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Should I send pics to my exbestfriends exboyfrined?
Okay, I had this bestfriend for 7 years and just recently we both changed a lot and did really shitty things to eachother so our friendship is completely over- little hope we'll ever be friends again. She broke up with her long-term boyfriend too, like they were dating for a good year and a half he lives in a different state now, idk the details but.. he messaged me the other day and it felt good to talk to him. We understood eachothers pain. But then it got weird, he started flirting with me.. and all this stuff. Then he asked for pictures. I got out of it last night. But he always told my ex-bestfriend that he liked my big boobs and wanted to see 'em and that I was pretty and stuff.. The thing is, I want to send him pictures. No guys like me, anddd.. I really want to. But I strongly feel its totally wronggg.. Thoughts?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoIs it weird to be 17 and never been kissed?
I feel like a totally ugly outsider sometimes because well, I've had a boyfriend but I've never been kissed. After my first boyfriend in middle school, I got so scared of guys and only wanted to be friends with them. Nothing more. Now I'm 17 and it just hit me, while kids have had sex with like 5 people I havent even kissed anyone.
It's not that guys aren't interested in me, because I could get a guy if I wanted to, its not that I'm awkward or ugly.. Its because I'm afriad of love. And every time a guy gets personally close to me, like we hang out and stuff, I just don't want anything to do with him. Because its like, I can't make myself fall in love with them. The only guy I would ever want a relationship with will never like me back.. he only likes sluts who've kissed millions of guys -_-
Anyway, bottom line; Is it weird to be okay looking, slightly popular, 17, junior, and never been kissed?
18 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoWhat Sims 3 game should I get?
I dont have any of the stuff packs, so which one is the best of those? And Im trying to chose between Night Life and Generations. Which one do you think is the better? I kind of like Generations, but the Night Life has the hot tub, and vampires, and clubs..
Gotta love making out Christmas lists. Thanks(:
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years agoWhat does my blood pressure and pulse say?
Blood pressure; 100/60
Pulse; 80
Im 15, and 125 lbs. I play sports and whatnot.. soo is this good, normal, above normal, below normal..bad?
3 AnswersHeart Diseases10 years agoCan I pre-order the Sims 3 Pets, limited edition at Gamestop?
Just wondering because I hate using my parents credit card, and ordering things online.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years agoWhy did a draft in my AOL Mail just disappear?
So I had these two REALLY important drafts and they just DISAPPEARED!! They were really important, they had really important information and their just gone.. I know theres probably no way to get them back but.. I just want to know WHY!!
2 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago"Name on Card" <-- What is that on a Debit MasterCard?
Im trying to buy a present for a friend online, and this is the first time Ive ever ordered something off the internet. (Im trying to buy TeeHee bands off Ryan Higas website) Annddd it says;
"Name on Card" What does that mean??
3 AnswersCredit10 years agoUgh, Im tired of my HUGE chest, is there any way to be smaller?
Ive had bigger boobs than everyone since the 5th grade, right now Im a sophomore. And my friends still have teeny, tiny boobs. When I go to the beach, and take off my shirt the first thing they say is "Your so skinny but.. YOUR HUGE!" And its just embarassing. Plus, I hate it when guys stare and whatnot, and I cant buy a bathing suit at Hollister or Abrecrombie or Aeropostal or anywhere but American Eagle. Im an XL there for bathing suits.. I mean, everything else I wear is a medium, I could wear a small if it weren't for these things! Is there any work out, food, I dunno- spell? That could make them ANY smaller?
Thank youu (:
7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years agoDoes anyone like the new facebook sidebar feature?
Personaly, I think its ridiculous. 52 people on but it only shows 18 people? :(
10 AnswersFacebook10 years agoWhat would you call a 15 year old who lost their virginity?
Please and thankkss(:
5 AnswersFriends1 decade agoWhy'd my friends boyfriend do this?
My best friends boyfriend flirts with everyone. I have three friends in particular that flirt with him a lot- text him a lot and all that. But being her BEST friend, I dont flirt with him at all.
We've hung out when she left, but it was nothing. Zero flirting. Then, he asked for my number, and she gave it to him. He texted me during school, but I didnt really reply. And he talks to me all the time.. And I just ignore him. Because, shes my best friend, why would I do that with her boyfriend who's ready and willing to flirt with me at the least..
So I woke up this morning to his text it was a forward saying how important I was and how much I mean to him, yadda yadda. I asked my three friends if they got that, and nope.
What does he want from me!? Am I reading way into it? Helpppp :(
4 AnswersFriends1 decade agoI really want to know about the sims medieval?
Okay, I really want it, have now for two weeks. But, mom wont buy it for me :/
So, is it really that good? What are some pros and cons you have with the game?
Thank you (:
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhat do you think about this girl?
My friend is having major security issues. She is seriously pretty! Here;
She has green eyes that change from green to gold (so jealous)
She cant wear make up because she has a "stye problem" but really, she hates it. But she has dark lashes so it looks like she does.
