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My name is Jessica and I work at a hospital and I am almost done with my nursing degree. I have a shih tzu/poodle mix and she is so cute! I love her so much!

  • On my BlackBerry Storm there is a 1 next to an envelope below the time and date. How do i make this go away?

    I don't have any messages and I tried resetting it by taking the battery out. I tried deleting all of my emails, I tried checking my voicemail. Nothing seems to make it go away. It all started yesterday when I had to get a new phone at the Verizon Store. Ever since this phone has been activated the icon has been there. I don't use BBM or any other type of messenger so I think its just a glitch. Can you help me?

    PS Does anyone know of any good free websites for downloading themes?

    4 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • Should I quit my job or wait until I get laid off?

    Ok I have a bit of a complicated situation on my hands. The company that I work for is a small company that does x-rays for nursing home patients. It is a 24/7 service. There are 5 employees. Two of us do billing three people answer phones during the week and each weekend one of us works for 48 hours from home just answering phones (sweet overtime!!!). A few times this year my boss has asked me a few days before we are supposed to get paid, if he can write me a personal check instead of paying me through payroll. I always say yes because we are a pretty tight knit group. I understand money problems. Then this past Friday, he didn't say anything about a paper check but when I went to check my bank account, my paycheck wasn't in there. I asked him if I was getting a paper check and he said yes. Then he left for the rest of the day! I had to go all weekend with out my check and I get paid $12/hour so obviously I live paycheck to paycheck. Then I found out yesterday that we haven't been getting paid from our nursing homes or medicare and someone said they overheard the one boss say to the other, "I love everyone but we are just starving". So my big question is do I jump off this sinking ship? Do I wait it out and hope things get better? Do I talk to my boss and tell him I can go to part time if he wants? If I get another job, I will be back to the bottom of the totem poll and then if something happens with that company I will be really screwed! I also have a company iPhone that I have gotten quite spoiled on. My biggest problem is that my boss dosent seem to be trying to do anything to cut costs. He could work on the weekends and stop paying everyone crazy over time. He could get us normal phones not iPhones. He could not go out to lunch everyday. I just feel like this company is doomed! I will be graduating from nursing school in year so it seems kinda silly to get a new job for a year. I also feel like if I quit I will be letting the other people I work with down. Its not their fault they are in the same position I am in. Not to mention, I wait tables part time so I wouldn't even be eledgible for unemployment! I also realized that every time they pay me under the table I'm getting screwed out of taxes and social security and disability and everything else. Someone please give me the magic answer!

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Zune vs iPod? Can someone tell me how a Zune works?

    My boyfriend's iPod was stolen out of his car but he was thinking of getting a Zune instead of another iPod. I looked on the website and they are a little cheaper and I was looking at the Zune pass and its 14.99 per month for unlimited downloads but you only get to keep 10 songs at the end of the month. So my question is, if you download 100 songs and you put them on your Zune and at the end of the month you only keep 10 do they automatically disappear off your Zune or do you keep all 100 until you plug it back in to your computer? If you want to keep more can you pay for them? Also he already has over 1000 songs on his iTunes, will those transfer onto a Zune?

    Thanks for your help!

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What are some things that would make your cells come back as abnormal on a pap?

    I went for my yearly and my doctor called me a week later and said that my test results showed abnormal cells. She is sending it back to test for HPV but I had the Gardasil shot series last year. I'm really scared! She already tested for all the STDs so its not that. Could I have cancer?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Whats the deal with pre-employment drug and alcohol tests?

    My boyfriend got the job he has been wanting! So last night we went out to celebrate and he got a little drunk. Today he found out he has to go take a drug and alcohol test. Will last night show up on there? We were home early (around 11pm) and he's going to take it now (almost 4) Is it possible that he won't get the job now?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How come when I made lasagna from scratch my noodles were crunchy?

    I followed directions and cooking times exactly! This was my first time making this so I dont really know all the tricks but the noodles I got said right on the package oven ready no need to boil. Everything else was cooked right the filling tasted great but the noodles were not even edible! We ended up scraping off the noodles and eating only the sauce and cheese.

    13 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago