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Lv 43,145 points

tiger of the pacific

Favorite Answers9%

my personal information, i belong to a world wide organization of a religion, i love expressing my opinion on the net as a matter of pass time to forget the world and it's misery. i appreciate people that are modest and humble, i hate hypocrites, and the first one i hate is myself since it is running in my blood stream, but i know somewhere up there there are some whose like me wants to fight with their inclinations to proved that we can conquer our weaknesses being a human and flesh.

  • I quitted europe since 2 months due to the crisis, although i left i am still eager to know the news down?

    I am in asia at this very moment, i left since 2 months but i would like to know the situation down there could someone gives me news if things had develop since the last 2 months?

    the economic, and the general situation please.

    thank you

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • je suis dehors Europe depuis 2 mois est ce que le situation la bas mieux ou plus pire qu'avant?

    j'ai quitté l'europe a cause de crise, je suis en asie en ce moment mais je voudrais savoir toujours la situation la ba pouvez vous me donner des nouvelles svp.


    5 AnswersÉvénements1 decade ago
  • why Singapore airlines staff behave badly towards asian people but not with whites?

    2 years ago I flew with singapore air and i complained about a german passanger who behave badly towards my son just because he was tired just sitting though he was well behave ( my son) the steward who took the part of the german instead of being impartial. i am not alone who complains of the staffs of this air line company besides they too are asians. they treat asian people badly so i think asians must act towards this manners not to support this company anymore when they go back to asia

    14 AnswersSingapore1 decade ago
  • why life in thailand a lot cheaper, cleaner, compare to philippines?

    i am asking myself why Filipinos doesn't protest about the condition in their country,the dirt, the abuse,corruption etc, they have television to see what's going on in their country but it seems they are living dead,

    the present government practice corruption and abuse of power in all domain and sector police always look for something to extract money from someone especially foreigners and the government has their blessing since they are in the same course, in the department of labor indirectly the staff design someone to someone for their paper procedures and after the deal done that government staff will take his commission from this someone who claimed the money for some paper work.

    filipinos how long you are going to swallow this kind of government you got, the thing is those who visits philippines they published their experience through travel agency and this is being published in travel agency's tabloid or inside books for travel guide,

    the success of thailand is through people who experience good welcome, filipinos if you don't wake up from your sleep your country will be abandon in the hands of sharks who only look their pocket gain

    4 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • pourquoi n'y a t'il pas de connection internet en afrique?

    les noirs se vantent beaucoup disant qu' ils ont tout chez eux, ils écrasent tout le monde ici et on voit dans l'internet qu'aucun pays africain n'ont de connections,

    6 AnswersSocieté et culture - Divers1 decade ago
  • pourquoi certains gens préféré d'avoir des enfants comme moyen de ressource que aller travaille' femmes ça vou?

    j'ai de voisin qu'il a 5 femme, chaque a 3 enfants aucune d'eux qu'elle travail,pendant que lui je vois souvent dans les parage, il voyage beaucoup entre les étages d'immeuble, le question ce que pourquoi il y a des femmes prefer de reste' a la maison fait des enfants au lieu de travaille comme moyen de ressource car l'allocation familial c'est assure comme une ressource pendant que le travail plus benifique pour certain.

  • why filipinos accept to be driven or maltreat by the chinese in their own country? why they are afraid to resp?

    i am origin filipino living overseas since 30 years but from time to time i visit my former country. there i noticed the sufferings of filipinos how they are badly treated by chinese. i am descendant of chinese but i can see that wherever chinese goes they are known for their tyrannical

    manners towards other races especially those who work for them.

    filipinos are afraid to lose their jobs so when they are being treated like dogs,shouted at or sometimes beaten, they accept just to keep their jobs.. what i want to say is that chinese will never leave philippines since in china they are not anymore welcome and lack of space so not by torturing people of the country which is not theirs i think it's exaggeration, in the whole world if they do this they are deported. why filipinos don't tell them to go back to their country, they don't need them it' s the contrary since china is over populated and only philippines accepts them otherwise they can go to africa they are wanted by the government where if they treat same way the people over there uproar wont be long so why do to the filipinos in their own country?

  • what arab countries going to do now if petrol dropped deeper, are they going to start eating stones again?

    the arabs in the seventies used to moist stones in order to wet their mouths to avoid dehydration, thanks to the world, mainly americans,english and japanese they started to be recognize as a whole but in regards they repaid back these countries by terrorism, now crises is the issue and most countries who provides them food but we will not sell our production are they going to suck stones like before? 2 weeks ago at my work one morrocan told us that they are going to plunder the whole world because they have pertrol and that we will beg them and suck their!!!!! to get petrol now are they going to bite their nails because we will block food importations or 1 barrell of petrol for 1 kilo of whether rice or flour which one they will accept? drink their petrol or exchange, everything that goes up must come down law of gravity, designed by god

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • if rugby became the first choice of people as a game will it become like foot ball where players are clowns ?

    i have noticed that rugby men are more serious and they are men, they are people from the country, they have better education, mainly from a good family and graduated schools. compare to foot ball where some of players are picked in the streets uneducated no manners and clowning in the football ground especially when they mark a goal, they jump, kissing each other hugging, making signs to public and so on and so fort. if rugby became the main game will it becomes like the football, what do you think?

    i became fan of rugby since 8 years because i am disgusted of football when all sorts of theatrical behavior being shown in the ground it's not normal especially when they become agressive and violent the players, so i decided ever again i will be a fan of this game.

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • si le rugby devient le premier choix comme jeu pour les spectateur devient il aussi terrain de clown ?

    tout les monde savent que grand parti des gens qui jeu en foot ball sont des gens de la rue et illettré est ce que le rugby devient comme ça aussi? je suis devenue fan de rugby depuis 8 ans maintenant je regarde souvent, je remarque que les jouer sont plus des hommes normal ils jeu eduque, et plutot sont des gens de pays et c'est pas des gens refugee politique quio que ce soit, sont des gens vient dans un bon ecole ou des education quio, est ce que un jour le rugby devient aussi comme ça que pensez vous? chaque fois qu'il a de but ils vont se promener aussi, s'embrasse un et l'autre ils font de comic ils met leur bras en l'air ils font de cinema, c'est pas normale ça je trouve?

  • is it true that filipinos lives abroad passport holder needs visa as well entering the philippines?

    i was reading a book about the philippines while visiting someone in the hospital, to past the time i've been reading this book for those who wants to go and visit the country, one detail intrigued me when it says that even those filipinos who lives abroad but passport holder must have visa for entering their own country? so i thought to myself what is this law that in your own country you need permission to enter, since when

    kindly answer this question if you know the law only.

    6 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • can a mixed filipino practice his profession in the philippines?

    half a filipino half european wants to have adventure in the philippines, graduated electrician from school, wants to learn some culture of the country can he practice his profession in the philippines, it's not his intention to stay just want to try the life of the country if it is his cup of tea at least for one year, if it works might be convince to stay otherwise after one year back to europe.

    please answer from those who has knowledge about the country's law

    4 AnswersPhilippines1 decade ago
  • est ce que les français qui vivre hors de france peuvent divorcer a l'etranger comme en belique par hazard?

    mon mari et moi nous voudron divorcer,lui est français je suis français par marriage mais nous voulons divorcer aimablement nous s'habitons en belgique est ce que possible de divorcer ici meme que c'est pas en france?

    2 AnswersMariage et divorce1 decade ago
  • why most filipinos elevate themselves a lot compare to their compatriots? ?

    I noticed that our co-filipinos when they succeed to leave our mother country and they attained a little bit better situation more than what they had before, they start crushing their compat, most of the time when they go on gatherings all what they talk about is what they've got, back to the philippines my own relatives only talk of herself to impress me what she got, are the other races behave the same towards their compats? could you inform me if this is normal and why?

    i think we behave this way because we are a bastard race of the world. when they are outside they talk aloud to take the attention of those around them especially if there's someone of their race that they don't know just to impress that person.

  • can you avoid adding more letters to the english words?

    yeah additional comment to the issue is that filipinos should be or must be proud of their origin, because they have a capacity to be someone who can be or will be in the horizon if they put more efforts for better not for worst. embracing others identity if it is not yours the glory will be given to te original like other products.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • where and how filipinos learn english if they don't speak proper english like a real anglophone?

    hello! yes I noticed that often filipinos used a proper word like " kind" then they add " a " at the end of the word which will come out kinda, this is not proper english of an anglophone, it is more the english of black people who grew up in the side streets in the US or those people of Jamaica but even so it sounds better to listen the jamaican speaking the english on a proper way though it is also a copy like those of the filipinos.

    I suggest that filipinos not to disform english language otherwise better for them speaking tagalog their mother tongue

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago