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  • Chances of being approved for Lowe's Credit Card?

    Hello all I close on my first mortgage today, I sign the closing paperwork at 4pm today and take ownership of the house! I was thinking of applying for a Lowe's Card as I need to purchase a refridgerator. Here is what is on my credit report:

    TU FICO Score: 677

    Experian FICO Score: 643

    Equifax FICO Score: 650

    3 Paid CO's from 6 years ago

    2 Current Credit Accounts that have never been late: Capital One (CL$200) & AU on Discover (CL$12,000).

    1 Student Loan never late

    1 Personal Lon never late

    AAoA of 6 years 3 months

    Think I have a shot at getting approved? Also, any other cards I might have a chance at being approved for as I may do a mini app spree and then garden to increase my scores.

    5 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Added as AU and score decreased....why?

    My father has added me on his Discover card as an AU. The card has a 20 year history with no late payments, a $12,000 balance, & never carries a balance of more than $500. When the card was posted to my Experian report my score jumped 43 points. However, the account was just added to my TransUnion report and my FICO score fell 14 points. Any idea as to why? Nothing else on my credit report changed.

    2 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Authorized User show on credit report?

    My parents are getting up in age and have requested that I be added as an Authorized User on their Discover credit card. They plan to just keep the card in their safe deposit but it would be there in case of an emergency should I need it. Will this card show up on my credit report?

    3 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Improving Credit Score?

    So my question is if anyone has any tips on how I can boost my credit score. I am getting married in Jan of 2014 and would like to purchase a house. Currently my credit scores are : TU 544, Equifax: 564, & Experian: 563. Just to give you a bit of background on myself. When in college I made som REALLY DUMB decisions and applied for about every credit card I could then decided to not pay them back....yeah dumb I know. Well here I am 5 years later and here is my situation. Currently on my credit report I have 10 charge-offs (all of which are 4-5 years old), 2 judgements - both paid (judgments are 3 years & 2 years old), 7 collection accounts - 3 of these were PIF (this is before I found out about PFD) and 3 are still open. They are EOS/CCA (DOFD 01/13), Asset Acceptance (DOFD 09/08), Melinium Financial (DOFD 4/08) & Credit Protection Associates (DOFD: 6/10). I also have I currenly have 4 hard inquiries on my credit reports. I also have one account with First Premier that I did pay off with them (again before I knew about PFD) but it did have a 90day late mark (DOFD 12/08)

    For the little bit of possitives I have on my credit report they are as follows: 2 student loans - both are 3 years old + (never had a late payment), 1 personal loan - 4 months old (never had a late payment), & 1 credit line (FingerHut) - 4 months old (never had late payment and utilization is 5% of available credit line).

    I have recently sent GoodWill letters to all of my OC's whom i have charge-off accounts with, I have also sent GW letters to the CA's that I have paid accounts with. I plan to DV the remaining 4 CA's on my credit report, and I have sent a letter to the attorneys on my judgments requesting a courtesy 'vacatur of judgment' to be filed on my behalf. Just sent all of this off last Friday.

    My question is what other steps can I take to see my credit score continue to rise. My first goal is to have all 3 scores hit the 640+ mark.

    2 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Start Improving Credit Score?

    So just to give a bit of background on my situation. While I was in college I made the dumb decision to get credit cards and 'live beyond my means' as a result I pretty much destroyed my credit report/score. However, I have been blessed with a good job (make a salary of $67,500) and as a result I am proud to say that I have paid off all of my accounts that were late, in collections, or judgments. I still have 4 current items on my credit report which are: (2) student loans, (1) personal loan, & (1) credit card. All of these have a 100% on-time payment history. Furthermore, my credit utilization on my credit card is at or below 25% each month. I was also able to work out PFD with 3 collection agencies so those negative trade lines will be removed from my credit report. I am at a place in life that I am tired of throwing money away every month on rent and am looking to build some equity and would like to purchase a house in the next 9-18 months. So I was hoping I could get some answers to the following questions:

    1. With getting some collection agencys to remove negative trade lines will that help my credit score improve?

    2. Any tips on what I could be doing to see my credit score continue to increase?

    3. How much will more score increase monthly?

    4. Any additional information would be helpful!

    Thanks for everyones help!

    2 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Improving Credit Score?

    So while in college I made some dumb mistakes and applied for credit cards and then didn't pay them as I should off. As a result it took a major toll on my credit score. However, I am happy to say that as of today when I checked my credit report all collection accounts or anything that posted as a judgement or past due all now show that they have been paid in full.

    Currently my credit scores are: Experian: 549, TransUnion: 544, & Equifax: 589. The only open accounts I have are a student loan, 1 personal loan, & 1 credit card (which I have never missed a payment on). I have had some good success with 3 creditors and have had them grant GW to where they will take the negative tradelines off of my account. Will this help my credit scores increase once it happens? I currently make $50,000/year & have around $15,000 available for a house down payment. I am looking to purchase a house in the next 12-18 months and was wondering what steps I could take to help see my credit score get to that 640-660 range in that time frame.

    Thanks in advance for everyones ideas/help. I look forward to slowly rebuilding my credit from the mess it was.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • Credit Score Question?

    So while in college I made some dumb mistakes and applied for credit cards and then didn't pay them as I should off. As a result it took a major toll on my credit score. However, I am happy to say that as of today when I checked my credit report all collection accounts or anything that posted as a judgement or past due all now show that they have been paid in full.

    Currently my FICO score is a 589 and the only open account I have is a student loan (which I have never missed a payment on). I currently make $50,000/year & have around $15,000 available for a house down payment. I am looking to purchase a house in the next 12-18 months and was wondering what steps I could take to help see my credit score get to that 640-660 range in that time frame.

    Thanks in advance for everyones ideas/help. I look forward to slowly rebuilding my credit from the mess it was.

    4 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Mortgage Qualification?

    So I am hoping to get a bit of advice here. I made a couple of really dumb decisions with credit cards in college. I am proud to say that I have paid all of them off now and only have 1 studen loan (which I have NEVER been late on) that has a balance on it. As a result of my dumb credit card issues my current FICO score is 590 and climbing about 5-9 points a month. My fiance & I are getting married in January of 2014 and are interested in the RD Loans offered in our area. The problem is after we are married our income exceeds the $75,000 limit. Currently my salary is $47,500 and her salary while she finishes grad school is $15,000. It will go to $37,500 upon graduation. Her FICO score is a 725+ could she apply for the RD Loan on the house we like ($125,000 selling price) and be qualified?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Help with raising credit scores?

    So I will admit first off about 4 years ago as a junior in college I made some really DUMB decisions and maxed out several credit cards then never paid, the accounts went to collection agencies. Well as of today I have officially paid off all of this old debt! I totally unerstand this will not help raise my credit score but felt to be honest I must pay off the debt. Currently my credit scores are as follows: FICO 592, TU 572. I am very interested in purchasing a house in the next year or 2 and know I need to get my score to at least a 640 before I even consider doing so. Can anyone give me advice on what steps I should take to help raise my score? I currently have 2 student loans (never been late with 3 years of perfect credit history), 1 Kohls credit card ($800 balance and pay my bill in full each month), & 1 Discover credit card ($500 balance and pay my bill in full each month). I have also written goodwill delete letters to the charged-off acounts and that has worked in a few cases and helped my score. Any other ideas would be appreciated! I know I didn't get here in a day so it will take just as long or longer to dig my way out. Thanks for everyones suggestions.

    4 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Information about Authorized User?

    So my fiance & I are set to get married in May. We thought it would be good to start joining finances together so this isn't all items we have to do post-marriage. I added her to my Discover card as an Authorized User 3 days back. It has a great credit history on it. Does anyone know if Discover will report the card on her credit reports as well?

    2 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Dealing with Collection Agencies.?

    So I made some dumb decisions while in college so now fast forward 4 years later. I am in the process of cleaning up my credit report so that after that I can hopefully pursue buying my first home in the next few years. My question is I spoke with 2 different collection agencies and paid them over the phone. After reading articles it looks like this could be a bad decision. Has anyone ever had success paying collection agencies over the phone? Please help!

    5 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Mortgage Approval Information?

    So I'm hoping to get a bit of insight here. At one point (4-5 years back) I was a dumb naive college student who applied to numerous credit cards, didn't pay them, thus my credit history looked pretty rough. Well about 2 years ago I took control of my credit history. I paid off all collections/judgements so that the only open things on my credit report are a current Discover Card & 2 student loans which I have never made a late payment on. About 4 years ago my credit scores were 501, 519, & 504. I am happy to say when I pulled my 3 scores yesterday they were as follows 664, 692, & 677. As a result from everything I have read and from talking with my bank a little bit it appears that I will qualify for a conventional loan as I have 20% down. However, my one concern is on my report because I waited so long to pay my bills there are several original credit cards that read Charge-Off/Closed. I have paid the creditors on all these accounts and either worked out PFD deals or those accounts are reported PAID IN FULL. Also I have 2 judgements but both say PAID. Is my bank correct that I can still qualify? Sorry for the long answer and thanks in advance for the help.

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Improving Credit Score?

    If my fiance were to add me on her Discover card as a secondary user would it help my credit score? She has exceptional credit and has a $10,000 credit line that is always paid off each month. I have no debts on my credit report but have some dings from a few years back that drag my score down. Will being added as a secondary cardholder report the good credit history of the Discover card for me?

    1 AnswerCredit8 years ago
  • Girls....what's your opinion?

    What do you think...ladies?

    1. After a day of work do you ever come home with your feet hurting?

    2. If so then what kind of job do you have?

    3. Have your feet ever hurt so bad you took you shoes off?

    4. Would you like to have your feet massaged after a day of work?

    5. What are the most painful shoes you have ever worn?

    6. Whats your favorite color for a pedicure?

    7. Would you rather have a back rub or foot rub after a day of work?

    8. Would you consider it a good thing if a guy offered to massage your feet for you when they hurt?

    9. Would you rather go shopping in comfort of flip flops or look trendy and wear heels and end the day with sore feet?

    10. Would your feet hurt worse standing for 8 hours in flip flops or for 3 hours in 4inch heels?

    Thanks for answering

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • Credit Report/Score Question Going Forward?

    I am in the process of looking at purchasing a house. Currently my credit scores are as follows: Experian: 590, Equifax: 586, TransUnion: 560. I fully admit up front I made some STUPID decisions as a college student. As a result I my credit score took a big hit. I have since gone through Financial Peace University & have paid off all my accounts that were at that point in collection. As a result my credit report has 16 negative items on it as well as 1 judgement. All those items have been paid. I also have a student loan which I was able to stay current on payments and never have had a late payment. The majority of the dings on my credit report is 4-6 years old I don't know if that is valuable information or not. I have looked into different loan options and everything I have heard & been told says my credit score needs to be a 640 to really have a chance. Are there any steps that I can take to improve my credit score to that 640 range in the next 3-9 months? What if I got a credit card that specalizes in people with low credit and pay it off each month will that help? My fiance & I are getting married in January of 2014 and she has a credit score of 786 if she co-signed would it help on getting approved for a mortgage? Sorry for all of the questions. Any information would be incredibly helpful!

    3 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Help on improving credit score.?

    I am in the process of looking at purchasing a house. Currently my credit scores are as follows: Experian: 590, Equifax: 586, TransUnion: 560. I was layed off from my job 4 years ago and funds got incredibly tight. As a result I my credit score took a big hit. I have since gotten a job in the past year making decent money & have paid off all my accounts that were at that point in collection. As a result my credit report has 16 negative items on it as well as 1 judgement. All those items have been paid. I also have a student loan which I was able to stay current on payments and never have had a late payment. I have looked into different loan options and everything I have heard & been told says my credit score needs to be a 640 to really have a chance. Are there any steps that I can take to improve my credit score to that 640 range in the next 3-9 months? Any information would be incredibly helpful!

    5 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • Mortgage Information?

    My wife & I are getting ready to apply for a mortgage. Our current before tax income combined is right at $95,000. My credit score is a 561 & her credit score is a 731. The only debt we have is 1 student loan I have which is around $11,000 and is current and she has a car payment which is current as well. We are hoping to buy a house that is selling for $135,000. Is this possible? Any advice would be appreciated.

    The reason for my score being a 561 is due to past credit history. I had some accounts that had been in collections. However, all accounts have been paid off & I have 1 judgement on my credit report but it has been paid in full as well and any open accounts are in good standing. I spoke with a Credit Consulting Firm and they said it will just take time for the past negative history to age and my credit score will improve as long as I keep everything now current going forward.

    Concerning the down payment all research I have done says that in Missouri (the state I reside in) requires 3.5% down plus closing costs. I have the means to put down about 7% plus closing costs currently.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Ladies....your thoughts?

    What do you think...ladies?

    1. After a day of work do you ever come home with your feet hurting?

    2. If so then what kind of job do you have?

    3. Have your feet ever hurt so bad you took you shoes off?

    4. Would you like to have your feet massaged after a day of work?

    5. What are the most painful shoes you have ever worn?

    6. Whats your favorite color for a pedicure?

    7. Would you rather have a back rub or foot rub after a day of work?

    8. Would you consider it a good thing if a guy offered to massage your feet for you when they hurt?

    9. Would you rather go shopping in comfort of flip flops or look trendy and wear heels and end the day with sore feet?

    10. Would your feet hurt worse standing for 8 hours in flip flops or for 3 hours in 4inch heels?

    Thanks for answering

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Ladies.....what is your opinion?

    What do you think...ladies?

    1. After a day of work do you ever come home with your feet hurting?

    2. If so then what kind of job do you have?

    3. Have your feet ever hurt so bad you took you shoes off?

    4. Would you like to have your feet massaged after a day of work?

    5. What are the most painful shoes you have ever worn?

    6. Whats your favorite color for a pedicure?

    7. Would you rather have a back rub or foot rub after a day of work?

    8. Would you consider it a good thing if a guy offered to massage your feet for you when they hurt?

    9. Would you rather go shopping in comfort of flip flops or look trendy and wear heels and end the day with sore feet?

    10. Would your feet hurt worse standing for 8 hours in flip flops or for 3 hours in 4inch heels?

    Thanks for answering

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • Mortgage qualification question?

    My wife & I are getting ready to apply for a mortgage. Our current before tax income combined is right at $95,000. My credit score is a 561 & her credit score is a 731. The only debt we have is 1 student loan I have wich is around $11,000 and is current and she has a car payment which is current as well. We are hoping to buy a house that is selling for $135,000. Is this possible? Any advice would be appreciated.

    The reason for my score being a 561 is due to past credit history. I had some accounts that had been in collections. However, all accounts have been paid off and any open accounts are in good standing. I spoke with a Credit Consulting Firm and they said it will just take time for the past negative history to age and my credit score will improve as long as I keep everything now current going forward.

    Concerning the down payment all reserach I have done says that in Missouri (the state I reside in) requires 3.5% down plus closing costs. I have the means to put down about 7% plus closing costs currently.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago