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  • i sorta like him does he like me....? warning long!!!?

    so i have a bit of a problem lol i just met this guy like first time i saw him i thought he was attractive was sort of checking him out he is a student at my work right.... hes on placement hes the only guy in the group the rest are all girls so the first day i got paired up with a girl to teach her wat to do n blabla he wss with another worker but i saw him we were in same section lol so i observed him... sneaking looks and what ever so... then later on i got paired up with him for the rest of the after noon he helped me do a few things then we got to talking i asked him if he were ghey cause i duno he was a little bit lady like lols he was really offended n xplained he gets that a bit but he said he wasnt so the rest of the afternoon we were all jokin around and had alot of laughs then the shift ended and i walked out the front and he was there with the girl i was paired up with earlier i sat with her and he drove up next to were we were waiting and he stopped for a bit and talked to us i picked on him alot we had laughs lols anyway then today when he was assigned to were i was working again for placement the same pair got to choose whos who the girl said to me oh your paired with him today he shotguned you lol like picked me so we started the day off working and talking i picked on him alot and he picked on me alot lol like pushing me and every joke i made he laughed lol or smiled he was really nice and when i said go on your break he said hed wait for me lols anyway he said throughout the day he likes me and im good to work with lols and we shared storys and talked alot then i asked for his number and i sent him mine lol then...... we were siting around the table and he was like gimme a massage lol n i did and other staff saw me and were like ooooooo someones in love so then it turned into a whole teasing you like him he likes you episode lol i turned red lols and i think he did too i tried to joke it off an say we were cousins lmao how stupid and hes ghey but he then one of the staff asked if i was married i said yeh and he said no your not and she was like ooooooo anyway resta arvo i got teased lol then i walked off to finish shift n he drove past me again n stopd i pretended not to see him but he called out hey pretty lady you got a ride? i was like yeh whats up and we talked for a alitle and made jokes and said okay bye he left i txt him when i got home hey thnx for the shift:-) hey txt back it was awesome you are great keep txting :-) so i did kept joking lol and ihe was like txt me anytime and i was like when u finish placement we shud hang out and he agreed and stated a date he was free lol anyways then he had a nap and i was like ok ill see u tommorow and he said that lol note i hardly know him ive knowen him for kike 3days and i feel like ive just clicked with him other things r his partner said to me he likes you too lol i duno if he was jusrbein nice and i borrowed his pen for paperwork i asked him can i keep ur pen hes like yeh ... iduno do i have a chance do you think he sorts likes me to?? lol!!!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Isit safe to download apps onto you're iPad?

    And use them all the time like they have no viruses?? And stuff isit safe to use the Internet wifi on your iPad ?? You're own connection and to browse on the Internet browser lol anyone??

    3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years ago
  • Breaking a mirror bad luck! How about a photo of you're self!?

    I'm not really into superstitions n black cats but when I was 14 I broke a mirror and up until 19 I feel like I had bad luck and it just left ... I broke a picture if me and someone is that bad luck or isn't only mirrors

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • I have bad worrying issues maybe its classed as anxiety help!!!?

    Some how I've developed a really bad feeling towards things I think are naturally wrong for example work if I do something I doubt I did it right and I have to double check all the time and constantly think about it and how I could of done it differently or if I did enough lol and also wen I get my roster for work I look at it over and over even if I've already written it down ill double check over and over lol I'm always scared I may have wrote down the wrong time or something or I'm scared of what people are thinking when that happens I get more worried lol I stress my self out or even I think I'll get in trouble I'm scared of loosing my job even though I feel I am doing the right thing I constantly feel like people are talking about me and. Might loose my job n it plays on my mind lol not just my job though there are many things that bother me do you think it has to to with anything in my past I know last yr I was unemployed for a long time and I got a job and I was in it for 3 months then I got sacked because the company had to close down and from then on I've just been scared ..... What do you thinks wrong with me and how d. Relax more ??

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • Maths question howmany hours is this?

    if you start work at .. 6:30 and finish at two and you had a 30 minute break inbetween that time howmany hours did you work? not including the 30minute break

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Howmany hours is this?

    from 6.30 to 2 with a half hour break is that 7 hours and 30 minutes

    correct me if im wrong?

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing9 years ago
  • trying to find out of i got a job or not?

    iwent for an interview last week on tuesday the lady told me the onterview went well and was explaining whats expected if i was wmployed and handed me a roster with the hours on it lol then said shell call me referees ad if heir good ill get the job so do u think ill get te job??

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • How to lighten skin naturally?

    dont say lemon .. or whitening .. products ive used them in the past and their not good for the face

    anything natural besides milk also?

    thank 10 points

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Looking for a way to actully loose weight and stick to a diet & regular exercise?

    Okay im a yoyo dieter igo up and down up n down with my weight lol frequently.. but ive noticed right now is the heavist ive ever been i want to loose weight not just because... being fat is unnatractive because i wanna be healthy and have a healthy life style i want to change my eating habbits completely lol... i dont have a problem giving up any food im willing to do it... whats a good diet and how long should i wait and expect.. before weight can start droping off... and howmany hours exercise a week do you recomend im 85 kilos at the moment... i got this big also because of. my emotional eating patterns i get bored i eat i get depressed i eat i get happy i eat its no way to live life and i wanna change it up real quick

    any suggestions im tierd of.. starting a diet and not sticking to it.. its really.. disappointing

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Does any one know any good chat sights asian ones?

    any one know any good chat sats im dieing of boredom i dont use facebook anymore

    and i use to use friendster until they shut it down so know any similar ones or?

    1 AnswerFacebook9 years ago
  • What do you think of this girl in terms of looks is she beautiful?

    Shes my brothers girlfriend what do you think

    out of ten

    and what nationality does she look thanks

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years ago

    im so depressed... i just took up a a career... i didnt want to i just recently started studying to be a nurse my sister is a nurse.. and she advised me to carry on and do further study and i thought it would be easy i got my first assigment and i barely know what to do i keep puting it off.. =\ i want to give up but my parents are expecting me to pull through what will i do?!

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid9 years ago
  • feeing depressed and no motivation or sense of direction?

    I just got accepted into the industry ive been wanting and waiting for so long and dreaming about the moment for long though its as if im numb to the situation i wasnt excited or happy i was just taking it as it comes day by day atm im.unemployed studying full time i feel unmotivated lowsy worthless i have no friends no savings i feel ugly i know i must be depresssed in some way i feel nothing anymord just worried anxious or angry i feel like a looser how do i fix this problem i feel like im goin to fail wht i havent even began im scared wht should i do

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • having trouble concentrating and remebering things?

    isit because i am over weight that its causing me to feel tierd all the time and i cant think properly and i cant concentrate im halve asleep even when i drink coffee or energy drinks i just started college and im scared i wont be able to preform my best because i am already finding it hard to concentrate and problem solve i dont go out anywere and i usaly sleep at 10 10;30 every night clases are 9am till 4:30 pm i have to work up at 5: 5;20 to get there its an hour away anyway sometimes i have mental blocks and ifeel like im in a dream just dazing idont know whats wrong with me though

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Is harvard referncing hard?

    is it hard to learn i didnt finish yr .. 12 or even yr 10 so my ..spelling would be horrible and puncuation... so what do you think onced its learned is it easy? to learn?

    1 AnswerOther - Education9 years ago
  • ... Is it possible to find someone as perfect as this guy celebrity crush!?

    -__-... so this is gonna sound crazy but have you ever had a celebrity crush like a massive one like yeah it sounds crazy and stalker like since you have never met your celebrity crush most likley and every one knows who the person is.. but anyway my celeb crush lives overseas in the philippines so hes not worldwide knowen in the world just by filipinos and maybe spanish people cause hes halve spanish anyway hes married and got kids and yadah yadah!!! im a normal person i date ..normal guys i have a normal life but ever since i saw this celebs movies and what not.. i just fell deeply inlove with him hes just so god dam sexy! its like hes my dream guy... everything he does is just ..what i want ina guy my question really is.. do you think its possible to find someone just like him overseas thats not famous like a guy just like him and similiar.. looking.. but the real life version like how hard could that be this sounds crazy so.. yeah i get if harsh comments come my way but yeh

    i really wanna move overseas and just marry a guy like him hes absouloutly..... GAWJEOUS

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • can people see what i bought on ebay internet?

    i searched my name up on google my fb page comes up as well as my...old bebo account and a few other things that dont really bother me but?? my ebay page comes up as jennas ebay world or what ever and it shows all the feed back and stuff can people see what ive bought and whats on my watch list?? if so how come i make it private that and option?? help would be much apreciated thank you very much

    ten points!

    2 AnswersSearch Engine Optimisation9 years ago