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Lv 31,865 points

Proud Michigander

Favorite Answers6%

I consider myself a Libertarian i have a tendency to support Republican veiws but sometimes i find myself supporting Democrat veiws as well. This year i am torn between Obama or Ron Paul. There are things about Mccain i really dont like but i suppose he cant be all that bad.

  • First time author looking for a legitimate publisher?

    Just finished writing my first novel, at a complete loss as to which publishing companies i should try to get in contact with, or which ones are legitimate publishers.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • HELP!!! What kind of salt can i use for my Fiddler Crabs??

    I just purchased my fiddler crabs and i found out after doing some research that they need salt, unfortunatley i dont have any aquarium salt and i live in a small town and the nearest place i could get some is about an hour or so away. I read somewhere you could use Kosher or canning salt, and i think that can be picked up in just about any grocery store. So my question first of all is two fold, first of all,

    Can i use Kosher or Canning Salt for my crabs?


    Can i find this kind of salt at any grocery store?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What political party is this person?

    1. Pro-life

    2. against Gun control

    3. Supports taxing of the rich

    4. supports tax cuts to middle class

    5. Supports Amnesty of illegal immigrants (but opposes "Sanctuary cities")

    6. supports smaller goverment

    7. Supports the death penalty

    8. supports gay marriage

    9. undecided on global warming

    10. strongly opposes Job outsourcing

    11. Hates George Bush

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have the Democrats shot themselves in the Foot?

    With all the Anti-Obama hysteria felt by the Hillary supporters have the Democrats set themselves up for defeat by electing Obama who they feel is "Inadaquete", and too young and inexperienced (Said the same for JFK and he prevented a Nuclear disaster) as well as the moderate veiws of Mccain, and the alleged "Liberal" Stances of Obama, do the democrats stand to have a massive train wreck and a possible republican victory even though the people had had enough of the Republicans as seen when Democrats took congress over and won many states that had previously had Republicans in Charge?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should the U.S get involved with Kosovo?

    Should the U.S do anything for Kosovo or should we leave it be and let what will be done be done?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Should the U.S get involved with Kosovo?

    Should the U.S do anything for Kosovo or should we leave it be and let what will be done be done?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • A new Political Party For the U.S?

    The Republicans Have Failed us and the Democrats are probually about to fail us. I am no Enviromentalist, and i am No Commie, i think that it is time that their is a new party.

    Your thoughts?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Truth or Ignorance?

    Over the many years and the many months i have had to put up with people insulting this country. And you know what Free speech it is great, but you know what it is time alot of you were adressed. Their are people who say that America is Imperialistic, is fascist. And the key to there argument is to look to the past.

    One in particular was a teacher whom i did not care much for. She tricked me. I went to sign up for World Issue class. She called it Latino Culture Class. Then she said the two classes where the same. She started Calling America Imperialistic. Bringing up all this crap up about some Fruit company which she claimed was American Imperialsim even though it had little or no Connection to the Goverment. I PUT UP WITH THIS CRAP FOR MONTHS!!!!!

    Then you got people who say the same thing. That say America's past is Imperial. Well look at Those South American Countries. The Coups, The Bribery, The Massacres.


    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What does this quote mean to you?

    "Ask not what Your Country can do for you ask what can you do for Your Country?"-JFK

    What does that quote mean to you?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with my Theory on The War on Iraq?

    There have been many reasons said that we went to iraq. Weapons of Mass destruction, Terrorism, Oil, but none of them really Check out.

    I think i may have finally found a Reason for Bush to go to Iraq.

    Bush's branch of the Republican Party (Or many of his supporters, but i think he himself may be a Neo con) is Neo conservative.

    In Neo Conservative ideo ology there is what is called "The Democratic Peace Theory" This theory states that countries run by democracy are less likely to go to war with one another and as well as others. Could it be That Bush did his invasion for the sake of spreading democracy, he has defeniently emphazised democracy a number of times in his speeches.

    As well as the defeat of the tali ban and Al Quada. Do you think that This is a war for spreading and preserving democracy?

    Yes or no, and please Explain.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Regarding Iran?

    Nato forces had intercepted weapons from Iran heading to Afghanistan. Is it me or is this just a but suspicious?

    I have believed for a long time Iran was helping the insurgency, i say CRUSH THEM!!!! If we crush Iran then the Taliban loses one of its weapons providers and therefore is in trouble.

    Do you support that in light of this evidence a invasion of Iran on the grounds of violation of international law and for the murder of many U.S soldiers.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • if every political party could co-exist what would happen?

    Do you think that if a president could unite the two parties dont you agree we could go forward in time and cultivate into a even greater America for the people and by the people?

    If all Representitives would stop this people bashing and stop mud flinging at parties and ones personal credibility, if we could all just get along what do you think would be done? Would things be the same? or would we get down to real issues and instead of arguing all day actually reach a solution to the problem?

    I think that if Republicans and Democrats could unite and could work together, America would be even greater then it is today.

    That is why i support a blending of the two parties, so that we can stop this mud flinging and we can stop our arguing and we can reach compromise and build a better America for tommorow, for today, and for the world and people of this great nation.

    Do you agree, and why?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A question for you Pro choice. (regarding abortion)?

    You insisit that women should be able to choose whatever or not to abort a innocent child. Well the next time a man kills a women or a man kills another man we will be sure to tell you to mind your own business cause this is a man matter. And that you have no voice in the matter cause your women, and the perpatrators where men, same thing as you pro choice people.

    somebody dies and only women get the voice.

    (Trying to speak from the point of veiw of Pro choice.)

    (Yes i know it would be considered Sexist but that is what i have to say to you pro choice ingrates.)

    26 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with this motto?

    Judge a politician not by his beleifs but by his actions?

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Iran? Peaceful Nuclear program? Or hostile nukers?

    If it was for power then why hasent iran let any inspectors into the country to examine there so called "Nuclear Program".

    If they are building nukes dont you think they would actually use them as a weapon of offensive use instead of defensive use?

    Should we act against iran now?

    And if we dont can you answer for the deaths of thousands?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think this question should have been removed?

    Deleted Question: Please finish the following sentences regarding certain key figures in politics.?

    Question Details: Bill O'reilly is....... Bush is........ The War in Iraq is........... i like America because...........(Or i hate America because....) Liberals are................ Conservatives are...................... Commies are............... Hippies are.......... Republicans are................. Democrats are.............. My Favorite band is................. (Answerer's favorite band) Al Gore is.................. Hannity is................... Nancy Pelosi is................ Iran is................. N. Korea is................. Russia is..................... China is....................... I am a.............................. (Answerer's political party) Rudy Giulliani is.............. Barack Obama is............ Hillary clinton is.............. John Edwards is..............

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • IF America returned to a isolationist policy would it cause world war 3?

    Look at WW2 and ask yourself the question,

    "Would all of this really have happened if the U.S had NOT had a isolationist policy?"

    Those who do not learn from their history are condemmed to relive it....

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why Are we REALLY in Iraq?

    I can discount most theories.

    Weapons of mass destruction: The country had nothing to lose why would it NOT use its nukes?

    Supporting Terrorism: No concrete evidence of Iraq Supporting terrorism the insurgents we are fighting now are angry sunnis and angry shiites mostly militias, some are terrorist organizations, and not a single person on the planes that were hijacked was from iraq, they were mostly from Afghanistan and Saudi Arabi

    The War for Oil: Why would Bush invade JUST Iraq if he was in it for oil and why not like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or something like that.

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is America the scapegoat of the world?

    Everytime there is some kind of incident America is instantly blamed when half the time there is no real Concrete evidence. I bet if a bird crapped on a statue in Beijing the Chinese would blame the Americans.

    America is blamed for so many things it did not do, or blamed for all the suffering in the world, or condemed as a nation of haters when compared to MANY MANY MANY countries we are very tolerant and very kind.

    Who is it killing people in Darfur?

    Who is it that is REALLY killing people in Iraq?

    Who is it that is carrying out Guerrilla operations in south America?

    Who is it that is Bringing Cocaine TO America?

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What are the qualities in your Opinion of Being a Patriot?

    (This should be good)

    Give good clear answers please.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago