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awesome mom to a handsome child
single moms, hows your sex life?
Im a single mom to a 5 yo, we live by ourselves. I am talking to my ex (not babys dad) and occasionally we have sex, but this is a fairly new development.I also have a fwb that i see very rarely because we live about 30 min apart n have very conflicting just curious mainly because im nosy lol but how is the intimate life of other single parents out there?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agomissed period but a negetive hpt?
My period is almost a week late. My period has never in my life been more than one day diff then the month previous. I don't know what to think, I have had unprotected sex one time this month so i know the possibility is definitely there. However i had the unprotected sex 3days after coming off of my last period so I don't think I was ovulating but then again i don't keep track of my ovulation calendar so I may have been. My breasts are swollen and very tender they definatly feel fuller and heavier. I haven't experianced any nausea or vomiting however but then again I didn't with my 1st pregnancy either (I have a healthy happy 5yr old) although i have been prone to headaches lately moreso than usual and just feel very tired and run down and not on my A game so to speak. I have had a bigger appetite and also noticed some pain and discomfort in my abdomin during sex a couple times in the last ten or so days. I've had cramps that felt a lot like period cramps and I think ok here we go but they only last 10/15 min then subside. My lower back has gotten a dull ache that lasts then an hour then goes away on its own a time or two recently as well. I have taken probably a dozen pregnancy tests the past two weeks. All negetive. I cannot go to the dr as I have no insurance I would have to test positive first in order to get the medical card for prenatal care. My body is screaming pregnancy at me but i don't wana psyche myself out and the proof just isn't showing up. Had any one ever experianced this and if so what was your situation?
1 AnswerPregnancy8 years agoMissed period negetive hpt?
My period is almost a week late. My period has never in my life been more than one day diff then the month previous. I don't know what to think, I have had unprotected sex one time this month so i know the possibility is definitely there. However i had the unprotected sex 3days after coming off of my last period so I don't think I was ovulating but then again i don't keep track of my ovulation calendar so I may have been. My breasts are swollen and very tender they definatly feel fuller and heavier. I haven't experianced any nausea or vomiting however but then again I didn't with my 1st pregnancy either (I have a healthy happy 5yr old) although i have been prone to headaches lately moreso than usual and just feel very tired and run down and not on my A game so to speak. I have had a bigger appetite and also noticed some pain and discomfort in my abdomin during sex a couple times in the last ten or so days. I've had cramps that felt a lot like period cramps and I think ok here we go but they only last 10/15 min then subside. My lower back has gotten a dull ache that lasts then an hour then goes away on its own a time or two recently as well. I have taken probably a dozen pregnancy tests the past two weeks. All negetive. I cannot go to the dr as I have no insurance I would have to test positive first in order to get the medical card for prenatal care. My body is screaming pregnancy at me but i don't wana psyche myself out and the proof just isn't showing up. Had any one ever experianced this and if so what was your situation?
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years agodoes anybody elses body "mimic" pregnancy as it gets closer to your period?
in the past year to year and a half, ive noticed my body mimics pregnancy so to speak. ive grown used to it, but if my periods even 1 day late for ANY reason, it gets worse. ive had it all breast tenderness/sensetivity, food cravings/aversions, fatigue, boughts of hunger, nausea, vomiting, headaches, increased cervical mucuos, even so far as what i thought was implatation bleeding and 3 weak but also false positive preg tests in a single cycle. then when my period comes, the symptoms totally vanish. none of my relatives or female friends have ever experianced this, and im just the odd one out. its also very frustrating because my boyfriend and i are also currently ttc. so these mixed signals are very frustrating. for example, currently my period is due the 1st and ive had breast tenderness for about a week, along with them feeling bigger, and fuller and heavier. ive also felt slightly nausious but not vomited and have had very increased urination. my appetite has increased, but only slightly and only very recently. idk what to think, i dont want to get hopeful because my body is very confusing. i also dont want to take an early preg test because those were the ones that gave me my 3 false positives. but especially ttc, its very frustrating and stressful to wonder if im pregnant or not and im impatient to wait to see if my period arrives on time.
I am just curious as to if anyone else has a situation similar to mine, where they feel pregnant but arent, and its just there cycle. Thank u and baby dust to everybody!! :)
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years agois anybody else new to ttc or trying to ttc again?
my boyfriend and i are currently ttc, this will be his 1st baby my 2nd. my son is 3 going on 4 at the end of the summer. i am just curious as my 1st son was a big suprise i had no intentions at all of getting pregnant when he was concieved. it seems a little overwhelming to try actually. since my son was born ive had several encounters of unprotected sex and resulted in (thankfully) no pregnancy. but that just leads me to be curious if im perhaps suddenly unfertile? maybe im just jumping to conclusions but my boyfriend and i are both healthy 22 year olds drug and diease free and healthy. there seems to me there should be no reason we cant concieve. we've had a few random passionate encounters that were unprotected over the 2 years we've been together and just recently started "trying" its still too soon to see if im pregnant we literally just started ttc a little over 2 weeks ago. my period is due the 1st, and i know im probably being paranoid but im curious as to what some tips are to ttc as this whole situation overwhelms me already. thanks!
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years agoaanybody else newly ttc?
my boyfriend and i are currently ttc, this will be his 1st baby my 2nd. my son is 3 going on 4 at the end of the summer. i am just curious as my 1st son was a big suprise i had no intentions at all of getting pregnant when he was concieved. it seems a little overwhelming to try actually. since my son was born ive had several encounters of unprotected sex and resulted in (thankfully) no pregnancy. but that just leads me to be curious if im perhaps suddenly unfertile? maybe im just jumping to conclusions but my boyfriend and i are both healthy 22 year olds drug and diease free and healthy. there seems to me there should be no reason we cant concieve. we've had a few random passionate encounters that were unprotected over the 2 years we've been together and just recently started "trying" its still too soon to see if im pregnant we literally just started ttc a little over a week ago. i know im probably being paranoid but im curious as to what some tips are to ttc as this whole situation overwhelms me already. thanks!
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years agoanybody have any good tips on ttc?
my boyfriend and i are currently ttc, this will be his 1st baby my 2nd. my son is 3 going on 4 at the end of the summer. i am just curious as my 1st son was a big suprise i had no intentions at all of getting pregnant when he was concieved. it seems a little overwhelming to try actually. since my son was born ive had several encounters of unprotected sex and resulted in (thankfully) no pregnancy. but that just leads me to be curious if im perhaps suddenly unfertile? maybe im just jumping to conclusions but my boyfriend and i are both healthy 22 year olds drug and diease free and healthy. there seems to me there should be no reason we cant concieve. we've had a few random passionate encounters that were unprotected over the 2 years we've been together and just recently started "trying" its still too soon to see if im pregnant we literally just started ttc a little over a week ago. i know im probably being paranoid but im curious as to what some tips are to ttc as this whole situation overwhelms me already. thanks!
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years agoimplantation bleeding?
My period isn't due until the 1st-3rd of the month. its been on a regular cycle for several months now as Ive been off birth control for over 2 years, and have a healthy 3 year old boy. so my body has been hormone free for over 2 years, and my periods have been coming regularly without skippin a beat arouind the first of the month for well over a year now.
This month however, i had unprotected sex twice earlier this month. About 3 days ago, I had sex around 2am (he did not ejaculate inside me) then went to bed. I woke up at 7:30 am to pee and i wiped bright red blood. I was just like ok whatever and went back to sleep. but when I woke up i had bled enough to need a tampon, but not so much that it was absolutley everyplace. I used maybe 3 super tampons in the course of 2 days then the bleeding was over. It was mostly red with a little brown sometimes. it was a lighter flow then i usually have with my period, because when i start my period my first 2-3 days are usually heavy and require super plus if not ultra tampons, then it tapers off till the end.
This however stayed a constant flow for two days, but light and definatly lighter than whats considered normal for me. I didnt have to change tampons once either due to leakage it was all just because it had been long enough to wear the same tampon past the point of safety so to speak. I just wondered if this could be implantation bleeding or sounds like it because ive been getting mixed opinions on it from family members. My normal period isnt due for anohter few days so if this was my period it came 10 days early. thanks.
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years agonew ideas for supper any body?
lately it definatly feels like im cycling thro the same suppers over and over. shake and bake pork chops, baked oe fried chicken and cube steak topped with mushroom soup. and almost always mashed potatoes or macaroni an cheese on the side. im getting board what else is there to make? i used to be much more creative but not so much any more. any ideas?
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years agohaving periods while pregnant?
I have been having unprotected sex all month. about a week and a half ago to 2 weeks ago i started feeling morning sickness and even had what i interperated as implantation bleeding a bout a week and a half ago. i had heavy vaginal discharge (clear, and no odor) to the point i had to use a panty liner. ive been gettin dizzy and constipated, gassy and my breasts and nipples have been tender and sore for a week now. i took 2 early result preganacy tests 5 and 2 days ago, both positive. they were both a weak positive, but obviously a positive none the less. my period was due yesterday, or today or tommorow. somewhere in there. and i was fully expecting it to miss, i have already told some friends and the would be father about my positive tests. but i started my period right on cue this morning. its got a normal flow and is acting totally predictable. i had no morning sickness today and my breasts have almost completly stopped hurting and being sensetive.
i know of woman and my own best friend had full fledged normal periods during her preganacy and now shes pregnant again having periods again. the would be father of my "child" should i be pregnant now thinks i still am and has asked several women family members of his they all say it is possible. but how comman is this and what was it like for you? details please! thank you
1 AnswerPregnancy10 years agorandom bleeding gums?
so every1 i was randomly drinkng a milkshake last nite and on the first sip (through a straw) a spot of my gums between my top second and third tooth started bleeding profusily and took almost ten minutes to stop. i soaked through three napkins before it slowed down. this has never happend before. the same spot will streak a little bit of blood sometimes when i'm brushing my teeth but never like this. i haven't been to the dentist in over 4 years (no insurance) but i do regularly brush, floss and use mouthwash daily. I have no idea what this could be from and i would appreciate any insight to this lol. Thank u!
1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade agodoes any other mommas out there have a severe baby itch lol?
For some reason lately I have really been wanting to be pregnant again. I already have a 17 month old son, and want to try for another. However, for one thing I know we are not ready at all. We live with my mil because we cannot afford to move out us three let alone a new baby. I would need to get all new stuff because I got rid of all my sons things as he outgrew them. I also want to wait until my son is potty trained so we aren't stuck buying two sets of diapers. and to top it all off, my fiance doesn't want anymore kids ever. He says dealing with all the screaming and crying once is more then enough for him.
So i know we really don't need another baby and it wouldn't be fair to the new baby to bring it into the world w/o the means to care for it. but I was just wondering if any other mamas think this way too? two of my closest friends are pregnant with there second child and it makes me want to be pregnant again soooo bad. Do any other mommas know what I mean?
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agodo you think its true that some babies are sensitive to certain diapers ?
I don't. i think that it is possible for them to be allergic to the scent it certain diaper wipes but not diapers. all diapers are the same even those 7th generation sterile, organic diapers. unless your switching to cloth i think that all disposable diapers are the exact same.i think the 'allergic reaction" that people claim that there kids get from diaper ingrediants is just regular diaper rash from poo, pee or yeast. thoughts?
10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agodo you think its true that some babies are sensitive to certain diapers ?
I don't. i think that it is possible for them to be allergic to the scent it certain diaper wipes but not diapers. all diapers are the same even those 7th generation sterile, organic diapers. unless your switching to cloth i think that all disposable diapers are the exact same.i think the 'allergic reaction" that people claim that there kids get from diaper ingrediants is just regular diaper rash from poo, pee or yeast. thoughts?
10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agomoms, would you stay with your husband if he committed a violent crime?
I aksed this like 6 months ago but it got deleted and i got alot of really nasty answers. But my sil (fiance's sister) committed suicide last july. well there was alot of questions surrounding the death of his sister and they thought her boyfriend might have potentially had some involvement in it. Well it was eventually ruled that the boyfriend had no involvement, and my fiance was infuriated. my fiance greg insists to this day that the boyfriend had everything in the world to do with his sisters death. my fiance had even said before the case was closed that he should arrange for that bf to get killed for what he supposedly did to my sil. needless to say, he didn't do any such thing. he was just shooting his mouth off to me one evening at home.
but i was thinking what would i have done if he did? i mean i would go immediately to the police and let them know all that i knew, but would i wait for him? i have no clue. because that type of violent crime would have been different that if greg say just went off the handle and shot somebody for no reason or something.
so bottom line, would you stay with your man if he commited a violent crime like this? not a situation where your husband beat his dad to near death over something stupid or whatever, but like if somebody in his family was raped or murdered or assaulted or something, and he either physically defended them on the scene or hunted that person down. please no rude answers or people asking how stupid am i or anything like that. i am just wanting honest answers. thanks
3 AnswersParenting1 decade agomoms, a few various questions about your toddlers?
these are just random things i've always been curious about.
1. what do you usually dress your toddler in and why? (sweats, wind suits, dresses, jeans ect.)
2. How long did you use onesis for?
3. How long did you use bibs and put your child in the high chair for meals?
4. How much stuff do you take along to the grocery store and why? (diaper bag, purse, cup ect) and what do you take inside and what stays in the car?
I am particularly interested in number 4. I finally have a working car so my 17 month old son and I will be doing the majority of errands and shopping alone together. Before now, my fiance would take the bags inside (diaper bag and purse) and I would carry our son since we went to do all these things together on saturdays since he had the only working car. Well i have no problem carrying both, but i just wondered if I wouldn't be better off putting a diaper and a travel pack of wipes in my purse (its on the large side) and taking maybe his cup in with us? But then I think well what if he pees through his clothes or something and needs totally changed? I can't leave him inside while i run out, and i can't very well take my wet and unhappy toddler out in the cold and wind and abandon our full cart inside. s oi figure i may as well take it all in. but i'm just curious to see what other mothers think and what they do?
please answer all of my questions above, but particulary give any advice on what you do with your toddlers things and how you make grocery shopping and running errands with a little one as stress free and comfy as possible.
thank you!
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agomoms, kind of a personal question if you don't mind ^long, sorry**?
now please be completley honest. if you think this is too personal, then kindly exit the question. you do not by any means have to answer.
do you ever get tired of, or find sexual encounters with your husband/fiance/long term SO boring/ i am just wondering because my fiance and i have been together for three years and could really use some spicing up in the bedroom. he works a full time job and i'm a full time mom. he usually comes home from work, tinkers with his truck or something. his cousin (who is also our neighbor) comes over daily and they have guy time just watching movies or fixing things. then after supper he sits in the living room and watches television until he falls asleep on the couch, and his cousin goes home. he usually stays on the couch too because he is an extremely heavy sleeper and will not wake up to come to bed. so i go on to bed with our son myself. if he does make it off the couch then he goes straight to the shower then straight to bed and asleep again.
on the weekends, his cousin (john) comes over first thing in the morning and they just have guy time and dick around tinkering with their cars, or they do yard work like snow shovel or mow the grass, rake leaves ect. this continues until the end of the day and greg (fiance) and john come in and watch tv until greg falls asleep and john lets himself out. sundays i go to church w/o greg and i usually spend the day with my mom and sisters out at my moms house afterward. When i get back after sjunday evening service, john is 99 percent of the time here and the same couch sleeping, john leaving scenerio happens again. I have already posted a whole question about what to do about john's clingyness, which can be found here.;_ylt=Ag.Kr...
The bottom line is, my fiance and i have zero bedroom time. When we do get a few spare minutes before bed (always before bed too, never during the day.) its a hit it and quit it type of encounter. no foreplay or anything but straight to it sex. and we are done in less then ten minutes.
my fiance has already stated that he only has sex for me because i want it and enjoy it. he says that he enjoys it but could do without if he he never had the opportunity again. we are both healthy 20 year olds, with a 17 month old son. i love having sex with my fiance, but it has been sooo boring and almost bothersome to seduce him lately that I have resorted to masterbating and watching porn or imagining other men.
I'm sorry to be so vulgar, and im sorry if its offensive but i really just want my love life back. i don't even know why i fantasize about other men because i would bnever ever act on these fantasies even if i could. i have zero interest in cheating or leaving greg. and for the record, greg is a very attractive man. he has muscles and dark hair and dark eyes. he's not heavy, he's tall and strong and i am head over heels in love with the guy. and the sex we do get to have, i love. I do not like his attitude towards our sex life, though. (he says sex is not everything and i should stop being so focused on sex and more focused on our relationship as a whole)
I honestly think its a libido problem but he will not see a doctor for it. he thinks there is no problem except i won't leave him alone in the sack. He refuses 99 percent of my advances, so i just stop trying and wait for him to come to me. he shows interest like i said when we get a few minutes before we hit the hay SOMETIMES. we have sex once a week IF and only if i'm lucky. we average about three times per month. we have had these 5 min sex sessions ever since our son was born. thats not to say there hasn't been a couple hot steamy nights, but i mean literally two in 17 months.
moms, do you ever get bored with your long term se partner? what did you do? how can i help this situation?
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agodoes anybody else have a toddler who purposely gags him or herself?
My son is 17 months and has recently started gagging himself with his hand. He will do this whenever the mood strikes him. I haven't noticed any association between the gagging and any other behavior or event. He will do this until he vomits if i let him. I tell him no firmly, and guide his hand away. I have smacked his fingers to get him to stop and it usually works for the time being. But later he will do it again. any ideas on why he might do this and how i can stop or prevent this?
10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agodoes this sound like spam to you, moms?
I am currently posting and answering ads on craigslist about childcare. this is an email i recieved from a mr.dave wilson.
Thanks for your reply, your location works for me as I want you to babysit for my Twins when am there working on the new inspection job which is bringing me to your area,. Note that you are the only sitter am contacting and I want you to put in your best in order to babysit for my Twins boys 4+ years old as am looking to schedule you to care for them during the week Mondays,Tuesdays, Wednesday and Fridays 10:30AM through 4:30PM weekend and Thursdays exclusive as I would be around to take care of them Saturday, Sundays and when I am off at work on Thursdays,what are other information's you would need to know about them? Let me know as soon as possible so I can reply them and we can start from there.
Please i want the best for my kids ,please treat them as though they were yours, as I want the best resort for them.We could make arrangements for you to babysit them at my place when am gone for the days job if you think that works for you.But I would prefer dropping them off at your place on my way to my job in the morning and pick them up when am coming back say 4:30PM in the evenings.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards
I did not reply to any one with twins, and the subject line of the email says YOUR ADVERT ON CRAIGSLIST. nothing about re:your advert on craigslist. now I realize that he could have erased the automatic subject line and put in his own, but i am unsure. This seems somewhat legit because it says nothing about sending ahead a huge check and me sending part back or an assistant to the parent doing the contacts with me like so many other spam emails do.
Like i said, i did not read an ad with care for two twins advertised, but i did post an ad advertising my services and saying that i could not watch children in my home, it would have to be in the parents home because we are living with relatives. Also, this email was in my yahoo inbox not spam folder, and from a legit sounding email. it was Is this worth pursuing do you think?
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agomoms, wouldn't this make you so angry?
My son is 17 months. His aunt tricia is 16. We live with my mil so we live with tricia also. well, i was getting ready to make lunch earlier and tricia comes home and starts playing with my son. they go back into tricia's bedroom and i said
'hey tricia im gonna be out here fixing lunch" She says ok, so about 30 min later i go to tricia's room and knock. no answer. i knock a few more times and still no answer. i opened the door and the lights were off, curtain pulled and tricia was asleep in her bed, my son no where to be seen. I found him in the bathroom, soaking wet, dipping tampons (unused) in the toilet. there was water all over the floor and my son was literally soaked, including his shoes. two whole roles of toilet paper were in the toilet along with other contents of the bathroom trash we won't mention lol. everything had been drug out from under the sink (just extra toiletries, no chemicals thank god) Turns out, tricia had booted him out of her room to take a nap w/o bothering to tell me or shut the hall doors or anything.
I was sooo torqued off, i mean wouldn't you be?
what is something somebody else has done to your child like this?
8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago