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I am 5'7.5 , or 5'8 .. kinda in the middle... i always shave my hair, (i think im gunna try to grow it a bit, just for change, nothing to long).. I have brown hair and blue eyes. i volenteer at an elementary school in a kindergarten classroom occasionally.. and i think i am a pretty genuine nice guy. i wanted to become a teacher, and went to college for it, but it was not for me, just too tuff - and not my thing. baseball, yankees and blue jays.. i really like tattoos, and want maybe a few more , but i definatly dont want to be covered. (i have 3) I dont have many friends, but the ones i have i really enjoy spending time with - and just having some fun.

  • is it bad to crack your back everyday?

    dont answer if you have no clue lol - thanks though..

    I just wondered, im 21 --I had heard it was bad to crack your knuckles, but i crack my back before workouts and i stretch and what not and I find it makes my back looser and more comfortable.. just curious if it leads to back problems or something is all.. thanks

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • How hard is it to make a website?

    My brother owns his own contracting buisness, i was looking into making a website, i have no knowledge about it, or how to do it. Im not asking how to, just is it extremely hard?


    11 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • If you don't think someone is that physically attractive should you still date them?

    It could be due to size, height, face whatever. I know its supposivly wrong to judge or base dating on looks, but when dating you will have sex (in mature relationship) and if they dont have a good body or are not that attractive how can you enjoy that?

    is it just me who thinks this way? how do you overcome looks? I appreciate all feedback.


    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • anyone know what the form is called to get money owed from an employer?

    I know you have to fill it online (i live in Ontario, Canada) i cant seem to find it, i am not sure what it is called. thank you

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Not wanting to date "bigger people" is there something wrong with that?

    I met a seemingly nice person online, then saw she was pretty big then just called off our date.. is that wrong?

    I know i need to have some physical attraction, (ive lived with a girl who i didnt really find good looking, and it caused problems because the sex, it was unappealing.)

    i just know i have to find them somewhat attractive, i cant think they are ugly.. i feel bad though because i likely hurt her feelings, but its just alot of fat..

    was i over reacting or it is fair enough to not be interested if big girls just dont interest you.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Agreed to a date but then saw pics and not wanting to go.?

    were both 21, talked on a dating site, only for a couple days then agreed to go for coffee, however i saw pics on facebook and i just dont find her in anyway attractive, and i know that you gotta have some kind of physical appeal to the other person

    so its supposed to be tomorrow at 12, should i just send her a text, email, or message on the dating site

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how long does it tke for hemmoroids to go away?

    i didnt realize i had hemmoroids until last night, i thought it was just constipation

    half an hour ago i experienced 25 minuites of the most agonizingg pain i have ever felt in my stomach. i was literally laying on my shower floor praying it would just fade a little (shower seems to stop my stomach pain when i have it - so ive been taking like 5-10 for the past 2 days.

    i got preperation H, i have used it since 1pm today (now almost 7pm)... im sure its going to take a couple days, i would like someone to let me know how long it took for theirs to go away.

    much appreciated.. and btw is the pain supposed to be that bad or should i go to the hospital

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Pretty sure i have "major depression" is only option the medication?

    btw i know i have depression now again, i use to be on meds (cipralex (my doctor said its a 3rd generation prozzak), it got better and then i weened(sp?) off them

    - been back for about a being to lazy and hoping it just goes away. year but i have not gone to the doctors

    i saw this posted on another question, it said they classify it as if you have 5/9 as major depression, i have 8, i am pretty sure my attention is normal.

    1/ Feeling depressed/down


    2/ Feeling like nothing interests you anymore - even things that you used to like doing

    for most of the day, for most days of the week

    The other 7 symptoms are:


    Poor attention

    Change in appetite/weight

    Sleep changes (sleeping more or sleeping less with or without early morning wakening)

    Everything slows down (the person moves slower, speaks slower, etc.)

    Feeling excessively guilty / at fault / worthless

    Suicidal thoughts/thoughts that life isn't worth living

    so assuming i do, is medication my only option here, i have 1 friend who i have told stuff to, as well as my dad and aunt, i am not afraid to tell them anything. so talking to someone clearly isnt working. But the problems and why i am depressed have to do with my life, nothing goes right for me, just been a year downword spiral.

    but its my fault because i made all these retarted decisions that led me to now, but i dont care enough to try to change them. thats why i need this gone, i just wanted to know if medication is the only way to treat it. if so i will go in and get it again. or if theres a natural way

    i just dont like or want to be known as the depressed guy whos on meds u know. i think thats understandable

    i appreciate any comments, have a good night

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • how can i tell if its still depression or just reality?

    I am 21 - My whole family (Fathers side) has a history of depression (my gran dad killed himself), i got it around 16 (things in my life werent great), and it felt like it went away for a while, for the longest time ive been feeling just how i did before, but my life is not great, and almost justifiable for depression.

    i have like 2 close friends (one i hang out with routinly, the other rarely) .. struggle to get by(financially), no prospects in life (dont know what i want to do), no gf anymore, no interest in things.

    should i just hit up the doctor and go back on the meds.. or is it possible something can trigger it to go away?

    its really no fun living when your depressed, because you get no enjoyment out of what you do, just want to enjoy things and get exited about anything like i use to.

    much appreciated for your thoughts

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What am i supposed to do now? how do i get into school with no money (OSAP?)?

    i turn 21 at the end of the month, i live by myself in a basement apt (ive been bouncing around from job to job) cant find anything with decent pay for a while.

    i dont want to do this forever, i either need to luck out and find a solid job, or go to school for something, but i dont have any money to do that, i dont make enough to save up for school.

    if anything i would want to take an a-z course, because i like driving and that would be something i can see myself doing everyday. how does osap work? what are my options

    many thanks for helpful answers, your helping me out alot as i am unaware of what options i have.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • I cant understand this girl, a second opinion please.?

    were both 21, been on 2 dates, not kissed or dating

    text other than the dates is our communication, sometime we will text frequently sometimes a couple times a day.

    but usually if i dont text she wont, and when i ask questions its always just a simple answer, like trying to not keep a convo going. so i figured she is just disinterested, but last night says "hey hun how was your day" and said she wanted to have a cartoon movie day (not my first choice lol)

    so i just dont get it, is she interested or not, cause i mean i asked her today how it was going she just said "not bad, swimming" not asking me or nothing,

    i just dont get it lol.. thanks in advance

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you ever find yourself thinking about what you have done before?

    maybe places problems youve had, ex's youve had, places youve been, etc. and wish you could re-do it?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What type of philosophy of life would you like to live by.?

    mine would be.

    "do what your doing at the time your doing it" meaning like dont stress about what you had, or the future, just focus on what your doing now."

    yea im proper high

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • is there any shame in the single life?

    i don't find their shame in it, but i much prefer dating someone. been in a dry spell for a while and its bumming me out. isnt it just better to have someone there

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • anyone else feel high school does not prepare you at all for "real life"?

    what i mean by real life is working 4+ days a week, living on your own - paying for rent, food, insurance etc.

    i think thats what they should teach, because at the end of the day, thats all that matter. who cares what the square root of an imaginary number is, formulas, book reports etc.

    ps. anyone who thinks a college is not a money making industry is sadly mistaken

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • is there any girls who enjoy being "used"?

    i chill with a guy from work alot - he is the complete opposite of me, but i guess that what i like about him, hes very outgoing, always hollering at girls.

    he was telling me about this girl hes talking to, then right away started talking about another one. and said he just wanted to bang them, not date them.

    do girls like being used for a quick lay, then the guy moves on, or do most want a relationship. thats all i want, i could care less about how many girls ive had sex with, finding someone you love and enjoy spending time with is the best feeling for me.

    or do the girls simply not know that.

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • i am 100% positive i have depression, but so what..?

    i know i have it, i dont care about hardly anything, im usually alone (i feel this makes it more apparent to me) but i also have a crappy life right now. im sure things will pick up eventually.

    do i have to go to the doctors to get meds, i was on stuff before, i cant remember if they made a difference, but do i have to go on meds, im not suicidly, but i occasionally think about it, only cause if my life was like this forever, there would be no point of living. i dont think anyone in my family has not had depression

    basically im just asking are the meds necessary, or will it eventually go away thanks :)

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • have you ever gone to the bar by yourself?

    I think i have twice and i just happened to meet people i havnt saw in a while. just mere coincidence, but i gues it would suck if you didnt run into anyone. I just kinda feel you need at least one other person if not 2.

    any thoughts.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Help me out with this dilemma please?

    So i met up with this girl last saturday at a fair, didnt talk much shes shy. but we said we'd hand out again.

    So i asked her to go to the zoo sunday and she said"why the zoo" i just said i liked it or whatever

    so she said she didnt know, like how can you not know? i said if you dont want to go just tell me your not going to hurt my feelings (it would suck but ill live right) .. all she said was i didnt say no. so i said let me know when you do. she said she will.

    am i missing something, what can possibly her reasoning for not know if she wants to go.

    any help would appreciate lol - im lost here

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Help me out with this dilemma please?

    So i met up with this girl last saturday at a fair, didnt talk much shes shy. but we said we'd hand out again.

    So i asked her to go to the zoo sunday and she said"why the zoo" i just said i liked it or whatever

    so she said she didnt know, like how can you not know? i said if you dont want to go just tell me your not going to hurt my feelings (it would suck but ill live right) .. all she said was i didnt say no. so i said let me know when you do. she said she will.

    am i missing something, what can possibly her reasoning for not know if she wants to go.

    any help would appreciate lol - im lost here

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago