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Feel good if I can help, much better if we do it altogether.

  • Noisy upright piano keys bouncing back at the back rails.?

    The sound is obvious even with closed lid that its sounds like a mouse is going up and down the octaves as I play. It does not bobble on strings but just the hammers as it rests back. Any opinion? Thanks

    2 AnswersClassical6 years ago
  • Treble notes played by left finger.?

    Not so keen in playing classical but recently tried Bach's Well Tempered Clavier-Fugue. For referencing, I noticed in videos I watched that pianists are playing the beginning passages the lower e and d notes at the treble with left fingers. Is it for convenience to play it easier?

    3 AnswersClassical7 years ago
  • Antique tuning sticks.?

    I got these 2 bamboo sticks with leather tips on both ends. These came together with 4 tuning felts and a tuning hammer with the box dated year 1958 and seems originally from the U.K. I just want to know what is/are the purpose of these sticks as you can see in the picture. Thanks for any answers.

    2 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
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    A lone screw behind Young Chang upright's action center.?

    This is for i.jones to see that screw behind Young Changs action center.

    1 AnswerClassical7 years ago
  • Finding the best of what your piano can give.?

    I know that owning a Young Chang would not give me the best of what one can expect of a piano sound. Did try all the places and positions (near or far off the wall) but just this morning I discovered my piano sounds better when the bottom door is opened. I hate the sound when the top flap is open, it's sounds too loud, gong like with a bit of honky tonk. I just open the bottom 10cm wide and it really enhances the depth of the bass and best of all the twanging sound is reduced because it seems all harmonized well. The only downside is sometimes I can hear slightly the action of sustain pedal. I will be scouting later for a black pvc chain to hold the door when opened.

    On another note, I will be getting some parts for my other console piano that is up for sale. Will be needing felts for piano keys for middle pins, green front bushings, red smaller bushings and thicker cardboard and thin paper shims. Got this "abandoned" piano from auctioneer's basement, had it tuned and partly regulated but many parts are worn out and needed replacement, actually this piano sounds nice ( sweeter) at the treble than Young Chang.

    1 AnswerClassical7 years ago
  • A sticking/poking screw behind the piano action assembly.?

    I regulary check the inside of my young chang piano and I notice there is one screw like thing with rubber shield/coat on its top which touches/pokes the middle brass frame of the piano. I would like to know what is the function of it. When I remove the whole action and I put it back, I make sure it is set in the middle, in line with the brass frame as if it is poking it, though I have no idea what help it does to the piano. Thanks for any answers.

    2 AnswersClassical7 years ago
  • This time it is not about my piano but big moths!?

    Lately I noticed on two occasions a moth comes near me while tinkering around my piano. I chased it away with a swatter but to my surprise it viciously flew onto me fluttering at my face, second time on another occacion I did prepare myself for the rebound attack of another moth. What do you think is your opinion on this? Is it the woody smell of the piano that attracts it or the light overhead as I always work or play till late. Thanks for any answer.

    1 AnswerClassical7 years ago
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    Key dip, soft key pedal & sustenuto pedal.?

    Please bear with me those who'd been reading my never ending requests/questions. An update of my Young Chang U121: I was working on the key dip and found worn out un-even felts and over stacked front shims under the keys. Sorted out all the goods ones (found it in last 2 higher octaves) and put it in middle octaves (the ones being played often). Adjusted the soft pedal a bit then turned the capstan to let all keys fall on the back evenly on rails (some lifted away after key dip adjustments). Adjusted the sustenuto pedal as it was bit a closer to the strings which also gives buzzing sounds. Now the keys are all playing evenly now though lighter than usual. The only thing that concerns me is I could feel the bounce of the keys that falls back to the railings and there's a very slight lost motion. All the bobbings are gone. What I notice most is the brilliance of the sound. The bass got more depth and trebles and high octaves are now tinkling unlike before that it does not have "sparkle". Now, this is yours to assess guys and your opinions are important for me to understand further more things about action requlation. In the meantime I could express the playing better but I feel it could improve more. Many thanks. (Btw, I checked some technicians from the city and all they want me to do first is find other piano owners in my town for "collective tunings" because of travel costs, and that is not me to call other strangers one by one).

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts7 years ago
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    Lost motion, light touch piano.?

    Browsing the net I tried the advices to turn my upright's capstans bit by bit and it worked in solving the lost motion. In the meantime it is the lightness of the keys that I work on and for quick fix I put lead weights (fish line sinkers) as the photo show. I used it in my previous piano, crude but makes my piano playable better. Rather keep it that way in the meantime until an expert see my piano. Comments are welcome, thanks.

    2 AnswersClassical7 years ago
  • Piano clean-up and action.?

    I did some cleaning yesterday in my piano and tightening a bit of screws in non-action region (the "minus" small screws just below the hammers). What I notice afterwards is now the piano plays very lightly and I notice a bit of "bouncy feel" in a lot of keys. Few keys plays a bit behind than others, particularly when you play 3 notes and one or 2 seems a bit sluggish, but okay when playing individual notes. I preferred a bit restraint than light touch in all the keys for good expressions. I also notice the piano sound seems quiter that I have to play a bit hard for volume. Though the piano still plays alright but won't do further unsure move because I learned some lessons doing own regulations in my previous old piano. Will appreciate your answers and opinions. Thank you.

    2 AnswersClassical7 years ago
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    From A440 to A435 piano pitch adjustment?

    Mentioned here earlier that I tuned my U121 YC piano (as similar to the pic here) at A440 but noticing some strings particularly on higher octaves are reverting to its old pitch. What I did is set my digital tuner to A435 and see how those strings would match and it did. So last night I did the adjustment and did the pitch lowered to A435. Now there's a nice difference in tonal sound as the A440 before sounded uptight and some strings are ringing harshly and I can't get rid of the waves.

    I know this will raise some eyebrows of some who insist on A440 pitch on all pianos. I tuned it for my personal taste (no desire to do jamming with other instruments) and was surprised with the improvement. Now I am just waiting for it to settle its tune once and for all. Any opinion/s is welcome and appreciated. Good day to all.

    2 AnswersClassical7 years ago
  • Tuning piano digitally or with tuning fork.?

    My piano sounds great though I tuned it just myself. But not sure if I did it in a precise way. I used a digital tuner set on A440 frequency (hitting the middle C and the gadget guides me to find the center of the meter) and then just refine the harmony of the strings. I also got an antique tuning fork but it sounds different when I hit the middle C. My question is: What particular key should I hit when referring to tuning fork for tuning guide? Btw, I have no choice but tune it myself as no professional tuner would give service as travelling is long distance. Thanks again for any of your ready answers.

    4 AnswersBlues7 years ago
  • Piano sound improvement.?

    Posted here ago about me getting a U121 Young Chang piano, and when it arrived, I tuned it right afterwards. I got a dilemna for 3 days for not getting an acceptable overall sound (tuning, twangs, dull strings and unbalanced loudness). Then got this idea of checking the screws around the sound board at the back, tweak it all a bit then placed the piano back at least 6 inches away from the wall. So surprised with the immediate improvement in sound quality that it got now brilliance, good volume and harmony in tunes (though some strings are still not fully calibrated but it still gives good sound). My question is: Was it the tweaking of screws at the sound board or the moving away of piano from the wall that contributed to the improvement in overall sound? Thanks for your time to answer this.

    2 AnswersClassical7 years ago
  • Getting a Young Chang upright piano.?

    Finally I am disposing my otto bach (popular south african brand) piano and will be replaced by a korean made Young Chang black upright one. It is in good condition and tuned as per seller (a korean who is moving back to south korea for good). I am just requesting any opinions about Y C pianos, though I have seen a lot from you tube how good it plays and even some reviewers compared it to top brands. Any answers will be taken good. Thanks.

    2 AnswersClassical7 years ago
  • A question and message intended for Maxim. How musically inclined are the people of Kazakhstan?

    Are they more classically trained or into modern music? By the way, thank you for the tip I learned from your video, though it is not the conventional one commonly used by many but it worked in a good way in some of my tuning pins. I am relaying my message to you here because I can't add to your last one mentioning about me using footwrap. You may be able to use my words as reference but I may add, one can try your method at their own discretion. I boldly use it because my piano is not an expensive/precious one but it become precious to me now because it is playing well. Imagine for a 200bucks Otto Bach that one can express a soul via music. Unfortunately, I am not keen on video making to show myself what I do, but rather happy to watch other's video tips. Keep up the good work friend. Have a great day to all.

    2 AnswersClassical9 years ago
  • Piano tone seems changed.?

    In my place, we also got 4 seasons and I just I notice now my piano tone sounds a bit different, mellow but good. Our season is passing autumn now and I think I am enjoying playing the piano with its positive changes. May I ask, when do you normally start tuning the piano when sound gets off. Is it in middle summer and again in the middle of winter? By the way my piano is placed next to an outside wall but I padded the wall and not the piano the size of the back of piano with woolen blanket

    and hoping temperature there won't change drastically. Thanks for any answers.

    1 AnswerClassical9 years ago
  • One more question about piano.?

    My console piano got 3 big chrome round screws that attach/secure the action to the golden brass metal frame. When I bought the piano from auction house, I notice it is not completely screwed to the hilt though it is tight enough. Should I completely screw it completely to the frame? Thanks for any answers and for being patient with my constant asking. Great day to all.

    6 AnswersClassical9 years ago
  • I would like to know more on the piano actions and regulations.?

    Can anyone give me details as to how capstans and jacks affect the piano action. My piano keys got this unsmooth feel when playing though piano sounds good enough. As of now it is on light touch setting but when sustenuto is applied it's got a bit rumbling feel which I notice is caused by the jacks, but is okay when pedal is not used. I also notice when capstan is set a bit low, the hammers start to vibrate. How would I set it in a balanced way. Btw, in my place, I can't easily get a book about DIY piano unless I have to import from other country. Many thanks for answers.

    1 AnswerClassical9 years ago
  • I guess I am done now with restoring and tuning my newly bought used piano.?

    May I take the opportunity of thanking you all who commented/contributed bits and pieces of information that I put together to be able to do what is necessary in fixing my own piano. As for false beats, I discovered it can be silenced if not completely removed by slowly turning the wire extremely low then bit high (with care) as if relaxing - stretching it, then tune and it works! My piano got lots of false beating wire particularly in mid-section (treble) and now it sounds better and very playable. As a DIY enthusiast like me, I would say thank you again for ideas and inspirations I got here.

    1 AnswerClassical9 years ago