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Mummy of 1 x

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  • What do you think of this name?

    Struggling with girls names, what do you think of Edie Rose?

    8 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • How do you soothe your teething toddler?

    Dealing with my daughters teething while she was a baby seems like a walk in the park compared to now she is a toddler. As a baby, a lot of cuddles and a cold teething ring did the trick most the time and on bad days teething powders were a charm. It was only on the worst days that as a baby I'd get the calpol out to ease teething.

    Now she is 20 months and getting her cuspid/canine teeth through, teething is AWFUL. Her frustration and pain from teething seem to more often than not result in a tantrum (that can last up to an hour), and I find my self reaching for the calpol more often as a quick fix to her pain and frustration. So I'm looking for suggestions......

    How do you soothe/deal with your toddlers teething pain?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Do you give your toddler vitamins?

    My daughter (20 months old) is typically a good eater, and I always offer her a good variety of foods through out the day, but I do let her self feed and so she picks what she wants. My mum mentioned that when we were younger all children over 6 months were offered vitamin drops, and I can honestly say that I never even considered it, it got me thinking, should i be giving her some sort of multi vitamin supplement as a back up? I know they are not a replacement for a good balanced diet, an I will always offer her a good variety of healthy foods (with the occasional treat).

    Do you give your LO a multi vitamin?

    Is there any reason why I shouldn't?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Do you give your toddler vitamins?

    My daughter is typically a good eater, and I always offer her a good variety of foods through out the day, but I do let her self feed and so she picks what she wants. My mum mentioned that when we were younger all children over 6 months were offered vitamin drops, and I can honestly say that I never even considered it, it got me thinking, should i be giving her some sort of multi vitamin supplement as a back up? I know they are not a replacement for a good balanced diet, an I will always offer her a good variety of healthy foods (with the occasional treat).

    Do you give your LO a multi vitamin?

    Is there any reason why I shouldn't?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Flower middle name.....?

    My first daughters name is Amelie Lily, so we have decided that our second child if a girl should have a middle name that is also a flower.

    We have decided we like either Polly or Mia for the first name so any suggestions of floral middle names that go well with either?

    29 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • Anglecare or similar, when did you stop using it?

    I have an Anglecare breathing sensor monitor for my daughter. She is now 18 months and we still using it, but have been discussing taking it away as she is getting older, or if we should just keep it whilst she is still sleeping in her cot/crib.

    So I was just wondering when people stopped using theirs?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • How do you entertain your toddler on a rainy day?

    The weather here is miserable at the moment (so much for summer). I find it really hard to come up with things to do for my almost 18 month old indoors leading to a lot of frustrating days when we are cooped up inside.

    So what do you do to keep your toddler entertain on these indoor days?

    Thank you.

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Is there any advise you wished you followed but didn't after your baby was born?

    I remember being told by everyone to make sure that you sleep when your baby sleeps for the 1st few weeks, I never did this! Instead I rushed around the house doing chores, thinking back it would have made everything so much easier?

    So for you Mummies out there, what advise do you wish you took when your LO's were born?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Finger food inspiration for my 1 year old?

    My daughter is 15 months old, and has been eating finger food/table food for a long time. But I feel stuck in a rut offering her the same foods every day. I'm looking for some inspiration for different things to feed her.

    So what finger foods do you feed your LO?

    Any good recipes you would like to share?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Finger food inspiration for my 1 year old?

    My daughter is 15 months old, and has been eating finger food/table food for a long time. But I feel stuck in a rut offering her the same foods every day. I'm looking for some inspiration for different things to feed her.

    So what finger foods do you feed your LO?

    Any good recipes you would like to share?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Milk and my 1 year old?

    I am all for getting rid of bottles when my daughter reaches a year old but my concern is that she wont take enough fluids in the day with out them.

    She currently drinks around 16 fl oz a day of milk from her bottles and only 4/5 fl oz a day of water from her sippy. I plan to firstly take away all day time bottles of milk leaving just her night time milk bottle as this is part of her bed time routine, or would you suggest getting rid of them all in 1 go?

    Did your LO start drinking more from a sippy once the bottles were removed?

    I will offer smaller drinks of milk with a snack or meal in her sippy, does this sound ok?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Milk and my 1 year old?

    I am all for getting rid of bottles when my daughter reaches a year old but my concern is that she wont take enough fluids in the day with out them.

    She currently drinks around 16 fl oz a day of milk from her bottles and only 4/5 fl oz a day of water from her sippy. I plan to firstly take away all day time bottles of milk leaving just her night time milk bottle as this is part of her bed time routine, or would you suggest getting rid of them all in 1 go?

    Did your LO start drinking more from a sippy once the bottles were removed?

    I will offer smaller drinks of milk with a snack or meal in her sippy, does this sound ok?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Milk bottlles and my almost 1 year old.?

    My daughter is almost 1 year old and so we are think about getting rid of her bottles. She has no attachment problems with them so I know she wont be upset to see them go. However she is not very effective at drinking from her sippy cup, we have tried a few since she was 6 months old and have settled with a free flowing one as she gets the most from it (but so does the floor, lol).

    I am just worried that by taking the bottles away she wont be getting enough milk. Did you have this problem and how did you get over it?

    Bonus question: how much milk should a 1 year old be drinking?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • finger food ideas for a 9 month old?

    My daughter is almost 9 months old and has a preference for finger foods (only at breakfast and Lunch, for dinner she prefers a puree type meal). But I'm running out of ideas, currently I will give her:

    Toast with homemade fruit puree spread

    Scrambled egg

    Steamed veg

    French toast

    Today she had a sandwich with cream cheese filling, but I need some healthier alternatives

    My struggle is to come up with ideas to get more fruit veg in her diet, she doesn't eat fresh fruit when I offer it to her but will eat fruit purees (except banana).

    Any good finger food ideas?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Ready Brek, suitable for a baby?

    Not sure if every one knows Ready Brek is a brand name for a childs porridge breakfast (smooth porridge basically)

    Do any of you mums out there give your little ones Ready Brek (or similar) for breakfast? Is it ok?

    I was recomended to give my daughter this instead of her usual "baby" porridge (its half the price and you get more), it has no added salt or sugar and much like the baby cereals it is fortified with vitamins and minerals - also I can make it up with her usual milk boosting her milk intake for the day (great as she is self weaning at 8 months and getting milk in her is becoming a problem)? What do you think?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby not eating 7 months?

    My daughter seems to be going off her food. She is 7 1/2 months and until 2 weeks ago was eating:

    7am 7fl oz milk

    8:30 breakfast

    12:30 7 fl oz milk

    1pm Lunch (finger food)

    4pm Dinner

    7pm 7 fl oz milk

    Now She will drink 3fl oz at 7am and 12:30 and completely refuses breakfast all together. She will have lunch but isn't eating anywhere near what she was eating, and at dinner she will refuse and cry, eventually I will get a spoonful in, once she has the taste she will eat the rest. At 7pm she will have maybe 4 fl oz of her milk.

    Why has she stopped eating so much, and why have mealtimes become such a struggle, so confused, any ideas?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Finger foods and self feeding idea?

    I much prefer to let my daughter feed herself, but get stuck with what to feed her. She is almost 8 months old. Today I was making myself cheese on toast and it dawned on me that she could eat that too, and she loved it :)

    What do you feed your loved ones finger food/self feeding wise?

    Also when did you first let them try and spoon feed themselves? I'm thinking of giving my daughter a yogurt and a spoon and seeing what happens.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Your favourite baby food recipes?

    I love making my daughter's baby food but am getting stuck with recipe ideas

    This is one of my daughters favourites - she loves it and always eats the whole portion :)

    30g butter

    1 leek - sliced

    1 celery stick - sliced

    1 red pepper -cored, deseeded and chopped

    60g Red Lentils

    1 medium carrot - peeled and chopped

    2 sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped

    1 bay leaf

    15 fl oz veg stock or boiled water

    Sauté leaks in butter for 2-3 minutes, add celery, red pepper, carrot and sauté for 5 minutes

    add lentils and sauté for 1 minute. Add sweet pot, bay leaf and stock, bring to boil, reduce heat cover and simmer for 30 minutes/until veg and lentils ore tender. Remove bay leaf, puree/mash to required texture. Freezes well so worth making a batch.

    Do you have any good recipe ideas to try?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • "Good night" milks and follow on formula?

    I was just thinking about this, I understand that putting cereal into a bottle is a big no no, but have seen a couple of brands in the UK do a "good night" milk, which is basically a ready made mix of a follow on (6 month plus) formula powder and cereal - How is this any different from doing this yourself? Is it just a ploy to get more money from us - It's really expensive almost double the price of regular formula)

    (Just to add before I get a bashing, I do not put cereal in my daughter bottle, she is a good sleeper so I don't want to use the milk, just curious)

    Follow on (6 months plus) formulas, are they necessary? How are they different from infant first formulas?

    I moved my daughter on to a follow on formula when she turned 6 months, but she didn't like it and screamed whenever I tried to feed her, she is back on to her infant milk, but at 7 months is this ok? should I try a different brand of follow on milk?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is your 6 month olds food and sleep routine?

    My daughter has just turned 6 months and her sleep routine has changes so she is only having 1 nap a day, which isn't working, but I cant seem to get another 1 in there.

    Currently it is

    7am Wake and milk

    8:30 Toast for breakfast (she doesn't eat much just plays with it)

    10:30 Milk

    11am Nap

    1pm Wake up

    2pm Milk

    5pm Dinner

    7pm Milk then sleep

    She sleeps through fantastic but with just 1 nap a day she is exhausted by 5:30 but it's too late to nap, to early for bed.

    I am trying to get her down for a nap at maybe 10ish, then again at 3pm but 10 seems to early for her. She doesn't do cat naps either if she goes down its for at least an hour.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago