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when to stop low dose aspirin during pregnancy??
I am 14 wks, 4 days pregnant with Triplets and yesterday when meeting with a new high risk dr for the first time she said to go ahead and stop the once a day 81mg low dose aspirin i have been taking since i found out i was pregnant. she said that it didnt seem i had any indications that i would need to stay on it my RE put me on it after a miscarriage in may. so i am wondering if it is o.k to just stop now at 14 weeks? when have other people stoped the treatment and was everything fine?
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoAutism linked to ultrasounds??
does anyone have any info on routine ultrasounds be linked to the increase in autism?? I am 10weeks pregnant with Triplets and have already had 3 transvaginal ultrasounds and since i am a high risk pregnancy i am sure i qill have quite a few more. which i didnt think anything of untill i started researching links between auntism and ultrasound and am now freaking out. has anyone has many prenatel ultrasounds and not had any problem with their child's development??? or if u do have a child with autism do u think ultrasounds played a role?? please any info would help!
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhen does the placenta(s) take over???
Hi I am 10 weeks pregnant and have been taking Prometrium 200mg twice daily vaginally since week 4. when my progestrone was tested after ovulation it was great than 20 and in normal range but i had a miscarriage in may so they put me on this as a precaution and my progestrone has not been checked since. the RE said to continue twice a day till week 10 then start 1 pill(200mg) a day till week 11 to slowly wean myself offthen stop by week 11. by O.B also said by week 10 the placentas( I am having fraternal Triplets so there are 3 placentas) should have already taken over so this 1 pill a day this week really isnt doing anything. i did a bunch of research last night and most woman stayed on till at least week 13! so now i am FREAKED out my body isnt ready to make the hormones on their own. does anyone have any expiriance with taking prometrium to sustain a pregnancy and when did u go off and did all go well when you stopped? does the placenta(s) take over by week 8 like the drs said??
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoTriplet pregnancy?
does anyone have any expieriance with being pregnant with triplets?? what can i expect? i am pretty freaked out that something is going to go wrong and i wish i could get an ultrasound everyday to make sure their little hearts are still beating! I am 7 weeks 3 days today and am 24years old. we saw all three heart beats last week at 6 weeks 5 days and they were 119bpm, 121bpm and 123 bpm. the tech told me this was normal when i looked it up it seemed on the low end of normal but could that be because there are 3? any info on triplet pregnancies would be so helpful!
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoBleeding at 5 weeks 4 days????
I am 5 weeks 4 days pregnant today and i was going in for an U.S tomorrow because my R.E. saw my hormone levels were rising faster then normal well i woke up this morning at around 5am to go to the bathroom and noticed what i considered to be a decent abount of blood in my underwear. i freaked out and figure i am miscarrying. I am not cramping anymore then what i have been what i thought to be normal growing pains of the uterus getting bigger. the Ultrasound showed 3 gestational sacs and three yolk sacs but no heart beats. she said it may just be to early for the heartbeats. but also the sacs are irregular shaped. has anyone had irreular shaped sacs or bleeding and go on to be fine??? I am 24 I uesed clomid to get pregnant i miscarried in may so that is why i am even more scared. I also have PCOS. the u.s tech also said that there is like a blood sac in the uterus so expect more bleeding. the bleeding has stopped and is just light brown when i wipe. help!
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agosustaining a pregnancy with PCOS?
I need some encouragement i am going through a miscarriage right now it was our first pregnancy after 3 rounds of clomid. I have PCOS and afraid that the heart stopped beating because of my messed up hormones from PCOS. Is there anyone out there who has PCOS concived and went on to have healthy pregnancy's??? I am feeling so devastated and emotionally drained and am afraid i wont be able to sustain a pregnancy.
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoD&C without being put under?
I was told last a week and a half ago my 9 week old baby no longer has a heartbeat :o( this was very devastating as we went through three rounds of fertility treatments to concieve and I am only 23 but have PCOS. i have not had any miscarriage symptoms no bleeding or cramping but the bloodwork shows my hormones are going down. my dr. doesnt want an infection to happen and thinks a D&C would be the best. the problem is i have NEVER had a surgury other then getting my wisdom teeth out last year but i am DEATLY afraid of being knocked out with anesthia i have read of people being allergic and dying so when i got my wisdom teeth out i just took a local anthestic and was awake the whole time people thought i was crazy. So my question is i have read some forums where people werent put to sleep and just had a local for the D&C is it still very painful and what can i expect if i am awake? or if i do get put under what can i expect from that? i am VERY scared about this!
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoCan Beta still go up if a heart beat is no longer found?
I went in last week for my ultrasound i am 8 weeks and they said they no longer saw a heart beat they saw it 10 days before by a different ultrasound tech. they said there was no chance of the baby being alive if they didnt see the heartbeat andmore and i could wait to miscarry or go get the D&C. they took my beta and progestrone last week and they were still high and they had me come in one week later (this morning) to get the bloodwork again to make sure the levels were going down. they didnt they went up and i still have no cramping or bleeding. could the ultrasound tech made a mistake and missed the heartbeat!?!? i have a tilted uterus if that makes a difference. or am i just prolonging my agony for a few more days and am going to be told once again the baby is dead. has anyone heard of the Beta rising instead of decreasing when there is no longer a heartbeat??? please help i am so confused and emotionally drained!
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoDr says miscarriage is going to happen, Any chance i could still be pregnant????
I am supposed to be 8 weeks pregnant we did 3 rounds of clomid before conciving i am 23 and have PCOS. we have been monitered with bloodwork and ultrasounds. at week 6 they saw a heartbeat but the could not gage the beats per min. but they acted like everything was great and gave me a due date. we went in 10 days later i was 7 weeks and 5 days and it was a different u.s tech and she barely did anything and said there was no heartbeat. and then the dr was saying i can wait or go get a d&C. they did bloodwork and everything was really high so they told me to come back in a week and see if it has gone down. i have no cramping or bleeding. the ultrasound tech that found the hearbeat at week 5 said i had a tilted uterus and it was hard to get the heartbeat. is there any chance that maybe the second tech just didnt see it because of the tilted uterus? i really am devastated and hope that by some miracle my baby is still alive.
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago