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Lv 618,117 points

Liberty or Death

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  • Isn't anyone even slightly concerned that the President is unable to speak when his teleprompter stops running?

    I fully understand that virtually every modern major political figure has used a teleprompter at some point, but Obama is completely unable to function without one. Take for instance his recent talk regarding the swine flu when his teleprompter stopped and he couldn't continue until they got it running again.

    Doesn't this concern anyone even a slight bit that he can't even address a potential major health threat without a prepared speech? Is he really so inept that he can't just... TALK??? I'm not Obama bashing per se, but this really bothers me that he can't just talk about a topic off cuff. It really makes me question his abilities and how much he really understands about issues.

    Link to story and video:

    25 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Since everyone here seems to think they know what Marxism is, give me your best shot.?

    I posted a question saying that Obama's policies are neo-Marxist and was accused of not knowing what Marxism is. So, since I am very confident that I know what Marxism is since I teach it as part of an introductory sociology class at the post-secondary level, I'm curious what the self-proclaimed theorists here actually know about his work. I suspect not much since they know so little about Marx and social theory that they didn't even know there is a modern adaptation of Marxist theory that is called neo-Marxism, which is also called New Leftist ideology and is the foundation for the progressive movement and concepts such as "social justice." But I digress....

    So... what did Marx actually have to say???

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If conservatism is dead as the "progressive" neo-Marxist left wing Obama supporters claim, then how? it possible that:

    - the Tea Party movement attracted almost 300,000 people to over 200 tax day protests?

    - the top ranked cable news show for over 100 months straight is the O'Reilly Factor?

    - the top ranked cable news network is FoxNews?

    - the #1 best-selling book every week since its release is "Liberty and Tyranny" by Mark Levin, J.D. and is already in its 15th printing after only 3 weeks?

    - Rush Limbaugh, Neal Boortz, and Glenn Beck are consistently ranked at the top of their markets?

    - every liberal talk radio network (especially Air America) has been a complete and total epic failure?

    - nearly 50% of the population voted against Obama?

    Just curious...

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do Obama supporters ignore that pesky fact that he is leaving 50K troops in Iraq indefinitely?

    Instead, they say he is fulfilling his campaign promise to bring all troops home from Iraq in 16 months. Now it's some by the end of 2010, with plans to keep at least 50,000 in Iraq until the end of 2011 at the earliest, but likely longer.

    Those darn facts keep getting in the way of old Barry don't they? Of course, his apostles don't have enough brain cells to notice...

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do liberals like to pretend that firearms labeled as "assault weapons" are actually a crime problem?

    Link to referenced NIJ study:

    Link to violent crime data showing dramatic decrease in violent crime after expiration of first AWB:

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • So, to all the naysayers out there, how do you feel now that the Obama admin is talking about gun bans?

    Obama supporters have been saying all along that Obama isn't going to ban guns. Well, here it is, the second month of his administration, and his Attorney General is talking about plans to reinstate the "assault weapons" ban. This ban is completely unconstitutional, and was completely proven to be totally useless in regards to preventing crime the first time around. So, how do you naysayers respond now?

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What does the current governmental policy regarding the American economy have to do with 1920's Germany?

    Do you see any similarities between the current federal policies towards the American economy and what took place in Germany during from roughly 1915 - 1925 when that nation suffered a period of hyperinflation? During this period, the German Mark was so worthless that people used it for wallpaper and burned it as fuel in their fireplaces.

    According to a history by Professor Emeritus Dr. Hans Sennholz:

    "Like all the other banks, [the central bank] offered assistance to the central government in financing the war effort. Since taxes are always unpopular, the German government preferred to borrow the needed amounts of money rather than raise its taxes substantially. To this end it was readily assisted by the Reichsbank, which discounted most treasury obligations.

    A growing percentage of government debt thus found its way into the vaults of the central bank and an equivalent amount of printing press money into people's cash holdings. In short, the central bank was monetizing the growing government debt.

    By the end of the war the amount of money in circulation had risen fourfold and prices some 140 percent...

    ...the German government... embarked upon heavy expenditures for health, education, and welfare. The demands on the treasury were extremely heavy anyway because of demobilization expenses, the demands of the Armistice, the disorders of the revolution, and the staggering deficits of the nationalized industries, especially the railroads, postal services, telephone, and telegraph...

    ...Reparation payments, depreciating exchanges, rising import and export prices, rising domestic prices, consequent budgeting deficits, and at the same time an increased demand for bank credit; and finally increased note-issue...

    When all other explanations are exhausted, modern governments usually fall back on the speculator, who is held responsible for all economic and social evils."

    When you compare this to what has happened over the past few years in America, and the current federal response, are we running the risk of repeating history???

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why aren't people upset over Obama's Valentine's Day vacation to Chicago?

    It just seems to me in this time where everyone is tightening their belts a bit that he would have a little more sense than to cost the American taxpayers thousands of dollars to fly his wife to Chicago for a Valentine's Day dinner. Flying Air Force One, transporting all the Secret Service agents and staff, conducting all the security checks, etc is outrageously expensive. I've been to Washington DC several times and I am certain there are some great romantic places for a dinner there in town. Considering that Obama has been being hypercritical of CEO's, banks, and corporations who have been paying for trips and perks on the taxpayer dime, shouldn't he of all people be setting the example?

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is it that liberals can structure a rant in question format, but conservatives can't?

    Just curious. Seems a little hypocritical to me...

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Looking at a knife that says it is "MIRS compliant." What does that mean?

    Can't find a clear definition of what MIRS means, but I suspect it may have something to do with minimum infra-red signature. Anybody able to clarify?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Nancy Pelosi says without the stimulus package, 500 million people will lose their jobs each month. WHAT?!?

    500,000,000 each month will lose their jobs unless the Obama stimulus package is not passed. Can you believe that? 500,000,000 each month!!! My God!!! The HUMANITY!!!

    That means that since the United States' total workforce is only 164 million people, that in less than a week, we will be in negative numbers, and by the end of the year the entire world's population will be without a job unless the Obama stimulus bill is passed.

    And people will believe these lies, while complaining that Bush lied about WMD's in Iraq...

    12 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why do Obama zomibes believe this massive spending bill will help the economy when history says the opposite?

    No other spending bills in American history have worked, including the 2 trillion dollars spent under the G.W. Bush administration. Japan did 8 massive spending bills during the 1990's a period that is known as Japan's "lost decade." Economists are coming out in droves against this bill, the Congressional Budget Office says it isn't going to work, and the efforts of Hoover and FDR during the Great Depression to spend our way out of the problem have been shown to have made the problem worse.

    How can anyone actually think that TRILLIONS of dollars in DEFICIT spending will help our economy??? Can you spend YOUR way out of debt???

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Instead of calling him Obama, I'm thinking of calling him "Porkzilla." What do you think?

    I mean, I figure since his economic stimulus plan is basically nothing but one big package of sausage, it only makes sense. Even the Congressional Budget Office, that is currently controlled by Democrats, says that this is not a stimulus bill, and that at best only 12 cents on every dollar would go to something that could even remotely be called a stimulus program. Obama said he wouldn't allow pork in the bill, and it virtually all pork, yet Obama is all for it. Hence, let's call him Porkzilla.

    Now sing with me: "Oh no! They say he's gotta go, go, go, Porkzilla!"

    27 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama snubs Medal of Honor recipients on Inauguration Day. Is this more "change we can believe in" ?

    Would somebody PLEASE wake up and admit this guy is just another big government liberal politician? He's obviously more worried about keeping his donors happy than respecting the sacrifices of those who make his position possible. Disgraceful.

    "Barack Obama became the first U.S. president to skip out on the Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball since its inception in 1953. The event recognizes recipients of the military's highest award - the Medal of Honor...

    The Salute to Heroes Inaugural Ball did take place at the Renaissance Washington DC Hotel on January 20, 2009. 47 Medal of Honor recipients were in attendance at the event. The President traditionally attends, as does the Vice President and other dignitaries. Vice President Joe Biden did attend, but President Obama did not.

    Instead, Barack Obama chose to be in the company of Kanye West, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Kid Rock, Stevie Wonder, Mary. J. Blige, Usher, Faith Hill, Alicia Keys, Adam Levine, Shakira,, Samuel L. Jackson, Sting, Mariah Carey, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sheryl Crow and Marc Anthony, amongst numerous other celebrities in attendance at the balls he did appear at."

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Obama's approval rating down 14 points already. Are the lemmings finally catching on?

    According to Gallup, his approval rating is down to 69% from 83%. Could it be that people are finally starting to see through his rhetoric and realize he is going to be more of the same?

    On the bright side, he should be in negative numbers by the end of February. Of course, his pork-free economic stimulus bill that is full of pork will have already passed...

    23 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Anyone else find it sickenly ironic that the Wal Mart trampling death happened in the liberal haven of NYC?

    How sick and pathetic is it that the city dominated by liberal freaks who cry about consumerism and the evils of capitalism is the same city that is home to such a disgusting event? And of course the liberal media is blaming it on the economy (as in a Seattle Times story) or on the greedy Wal Mart management for not preventing it (as in a New York Times story). Liberals did this to some innocent person trying to earn an honest living, about stomped a pregnant woman to death, and trampled cops there trying to save these people. These are the same liberals who claim to have the moral authority to tell the rest of us what to do. Any thoughts?

    31 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is that little plastic template called that the Army Infantry uses for navigation and map reading?

    About 10 years ago, I spent a year in the ROTC program and learned some basic navigation. It seems there was a small clear plastic square template that was used in addition to the compass and map to help navigate. We kept them in our hats. Does anyone have any clue what I am referring to? What was that thing called and what was it used for?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What would all the Obama supporters do if Obama offered McCain a position in his cabinet?

    Stranger things have happened and McCain has been well-known for decades for his moderate views and numerous efforts to work with both parties. How would all the McCain haters deal with it if Obama appointed McCain to a cabinet position, say Defense Secretary in an effort to tap into his experience, popularity, and in an effort to bridge the gap between the parties?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What would all the Obama supporters do if Obama offered McCain a position in his cabinet?

    Stranger things have happened and McCain has been well-known for decades for his moderate views and numerous efforts to work with both parties. How would all the McCain haters deal with it if Obama appointed McCain to a cabinet position, say Defense Secretary in an effort to tap into his experience, popularity, and in an effort to bridge the gap between the parties?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What does it say about the American media when the most objective political coverage comes from the BBC?

    Is this a sign of how pathetic the "news" media is in America? Is it a result of Great Britain not having such a vested interest either way? Is it both?

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago