shades in her room and she sleeps from 7 pm-7:45am. The issue is that she's very sensitive to noise and environment so when we go out of town or she sleeps at her grandmother's place she screams for hours and wakes up multiple times a night. We've tried to recreate as much as we can of her room....crib, music box, her favorite sleep toy, etc but sometimes she's in a travel crib.

    Any good suggestions from parents who travel a lot with sensitive babies?


    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 16 Month Old Weight?? Too Much?

    16 Month Old Weight?? Too Much?

    My daughter has been in the same percentile brackets since birth 80-95 for weight and 25-50 for height. She's a chubby little baby and people who telling me she'll slim down. But shes 16 months old today and weight 28.2 lbs and still 50% for height. I'm worried that maybe she's not getting good nutrition, though I try feeding her a variety of foods she loves her mac and cheese and meetballs.

    She eats lots lf fruits and veggies and gets 20 oz of whole milk a day.

    Any stories of your kids slimming down and when they did? Thanks!


    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 16 Month Old Weight?? Too Much?

    My daughter has been in the same percentile brackets since birth 80-95 for weight and 25-50 for height. She's a chubby little baby and people who telling me she'll slim down. But shes 16 months old today and weight 28.2 lbs and still 50% for height. I'm worried that maybe she's not getting good nutrition, though I try feeding her a variety of foods she loves her mac and cheese and meetballs.

    She eats lots lf fruits and veggies and gets 20 oz of whole milk a day.

    Any stories of your kids slimming down and when they did? Thanks!

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Inducing Labor when Full Term?

    Asking for a friend...she is full term and having lots of Braxton hicks contractions but nothing regular. Did you find any of the home tricks (eating spicy food, sex, walking, pineapple, acupressure etc.) to be helpful in inducing "real" labor? She knows the baby will come when he's ready, she's just very uncomfortable!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Sippy Cup Recommendations?

    My daughter is almost 16 months old and uses a training cup made by "think baby" which has a nipple that is flat like a sippy cup. She loves it but I'd like to get her to start using a cup that is closer to a real cup or a straw cup. Trouble is, many of those straw cups are hard to drink out of and she's lazy so what cups have you found to the best and easiest to clean for your toddler?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Dapple Bottle Soap? Worth It? What do you use?

    There are all there new eco friendly soaps for washing baby bottles etc. and I've always used regular palmolive free and clear. Is there a benefit to buying ones like dapple? What do you use to clean your baby's bottles or nuks? How often do you sterilize for an older baby (15 mo.)


    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Dapple? Is this really worth it?

    Has any one used the new dapple soap for cleaning baby bottles or breastpump parts? Is it really any better than a regular perfume free dish soap? Advice?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What can cause brown spotting before your period?

    Ever since I've had my daughter who is 15 months old I've gotten brown spotting for the entire week before my period. What could be causing this? I know people say brown blood is "old" blood, but what does that mean and could it cause a problem when I try to get pregnant again?

    Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago