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Hello! I'm 15 years old, from England, UK I mainly listen to music by Lana Del Rey, Rihanna, Azealia Banks & Frank Ocean iPhone 4S user, enjoys drawing/art, shopping and thriller, crime films.
Or are you still in the past? Its 00:00AM [GMT, Greenwich Mean Time] here .
I thank God for waking me up every morning of 2011 and allowing me to enter 2012, because there are those who weren’t able to make it </3
5 AnswersOther - Holidays9 years agoPoll: Harry Potter or LOTR?
I personally like Harry Potter, never understood Lord of the Rings, when reading/watching Harry Potter its makes me wish that it was all real. That there was Hogwarts, the spells, potions, but then again I'm seriously not the sort to read Lord of the Rings, I'd rather read Confessions of a Shopaholic.
13 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years agoWHSmith Gift Voucher?
So I recieved a £10 WHSmith Gift Voucher, I wanted to buy a book which cost's £10.49, so can I use my voucher to buy the book, but as it is 49p more, can I give the person 49p, since my voucher is only £10.
3 AnswersOther - Entertainment10 years agoweight loss question?
i really want to lose at least 10lbs before august 9th, i'm currently 5 ft 4, 141lbs, my bmr is around 2062
so, how much do you think i could lose by august 9th if i eat around 1200kcal of healthy meals, jog 60mins 3x a week and 1 hr brisk walking 4x a week?
16 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years agobefore a person dies?
i hear that sometimes they person see things,they see people they used to know or dream about someone close to them who also died, e.g my grandma before she died had dreams of her brother (who died) and then she also died, also one of my friends gran before she died, dreamt of her husband (my friends granddad) talking to her or in the room... what is this called? coz it usually is a sign & in eastenders janines grand experienced it too seeing her dead daughter in the room when she wasnt actually there. i was just wondering what it is...
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years agoThe Vietnam War Question?
I'm revising for my Humanities GCSE for this Tuesday and I was revising on the History part of it, I'm wondering if anyone could list the Weakness' of the USA during the Vietnam War?
5 AnswersHistory1 decade agoWOULD YOU RATHER GAME...?
have no arms or no legs?
be more rich or more attractive?
stop hunger or stop hate?
be blind or be deaf?
it be summer forever or winter forever?
if you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, would you rather it be sweet or salty?
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoPoll: If you could...?
What would you change about yourself?
i'd change my body, only my big thick thighs and big boobs.
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoPOLL: big lips or thin lips?
i have big lips and hate them because everyone always points it out.
thats me ->>
i feel scared to kiss anyone, is it different kissing someone with thin lips?
anyways big or thin?
26 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agousing parents credit card?
ok so i'm a member on stardoll, and i want to become a superstar, which cost's £2.95 a month for 12 months. if i asked my mum nicely do you think she'll pay for it? i mean it's not really expensive, i bring £2 a day to school for dinner and she pays £27 a month for my phone contract... should i risk it and ask her? i'm scared she might say no.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoTrue or False: Your watching the royal wedding?
my mum made me wake-up early today (school off) just to watch it :L
its actually interesting
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoPOLL: what age would you like to live up to?
17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoworst film you've ever watched?
26 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoPLASTIC SURGERY, fake or not?
okay lets say some girl got her boobs enhanced then its obviously fake.
but then what if a girl got her boobs reduced... they cant be fake since they just took the fat out but it's not her natural boobs? so if you got plastic surgery would it be considered fake?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoPOLL: VEGETARIAN OR MEAT LOVER?
i'm a meat lover, chicken and pork are the best, nom nom nom... you?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade agoPoll: FARTING IN PUBLIC,YES OR NO?
do you get embarrassed, do you just walk away and let someone else get the blame or do you just hold it in?
24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoPOLL: do you agree with this?
With this photo, i saw on tumblr. i have to admit i do only think of New York and California when someone brings up America.
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade agodo i have high or low cheekbones?
i'm confused between the two...
so do i have high or low cheekbones or just normal?
7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoWhy doesn't the American keyboard have a '£' sign?
i mean like when you press shift and '3' ?
like here in England we have the '$' sign on shift and '4' ?
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoteens: don't you hate it when?
anons on formspring bring you down.
okay i had some anon like now just insult me and it brang me down.
do these people really enjoy doing this?
i mean i've heard of people who have committed suicide due to low self esteem from all the ignorant anons on formspring. i have a feeling who this anon is because it shows me how many hours ago they sent it, and after this rude msg came another asking me about someone, i have a feeling its a supposedly 'friend'.
anyways, what do you think about anon's...
have you ever experienced being bullied by one
10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago