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I like yaoi. A lot. I'm EIGHTEEN! Yay~!

  • Why did I wake up breathing hard and fast?

    Alright, so I had an odd dream, and near the end of it a phone flashed suddenly (almost like it was forcing me out of my dream it happened so harshly- it knocked me off my feet in the dream before I woke up) and my ears started ringing. I started to breathe really fast and hard and my arms were tingling, and I was scared so I kept my eyes closed for the most part. But I finally managed to control it by opening my eyes, focusing on an object, and evening out my breathing. I told my mom about it a little later after she woke me up for school, but she thought I had a panic attack. I don't think it was a panic attack, but I've never had one before, so I wouldn't know. Does anyone know what this might be? I'm a 14 year old girl, if that helps anything. Thanks in advance. :)

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • Is it weird that I'm attracted to Asian guys?

    Okay... So I'm 14 and live in Louisiana, and in the past couple of years I've noticed that I find Asians really attractive. This fact in particular doesn't bother me, but what does bother me is that my family constantly makes fun of me for it. My brother/dad are both kind of racist, and sometimes my mom slips up a few times and says some things that don't sit well with me. A few of my friends also think it's weird (not all of my friends, only 2-3) because I've noticed when we talk about boys sometimes and I mention Asians, they'll have a disgusted look or make a grossed out sound. This honestly leaves me lost for words- because I don't know what's so gross about it. I do have one friend that likes Asian guys as well, but she still sometimes makes thoughtless comments without meaning too. So I was just wondering if y'all think it's weird? Also, if you feel like it, could you give me some advice as to what I could tell my family to stop making fun of me for it? I know that they're just messing around most of the time, but I don't think they know that it kinda hurts my feelings. :(

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • One of my brackets broke off?

    Okay, so I was sucking on a ring pop thing and decided to bite into it (stupid=me) and broke the bracket off of the tooth the wiring ends on. It is still attached to the wire, but is not attached to the tooth, you know? It broke off at around 12:00 this afternoon.

    Now, I already have a pre-scheduled appointment this Tuesday. I was wondering if that is too long of a time period to wait to get it fixed, however. I wouldn't think it is, but I was just curious.

    1 AnswerDental7 years ago
  • Who are your favorite Vocaloid/UTAUs?

    And least favorite, if you want to add that. Concerning the males, I personally love Kaito and Gakupo equally, though of course I still love Yuma/VY2 and Piko. (Dell is also cool!) I tend to like the male vocaloids better, because in my opinion they have smoother and more pleasant voices.

    ...oh, and Kiyoteru is also pretty adorbs. And Ritsu. Yeah.

    Miku- meh. Luka is okay. I love Meiko, she's like the big drunk momma of the vocaloids. ^_^ I like Teto as well. I'm sure there are more vocaloids I like, I just can't think of any more at the moment.

    In terms of who I dislike... I don't like Rin. At all. Len is cool and stuff, I love him, but I can't stand Rin most of the time.

    By the way: I only really ship Gakupo/Kaito, and SOMETIMES Akaito/Mikuo. So my opinions on these guys don't honestly hinge on shipping disagreements. :D

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Do people drink wine for the taste?

    I've tried several different types, brands, and kinds of wine- and honestly they all taste like what I would imagine cat piss would. I've asked many people if they liked wine; and the answer is always 'no.' They've compared it to equally unappealing things as well. So I was just wondering, do people who like wine actually drink it for the taste, or for another reason?

    7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years ago
  • What type of dressing do you use on salads?

    I feel like the only person that uses French dressing... (the orange kind... half the people I know either hate it or don't know what it is until I say 'the orange kind')

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do you say 'y'all' often?

    I say y'all all the time without even thinking about it, but I know that some people never do. Do you say it? I just find it easier than saying 'you all', plus I live down south.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Who is your least favorite video game character(s)?

    Give reasons as to why!

    1: I'd have to say Kairi from Kingdom Hearts- mainly 'cause she's (in my opinion) pretty much useless and can't really fight, hell, she doesn't deserve Sora. He needs a real man.

    Like Riku.

    2: Um... Johnny Gat from Saints Row. HATE HIM. For some unexplainable reason...

    Don't leave negative input on my opinions on these characters, and I won't on yours! A-thank you.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • I used to wonder what friendship...?

    myyyy little poooonnny

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Is marriage a good thing?

    Okay, my mom has practically scared me into never getting married. She has told me it will ruin your life, and she has said the only reason she hasn't left my dad yet is for my younger brother's sake, because he is overly-sensitive and they already divorced once in the past and he couldn't take it. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death, but sometimes she makes me feel like if I ever do find the right guy, that I shouldn't want to settle down with him. She doesn't love my dad, so that's heavily influenced her opinion, I know, but I have grown up feeling like if I get married, nothing good will come out of it except agony and stress and that the spark will diminish and I'll get cheated on along the way. I know not every marriage is like this, but a handful of them are. So in your opinion, how do you feel about 'marriage' in general?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Are people from New York rude?

    So, I live in Louisiana, and my teacher said he went for a trip to New York, and simply held the door open for a lady and said, "Go ahead, ma'am," and he said she was extreeeemely offended and was like 'Don't ever do that again!"

    Is it just cultural differences or was that lady just having a bad day, or what? Apparently it's mean/rude to call someone ma'am/sir, so I've heard as well... I dunno, it's just where I'm from, you're expected to hold open doors and call older/respected people formal titles. So yeah. If I'm somehow offending you by how I'm wording this, I apologize, I'm just curious.

    7 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Needing help for my ghost/romance story?

    Okay, story idea so far:

    Two siblings died in a fire some time ago, and now watch over/haunt their refurbished house. They wander aimlessly everyday and cannot leave the house grounds. Whenever it seems someone will buy the house, the older brother's sister is almost happy and only has her hopes crushed when they always back out at the last second. The older brother has learned to not get attached to anyone who visits. One day, the house is finally sold and the brother shows himself to the family's son over some time. He freaks out of course, and the ghost boy doesn't show himself again for a while. He does however watch over him curiously, and this time allows his sister to show herself. He doesn't get frightened as much considering she is a pretty girl, for someone dead. Overtime, the ghosts and the guy slowly become friends. (The ghosts do have the ability to touch if they so wish)

    So yeah, hopefully it's better than that crappy summary thing. But I was needing a good explanation as to why they would become human again. I'm eventually going to make the ghost boy fall in love with the human guy, if that helps any. (yes, in a homosexual way) Thanks in advance! ^_^

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Who is your celebrity crush?

    Seth Rogen~

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What is your pet's name(s)?

    I have a Chihuahua mixed dog named Yoda, and a Great Dane named Lock. :P

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Will you ever spank your kids?

    or have you before, and what's your opinion on it

    Personally I grew up with it and it whipped me into shape, it wasn't abuse nor was it often, it was just a warning system type thing in my opinion so yeah I'll spank my kids, if I ever have any, only if they deserve it

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do you spit out or swallow...?


    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago