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  • Why are illegal (undocumented) and legal immigrants lumped together?

    When Obama talks about the immigration bill he wants passed he uses the term immigrants without breaking it into the two groups that are include in the term; legal immigrants and illegal aliens.

    Most Americans support the need for immigration reform and allowing legal immigration consistent o our nations needs to be improved. However, the majority of Americans are opposed to allowing the illegal aliens to remain in the country knowing they will hurt our economy, take up jobs we need and lower our quality of life not to mention the fact they have chosen to ignore our laws.

    SO why when making public speeched does Obama and those who support amnesty for the illegals not be clear about who they are supporting in reference to immigration reform?

    7 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Where are Americans going to find jobs?

    Many American workers have been out of work from 6 months to several years and it does not seem like there is much hope for things to get better.

    Kids graduating from school, our military men and women coming back home as the wars wind down and those who have been looking for work for far to long are not having any luck finding employment.

    Politicians are claiming we need to give a form of amnesty to the millions of illegals in this country so they can fill the jobs that Americans can not do. What are these jobs and where are they? Why can Americans not do these things?

    With so few jobs now how will any American worker or legal immigrant be able to find any work if we suddenly have millions of illegal aliens given a right to work in the U S!

    Where will the American workers end up?

    3 AnswersGovernment & Non-Profit8 years ago
  • Why does Obama (and followers) not separate legal fro illegal?

    Why is it that when talking about the immigration bill politicians favoring it and the representatives of the Latino and Mexican Special Interest Groups only say "Immigrants" when discussing the immigration bill?

    The majority of American people support and fully understand the need to fix our broken immigration program but the majority does nit support giving a "special pathway to citizenship" to the illegals in our nation.

    Is not separating the "legal" from the "illegal": a technique to conceal the fact they are trying to slip this bill passed the American people? Another effort to cloud the truth by half-truths?

    5 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • What happens if there are more than 11 million illegals?

    What happens if Obama gets his amnesty for the alleged 11 million illegals in the U.S. and it turns out there are 14 or 16 million illegals here? What do we do then? Will we get the same old - sorry we miscalculated but the damage is already done?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How can the government say there are ONLY 11 million illegas here?

    They keep saying these illegals are living in the shadows. They have no idea who they are, how they got here, when they came here, why they came here, what they have been doing since they came here, why they stay here or what their intentions are in being here.

    They claim they came here because living conditions were so bad where they came from.

    Without knowing any of this how can they say there are 11 million illegals in the U.S.

    What if there are really 14 or 16 million as was being suggested a few years ago?

    I think just like the ones who slipped into our country and later carried our 911 we have a lot here waiting to attack us. I think terrorists can slip into this country just as easy as the 11 million illegals who have done so.

    Why do we have to trust the supporters of amnesty and out government in their estimates which most often seem to be not in the best interest of the American workers, citizens, legal immigrants and tax payers?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • How does anyone know how many illegal aliens there are in the U.S.?

    A few years back we were being told there were between 16,000,000 to 18,000,000 illegal aliens in the United States. We are now being told (for some reason) there are 11 million here; how does anyone know?

    No one knows who they are, when they came her, where they came from, why they came here or what they have been doing since they came here! They may all be priests, highly educated and qualified engineers, or they may be criminals on the run from their own country or quite possibly terrorists waiting to blow something else up when told to do so. PEW research says the of 11 million illegals, 3,300,000 have no education or work skills - how do they know?

    Everyone agrees a huge portion of the illegals are living in the "shadows" so no one knows who they are. After reading through the immigration bill do you honestly believe any percentage (even a small percentage) of the illegals will actually come out of the shadows? They will have to declare their illegal status, account for employment and wages earned wile here, admit to have not been paying taxes on at least a part of the paid work, learn to speak English, and not have any criminal record (like being here illegally is not criminal) They will then have to wait 8 to 10 and maybe 12 years before they can get amnesty. Chances are most that apply to enter the pathway" will not be accepted and of those who are accepted many will fall off the pathway and they will all end up back in the shadows.

    How may illegals are there actually in the U S and how many will benefit from the immigration bill if it passes?

    7 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • How many illegal aliens are there in the U.S. for real?

    A few years ago we were being told there is somewhere around 17 million illegals in the United States. When the Gang of Eight drew their bill the reported the number to be 11 million. Does anyone know for sure? What happens if the immigration bill passes and the illegals get their modified citizenship and it turns out there is more like 14 or 15 million illegals in the United States? The chances we can sustain ever 5 million illegals is questionable so what happens if it turns out there are 11 , 14 or 16 million here?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Can anyone explain these too me?

    Can anyone explain these too me?

    U.S. Senator Mark Udall (Co) made these statements when he applauded the absurd immigration bill moving from the Senate to Congress. The bill and Senator Udall is so far out of whack it is scary!

    Give me your opinion on his comments quoted below!

    a. “ -- but fair, pathway to earned citizenship for millions of undocumented Americans.”

    b. “This comprehensive bill reflects Colorado values and achieves many important goals”

    c. “---based system that connects businesses with qualified workers.”

    d. “ - a chance to achieve the American Dream.”

    e. “ - ensure that Americans are given first preference for a job

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Will there be any jobs for our military?

    While we are being told our military personnel will be returned home by the end of next year there too is a major push to give amnesty to over 11 million illegal aliens in the United States. Job availability has been almost nil in the past 6 to 7 years and many of us remained in the service as there were no jobs available in the civilian sector. Many who anticipated return rights to their jobs upon release are finding their old jobs and places of employment no longer exists. My fear is there will be even less jobs available for the men and women returning home from Afghanistan and back into civilian life. Will there be any jobs left for our soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors by the time they are released or will we all be taking a back seat to the illegal aliens?

    4 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • How many attempts have the Republicans blocked?

    How many attempts to fix our nations problems have the Republican Congress blocked rather than even attempt to debate, negotiate or help get through?

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is this how Romney gained his wealth?

    He was CEO of Bain Capital who advised other big corporations of how to improve their business and gain huge returns for their investors.

    In doing this he would have the companies lower the value of their stocks to a foolishly low price. When that happened the CEOs and Managers AND ROMNEY would buy up as much of the stock as possible, They would then work the value of the Company back up to where the value of the stock would increase making them all rich. AND - as investors they only pay 15% tax on the returns of their investments.

    You may not agree with this but you can easily check it by goggling the companies he worked with , check the time frames, the fluctuations of the stock values of the companies and where they ended up! It was good for the companies but the investors who were there first took it in the shorts, many of the employees lost their jobs and Romney and the senior managers became rich.

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why id people say Obama lacks leadership do they think he has the power to ---?

    Why is it he can allegedly control gas prices when According to FOX TV (when Bush was president) the president has no control over gas and oil prices? Does he have powers other presidents did not have?

    Why is it he is blamed for the unemployment problems when in fact the problems started in 2006 and it was said then the President does not make jobs it is industry?

  • Has the Republicans "Mission of Failure" been successful?

    The Republicans " Mission of Failure " dictates that the Republicans in Congress and the Senate will do everything they can to ensure the Obama Administration fails.

    Has the Republicans "Mission of Failure" been successful in seeing that the Obama Administration has not accomplished anything?

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why was Nevada the only state with the fortitude to - - - ?

    Nevada was the only state that showed any fortitude in casting their votes at the Republican Convention. The others just fell in behind the party and did what they were told to do. The people from Nevada cast their voted the way the people in Nevada indicated they wanted the votes cast; the majority going to Ron Paul.

    Were the representatives from the other states to chicken sh-t to speak up for their states voters?

    Ron Paul hs the answers and has shown he has the skill, knowledge and ability to get the job done!

    1 AnswerCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Will Ryan admit his blunder?

    In Ryan's speech at the Republican Convention (wasn't it a boring convention?) he stated Obama made speech at a auto plant where he said the plan could stay open for a hundred years but as soon as Obama took office the plan closed down.

    In reality that plant closed in early 2008. Ryan would like to make it appear the closure was due to Obama but he failed to check when it actually closed - Will he admit he blew it or just let it slip by hoping no one will bring it up and he will not have to admit his mistake, or maybe a deliberate lie!

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is this the GOPs plan to block free speech?

    The Koch Brothers, Karl Rove and the Las Vegas casino owner have donated over 100 billion dollars to fund Republican campaign advertising. The intent is allegedly too buy up all the televised advertising time available in the period leading up to the elections thus blocking any other advertisements.

    Isn’t that a means of blocking free speech?

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why do I get dunners from - - - -?

    Why do I get requests for donations (via internet and snail mail) from both the Republicans and the Democrats?

    The ones from the democrats ask for a minimum of $3.00 the ones from the Republicans ask for a minimum of $25.00.

    Romney has received Billions of dollars from just a few overly wealthy people like the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove and a casino owner in Las Vegas. In addition he has received ans spent almost 10 dollars to every dollar Obama has spent.

    Obama seems to be running a low cost campaign; probably because he is getting $3.00 donations rather than $25.00 ones and he certainly is not favored by the super wealthy who want to buy our government.

    What is your thought about the difference in donation amounts?

    1 AnswerElections9 years ago
  • Putting the truth into perspective?

    Senator Mitch McConnell in 2008 and again in 2010 said the Repubicans would do everything they can to see the Obama Administration fails.

    It is obvious they have followed that statement made by the Senior Republican in the Senate.

    If the Republicans had allowed anything to pass that may have shown the slightest possibility of getting us back on track it would have gone against their mission of ensuring Obama does not get reelected. They would rather see America continue to suffer than to allow any success in fixing our national problems.

    Anyone who has not seen this is blind; anyone who denies this is ignorant of the facts or just refuses to face reality; which are you?

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What did the Republicans mean when they said - - - -?

    Before Obama ever took office, and again following the 2010 elections, the Republicans said they would do everything they can too see the Obama Administration fails!

    What did they mean by that?

    Have they had any success in ensuring the Obama Administration fails or have they just wasted their time?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Is the Republicans plan to saturate the media a ------?

    The Republicans have received $100 billion from the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove and the Las Vegas casino owner which the allegedly plan on buying all the televised advertising time just prior to the elections. Their intent is to keep the Democratic candidates from having available time.

    It seems that doing so is using high financing to restrict free speech!

    Is it good politics or is it in fact an attempt to restrict free speech by blocking access to the most popular media?

    We could expect such tactics in some third world countries and those countries fully controlled by the government but here we have not yet been overtaken by the wealthy?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events9 years ago