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  • Dating someone with herpes 2, need advice?

    I'll keep it short.

    Just recently started seeing my co worker, he's 24, I'm 23. I have a 4 year old from a previous relationship. He and I are from different worlds it seems, he's nerdy, and I'm your typical girly girl, I find his lifestyle fascinating. He doesn't believe in courting, and is all about feminism which is great but I believe in treating your girl like a princess so that's a bit of a problem.When we originally got together he was in an "open relationship" (just moved to Washington from Indiana) told me he was unsure if he wanted to end things with his gf sense it was open, I told him I'm not that girl, Couple days later I spent the night at his house, we did nothing. Next morning he told me his gf cheated on him and gave him type 2 herpes a few months back. This was a few days ago, he has broken up with his gf sense but idk it feels odd and he has herpes, I don't wanna catch that but I really like him, what would you do?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Washington state custody issue please help!!?

    I was in an abusive relationship for roughly a year and a half, during that time period my ex was very violent, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I never made any physical complaints because I was fearful. my ex was and may still be a heroin addict. I ended up getting pregnant and like a fool stuck around to try and make things work. Throughout my pregnancy I recieved several bruises caused by his temper inflicted on my body (I have pictures) I ended up having my son 10 weeks early due to my ex shoving me into a TV set which caused me to go into labor. Once I left the hospital I went to court and received a protection order which expired on 10/31/13. I have never received any form of contact or intruige interest from him about my son in the 3.5 years that he has been alive. Two days ago we began talking, I inutuiated the conversation. Big mistake.. Huge! We talked about my son and he said he thinks of him often and would like to see him. I told him maybe he could see him if I was sure he had changed. I am now panicking because I have come to my senses. This guy is a bad guy and I cannot have him in my childs life, he currently is abusive to his gf and I recently heard he got fired from his job and is binging on drugs such as molly (xtc) There is no paternity proof present and I do not receive any child support. I am almost positive he is going to try and get custody after he proves paternity. What Can I do to keep him away, or get little to know visitation. Please help

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • 4 dates but I can't tell if he's interested please help?

    So I've been seeing this guy, I'm 22, hes 25, we've been on 4 dates. on Saturday I finally asked him what he was looking for because I am looking more for a relation ship but I didn't make it seem so pushy, this was his response;

    Him:To be honest I'm not really looking for either. I've found that just meeting someone and seeing what happens is the best. I don't wanna force it either way. I would like a relationship but I don't wanna jinx it 😊. I just think you're pretty cool and I don't wanna get my hopes up. But I definitely want to be more than friends. You're the type of girl I would like to date.

    We hung out the day after and kissed and cuddled for the first time, he seems interested but after that text idk, he hasn't asked to see me again like he usually does after a date and he takes forever to text me in the morning like not till noon, when he personally gets up super early. Do you think he's interested?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Third date already?!?!?

    We met online have been texting for two weeks, met up friday for our first date (went for drinks) met up on Sunday (went to dinner) and are going on our third date next sunday (to the movies) we have a good connection but haven't kissed held hands or really flirted at all. We talk all day every day and he usually texts me first. I'm 22 hes 25. I have a child from a previous relationship and he seems to like how involved with my son I am. If he's asking me out again is he interested in me, even tho hes Made no move on me what so ever ?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Hasn't made a move and almost on the third date?

    So long story short, im 22, hes 25 we met on a dating app (no judging please) he's really nice, a gentleman, pays when we go out even though I've offered. we've been on two dates and he asked me to go on another one this coming Sunday. the reason im on here is because we've been on two great dates and going on a third and all we've done is hugged No kissing, we barley flirt and we held hands for a split second but only because he asked if my hands were cold. He's mentioned doing specific events together that won't occurs for months yet he hasn't made a move on me yet. Im old fashioned and will wait till he makes the first move. Do u think he's even interested? Why is he holding back?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • A sticky situation idk what to do please help?

    I am 22, I recently connected with an old friend, I have known Sean who is 21 for about 6 years and he is truly one of my bestfriends. We've been hanging out for the past month every weekend all weekend and I just recently found out he wants to date.. I love him but as a best friend and nothing more, his roommate/best guy friend john who is 23 and I are very attracted to each other we are always texting and just started sexting last night which was also the first time we admitted we are attracted to each other and want to hook up john is also seeing this girl Sarah (20) but they aren't official, I told him I don't wanna hook up with him if he's interested in someone else and he said he appreciated the honesty and maybe someday we will get to. The only thing is I want him, I'm so attracted to him & see him every weekend and now theyres going to be all this sexual tension and we don't wanna hurt our friends. Should I just stop talking to him

    Singles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is a Riveria and Son upright grand piano a good investment piano?

    I am looking at a Riveria and son either Rieea or Riffa brand piano. I don't know anything about piano brands and was wondering if this specific type is a good investment?

    Thank you:)

    1 AnswerClassical7 years ago
  • Could this be a sign I'm pregnant?

    I had my period then a few days later my bf and I had unprotected sex, I took plan b a week later started another period then on the last day of the plan b period we had unprotected sex again and he went in me.. Two weeks later I'm bleeding again, could we be pregnant?

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • What does it mean when a guy reads your text but doesn't respond?

    He read my text but never replied..

    I met this guy online and we've been chatting for a couple days, he usually replies to my texts immediately and apologizes if they're is a delay, we have plans to meet up on Sunday and hang out. Yesterday he invited me out for drinks with his friends but I kindly declined his offer (I didn't want to seem too anxious) and he said he would text me later and to have a good night and that he was looking forward to meeting Sunday, he has yet to text me so I went ahead and texted him, he read it but never replied so about a half an hour later I texted him again, the text was delivered but he hasn't read it.. This was two hours ago, I understand he's at the mariners game with his brother but is he intentionally ignoring me? I know u can be too busy to answer a text but if you have time to read it you have time to answer it. I'm 22 he's 23.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • He read my text message but didn't reply?

    I met this guy online and we've been chatting for a couple days, we have plans to meet up on Sunday and hang out. Yesterday he invited me out for drinks with his friends but I kindly declined his offer (I didn't want to seem too anxious) and he said he would text me later and to have a good night and that he was looking forward to meeting Sunday, he has yet to text me so I went ahead and texted him, he read it but never replied so about a half an hour later I texted him again, the text was delivered but he hasn't read it.. This was two hours ago, I understand he's at the mariners game with his brother but is he intentionally ignoring me? I know u can be too busy to answer a text but if you have time to read it you have time to answer it. I'm 22 he's 23.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Could I be pregnant?

    I was dating this asshole and we had unprotected sex 3 weeks ago but he pulled out I went ahead and got on plan B, I started my period a week later. On the last day of my "period" we had unprotected sex again he pulled out and came and then without wiping off his dick stuck it back in, then went and came inside of me, I told him I wasn't on birth control and got pissed and left. I don't know if the plan B is making me feel so groggy or what but I've been experiencing nausea, fatigue, abdominal cramping, everything smells terrible and makes me want to vomit etc. I took a test and it was negative but it could also be too early.. Is it possible that I could be pregnant?

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • How long do side effects from plan B last?

    I took Plan B two weeks ago, one week after I started my period and it lasted a week, two days later I experienced some vomiting, nausea and some abdominal cramping. Now 4 days later I still have some nausea everything smells terrible and makes me won't to vomit and I'm extremely tired all the time. How long are Thea symptoms suppose to last ??

    2 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Really need help. Was I just a hit it and quit it situation?

    We are both 23, I have been seeing this guy for two weeks, the first week was great spent everyday with him he gave me a key to his apartment and I met his parents and everything. I told him I wanted to wait to have sex, at first he was cool with it then decided randomly he wasn't, started pulling away told me he can't wait forever and will eventually find it somewhere else if I don't provide it. He stated he wanted to take a step back and level out and be friends, at first I was upset and asked him why when we both agreed we liked each other and wanted to be bf and gf we fought a lot then I started acting chill and we hung out a couple times as friends, he invited me over to his place yesterday but I didn't get off work till late, we ended up watching a movie and then we had sex. For the first time. He had told me earlier that he just wanted to be friends and see we're it goes. After sex we didn't cuddle or anything he actually told me to be quiet and that he needed to go to bed. This morning I got up early and started to leave when he asked where I was going he seemed mad that I was just going to leave. I leaned over and gave him a hug but he didn't hug back or kiss or anything. We briefly made plans to hang out before we had sex yesterday and as I was leaving this morning I brought it up and he said "uh I'm not sure what I'm doing tonight I may be busy" he said hell text me but I haven't heard anything and that was 4 hours ago. Did he just use me? Will he text me ?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • If we have sex will be closer?

    Were both 23. I have been dating this guys for two weeks, the first week was great then when he realized that I wasn't going to have sex with him till I was ready he started pulling away I have a child from a previous relationship and he's always bringing it up stating it's obvious I'm not a virgin, now he's saying that he wants a relationship just not with me but he'll hook with me if I want and I said no then he said it's a bummer cus sex couldn't saved our relationship by making else closer. That makes him seem like he's just using me but then he'll talk to me everyday and freaks out when I have said that if were not exclusive I can be seeing other ppl right? He'll randomly call me cute names like babe or baby or cutie but then also call me names like crazy and is very condescending. I know I should run but I feel like I'm being mind ******. Please help me understand

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is he just using me? He keeps bugging me to have sex with him?

    Were both almost 23, I have a kid from a previous relationship. We've only been dating for almost two weeks and he keeps bugging me to have sex with him. We were great for the first week like crazy good, he gave me a key to his apartment, I met his parents, things were so great. But the past 3 days he's pulled away shows no affection won't kiss me doesn't call me pet names he's actually become very condescending and says I depict everything I just need to go with the flow more. We seem to argue more then were happy. He originally said he would wait for me for when ever I'm ready, now he's saying if I don't provide it he'll have to look somewhere else. I told him to go ahead and look somewhere else. He's always ignoring my calls and barley texts me back like he use too. Whenever I just give up and say **** it is when he seems to actually get worried and text and call me. I also asked him why he's changed so much why he isn't super cuddly and affectionate and his response was "because I already have you, I may not be with you sexually but I have you so I don't have to try anymore" I can't figure out if he likes me or is just using me. Were hanging out tonight but idk if I should waste my time

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Really need help with this one has he changed his mind?

    We are both 22 almost 23. I started dating this guy last week, we had a super strong connection right off the bat and when we would hang out we would constantly cuddle and kiss and joke and be close and it was wonderful he called me baby and babe and I did the same we talked about how much we like each other and he expressed how he was excited to see what was In store for us. He have me a key to his apartment and called it OUR place and I even met his parents. On Friday he got super distant and backed off, barley kissed me wasn't affectionate at all, Saturday we fought and I returned all of his stuff and we "broke up" then yesterday we talked and he expressed how he doesn't understand why we aren't having sex and he wants to take a step back and level out to get to know each other better I said that's fine but I'm not having sex with u during that time. He freaked out and said if I don't give it to him he'll be forced to look somewhere else so I told him to go ahead and look somewhere else. He called me saying he only wants to have sex with me and if I have sex with someone else I'll loose him but I don't even feel like I have him now. I told him I wanted to wait to have sex till I knew him better because we've only been together for a little over a week. I don't understand why his actions changed when he introduced me to his family and everything: please help me

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • He wants to take the relationship slow, just wanting to hook up or genuine?

    So I'm into this guy and Well we hung out yesterday and I ended up spending the night at his house which was a little fast cus I had just met him Friday (we've been texting and talking non stop) but I've known of him and vise versa, anyways we watched a movie but didn't really pay attention because we were laughing and teasing each other, cuddling, passionately kissing and fooled around not sex or oral we stayed up till 5am just talking and I told him I wouldn't have sex with him because I only have sex with ppl I'm dating but he kept like asking me to take my pants off sorry for the tmi and kept getting ontop of me so I wasn't sure if he was just trying to hook up or what, he's had really bad past relationships that involved the gf cheating on him. I told him this; "I want to get to know u before anything like that were to happen" and he replied saying this; "I totally understand, I was just thinking that. Taking things slow and getting to know eachother better and stuff like that" is he just agreeing because that's what I want or could he actually be genuine? Thanks for your responses btw he's 23 I'm 22

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Decomposing now 6 months after death?

    My friend died in October 2013, assuming he had a normal embalmment process and everything that happens when getting ready for a funeral, I'm curious how far decomposed he would be now 6 months later.

    He was a little over weight

    Medium height

    Buried in a coffin

    23 years of age.

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • When I guy leaves you his number..?

    So I was serving this really cute guy and his friend yesterday I'm a server. He seemed interested in me, kept staring at me and what not. He left me his number and after waiting a couple hours I decided to text him. We texted all day long and then the conversation ended. He hasn't texted me today and I'm wondering if I should text him or just wait it out? He's 27, I'm 22

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • I like you a lot but I don't want anything serious right now...?

    I'm confused I recently figured out that I like my ex co worker, When we worked together I could tell he liked me, he "fake" proposed and I fake accepted and from then on we called eachother hubby and wifey and would always joke around about it. He said things like I was intimidatingly attractive and he was nervous to talk to me and was glad I introduced myself to him because he never would've if I hadn't. we get along super well and have great chemistry, like last Saturday we hung out in my empty apartment for 5 hours just talking and we didn't get bored once and then we hung out on Wednesday I introduced him to my son which he knew I had and we went and looked at puppies and then talked for like two hours while my son took a nap. it was fun and again no awkward moments. Then Friday night I texted him that I liked him as more then friends, he said that he likes me too but is not looking for anything serious right now, since then he takes forever to text me back if at all. Our mutual friend was shocked when she found out he turned me down and even said; "I don't understand why he wouldn't want to find out if they're is something between you two" what do you guys think? Just trying to get into my pants or do you think he actually likes me too? He's a good guy not a player or anything. I'm 22 he's 23. Thanks for reading :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago