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  • Anyone remember what those peaceful innocent Palestinians did after 9/11?

    They celebrated, cheered, handed out candy, burnt American flags.

    I don't see them laughing on TV anymore. Where did they go? Is something not funny anymore?

    8 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why are whites usually solely to blame for American slavery?

    I'm seeing a lot of white hate here on answers anymore, and it made to curious to know if many people actually know the history of the Atlantic slave trade (bringing of slaves to North America).

    Do most people know that the majority of slaves sold in Africa were prisoners of war/raids from warring black tribes? Yes, it was wrong to put these people into slavery, but isn't it equally bad to sell people for profit if not worse?

    I'm not trying to start a fight here, it just seems many people are very uneducated on the subject.

    37 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Could this be the most ironic news article?

    I mean seriously, this is so ironically hilarious. Read the article. These types of fast food people are a joke. A raise from $7.25 to $15? Are these people kidding me? For flipping burgers or frying chicken? The reason these jobs pay so low is because they are extremely low skill and are to be used as tools for building a good work ethic so you can study, and train into needed skills to be productive.

    This girl works 15 hours a week and she is complaining she doesnt make enough money at KFC? Is this what our nation has become?

    3 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Shouldn't Bill Clinton share blame?

    Bill Clinton's Al Qaeda track record

    1. Blackhawk Down 1993 (Al Qaeda participants and support) 20 killed

    2. WTC bombing 1993 (Al Qaeda) 6 casualties

    3. Riyadh bombing 1995 (Al Qaeda) 5 casualties

    4. Kobar Towers bombing 1996 (Al Qaeda) 19 casualties

    5. Nairobi/Tanzania bombings 1998 (Al Qaeda) 224 casualties

    (Lewinski scandal 1998)

    6. USS Cole bombing 2000 (Al Qaeda) 17 casualties

    Dont forget about other terror attacks like

    Atlanta olympics Bombing 1996 (Non Al Qaeda) 1 casualty

    Oklahoma City Bombing 1995 (Non Al Qaeda) 168 casualties

    Columbine massacre 1999(Not considered terrorism) 15 casualties (During gun ban)

    But back to the topic:

    In April 1996 the Sudan had Osama Bin Laden as on offical guest of the government.

    They were suspect as being in support of the 1993 WTC attacks so they offered Bin Laden to the US to ease tension.

    We declined and further offered him to Saudi Arabia, who wanted nothing to do with him. So he essentially is free to go abroad and settles in, you guessed it,


    Shouldnt Bill Clinton have taken terrorism a bit more seriously? I know we like to blame Bush, but doesnt Slick Willy have any responsibility?

    7 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • No support during Benghazi?

    I served in a combat profession in the USAF for around 7 years. We have the ability to get combat capable ground forces anywhere in the world, in just over 2.5 hours. The firefight in Benghazi was just under 7 hours long. Thats a long period of time to realize a coordinated attack is going on. Why was no support sent at all?

    You cant have armed fixed wing aricraft overhead because close air support in a city would kill countless innocents not to mention your own guys, but the presense could deter some hostiles from entering the battlespace.

    No rotary gunship support was sent, i.e. Cobra gunships, huey gunships, Ah-64's

    No special operations support was sent i.e. Delta, SEALs, Pararescue

    No marine FAST teams dispatched to evac consulate

    Why no support at all?

    Dont tell me we couldn't send military forces into a soveriegn nation. We sent 2 choppers full of SEAL's into a nuclear armed nation (Pakistan) to assassinate a guy.

    So why no support at all? At least try to recover your people in a combat zone.

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why do so many anti-gun enthusiasts want to ban guns but not alcohol?

    Studies show around 4 times as many people die from alcohol related fatalities not including vehicle related fatalities. Why dont we try banning alcohol?

    100,000 people die from alcohol related fatities

    40,0000 die from drinking and driving

    Just over 10,000 die each year from intentional homicide.

    So booze kills more than guns.

    Shouldnt we ban alcohol "FOR THE CHILDREN"?

    What do you "NEED" alcohol for?

    What do you "NEED" a 30 pack of beer for?

    Isnt there also a bit of hypocrisy being as instead of further controlling alcohol, many people are pushing for legalizing more substances that affect the mind?

    I mean c'mon, its not like we banned or "prohibited: alcohol in the past right? People will definately stop drinking if we just take away the booze right?

    23 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Why should I vote for either party?

    In all seriousness, we as Americans have been voting for the same corrupt two parties that feed us b*llshit for years. One party wants to take my money and give it to the rich who didn't do much to earn it. The other party, wants to take my money and give it to the so called "poor" that also didn't do anything to deserve it. Aren't Americans sick of the same old crap to come from both sides? I'm a middle class veteran who's life has gotten significantly harder under Bush, and even worse under Obama.

    I served my country, but I don't know what I was fighting for now that I see how completely stupid our culture has become. Anyone else feel this way?

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Does anyone else not care if the government shuts down anymore?

    Does anyone else just hope the entire system that is our government just craps out, and we can maybe get some new blood in the presidency and congress. Neither side has really accomplished anything significant that helps the majority of Americans. Let the government shut down I say, its not like they were making life easier in America.

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • American Government similarities to Animal Farm.?

    Someone earlier asked an Orwell question in here and I began to think of 1984 and Animal farm. What similarities to George Orwell's book Animal farm and our current government do you guys see?

    I see our politicians as the pigs. At first all animals (people) are considered equal, but later, the pigs change the rules to "All animals are equal, though some are MORE equal than others. Look at the new healthcare law. We all have to abide by it, but congress, and the president get better coverage.

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Has Zimmerman began his lawsuit against NBC?

    Has George Zimmerman begun his lawsuit against NBC Comcast for splicing audio from his 9-11 tapes and altering pictures? Its seems to me that since his life is going to be much harder, he could get some money to rectify the crime NBC committed against him.

    Please don't go into flaming Zimmerman or Martin, we all know everyone has differing opinions, but we can all agree that NBC needs to pay for trying to sway the direction of Americas anger in this case.

    Here is the proof for those that haven't heard or seen it.

    10 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Resource officer training for schools?

    I am a former United States Air Force Staff Sergeant with 8 years of honorable service. I was USAF Security Forces (military police) for the entire 8 years. My main mission was safeguarding and protecting nuclear weapons both static and in transit to and from base. I am slo 2 classes away from completing my Homeland Security Degree which dealt with school security in high detail.

    I was wondering if there are any law enforcement or security personnel that have any information on what further training or requirements I will need to apply for these jobs should they open in the future. My state of residence is Pennsylvania if that help.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Animal Farm comparisons to American Government?

    Anyone notice any similarities to George Orwells novel about revolution into a tyrannical government and our own government?

    The pigs (governing class) prohibit the other farm animals from eating the apples and milk that they worked hard to harvest, instead saving them for themselves and giving the rest of the farm hay and grain to live off of. (Government health care being better than what we the people are given).

    The animals have a set of rules painted on the side of the barn that they must follow (Similar to constitution). Rules such as no "animal may sleep in a bed" are easy to understand but then the ruling class changes them overnight stating that "no animal may sleep in a bed..........with sheets"

    Seems very close to our attempts to amend our current constitution.

    The pigs then discover a television in the farmers house, that they bring into the barn to shut up the other animals and keep them docile, while at the same time pushing propaganda on the animal populace on how the pigs are doing such a great job. Sounds like our government run media groups that no longer report the news but use it politically.

    Any other similarities from you guys?

    2 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Does the Media sensationalize violence?

    Does anyone think that the media is inspiring people to do these massacres? I hear alot of talk about gun control and banning certain types of firearms, but why are all these rampage killings happening almost all at once?

    The media is constantly bombarding the public with attention to these killers. Perhaps some of these people wouldn't have chosen to go on a killing spree if we didn't televise.

    Since so many people are okay with amending parts of the 2nd amendment, would you say it is fair for us to also amend the 1st amendment? It seems fair to say if one right is up for interpretation, so are others yes? Its not like these killings happened over a 2 year period. Maybe if we didn't sensationalize mass murder people wouldn't want to emulate it so much.

    Try to keep this post civil. I just want to see if its okay to take away parts of one right but not the other.

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Media bias against guns?

    Why does the media only show active shooter scenarios on television which had a gun used but never show equally bad scenarios that use other forms of weaponry?

    This happened just 2 weeks ago.

    In Casper Wyoming a guy used a bow and arrow and received almost no media coverage.

    Why isn't Bob Costas touting about how bad medieval type weaponry is?

    Its obvious the media is controlling people's fears by pointing the finger at a tool. Why are the anti gun crowd not trying to control automobiles also? Afterall, they kill far more people in America hourly than guns do.

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is the media fueling this Zimmerman/Trayvon shooting?

    Why do we always see this photo of Zimmerman and Trayvon (Zimmerman in OC jail clothes/Trayvon as a 14 year old)

    But we NEVER see this side of both people (Zimmerman in a suit and tie smiling/ Trayvon Thuggin it up)

    Everyone can admit that for better or worse, the media is making things worse for both parties.

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Are we potentially funding more terrorists?

    Panjwayi (also spelled Panjwaye, Panjwaii, Panjway or Panjwai) is a district in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. It is known as the birthplace of the Taliban. It is located about 35 kilometres (22 mi) west of Kandahar city.

    The Kandahar massacre occurred in the early morning of Sunday, 11 March 2012, when seventeen[1] civilians were killed and five wounded in the Panjwai district of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan.

    KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (AP) — The U.S. paid $50,000 in compensation for each villager killed and $11,000 for each person wounded in a shooting rampage allegedly carried out by a rogue American soldier in southern Afghanistan, Afghan officials said Sunday.

    The families were told that the money came from President Barack Obama.

    The money didn't come from America, it came from Obama remember that.........

    Do the math on how much money that community that the Taliban originated from has to conduct more fighting against the US. $866,000 dollars to people that in all likelihood, hate our country before the attack and wouldn't have shed a tear to do the same to us.

    Im not saying the shooting was the right thing to do, but paying our possible enemy almost a million dollars is. How much did flight training and box cutters cost the 9/11 hijackers? I assure you it wasn't a close to a million. So imagine the possibilities.

    What are your thoughts?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Best Hookah shisha flavors.?

    I just bought a hookah and was wondering if anyone knows some good flavors or brands. I ordered mine from hookah Whats the best in your opinion and whats the worst?

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Curious about Hookah smoking.?

    I quit smoking about 2 years ago, and still occasionally I get an urge to try it again. I really do not like how cigarettes seem dirty, and was curious about smoking a hookah. I heard the smoke is much smoother, and I get differing reports on health hazards. I also hear that most people do not smoke a hookah all the time, as it takes a whie to get the coals lit. Does anyone have advice? I have never smoked one, dont know how to set a hookah up, and am pretty much a newbie lolol.

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Hydrogen Cyanide question?

    I am writing a paper on a hypothetical tanker accident involving hydrogen cyanide. What would be the bar minimum safe distance to begin a cordon for upwind and downwind?

    6 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago