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Favorite Answers22%
  • why is the first responce to anyy computer problem a virus?

    I mean does anyone really know the odds of getting a virus is. new operating systems upgraded securities ...more people on here and every computer glitch in the world is based that it a virus? u know I spend 15 hrs a day surfing the web darkest places I can find I been on these machines since 1984.. no anti viral software no firewalls nothing and I never ever got one. amazing. and here are people that do simple things play games you tube and get computer glitch first response is always a virus? I just don't get it they not as common as one might think. cant be a hard drive glitch or hard drive having hard time reading a sector. or things messed up on a reboot cause machine was shut off wrong. or someone was messing with settings nope it a virus. but I can go download untrusted sites insecure sites etc.. and with no protection not get one amazing. so this what it feels to be superman.

    3 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • yahoo's add choice is sending spam to my email. isn't this a violation of there spam rules?

    yahoo automatically added add choice to send spam commercial to my email. yahoo says to get rid of it need buy there spam removal program for 50.00? is this violation of yahoo anti spam rule?

    1 AnswerAbuse and spam7 years ago
  • can i talk to one of these people that report posts and answers?

    I been reported answering question least two times a day? naturally I like to talk to one of these so called reliable sources about there judgment on this action. if someone says something bad about q/a they are reported/ if you reply and sincerely honest in the answer to such question you are reported?

    seems to me if the poster violated guide lines then the answer should be thrown out. and is q/a so perfect a system that you can't accept there might be flaws in the way things are handled or changes in the system that might make it a better place? seems to me this so called system is becoming a bit unconstitutional. freedom of speech. wasn't be rude angry or anything simply answering a question.

    so I would like to talk one of these reliable trusted reporters my email is in my profile here so by all means explain your actions if you will? thank you.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • To Patricia throwing child out for being pregnant?

    My statement to you.. Concerned parent

    hi mom I understand you are upset. You really think she wants to be pregnant? I thought Christians are suppose To be forgiving and understanding during times of turmoil. i don't know why i would think that. Because isn't the idea of being a Christian to be more God like?

    I guess you have proven to me why I hate Christians so much. Thank you for reinforcing that ideal in me.

    Now I'm a dad.. And i have a 22 year old son. I not going tell you how to raise your kid for 1 I have no right and two You would just get mad. i just letting you know I'm a parent.

    Yes it is unlawful to kick your daughter out of the house. And yes she could take you and your husband to court. i imagine she be directed to family children services and or food stamp office. And they would nail you to the wall. So with that being said Maybe ought to calm down a bit before some judge has a field day with you.

    Now being Christian i guess abortion is out of the question. or giving up the child.

    So I think you better discuss calmly the options. Being mad and freaking out is not going to make anything better. Theres enough going on than you being let down or your husband. I'm sure your own daughter you gave birth too feels she let herself down too. It must make you feel good that when she really needs some help and understanding and love That the wonders of a church that speaks of this is so easily forgotten and you condemn her to hell.

    I personally would sit down and talk and try to work out a solution than tell my son to get out. It happened and it's too bad. But what will people think of parents that throw kids out of the house because they did the wrong thing?

    You got a lot of growing up to do inside and outside. And I'm appalled that any parent would even act like it all on them . You are the one being selfish and un god like. And I hope the courts bury you Dave go ahead write me.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago