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  • Who would be afraid of Rahm Emanuel? If he threatened me like he does his "enemies", he'd need his brother's?

    If he threatened me like he does his "enemies", he'd need his brother's help.

    If I was the guy who got the dead fish, I might just press charges too, lol

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is it, when a black and a white have a conflict, "the white is always wrong?"?

    It seems that it's ok to bash white people, but not blacks. That sounds like the ultimate affirmative action.

    Perhaps we might want to look at the fact that blacks can, and are, racist too. I worked in a customer service company where the workers were 90% black. They seemed so pre-occupied with race it made me wonder.

    And they were racist within their own community.

    "I'm looking at the man in the mirror..." That's a line the blacks might want to look at for a while. Maybe the enemy is within.

    Oh, and you can call me racist again. It seems that the black racists come out of the closet to attack any(white)one who points out the hypocrisy in their culture. Wouldn't it be nice to actually think about this first, then discuss it? Maybe we could find a way to null out racism if we acknowledge that it exists in the black community as well.

    15 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Why do politicians, and other Americans, refer to the US as a Democracy?

    In a Democracy, every eligible citizen would cast a vote on EVERY issue. Obviously, we do not do that here, yet people erroneously claim we are a Democracy.

    We are a Representative Republic. At the Federal level, there is no referendum. In some states, some issues are put to a general vote. But even courts can overrule that.

    We are not a Democracy.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • General Lee was considered a great General. But does the battle of Gettysburg prove that wrong?

    According to Sun Tzu, one major mistake a general can make is to attack an enemy entrenched on the high ground.

    The Union held the high ground. Even though initially outnumbered, the advantage was to the Union.

    Also, avoid fighting a battle for which you are not prepared. Lee was surprised that the Union forces were there, yet he engaged in battle regardless.

    Also, regarding the high ground: Jeb Stewart knew it was a mistake to fight that battle there. He vehemently attempted to convince Lee to tangent to the right and attack Washington, DC, drawing the Union off the High Ground. Lee balked.

    The disaster, as was self-proclaimed by Lee, was all "his fault." You're damn right, General. It was your fault. It was a cluster f*ck of monumental proportions and helped to lead to the Confederate defeat.

    I believe Lee was overrated. Though he won many great battles, he'll be known for this major major colossal mistake.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Are you a Libertarian?

    Before you answer, really think about the answer. Many people, when you make them think, answer differently.

    Personal Issues

    (Choose A if you agree, M for Maybe, D if you disagree.)

    Government should not censor speech, press, media or Internet. A M D

    Military service should be voluntary. There should be no draft.

    A M D

    There should be no laws regarding sex for consenting adults.

    A M D

    Repeal laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs.

    A M D

    There should be no National ID card.

    A M D

    Economic Issues

    (Choose A if you agree, M for Maybe, D if you disagree.)

    End "corporate welfare." No government handouts to business.

    A M D

    End government barriers to international free trade.

    A M D

    Let people control their own retirement; privatize Social Security.

    A M D

    Replace government welfare with private charity.

    A M D

    Cut taxes and government spending by 50% or more.

    A M D

    Go to this web site and let the computer score for you. Then post.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If you were in the Oval Office,what would you do about Iran?

    If I were, I'd vehemently speak out against Amabigfatoad, and his criminal regime. Reagan brought down Berlin wall with just TALK...inspiring pro freedom, pro democracy speeches. Obama isn't even supporting or inspiring these poor Iranian people.

    We can't afford another war.

    Behind the scenes, I'd cut Israel loose on them.

    Don't just comment, if you have something to say, email me too:

    16 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why do people revere Abraham Lincoln? His actions during the Civil War were criminal...?

    Why do people revere Abraham Lincoln? His actions during the Civil War were criminal and he should have been impeached.

    1) He prosecuted an illegal war against a sovereign nation without getting a declaration of war, calling it, erroneously, insurrection. The reason he did this was because if he got a declaration of war, he would have acknowledged that the Confederate States were legitimate.

    Session was a guarantee in inherent in the Constitution. The States created the Union, therefore, they could withdraw from the Union if they so desired. Even Lincoln, in 1941, said the Right existed. During the War of 1812, Massachusetts threatened to separate from the Union. No one doubted their Right to do so.

    2) He arrested and imprisoned, without trial or indictment, editors of news papers for writing editorials criticizing his policies; violating the 1st Amendment.

    3) He suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus. Only the Congress could do that.

    4) He had citizens tried in military courts, even though the civil courts were in operation throughout the North during the war. The Supreme Court, after the war, declared that no non-military personnel could be tried in military courts while civil courts were in operation.

    5) He arrested and held a Supreme Court Chief Justice under House Arrest for ruling against him.

    6) Lincoln never freed a single slave. The Emancipation Proclamation was a sham. Lincoln was a racist and a white supremacist. He had no love for the black man. If Abolition was the true cause of the Civil War, the Emancipation Proclamation would have been issued at the outset of the war, instead of September of 1862 (General Grant and his wife had two slaves each, and they were not freed by the Emancipation Proclamation).

    The Emancipation Proclamation applied only to states in open insurrection, i.e. Confederate States. Those slaves still in the North were still slaves. Lincoln knew the Proclamation freed no one, since the Constitution barred him from interfering in slavery. And, since the Confederate States were no longer part of the Union (no longer under the the authority of the Union's Constitution), his proclamation had no effect.

    7) Oh, and President Jefferson Davis went to Washington DC to talk to Lincoln about removing Federal Troops from Fort Sumter. Lincoln refused to see him, since if he did, he would have acknowledged the legitimacy of the Confederacy. President Davis left word for him not to attempt to fortify the fort. Lincoln did so. When the Confederacy fired upon the ships fortifying the fort, Lincoln called it rebellion. That was BS. Ironically, no one was hurt at all in the shelling. Regardless, what Lincoln did was an act of war, not defense of the Union.

    8) By prosecuting the Civil War, Lincoln did not defend the Constitution, he destroyed it.

    Want to find out more about this man who was a disaster as a president?


    The Real Lincoln and

    Lincoln Unmasked

    by Thomas Di Lorenzo

    The Constitution in Exile

    by Anthony Napalitano

    and The South Was Right.

    30 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do Democrats talk about a Clinton Surplus?

    There was never a Clinton Surplus. One thing to understand. The government robbed Social Security, and left bonds in place of money. Clinton called the bonds assets and counted it against the debt. That was one of the ways that he "created" his "Surplus."

    The National Debt increased during Clinton's presidency. Explain to me how there was a surplus. You can't.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Was Abe Lincoln's declaration of war on the Confederacy illegal?

    The Constitution gives states the right to govern themselves, so was it illegal for Lincoln to plunge the nation into civil war? Or was it illegal for the Confederate states to secede in the first place? Even though President Lincoln kept the country together, was he in the wrong?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago