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  • Trade Name registration in another state?

    I run a computer repair business in Iowa and have a trade name for my business registered in Iowa. If I go into Nebraska to perform services, will I be required to also register my trade name with the state of Nebraska even though my business is located in Iowa?

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Out of state sales tax question?

    I operate a small computer repair business from my home in Iowa. So far all of my customers have come to my home to have their computers repaired, so I have charged them Iowa sales tax. I recently started doing on site service and someone in Nebraska has requested that I do an onsite visit there. If I do an onsite visit in Nebraska, will I be required to get a Nebraska Sales Tax # and to charge them the Nebraska Sales Tax rate and then remit that money later to Nebraska, or do I charge them the Iowa rate and then later remit that money to Iowa?

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Getting a credit card with no credit history?

    I have started a home based computer repair business and I need a credit card to make purchases from my online supplier. The problem I am having is not that I have "bad credit", but instead that I have no credit history at all. I need a credit card to make purchases over the Internet be approved and delivered faster. I would only be using the credit card to make purchases of hardware that I would immediately be selling to the customer when making my repairs. What type of card should I apply for that I might have a chance to be approved for? How can I explain to a credit card company that I am only making purchases that I will immediately be reimbursed by my customer? What will make me more likely to be approved by a credit card company even though I have no credit history? I have already had one customer, and I am awaiting another. I am 28 years old and haven't had a job in a while, but I have the money to buy the hardware. Not having a credit card is making the delivery and approval of my purchases too slow.

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Small business advertising ideas?

    I am starting a computer repair/media digitization business from my home. I am trying to think of ways to advertise this business. My ideas so far are putting an ad in my Church's yellow pages, seeing if I can distribute flyers at my local mall, Craig's list, Google Adwords, Ebay Classified Ads, and just word of mouth. Does anyone know of any other affordable good ideas for advertising my small business? I also have a website detailing my services.

    2 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • What is the best anti-malware software available for commercial use?

    I am going to start a small home business. What is the best anti-malware software that is able to be used commercially?

    16 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • PC recycling business taxable income?

    I am trying to start a computer repair/analog media restoration business. One of the services I am trying to incorporate into my business is a PC recycling service. It would involve me stripping the computer for good parts and properly recycling the bad parts. I would then use the good parts as test parts or use them to construct new computers. I know that if I were to resell these rebuilt computers, I would have to charge sales tax and report the sale as income on my income taxes, but when I first take the computer from the customer to be recycled would I have to report the computer itself as income if I am providing the service of recycling the computer for free? I would not be accepting monitors to be recycled, especially CRTs. If accepting these computers was considered to be taxable income, how would I even calculate their true value?

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Small Home-Based business insurance?

    How much do you think it would cost to get liability insurance for a home-based computer repair/media digitization business? What are some good insurance companies?

    2 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Legal question concerning the GLP?

    Can I use software created under the GPL for commercial purposes? Specifically, I want to use it for media transfer such as digitization of analog video and audio.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Where do I go to determine if I need a business license?

    I live in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, IA and I am trying to start a home based computer repair business. Where would I go or whom would I contact to see if I need any type of licenses or permits? I have searched the web and can not determine what permits/licenses I need (if any).

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • How much should I charge for computer repair services?

    I will be taking my CompTIA A+ IT Technician exam at the end of February (and hopefully will be passing them). Since there aren't really any jobs to be found with any companies where I live right now in this economy, I am considering doing computer repair work on the side. I have been looking up all of the legal things that I will need to do for this computer repair side business, but the real question I have is what I should charge for my services. I do not want to charge too much and have everyone going elsewhere for their repairs, but I do not want to charge too little either. What do you think would be an acceptable rate for computer hardware/software repairs or upgrades? When I try to come up with ideas on my own of how much I should charge, they are usually very low figures (much lower than my competition). I don't really care if I make a fortune at doing this until I get a job with a company since I am also doing this side business to add experience to my resume. Do you think undercutting my competition would be a good or a bad idea? If you think it is bad, please tell me the consequences of undercutting my competition.

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Is a business license required to do free computer repair?

    I am about to earn my Comptia A+ IT Technician certification. Once I have earned it I am considering doing free computer repair when I am not at my full time job so that I may gain experience with computer maintenance (although I already have some experience building my own computers and repairing others). I live in Iowa. Once I have my certification, will I be required to have any business license to offer repairs, upgrades, advice etc with no labor costs, or do I have to have some kind of business license? I am really not looking to start a business (right now) or have to deal with all of the things that having my own business might entail. I would only require the customer to pay for new parts in necessary but not for labor, so I would not be making any money off of it, just gaining more experience.

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • How long do you think is necessary to prepare for the CompTIA A+ exam?

    I am doing self study for the CompTIA A+ exam. I had been studying off and on for about the last year, but this last January I have really been concentrating on getting it finished. I am using the 2006 CompTIA A+ Thompson Course Technology book by Jean Andrews and the Q & A book that goes along with it. I am going to take the essentials test and the 602 (IT Technician) exam. I have built 3 of my own computers and repaired someone else's computer since 2005. I want to make sure that I will be prepared enough to pass the tests the first time so I don't have to pay the $336 testing fees twice. For those who have taken the test, how hard would you describe it to be? Do you think with the experience and study I have just described to you I should be able to pass the tests if I continue studying and take the tests at the end of this February, or do you think that I should take more time to study? How long did it take you to study to pass the test? Are there any good online resources (free or non-free) that you think would be helpful (tests, etc)?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How old a man do you think an 18 year old female would be willing to date?

    There is a girl I like who is 18 (almost 19) years old. In your own opinion, estimation or knowledge from personal experience, what is the oldest male that a girl this age would likely be willing to go on a date with? I am older than this girl, but I will not be revealing my age due to my belief that revealing my age will skew the answers given for this question.

    23 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Poem - Words Cannot Express?

    I have decided that I have something that I would like to say.

    It will be hard to do, but I will try to anyway.

    I have this feeling for you from my head down to my toes

    that I felt I could best express only through the form of written prose.

    I want to express this feeling that I have for you inside.

    I don't think this is a feeling that a man should try to shun or hide.

    The feeling that I have for you inside of me is love,

    the same emotion that comes to us from the Lord, our God above.

    My love for you is strong. My love for you is caring.

    My love for you is something that I feel that I should be sharing.

    My love for you is something that sometimes causes me to cry.

    My love for you is something that will never, ever die.

    My love for you makes me want to be with you every minute of the day.

    My love for you makes me sad any moment that you're away.

    My love for you consumes my soul and my entire being.

    My love for you is something that I will never end up fleeing.

    I love you more than any one on earth can comprehend.

    And I sometimes think writing this poem is somewhat futile, in the end.

    This is because I think that I can not really find a way, and this I stress,

    to show you that I love you in a way that even words cannot express.

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion of this poem?

    I recently started writing poetry. I have posted other poems before, but this is the first idea for a poem I had. It might not appeal to those who aren't very religious. I am still waiting to find that special girl so that I can one day read it to her. Please tell me what you think of it:

    Sometimes I sit and ponder on the things that God has done

    like how God made the Universe, the stars, the Moon and Sun.

    How did God make this planet Earth, the place we call our home?

    How did God make the plains and wilderness for us to roam?

    How did God make the mountains? How did God make the seas?

    How did God make the forests and their grand majestic trees?

    How could God make anything as beautiful as an early morn's sunrise

    or as splendid as the music of the birds that fill the skies?

    I try to think about these things until my head is sore

    but I finally realize the answer and I have to dwell no more

    This is because somehow my brain just finally understands

    that our God can do ANYTHING with love inside his hands.

    And even though I know this there is still one thing I think about,

    even though I know a human being could never figure it out.

    This is because even if someone may think, no matter how they try,

    I know that that they will never, ever find the answer why.

    I know this because this is something that, in the end,

    only our God and Father could ever have a chance to do and comprehend.

    This thing that I can't understand that God was able to do

    is how he gave someone to me as wonderful as you.

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Poem to ask a girl out?

    I have started writing poetry. I am considering using this poem to ask out a girl. Please tell me if you think it is good or not. Should I shorten it? I probably won't have a time to ask her out soon, so I have plenty of time to change things about it:

    I really didn't know the best way to say some things I want to say to you,

    so I thought “I could write you a poem” and that's what I've decided to do.

    I don't really know exactly how good this poem is going to be.

    I guess you'll have to read it and maybe you can share your thoughts of it with me.

    Even though we somewhat know each other, I'd like to get to know you even better.

    That is one of the reasons that I am writing you this letter.

    From what I know of you, I can tell that you are very kind.

    You are funny, pretty, and caring. That is why you are on my mind.

    I thought that maybe if you had the time, and if you wanted to

    we could possibly go out sometime and find something to do.

    I will confess to you that in my entire life I've never asked a girl on a date,

    but something about you has made me act. I can no longer wait.

    I've had crushes on girls before, as most men tend to do,

    but you are the first girl that I have ever really expressed my true feelings to.

    I don't know what it is inside of you, or what it is you've got

    but it's something that I like, something that I like a lot.

    Finally getting to meet you has made such a change in me.

    For instance, it has made me wanting to write you this piece of poetry.

    I have other things I'd like to say to you but I do not really know

    if to say these things would be proper, or if I should yet do so.

    I know that you are not around the same age as me.

    I didn't know if to go on a date would be OK, so I am asking you to see.

    If you think that this is something that you do not want to do,

    that will be OK. I will not be upset with you.

    If you decide that you do not want to go out in the end,

    I will be willing to accept that, but I'd still like to be your friend.

    But if you think that going out with me is something that's OK,

    just name to me the the place you want to go, the time, and the day.

    We can go somewhere together, to any place you want.

    We could go out to the movies or to a restaurant.

    We could go bowling if you wanted or go to a park and walk.

    We could just go somewhere quiet where the both of us could talk.

    I want to learn more about your life. I want to learn more about you.

    I want to know what things you do and do not like to do.

    I want to know what makes you happy, I want to know what makes you sad.

    I want to know what gets you through the good times as well as through the bad.

    I want to know what makes you laugh, I want to know what makes you cry.

    I want to know your likes, your dislikes and all the reasons why.

    I want to know what kind of music, movies, and books you like and such.

    Please tell me about these things. I want to know these things so much.

    Is there anything else that you can tell me about you?

    I really want to know these things. I really, really do.

    Why do I want to know these things? What is my reasoning?

    It is because I just find you so very interesting.

    To go out with you would really be such an honor for me.

    There are other things I want to tell you, things about me I'd like you to see.

    Can we go on a date? I'll wait for your answer and see.

    I do not want to rush you, so I will just wait patiently.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Question (for Women) about poetry?

    There is a girl that I like. Ever since I realized I like this girl I have started writing poetry about her. I have been talking with my brother about it and he thinks that poetry is corny and that I shouldn't share my writings with this girl (do realize, however, that my brother is 17 years old). My question is: Do most women like when men write them poetry or do they think that it is corny and silly? Do you think that I should share my poetry with this girl?

    20 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Question for Women. How much affection is to much?

    I am a 27 year old male, but have never been on a date before. There is a girl I like that I am considering asking out. I like this girl so much that she has completely changed how I am living my life. I feel that if I went out with her I would want to show her all of the affection and caring that I could. However, since I have never been on a date I don't know how much affection is too much, and I don't want to smother her. How much affection do women think is too much? I don't want to do anything to make her feel turned off. Please Help. Thanks.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Earned Income Tax Credit?

    Last year I received an earned income tax credit (and I will probably be eligible for it again this year). My question is: Is the credit that I received last year considered to be taxable income on my taxes this year? I have googled this but have not found an answer. If you provide an answer PLEASE CITE YOUR SOURCE(S) so I may visit the site to verify it is or is not taxable. Thank You.

    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Computer Certifications?

    I am studying for my CompTIA A+ certification. Although the economy is not doing so well and unemployment is rising, what do you think would be some other good certifications for me to get that are in demand and would advance my career and/or help me get a job?

    1 AnswerTechnology1 decade ago