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New Mother
Can people i am not friends with on facebook tell if i look at their profile.?
I am repeatedly looking at someone's profile and I just got this fear that perhaps they are able to tell that I am looking at their profile a lot. One of my fears is that I will begin appearing in their suggested friends/find friends list...What do you think? Thanks.
5 AnswersFacebook10 years agocan people i am not friends with on facebook tell if i look at their profile.?
I am repeatedly looking at someone's profile and I just got this fear that perhaps they are able to tell that I am looking at their profile a lot. What do you think? Thanks.
1 AnswerFacebook10 years agoDealing with engorged breasts b/c baby has tonsilitis and is not nursing. Please helppppp?
My 1 year old has tonsilitis and will not breastfeed. Both my breasts are engorged and I am in pain. My baby does not take bottle so I could breast-pump if you suggest but it won't be useful to the baby. She just has milk from the breast. Please help!!
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhen did you start giving your babies strawberries and peanut butter?
My 11 month old just ate 3 strawberries (to my surprise!). I know she has had some at her daycare but I had no idea she would like them so much. Then I googled babies and strawberries and turns out it is not the best thing to give to an 11 month old. What are your ideas?
I am from a non-Western culture and the idea of food allergies is alien to us, so basically no one in our families had food allergies.
I also bought peanut butter today intending to spread some on toast for her. Right now she has some toast with cream cheese as part of her breakfast and sometimes toast with jam and butter, so i thought this would make a good change. But I googled it and apparently it is not recommended until 3 years of age. What are your experiences?
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHow do I transition an exclusively breastfed 11 month old baby to bottle?
Basically we made a mistake by not introducing her to bottle earlier. She never took to a bottle or a pacifier and we never really tried. I am a stay at home mom and so I have just breastfed her. Now I am thinking of weaning baby once she turns 1 year old and have started thinking of how to transition into cow's milk. She does not take sippy cup or bottle. I feel a little desperate. I have NO idea what to do and how to get her to take a bottle.
Do you think I should forget about bottle and try to go straight to a sippy cup? Or do you think I should just keep trying a bottle? If the latter, what kind of bottle (we have tried 3 different kinds)? How should we try? Please help.
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoNeed help finding a at-home caregiver for 10 month old?
I have a 10 month old daughter and I work from home. I would like to have someone come over and take care of my daughter while I put in 4 hours of work in the study. I live in a small MI town and don't know many people here. My husband has a job here but we have not really bothered making many friends since this is a temporary job. I have tried 2 daycares in the area and I absolutely HATE leaving my daughter there (I have been doing that for past 2 months, 4 hours per day, 5 days a week).
I have tried but did not find a suitable nanny. Can you please advise on a good webiste for finding someone to come in for 4 hours a day?
Also do you have any other suggestions? I have called around in local daycare centers asking if they know of someone but have met with no success. Please help!! I need to work (have a huge deadline) and I really cant seem to sort this situation out.
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago10 month old baby does not want to sleep?
My baby daughter is nearly 10 months old and she is crawling and has recently learned to pull herself to a standing position. The thing is that she does not want to sleep much and will go on and on exploring, playing etc. Even if I put her in her bed, she rolls over her tummy and starts crawling and touchin things etc. Her nap times during the day have decreased considerably.
I am nursing her and before, nursing her in a quiet room before bed time was a sure way to get her to go to sleep. last night she was up till 3 a.m. and finally my husband rocked her to sleep.
Do babies need less sleep at this stage? Do I have to change her bedtime routines? Is this just a phase? What can I do to make her sleep at night!?!?!
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoDoes a tall baby mean a tall adult?
My baby has consistently been in the 95th percentile height and 50% weight. I was just wondering if she is going to be a tall adult. I guess I am a little concerned that she may grow up to be liek 6 feet and I know there isn't anything wrong with that and there is nothing I can do. But I was just wondering if a tall baby meant a tall adult too.
I am 5'8 and my husband is 5'10. My husband is actually short compared to rest of his family. His dad is quite tall as are his dad's side of family.
12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoIsn't there going to be a new episode of Project Runway on today?
And if not, why not?? Was looking forward to a new episode all day today.
1 AnswerReality Television1 decade agoWhy is it so popular in US to give juice to babies?
I have been living in the US for 10 years now and recently had my first baby who is now 8 and 1/2 months old. I have noticed that giving little babies juice seems to be a very common practice here and I really do not understand why anyone would give so much sugar to their little ones. To me, it seems like a bad thing to give but maybe I am missing something. So if you give juice, what are the benefits to your mind?
My daughter also goes to daycare for 4 hours everyday. I take her own food but the daycare provides meals for some of the older kids (2-6 year olds mostly) and I see them giving these kids a lot of mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, fries, brownies and ice-cream. Isn't all that just bad stuff to give, espeiclaly so regularly? My LO started solids at 6 months until which she was exclusively breastfed and she is now eating solids but we only give her fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, cream cheese, fish, pasta, basically the stuff we eat minus desserts. She has not even started drinking water yet since I plan to start that at 9 months. Again, am I missing something?
I do not mean to sound at all as if I am a better parent but I just get a little confused when I see other parents because to my mind, fruit juices and fried foods are clearly unhealthy, at least for adults. But maybe little kids need such foods? Maybe this is a cultural difference?
Just your ideas, opinions and experiences!
10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWorried about baby's eating habits and crawling. Please respond!?
My baby girl is exactly 8 months today. I have 2 concerns right now and I would really like to hear about these from other parents.
First, my baby does not enjoy eating solids. She was exclusively breastfed till 6 months. I give her pureed fruits and veggies, bread with butter and jam, fish, cheese, cereal and bits off table food, but she is just un-enthusiastic about food. She would rather play with food then eat it, and it takes some work to get her to open her mouth for food. But once in, she will eat what is in her mouth. She has been consistently on the 50th percentile for weight but is now dropping to the 25th percentile. How can I make her enjoy food?? This is really stressing me out.
The other issue is that she still does not crawl. She knows perfectly well how to really raise her body off the ground and she is usually in the starting-crawling position when on her tummy (balancing herself on her hands and chest totally raised off the ground. She tries to move but she is just unable to. Sometimes she will inch backwards but never forward. And then she gets frustrated and will just roll from one place to another (she is a fantastic roller!) I have spoken to her doctor and she is not worried. I don't know if I should be or not. I think it is fine but my parents are ALWAYS asking me if she has started crawling and they really stress me out with the way tey talk about how other younger babies can crawl and if my daughter may have (Go forbid) some physical defect. When did your babies start to crawl? Should I be worried? How can I help her learn? I have tried so many things.
All stories, advice, suggestions welcome.
thank you in advance for your reply.
10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWhat does your 8 month (or 7-10 month) old baby eat? What is the eating schedule?
I feel like I need more meal ideas for my 8 month old daughter. Also, I would be interested in knowing your baby's feeding schedule and amounts they eat. All information welcome!
Thank you in advance.
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHair loss during breastfeeding? Baby is 8 months old?
I have exclusively breastfed baby will she was 6 months. She is now 8 months and has started solids although I am still breastfeeding. My hair loss started around 3 months after giving birth and it is still going strong. I am feeling very depressed about this. Is this normal? When will this stop? Will my hair go back to being normal after I stop breastfeeding, if this IS due to breastfeeding? Is this something I should see my ob/gyn about or just the family doctor? And last, what foods/nutrients may slow down or stop this hair loss?
Any answers, opinions, suggestions, and shared experiences greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoDo breasts become saggy after stopping breastfeeding?
I have always had really nice firm breasts. They have been on the larger side but I got to say I had a good rack! (Sorry for TMI). But now that I am breastfeeding (my daughter is 7 months old), my breasts have gone bigger (understandably) and they sag, I guess b/c they are heavier. I plan to breastfeed as long as baby wants, but cannot help wondering if I will get my nice firm breasts back. I am guessing not, but still wanted to ask how much damage I can expect. Sometimes I think that once I am done with having babies (I want one more) and breastfeeding, I should get a surgery to lift them up or something.
I am not vain or anything but the boob situation has been kind of getting me down lately.
Any ideas/suggestions?
Thank you.
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHow much solid should a 7 month old breastfed baby with two lower teeth just coming out be eating?
She eats a cube of fruit in the morning, a cube of veggie in the early evening, and a cube of another veggie at night. Does this sound good and enough? Should I start mixing several veggies together now? And several fruits? How can I give her grains? I don't want to give her market-bought cereal as that contains no good stuff. I am thinking of boiling long-grain white rice and mashing it myself and maybe adding some breastmilk to it too to thin it out. Does that sound OK? All ideas welcome!
The veggies she has been eating thus far are carrots, sweet potatoes, and green peas. She mostly eats pears, avocados and bananas.
5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHow much solid should a 7 month old breastfed baby with two lower teeth just coming out be eating?
She eats a cube of fruit in the morning, a cube of veggie in the early evening, and a cube of another veggie at night. Does this sound good and enough? Should I start mixing several veggies together now? And several fruits? How can I give her grains? I don't want to give her market-bought cereal as that contains no good stuff. I am thinking of boiling long-grain white rice and mashing it myself and maybe adding some breastmilk to it too to thin it out. Does that sound OK? All ideas welcome!
8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago7 month baby can stay in sitting position but cannot pull herself up to a sitting position. normal?
My 7 month old daughter has been trying for months now to pull herself up into a sitting position but has not been able to do so yet. however if i put her in the sitting position, she stays like that for a while playing with toys, and then she goes back. so i put her in sitting position again, and so forth. Is it normal that she cannot pull herself up to a sitting position at 7 months? When was your baby able to pull Themistocles up to a sitting position?
Thank you in advance for your response.
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoSuggestions for bottle nipples for an exclusively breastfed baby?
My baby will be starting daycare soon and I plan to express milk for her. Both me and my husband have tried giving her breastmilk from the Madela bottles that came with the pump but so far it has been a disaster. Baby just REFUSES. Any advice/suggestions would be greatly helpful, but I would specifically really appreciate advice on what kind of bottles and nipples I should get for baby so that she accepts bottle.
Thank you for help.
6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agohow do you know if you are ignoring your 6 month old?
I don't know why I feel that I ignore her. She is exclusively breastfed, we co-sleep, she is always on my lap or right next to me playing with her toys, i talk to her but not a lot...i just don't know what to say really, i don't engage in play with her but am always there to make sure she has all her toys around her, she gets tummy time, she spends time on jumperoo, i hug and kiss her a lot, she is always clean, fed, diaper changed. i dont read to her b/c she doesent seem to enjoy it...she ust wants to play with books. i don't know why i feel i could be and should be doing more, but i don't know what. i feel overwhelmed with baby sometimes...this is my first. i feel down sometimes like right now but mostly not.
what is going on with me??
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoBaby is 6 months and just started solids. How should I schedule solid feedings?
I have been giving baby solids for a few days now. First couple of days she had mashed banana with some breastmilk, and then some pureed carrot with breastmilk. As of tomorrow, I will be giving her banana in morning and then carrot puree at night. After a week or so, I plan to make a banana-apple mush for morning and carrot-pee or carrot-cauliflower puree for evening. My question is that how many times a day should I be giving baby solids, and for how long, and when should I triple solid feedings? When can I introduce meets? Table food? How have you initiated your babies into solid food? I would love to hear about all of your experiences. Please share.
Baby is otherwise exclusively breastfed.
Also, (TMI!) I could clearly see the carrot in baby's poop. Normal??
Thank you.
3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago