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How much can the wrong oil affect a motor?
I have a 1999 dodge Dakota. Manual calls for 10-30. Searching around it seems like people use that or heavier oil in it. I got an oil change at Walmart the other day and they put in 5-20. I'm driving from Florida to va today and the truck starts getting real hot and losing power. I got off an exit and got to a shop right off the road. Oil was about 3.5 quarts too low and coolant was steaming and bubbling in the reserve tank. It's been 500 miles since the oil change. I know on motorcycles you can deviate slightly on oil depending on climate but usually not much. Could 5-20 be too thin for my trucks oil pump and burned off as the motor got hot. There's no visible oil leaks. Mechanic here says he thinks there's a spun bearing now.
5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years agoDoes a Landlord have to list fines in the lease?
Our apartment complex allows up to 3 pets. We have one dog and paid all the pet fees for him. We are watching my sisters 3 cats for a few days and our landlord was in our apartment today for some inspection. We got a notice on our door today that we are in violation of the lease and are fined $250 per cat. Nowhere in the lease does it list fine amounts. We did not get a warning or a notice. We live in florida. Is this legal? We see dogs off leashes all the time without the landlord doing anything.
4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years agoAprilia RSV4 or BMW S1000RR?
I'm narrowing down my search and any forum I look into always has biased answers. I know the s1000rr is solid and i'll have no problems using it as my daily. I can get any oem parts at just over cost from work. Anything aftermarket i can get at just over cost for either bike. I'm just wondering how the rsv4 would work as a daily driver. I've heard some horror stories about the aprilia and also heard of people that tour with them without a problem. the rsv4 i'm looking at is a 2012 which I think has most of the problems sorted out, and shorter 1st and 2nd gear. dealer sale price i think the aprilia would be just a tad cheaper. the s1000 would be a '13 but i'm really not sure how cheap i'll be able to get it from work. I'd like the rsv4 but don't wanna wait weeks for warranty work if anything comes up. any opinions?
4 AnswersMotorcycles8 years agoDoes the Soldier Sailor Act cover Reserve Drill?
The soldier sailor act helps protect reservists or anyone called up for duty from being laid off work, not being hired, etc..
Is there any sort of protection for reserve drill?
The school I'm going to now has a grade for attendance because it looks good for potential employers, But If I can't be there for a couple days of school because of a military obligation (drill), can they still have repercussions of me not being there, or do they have to allow me time to make those days up?
If I was being deployed or going to military training or any sort of active duty, I would be covered under the soldier sailor act. And any employer would also have to start you off as if you never left 90 days after you return from service.
I have a long drill coming up and was wondering if I had any sort of protection.
I'm pretty sure there are laws that prevent an employer from reprimanding (or at least firing) someone for having to leave for military drill. Is there anything that covers schooling from dropping my grade down from not being there even though it was for a military obligation?
3 AnswersMilitary8 years agoHow to get internet from one router to another?
I have my xbox connected to my router (routerA). Our internet modem is in another part of the house and is connected to another router (routerB). I can connect my computer to routerB through wifi. How can I connect routerA to routerB wirelessly to get internet that I can then use to connect to xbox live?
My router is a linksys router with cisco network.
3 AnswersComputer Networking9 years agoWhy does Drake rap the way he raps?
I keep hearing that motto song and a few weeks ago learned that its the same guy from the sprite commercials. now the image really doesnt match the voice in the song.
then i watch a youtube video where drake has an interview with cnn.
I'm not really into rap music. I do like some rap (not mainstream stuff) all types of rock. and lots of metal.
when i heard this interview i realized that drake is very educated and speaks very well.
why the hell does he have to sound like such a ******* lowlife douschebag in his songs?
its pronounced "ev-ery-day".
why can't he just sound educated like he does when he speaks?
7 AnswersCelebrities9 years agoWhat state do I file my taxes in?
I was a virginia resident for the first half of the year and a florida resident for the second half. what state do i file for? My wife lives with me in florida but is technically still a virginia resident because she still has a virginia drivers license and address. what state does she file in?
1 AnswerUnited States9 years agoHow much should a 6 month old bull terrier weigh?
I have a 6 month old bull terrier that is pretty tall and i believe kind of skinny. He eats and drinks quite a bit but doesn't seem to be getting thicker. How much should he weigh at 6 months?
4 AnswersDogs9 years agowhat are some banks that have VA personal loans?
Just looking to get a 10,000 personal loan. My bank is wells fargo but they only offer va mortgage loans.
4 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years agoThe breeder i bought my puppy from isnt complying?
I purchased a puppy from a breeder and have a contract that says health certificates will be held until full balance is paid. I paid in full on the day of adoption and 3 months later still have not received the promised health certificates. What can i do legally to make this right?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics10 years agoIs it necessary to go down to 1st gear on the track?
I have a cbr600rr and even on slow corners I'll keep it in 2nd. Usually the bike won't go under 4k rpm during the whole corner. I'll be taking it to the track this weekend and wondering if besides starting from a stop, will I ever need to shift all the way back down to 1st?
2 AnswersMotorcycle Racing10 years agoHow to do this wiring?
I'm redoing the wiring of a bike. I have the stock wiring and all connectors. the bike has no turn signals or indicator lights. i tore the whole wiring harness out because it was messy and things like the speedometer lights were not hooked up and there were probably 10 loose wires in the headlight. so my question is for things like the indicator lights, where you have wires coming off the engine to the clutch switch diode, do I have to i guess "complete the loop" and run the wire straight to its finishing point from positive to the negative with no bulb. or can i just cut the wire and tape up the end? this goes for the indicator lights mostly because of going through things like the clutch switch diode and other sensors. its a 81 cb750 so i don't think it relies on the electrical too much to make the engine run. Please be specific in answers, trying to get this done in time for biketoberfest.
5 AnswersMotorcycles10 years agoEngine Identification for honda please?
i have a 78 cb750. then i found out they stopped the sohc's in 78. so i found out my engine is definitely a 79-82 because its a dohc. there is an identification number on top of the engine but its definitely not a vin. the frame vin starts with cb750f. where would the engine serial or vin be?
5 AnswersMotorcycles10 years agoAny racing leathers tailor in central FL?
Need some work done on my suit and want to know if there's anyone in FL that i can go to in person. I've already heard of barnacle bills in KY and that'll be my choice if there is absolutely no one. but i want to talk to someone in person.
2 AnswersMotorcycle Racing10 years agoHow much is this polish pottery worth?
i have these 9 pieces of wiza handmade polish pottery. got them from family members. It looks like its expensive but I really don't know how much its really worth. pictures can be seen here
2 AnswersSculpture10 years agoHow much is this worth?
I have a jacksonville jaguars foam claw with chris hansons signature on it. how much could i get for it?
3 AnswersFootball (American)10 years agoPuppy drinks too much water. why?
He will keep drinking till there's no water left. I give him little amounts throughout the day. His poop gets pretty mushy when he drinks a lot. I gave him a bath and he kept trying to drink the water. He almost looks pregnant after drinking so much. Will he ever stop drinking too much?
10 AnswersDogs10 years agoOne piece leathers sizing?
I've been looking around at different manufacturers sizing for one piece leathers. I'm 6'0" weigh 155. any tall suits i've seen are for big guys. and smaller suits are for short guys. what company makes a tall skinny suit? my pants are about a 31 waist 32 inseam. dont know my jacket size. and i've seen some companies out there that offer 500 dollar suits tailor made. they're not alpinestars or dainese or anything but are the suits still any decent?
2 AnswersMotorcycle Racing10 years agoDifferent laws in VA and FL?
Anyone who's lived in both states can you tell me the differences with some of the laws. I'm moving to florida and besides the helmet law what other differences are there? Can i drive in between cars during traffic? license plate mounting positions? what does dmv in fl consider an antique and do i have to have insurance? and any other law that has to do with anything that i should know of.
2 AnswersMotorcycles10 years agoV-twin firing cylinder question?
so in a v-twin does one cylinder fire right after the other? or is there a stroke in between each time a cylinder fires? and is this the same for most 2 cylinders? ducati's L-twin. kawasaki's parrallel twin?
2 AnswersMotorcycles10 years ago