She has brown hair with blonde highlights, and a little bit of red (only in the light) that she never has to do anything with. Its wavy and it depends on the weather. When it rains it gets wavy and really pretty.
Shes tall! >:( 5'8
She super skinny, (not super but not anorexic) And shes naturally skinny.
She has pale skin, but she never gets a sunburn.
Shes so nice and she never does anything bad.
Shes clumsy but guys think its cute
Guys talk to her all the time, but she is really shy when it comes to the opposite sex
But heres the catch; She has a few zits, a hairy back, and stretch marks.
Does that really make or break a person? What are your thoughts? Shes my best friend and I love her but, shes so insecure.
Thank youu :)
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoWho wants to read a book, because, well.. just read and answer. Please?
I really don't know what to ask here.. Usually I type out this long drawn out story and never know what Im asking. Just bare with me, and enjoy the.. story? :)
Alright so, the guys name is Matt (Not really but.. yeah). I met Matt in 5th grade, on a march madness trip. He asked to couple skate with me, this was the first time we met. Ever. I don't know how he knew me, but all I knew was that he went to my school. I wanted to make this guy really jealous so I said yes. We had to hold hands and everyone was making fun, and when we first started I kept looking for that guy I liked, but.. He made me forget all about him. After that we talked a little and joked about our new nicknames (we were the only girl-boy couple out there, and we got nick-named)
But then summer came, and we entered 6th grade. We didn't really talk.. But I went out with that guy I liked.. For 3 days.. I got so nervous, and uncomfortable. I broke up with him, and at the time I had no idea how to explain it.
Then, in 7th grade we had every class together, and he got moved by me and my friend in this one class. We talked a little in the first few weeks then my friend brought up my "ex-boyfriend" and why I broke up with him. I still couldn't explain it.. I just said "He made my stomach queasy." And then Matt looks straight in my eyes and says, "You were uncomfortable." And... that's the moment I fell for him. Turns out he liked me too, but he never asked me out and I was way too shy to ask him out.
In 8th grade Matt changed, for the worse. A kid from a town over, (a.. troubled town with a BAD reputation) came to our school. He changed Matt, before he wasn't cocky at all. But then he got cocky and started acting like a real jerk. During 8th grade these events occurred: He danced with me 3 times, called me beautiful, and we hung out a few times.. But it was never me. He had 3 different girlfriends that year. Before I was even mentally aware he liked another girl, I kind of knew.. Whenever he likes someone.. I get depressed. Even if I don't know he likes anyone. Haha, call me crazy..
Anyways, now we're in high school and he broke up with his girlfriend who was in the lower grade. They kissed, and I already knew that too when my friend told me.. How? Because.. I felt it. Like.. I cant explain it, I just knew. So we have 3 classes together, and they've been great. He hasnt liked anyone this year.. Until now. So far hes talked to me pretty much every school day, I catch him glancing at me, he wanted to be partners for this thing were we held hands, and whenever we're at the same place he always moves closer.. But never talks to me.. Just eye contact! I don't now.. Hes so friendly with other girls.. Like my friends (Yeah I get really jealous) And with me hes.. fidgety and silent.. He comes off as a snob, but maybe hes shy?
Alright.. Let me explain something.. Your probably thinking.. "I wonder if shes a loser, and hes popular and probably thinks yadda yadda yadda" Well.. Im popular, athletic, and book-smart as well as people smart. But somethings.. Im just right about. And Im NEVER... wrong about him. And we bring out the best in each other.. Everyone of his games Ive gone to hes won. When we were partners everyone said we were so in sync. And then theres the freaky coincidences.. Like some places I go, hes there. And every time I have the urge to go on facebook hes on..
But the thing is.. He makes me so upset when he snubs me, and acts like hes not interested. Is it just his way to act cool? And when he likes someone else it makes me so upset.. It feels like.. Well.. sad.. And it makes me want to cry all the time.. But then when he talks to me, or glances my way its the best feeling in the world.
So.. my question is.. What do you think about this? What do you think I should do? How do you think this guy feels about me?.. If he has any towards me. Could it be that hes just shy around me??
Thank you for reading it :)
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoTheres this guy.. yadda yadda.. I need someone to listen?
I just need someone to listen, and some opinions would be good too? Anyways heres our history..
We met in 5th grade on a field trip, a couples song came on (I didn't even know his name, I just knew he went to my school) and he asked me to skate with him. I said yes, hoping to make my crush jealous. We laughed, held hands, fumbled, helped each other back up... It was fun and I wanted to re-live it. He made me forget all about my little 5th grade crush.. After that I forgot about him until 7th grade. In 7th grade we were seated next to each other, and we got to know each other.. My friend was talking about my "ex-boyfriend" (Guess who? My 5th grade crush, that I went out with for 2 days..) And she said, "Why did you break up with him?" I couldn't put it into words why.. But then he says, "You didn't feel comfortable." I'll never forget that , he knew exactly how I felt when I didn't. That's the day I fell for him. After that we got close and he sat at our table, I was afraid the same thing would happen if he and I went out so I didn't take the next step. He liked me! But then in 8th grade he changed, and went out with 4 different girls. Throughout that year I couldn't stop liking him, and it tore me apart knowing he.. forgot about me. Towards the end of the year, we flirted a little. We had this special day for just 8th graders where we dressed up and he called me beautiful, and we danced together.Then at the very end, he went out with a girl a grade lower, and she was his first kiss.. Formal came and I swear he looked at me more than his girlfriend, he even flirted with me.
Now we're freshman in high school and she broke up with him and we talk more and see more of each other. We have to take this class that only freshman have to take and there was this activity where we asked each other questions.. A girl asked me a question, and he knew what I was going to say. Then there was this activity where we had to jump rope and we were the best, totally in sync. And we talk almost every day but he never goes out of his way to talk to me..
Its not just our history its how we have these weird coincidences (Hes always where I go) and how we bring out the best in each other. I like this guy so much, but Im so shy.. I love everything about him..
The days are winding down and so is the semester. I wont have any classes with him next semester.. :(
**Also I see him looking at me all the time.. And he sometimes makes fun of me in a flirty way..
I hope someone read this.. :)
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoTrack players!!.. What event should I do in track?
Okay, this would be my first year doing track (if I do). I really want to, to get in shape for softball or tennis(I play both..) And I really need help deciding which event I should do!
Heres some information..
**Skinny (bony, long torso and arms)
**Long legs
**I can run for a while but not fast
**I play soccer and softball
**In soccer I play the position that you run the most
**In softball I play pichter which takes accuracy.. And Im a really good thrower.
**Im a total klutz so hurdles are out.
Pleassseee helllppp mee!! All positive answers are appreciated :)
3 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade agoWhy is my sims 3 base game not working anymore!!?
So I just updated my game right? It took an hour, an hour of waiting to play andddd then it doesnt work anymore! This is what it says.. "Your sims 3 base game is incompatable with the current sims 3 exspansion pack. Please update your game via game launcher." Then I click okay and it says "unable to open Ea game launcher." Or something like that.. I heard that you have to re-enstal it, but I dont know how and will I lose everything I did?
Help please..
** Sorry for re-posting this but no one is answering my question.. So I posted it in the most looked at category.. Sorry, please dont leave me unhelpfull or mean answers..
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI don't know what to do... Should I give up?
Okay so heres the story. At the end of August, there was preseason soccer. And I tried hard, like really really hard. And I'm the only freshman who isn't on varsity or a swinger... And I just feel really embarrassed. There are sophomores who are even more embarrassed 'cause their on the JV team, but still Im the only freshman. I feel weak and useless. Ive tried stepping up my game but nooo they still don't see me as a top player...
I know quitters never win and winners never quit but... Ive tried and that's all I can do. And I'm in misery in JV, all the other freshman's are getting better but Im staying the same because Im not getting coached like the other girls...
Opinions appreciated.
P.S. I have no clue what category to put this in... :/
4 AnswersFriends1 decade agoWhat is your opinion on this situation?
There's this guy Ive liked since 7th grade, we met in 5th grade on a school trip. He asked me to couple skate with him, and that's the first time I ever saw him. In 7th we had to be seated next to each other, and I literally fell in love with him. We had every class together so we were friends. In 8th grade he changed and became a real jerk. But through out the year we had our moments. We danced at a dance, he called me beautiful, we hung out sometimes, and I'd always catch him looking at me. One time when we danced for a special 8th grade event, he didn't let go of my hand. And when it came to formal time he kept talking to me and looking at me while he was holding his date. When he was dancing with her he wasn't even smiling... I kept thinking, "Does he wish he was with me?" But then sometimes he acts like a total idiot. (He talks about his girlfriend in front of me to his friends)
Sometimes I hate him and sometimes I'm like madly in love with him... And its not just that its... When hes down I feel down, when hes happy I feel happy. And he makes me smile just by being there, but what he says and what he does hurts me.
Well anyway Im starting high school and what should I do? Forget him? Be friends? Go for it? Whats your opinion?
All answers appreciated, I think this is a lot longer than I thought.. haha
12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy do I still feel this way?
Okay, Ill make it short because nobody seems to answer the wicked long questions so...
Me and this guy met in 5th grade, the first time we met we held hands. Then in 7th grade we became friends, in 8th grade he danced with me 2ce, and called me beautiful. In 8th grade he started dating a whole bunch of girls, and ignored me. So I started not liking him/ hating him. At the end of the year he told me I looked beautiful, and Ive never heard him say that to anyone, or speak that way to any of his girlfriends. When I was in 7th grade, he said one sentence that totally got me, and I fell for him hoping it was going to be a small crush that I'd get over in a week. Nope- its been 2 years.
We always run into each other, he makes me happy just by being there, we laugh at the same things and look at each other and... yeah, and I always catch him starring at me?
'm honestly want done with this guy, but I just cant let him go!
11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago