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Pro musician & music educator, arranger, composer I am very dedicated to my music, my students, & my life in sobriety. I currently have been clean-n-sober for over 26 years! Most of the questions i respond to are regarding music or recovery issues.

  • montana unemployment taking over 2 months to pay out? anything to expedite??

    my wife got let go (90 day probation on job, no reason given for termination). In California, benefits would have begun in 2 to 3 weeks, but here-over 2 months and no $

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • why does my truck overheat in 100 plus degree weather?

    we live in n area where 100 -115 degree temperatures are common during summer

    my truck tends to overheat when idling in this kind of heat but not when it is cooler

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • possible tendon/ligament trauma?

    I slipped yesterday and felt "POP" in my kee/shin area. Went to the E.R.,got x-ray (no bone damage) have to wai til monday for an MRI, meanwhile my knee is unstable and my upper shin has swelling. I'm just wondering what he MRI might show monday,...

    1 AnswerInjuries10 years ago
  • hard to find parts for 2004 honda crv?

    our crv has a burnt exhaust valve and our mechanic suggested either rebuilding the head or buying a rebuilt head. no rebuilds can be found. certain parts to do a rebuild are not available (valve guides). a new head can be bought (for the price of a good used car). What I am wondering is, WHY? Why are parts not available? are these designed as throw aways?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • my 2002 nissan truck is stuck in "park". how can i fix this on my own?

    the past few nights have been pretty cold, my wife spilled grape juice on my shifting console, & i cant remove the neutral/park clutch sensor-fuse. obviously i can't drive to a mechanic,....

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • nissan frontier nearly overheating?

    we live in the imperial valley, and every time the temperature rises above 108, my temp gauge goes way up. is there a particular coolant etc. that would help.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • pet adopted, then taken to the pound rather than returned as stated in adoption contract?

    i do volunteer work with a local pet rescue association & just heard this tale today. one of our pets was adopted on a one week trial. the adoption process states that the pet may be returned for any reason during the ten day trial period. on day six the adopted dog rolled in poo and his prospective owners got the hose to wash him. the dog freaked and ran (injuring itself in the process), one of the new parents chased him, cornered him, and got bit (in fear). the agency was called to pick up the dog but one prospective owner took it to the pound where it was quarantined as vicious. the officers at the pound have stonewalled the association as well as the foster parents that placed the dog. the adopter believes any dog that bites a human is vicious, the animal control people seem to agree. the association believes the dog was/misunderstood and acted out of fear, a natural reaction.

    what do you believe? put the dog down (like animal control seems to want) or give a bit of understanding to an animal who acted in fear?

    19 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • deat threat on our dogs?

    we just got woken up (a little after midnite) by our neighbor yelling at our dogs for barking at him. he actually shouted that he would kill them & that he was on his own property,...he was actually in the ravine between our two properties when i looked out the window.

    do we have legal recourse on the threat?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • anyone else out there think that PENN & TELLER are jerks???

    i dunno if they intend to come across like buttheads,.....but they do!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • can bill collectors block their phone number on caller I.D.?

    we have one bill collector calling us & the caller i.d. shows just "0"

    she is abusive and evasive & unprofessional, makes me believe we are being harassed. after several calls we still have no clue what alleged bill she is attempting to collect or what company claims we owe money,....

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • what if you have a female student who flirts with every male teacher?

    I teach at a middle school and have noticed that one 7th grade girl flirts with all male faculty members (or i should say tries to flirt). All the men have been very professional in their behavior toward this girl-but i am curious as to what could be the root cause of her slightly innappropriate behavior.

    10 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • for police, attorneys, insurance types. My wife had an accident yesterday and I seek expert advice on fault!?

    She hit a parked vehicle (illegally parked in the middle of our cul de sac) by backing into the vehicle. Is this a situation where the other driver is at fault, both are at fault, or my wife is at fault.

    Will insurance adjusters raise our rates for this or not. No damage to the parked vehicle, our car sustained minor damage. No injuries.

    6 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • 8th grade student thinks she can do no wrong?

    everything is a game to her,..the game is how to not actually do any real work in class.

    I have comunicated with my administrators, they know the problem and what is going on.They have also advised me that this girl is a real "project".

    Well, she just asked me what her grade is in class again today, and I had to tell her the same diatribe as before,...

    my class expectations are not met(no work)=no grade

    I also told her that after the holiday break she could choose to change her ways or continue to fail. I see hope in the mear fact that she has taken two other failing grades to "A"s.

    My fear is that she will continue on with the same offensive behaviour of being unmotivated and apathetic.

    18 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • my wife and i are in 12 step recovery, she recently relapsed.?

    she is now sober only a few days again, and even though i have 24 years, i am baffled by my emotional responses.

    i have pulled away,my responses to her are colder, i dont want to be in the same meeting with her, i certainly dont feel i can share gut level stuff with her in the room.

    yeah, i know i got hurt-dont tell me to write or call my sponsor as i have already done those things.

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • a guy goes into a bar,...sees a 5 gallon water bottle full of $10 bills on the counter behind the bartender?

    he asks the bartender what the deal is with the bottle is for?

    The bartender tells him "it will cost you a ten spot to find out"

    the guy pays, and the bartender says "theres a horse in the barn out back, make him laugh and the cash is yours." So the guy kills his drink, goes and whispers in the horses ear, the horse falls down laughing. guy gets his bottle o cash a nd leaves.

    A week passes and our slightly richer friend goes back to the bar, sees another 5 gallon water bottle full of $100 bills. he asks the bartender, who replies " my horse has been laughing all week, he wont eat or drink, the vet fears he will die soon if he dont stop laughing". our hero gives over the appropriate cash, goes out into the barn, takes the horse around a corner stall, moments later you could hear the horse crying for miles around.

    our hero collects his winnings and heads for the door, but the bartender says "what did you do?" i told him my unit was bigger n his a week ago, today i proved it!

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • I have sciatica, and am wondering about surgical options. I have heard a few nightmare stories,...?

    I don't enjoy living in pain, using meds, my doc says I am not a viable candidate yet, but I want to know my options and learn what pitfalls may be out there.

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • My 2002 Nissan frontier has my parking brake light coming on in cold weather, when it warms up, it disappears.

    Cold weather=brake light on, warm weather= no light. I do not set the brake as I park on level ground. Is this a system glitch or what? How can I resolve this problem cheaply?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago