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  • I need to lose 4 pounds in 3 days.?

    I have my army ROTC weigh in Friday and i am 4 pounds over the limit. I don't need the weight to stay off, just be off for the weigh in. I am in a great conditioning program and not fat so I am not to worried, but i was wondering if there is any way to lose the water weight to pass my test. Thanks all.

    24 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Some fun things to do with a horse that I can not ride?

    Hey all,

    I'm helping a very overwhelmed lady take care of her barn and horses, and have now acquired 5 horses to look after. Very happy!

    One horse however is a 12hh pony which is to small for me to ride. I am a licensed riding instructor and have looked into the possibility of giving lessons on him, but the owner doesn't want that kind of liability. The only other three borders are also adult riders.

    He's bored out of his mind and getting himself grouchy and into things.

    What are some things I can do with him or teach him to get him exercised and keep him occupied?


    5 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Some fun things to do with a horse that I can not ride?

    Hey all,

    I'm helping a very overwhelmed lady take care of her barn and horses, and have now acquired 5 horses to look after. Very happy!

    One horse however is a 12hh pony which is to small for me to ride. I am a licensed riding instructor and have looked into the possibility of giving lessons on him, but the owner doesn't want that kind of liability. The only other three borders are also adult riders.

    He's bored out of his mind and getting himself grouchy and into things.

    What are some things I can do with him or teach him to get him exercised and keep him occupied?


    4 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • training tips for a horse who is...not the brightest bulb in the box?

    Hi all,

    I've got a few new projects for the summer that I am really excited about!

    Anyways one of them I'd like some opinions on. He is a 5 year old appendix quarter horse only greenbroke, absolute sweetheart but I swear he is the dumbest creature on the planet. He gets into everything, knocks stuff over, walks into things, trips over his own feet, gets stuck in things, puts EVERYTHING in his mouth, finds great amusement in swimming in his water bucket (with usually ends with him getting stuff or flipping it over), he sucks on his tongue, he even tried to climb a tree one day (seriously...), he is also extremely distract-able.

    Under saddle he is actually coming along okay, but i am looking into trying to get him to focus more on things and to be more aware of himself.

    Some thoughts I have:

    -course of poles for him to walk both over and around to help him become more aware of his own feet

    -teach him in hand movements and turns

    I have tried to idiot-proof his stall/run out the best I could as well.

    So will he grow out of some of this? 5 is young but not that young. And any other training suggestions?


    10 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Need to loose 12lbs by the end of May, cant work out, advice?

    Hi all,

    I have a bit of a situation. I am in Army ROTC and our height/weight/physical fitness test is fast approaching. I unfortunately have a broken foot and can not work out. I will be excused from the fitness test but will still have to pass the height/weight test. I was horrified to realize today that I am 12 pounds over! I guess they weren't kidding about the freshman 15...

    So my question is what are some things I can do to lose the weight (no crash diets, in a way that will stick) in time for the test? I mean particular things i should/shouldn't eat, anything else like that. Also any suggestions on how to maintain some fitness despite being unable to work out?

    Thanks so much!

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • what is the answer to this conjugate pair?

    im really tired and having a mental block. Can anyone tell me the answer to this question?

    (4+ 6radical2) x (4 - 6radical2)

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Worries about my dog when I leave for college?

    Hello all.

    I am a bit worried about how my dog will react when I leave for college. He is an 8 year old terrier type mix who i got as a puppy when i was in fourth grade. Basically i am his number one person. He likes the other members in my family but i'm really his world. I do all the care and take him for his long walk every day. He understands what suitcases mean and actually gets a bit hysterical (crying, yipping panting and jumping and running around in circles) when i pack up the car and he thinks he is not going. One time when i came onto the porch but not in the house he apparently cried and paced for hours because he could not figure out where i went. He follows me everywhere and is very defensive of me. He await my arrival and greets me like there's no tomorrow. He is used to me being gone for most of the day, but i always come home and am a little worried how he will react when i don't come home. Does anybody have any advice about this? I am leaving in just under a month. Is there anything i should do, not do, set up or leave behind when i go?

    And one other thing, lately my dog has been even more clingy and nervous about my absence. Do you think he knows something is coming or am i giving him to much credit as far as how much he really thinks and knows?

    Thanks for all your help!

    8 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • question for all you barn workers?

    I have been working full tie plus at my stable for almost two years now, and my hands have finally given up on me. They are extremely dry, flaky, red and cracking. I have a number of miniscule cracks and cuts, as well as a few larger more painful ones on my cuticles and joint lines. i also have very dry looking calluses. my right hand is considerably worse than my right. My hands look like they belong to a 45 year old rather than an 18 year old, so needless to say it is quite unattractive and more importantly painful and irritating! If any of you have or have had this problem, i welcom any advice and suggestiions on products, tips and tricks!

    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Advice on a dog who has become aggressive lately?

    Hi everybody, and happy Super Bowl Sunday!

    My dog is an 8 year old mutt. We believe he is a chihuahua/terrier mix. I have had him since he was 6 months old. He has always been a sweetheart, a little skittish, but always friendly and never aggressive. Lately (6 months?) he has become noticeably more aggressive. He snapped at a kid who very nicely went to pet him on a walk, when my dads friend stopped by (a very average non threatening man) he stayed in front of me growling non stop, when my friend was sleeping over and in the next room he kept growling, he barks like crazy at nothing, and today at our super bowl party he growled and snapped at another kid, this time while sitting contentedly on my lap. The only other change is that he has become much more attached to me, i have always been his favorite but he literally wont leave my side anymore.

    My father is a minister who constantly has visitors, and the dog used to be a church mascot of sorts, so this behavior can not be tolerated. Does anyone have any advice or reasons to why he is becoming more aggressive? Thanks

    Oh and he had a vet checkup, i about 3 months ago, i didn't mention the aggressiveness because it had not yet become a problem, and everything checked out fine.

    Thanks for your help

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Writing a college essay and inspiration is slow, so here is a fun horse poll :)?

    1. What is your favorite thing about your horse (or favorite schoolie, lease, etc) both personally (such as a cute habit or personality trait) and professionally (horses best selling point)? If you could change something about him/her, what would it be?

    2.Whats the most fun you thing you have done with horses?

    3. Whats the scariest?

    4. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done around horses? (either a stupid mistake or a fun but really bad idea, ect)

    5. Worst fall?

    6. Most ridiculous or embarrassingly idiotic fall?

    7. Worst show catastrophe?

    8. Proudest moment?

    9. Most ridiculous barn outfit worn?

    10. Any runaway horse stories?

    11. What are your immediate and future goals for your equestrian career?

    I thought this would give us all some entertainment with some fun stories

    16 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Desensitizing my horse to spurs?

    hi guys

    I have been taking dressage lessons with my mare and we have been progressing nicely. Now that we have the basics mastered (different levels of collection, flying changes, beginning half pass, side pass, turns on haunches/forehand, levels of walk, trot and canter etc) my trainer wants me to start desensitizing her to spurs to emphasize my leg ques as we move to working on the more advanced movements

    The thing is, my horse is extremely sensitive. she is an OTTB. I got on her with spurs once (accidentally, i had them on for another horse i was schooling and forgot) and she nearly jumped out of the arena. Does anyone have any tips on how to get her used to spurs? I will use the gentlest little english nub spurs. Thanks!

    Oh and don't worry, i am accustomed to wearing and using spurs appropriately and gently, and i have a secure leg that will not jab accidentally.

    9 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Any donkey experts out there?

    Against my better judgment as a financially minded horsewoman in training, my mother has purchased to miniature donkeys. They are untrained other than being quasi-leadable. My mom wants me to help train them. She wants them to be able to do live nativity scenes and palm sundays, trailer, meet sunday schools, visit nursing homes and give small children rides. I think shes insane. Anyway my goals are simpler, i just want them to be able to walk, trot, stop and back on the lead. I know perfectly well how to train a horse how to do this, but everyone says donkeys are completely different to train? Are they? If so, any advice?

    Next: the two are half sisters who have not been 6 feet apart since the day they were born. Needless to say they are quite attached, what are some good things to help wean them from each others company? They have to live in the same stall/paddock all day.

    third: I know nothing about expected donkey conformation, but by horse standards these two are horrific. I suppose it doesn't matter really, but i am curious as to if they are really as poorly conformed as i think they are. Their feet are tiny, much smaller than their knees and pointed slightly outward. Their hocks are no aligned well with their behind, but too far in, their heads and ears are massive, with a very triangular head: large throat and very small muzzles. Their necks are very short and extremely thin, the crest is only about an inch thick, their backs are very broad and long.

    Is a single flake a day and no grain really all a mini donkey needs? It seems like they would starve but these two have apparently only ever been fed this and are not too skinny...but it seems impossible. Of course i am comparing it to my barn and my horse who gets hay all day and 4 cans of grain and is still skinny but still.

    finally some donkey myth busters: facts my mom told me:

    1. donkeys are not grazers like horses but browsers who prefer to reach up for their food as opposed to down. This doesnt seem logical to me at all.

    2. Donkeys are not flight animals and will fight and do not spook...i have seen these two spook, is this fact true in any way?

    3. Mini donkeys can trailer in the back of a covered pickup truck

    alright sorry for the novel but i know nothing about donkeys and am being looked at for expert advice...Thanks for your help!

    6 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Question on my new saddle?

    My trainer got me a saddle for Christmas! It was so nice and generous of her and it will be really nice not to have to wander around asking to use someones saddle before every ride so not to have to use a kids school saddle in which my butt does not fit. Best of all it fits my horse! which is rather difficult to do.

    Anyway the only problem is the saddle seems top be pitching me forward a bit. It is a collegiate close contact and is more forward than i generally ride in. Not only am i leaning more forward but my feet are creeping out in front of me as well. Pretty much only in the trot the canter seems fine.

    Any advice on exercises to do to get used to it or shorter stirrups or whatever is greatly appreciated!

    Merry Christmas!

    7 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • looking for information on hunter paces and foxhunting?

    hi h.s

    My mom bought some donkeys (insane but what can you do) and is boarding them at a nice little backyard stable. Anyways the lady who owns the stable invited me to go on fox hunts and hunter paces with her and her daughter. I am pretty excited because it will expose me to another aspect of the horse world. I will be riding one of their horses.

    So i am just looking for some information on the two events, what to expect, your opinions on them, etc. Thanks!

    3 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • I am at my wits end with this horse's training? Please help?

    hi everybody. First please no one say get a trainer for 2 reasons, one, the horse is not mine and two my trainer who is the horses trainer told me to train her and helps out. I have the ability and helped bring a number of young horses and an ex racehorse along.

    Ok so the horse is 4 years oldn thoroughbred, mare. She is without a doubt or comparison the most stubborn beligerant and nasty horse is have ever encountered. You put a saddle pad on she bites, saddle on she bites, girth on she REALLY bites, blanket on she bits boots on she kicks smack her when she bites she kicks, coax her she pins her ears kick her she bucks use a crop she bucks, gently nudge her she bucks. piss her off on the ground or in the paddock she rears. I take her out and she may just refuse to move. literally. she will go up down backwards or sideways to avoid it, get off and coax get off and drag, pat and encourage or kick she will refuse. She will give in eventually (because i am more stubborn than she is) but after hours and being lathered. She can go form sweet to nuts in literally a second, like for example i was walking her on the trail and she was plodding along with her nose to the ground then suddnely her tail went straight up and she started prancing rearing and bolting. Lunging she kicks out at me. She is heavy and leans and all on her front end and bucks when worked her onto her haunches. She is owned by a 4 foot tall 11 year old, Wonderful. And then she come to me in the paddock, go figure.

    PLease give me some advice! I'll work something out and just keep working her through it but i would love some advice along the way!


    11 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • How much is she worth? (20 characters is annoying and pointless)?

    hi everybody

    My lease's owner is asking $8000 for her (at the end of my years lease next summer) Which i think is massively overpriced, but as i have never bought or sold a horse i cant be sure. I'm just curious as to what you think she is worth, i was thinking like $4000?

    8 years old




    sound, never had any lameness problems with her, but she is pin fired

    Lovely mover

    hunter, limited showing experience, schooling with her old owner years ago, a few rated day shows with me in hunt seat on the flat.

    Good jumper, limited jumping experience, nothing over 2'6 as of yet but could easily go higher

    know flying lead changes, turns on the haunches/forehand, sidepasses, backs easily

    fairly hot, needs absolute consistency to perform well

    sensitive to cold and ill fitting tack

    fights, but can be worked through it

    trail experience

    here is a picture

    Thanks everybody! Like i said i am just curious :)

    16 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Can you use a halter in showmanship classes?

    In english showmanship classes, can you use a halter? I know generally speaking you use the bridle, but my horse chomps the bit like crazy, would i be allowed to use a halter? If so, what kind? Thanks

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • What horse treats do you recommend?

    I'm going to be my horse some treats but don't know of any good (but inexpensive) brands. I give my horse 4 treats a day (for stretches) so they cant be anything too big because they have to last a while. I am using peppermints now but they get sticky and gross in my box from the moisture in the barn. She is a kind of picky eater and they have to have enough desire in them or she'll just look at me like sorry its way to much work to reach for that crappy snack...


    7 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • How to make my horse into a soldier for Halloween?

    We are taking our horses out trick or treating to the houses near our barn. I am very low budget and am being a soldier (my dad was in the army and i have a complete army outfit, free of charge. a camouflage jacket, boots and hat) but i dont know what to do with my horse. I will either be taking a big white draft cross or our old pokey bay quarter horse (my ottb lease is too crazy fro trick or treating!)

    Using free or inexpensive stuff, how could i make my horse a soldier? or a tank, flag, helicopter etc something soldiery (not a gun, lets keep this a little more kid friendly!)

    5 AnswersHorses10 years ago
  • Is it true that a pin fired horse will not pass a vet check?

    My lease is an ex racehorse who has been pin fired...about eight pairs on the in and outside of her front legs. My friend said that, even though she has always been sound she will not pass a vet check because of the pin firing, is that true?

    Yahoo categorizing fired HORSE is in the question and it puts it in law and ethics lol i wounder how it got that one?

    2 AnswersHorses10 years ago