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I'm a God fearing hardworking combine driver. Yes it's true I am the ultimate farm girl. Spent most my life knee high in cow sh!t. Married a farmer. I do it all, I do work the field, plant, combine, go to tractor pulls & I even drive a tractor in the tractor pulls. Personal best is 3rd place. I can be girly when I need to be, but for the most part I am a farm girl!

  • Where can I get a new pillowcase for a boppy maternity sleep pillow?

    I have a boppy maternity sleep pillow from my first pregnancy. I got it out the other day to wash the cover to being using again with this pregnancy. However, the zipper is broken is the cover. I have been searching online and I can't find a replacement cover for it anywhere & I don't really want to have to buy a new pillow. Does anyone know if its possible to get a replacement cover?

    Thanks in advance :)

    3 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • What time of day did you have morning sickness?

    I just found out I was pregnant with baby #2. I will be 5 weeks tomorrow. With my daughter I swear the day I found out I was pregnant was the day morning sickness started (all day every day, even in the delivery room). So far other than a few aches & pains I have been feeling pretty good. Until the past couple of nights; around 10 I start getting a really queasy stomach, I feel like I could vomit but thankfully I haven't yet. As much as I hate morning sickness my doctors told me it was a good thing it meant a healthy pregnancy. But it just seems odd to feel pretty "normal" all day and then at night start feeling sick and have to deal with the queasy stomach at bedtime. Did anyone else have this problem?

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • What are my chances this cycle?

    We are trying for #2. I used OPK's and it showed my LH surge was 3/25 & 3/26. My husband and I baby danced on 3/21,3/22,3/24, 3/25,3/26,3/27. I have been taking a OTC prenatal that I had left from when I was breastfeeding my daughter. Tomorrow AF is supposed to arrive but I "feel" pregnant. Tender, sore breast (almost like when my milk came in), heightened sense of smell, crampy, back aches, exhausted. Today I felt a little nauseous when it had been a long time since I ate breakfast.

    I can't wait for tomorrow to get here and see what happens. I don't want to test until I miss AF because I don't want to be disappointed. It has taken all my will power not to do so.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • Do you think my chances are high for pregnancy?

    My DH and I are trying for number 2. We baby danced on 3/21, 3/22, 3/24, 3/25 3/26. I was testing with OPK and my LH surge was the 25th & 26th. My period should come on or around the 8th if I am not pregnant. But I am getting anxious!!

    My breasts feel like they did when my milk came in with my daughter, I have had cramps, heightened sense of smell,and back ache.

    Do you think my chances are pretty good for ttc?

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • How much milk can you can in a sippy on a plane & in your carry on?

    We are going on vacation soon & my 2 year old is lactose intolerant. At home she drinks both soy milk and just plain lactose free milk. This poses a problem for us as she is a HEAVY milk drinker; and we have a layover.

    I am planning on bring two sippys with me to the airport and then putting either Pediasure which claims to be suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or I believe the brand is Horizons Soymilk in my carry on. Both of these do not have to be refrigerated. As long as I declare this at security we will be okay right? Its not like I can get a cup of milk for my daughter at a burger restaurant in the airport or from a flight attendant on the plane as it will make her sick. She will drink water & apple juice but if she is tired she wants milk and our first flight is close to nap time so I hope she sleeps.

    Does anyone have any experience taking liquids on an airplane for their child?

    This is from the TSA website, so I know you can take some liquids with you.

    Traveling With Baby Formula, Breast Milk, And Other Liquids For Infants And Small Children

    In September 2006, TSA enacted rules for carrying liquids, gels and aerosols in carry-on bags. All liquids, gels and aerosols must be in 3.4 ounce (100ml) or smaller containers, and packed in a one quart, zip-top bag. Each passenger can take one zip-top bag in their carry-on. Larger quantities of liquids may be packed in checked bags.

    Medically necessary liquids and gels, including medications, baby formula and food, breast milk, and juice are exempt from the 3-1-1 rules, and are allowed in reasonable quantities exceeding 3.4 ounces (100ml). They are not required to be in a zip-top bag. Officers may ask travelers to open these items to conduct additional screening and passengers should declare them for inspection at the checkpoint.

    Please be advised that passengers going on long trips should only carry on the medically necessary liquids and gels needed for their infant/toddler’s immediate comfort during the flight. Please pack larger amounts of liquids for the remainder of the trip in a checked bag. Lastly, avoid any additional hassles by making sure nothing you plan to pack is on TSA’s list of prohibited items.

    So can they deem a few things of milk in my carry on as too much?

    She drinks soy milk at home & next time I go to the store I am planning on getting her both the items I list above to see which one she likes best. The one she drinks the best will be the one I take along. I am not going to wait until we are on the plane & be like here drink this

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • How much milk can you can in a sippy on a plane & in your carry on?

    We are going on vacation soon & my 2 year old is lactose intolerant. At home she drinks both soy milk and just plain lactose free milk. This poses a problem for us as she is a HEAVY milk drinker; and we have a layover.

    I am planning on bring two sippys with me to the airport and then putting either Pediasure which claims to be suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or I believe the brand is Horizons Soymilk in my carry on. Both of these do not have to be refrigerated. As long as I declare this at security we will be okay right? Its not like I can get a cup of milk for my daughter at a burger restaurant in the airport or from a flight attendant on the plane as it will make her sick. She will drink water & apple juice but if she is tired she wants milk and our first flight is close to nap time so I hope she sleeps.

    Does anyone have any experience taking liquids on an airplane for their child?

    3 AnswersAir Travel8 years ago
  • How much milk can you can in a sippy on a plane & in your carry on?

    We are going on vacation soon & my 2 year old is lactose intolerant. At home she drinks both soy milk and just plain lactose free milk. This poses a problem for us as she is a HEAVY milk drinker; and we have a layover.

    I am planning on bring two sippys with me to the airport and then putting either Pediasure which claims to be suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or I believe the brand is Horizons Soymilk in my carry on. Both of these do not have to be refrigerated. As long as I declare this at security we will be okay right? Its not like I can get a cup of milk for my daughter at a burger restaurant in the airport or from a flight attendant on the plane as it will make her sick. She will drink water & apple juice but if she is tired she wants milk and our first flight is close to nap time so I hope she sleeps.

    Does anyone have any experience taking liquids on an airplane for their child?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Taking my large stroller from my travel system on a plane?

    My husband, daughter and I will be going on our first vacation where we fly in a few weeks. We have taken other trips but have drove so I have always used my big stroller that was part of my travel system. Part of our trip will include 2 days in Disney Land so I know that I am going to need a stroller. I really like my big stroller but will I be able to gate check it? I will also be bringing my carseat as my daughter is now 2 and needs her own seat on the plane so I plan on using that on the plane. I just don't know if I should bring my large Graco stroller along, or invest in a lightweight stroller that is a step up from an umbrella stroller.


    2 AnswersAir Travel8 years ago
  • Toddler section at Great Wolf Lodge Grapevine Texas?

    My husband and I will be going to the Great Wold lodge in Grapevine Texas in a few weeks. We will be traveling with our 2 year old. Will she enjoy it? Is there enjoy to do there, or is this place geared more towards older children. Will my husband and I be able to take her on the slides, or will she have to do them on her own?

    Any information is much appreciated!!

    2 AnswersOther - United States9 years ago
  • Almost 18 month old showing interest in breastfeeding again?

    My soon to be 18 month old has been showing signs of wanting to nurse again. Tugging at my shirt, pointing to my chest, lifting up my shirt. Fussing when I tell her no. Tonight we were cuddling on the couch which is our new bedtime routine; books on the couch and cuddles. She doesn't want to be rocked right now. Anyway she kept tugging at my shirt and lifting it up & trying to pull it down from the neck. Finally I gave in and let her nurse for a second. I thought that if I did and nothing came out she would be satisfied. Nope I was wrong she got mad! I told her they were broken and that she had to drink from a sippy and she just cried and cried. I feel bad; but I am also wondering what has brought this behavior on. She has been weaned since 14 months; so there is nothing there for her or I would nurse her. I feel bad for her.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Beauty pageant - what should I dress my daughter in?

    I am entering my daughter into an ALL NATURAL beauty pageant. She has done one before and has won! On the entry form it read attire: "Meet me at the Fair” Casual Wear. There is only one outfit for her to wear but I don't know what I should dress her in.

    She has a really cute outfit from the 4th of July that is white shorts that have blue bows on the side & then the shirt is a tank top patriotic shirt. It is red and white strips and then a blue bow that is blue and white stars. Does that sound like something I should dress her in? Any suggestions would be amazing! Thanks!

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Does my toddler have to drink milk?

    My 15 month old refuses to drink whole milk. She loves yogurt, cheese, and yogurt juice - but just doesn't like milk. My MIL thinks she has to drink milk but is it really necessary for her to drink milk if she is getting calcium from yogurt, cheese, and yogurt juice?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Wedding etiquette - can a 14 month old girl wear a white dress to a wedding?

    So I know that a guest to a wedding shouldn't wear white...but does that same rule apply to a 14 month baby girl? Just wondering.

    1 AnswerWeddings1 decade ago
  • Can a 14 month old baby wear white to a wedding?

    So I know that a guest to a wedding shouldn't wear white...but does that same rule apply to a 14 month baby girl? Just wondering.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Please read - I would like your point of view?

    I would like to get opinions from others on what they would do in this situation.

    Okay so I am married to a farmer, and am a farmers daughter. In the winter of 2008 a woman approached us about renting her farm ground. My DH and my dad who farm quite a bit of land together jointly rented this ground. Our first year to farm it was 2009. Some other farmers that we know got very angry that we started farming this ground because they believed that they should be farming it, even though the elderly woman repeatedly told them NO because their father farmed it years ago and would never pay the rent so the woman did not want the sons of the the father farming the ground for fear that again she wouldn't get paid.

    July 4th, 2009 a friend of ours had a get together with a group of friends, shot off fireworks, drank a few beers around a fire nothing too exciting....until the boys (one my age, one a few years younger) show up at the same place we were DRUNK! My DH was sitting in a lawn chair by the fire drinking a beer minding his own business talking to friends when these two boys came up and attacked him, threw him out of the chair, had him down on the ground, kicking him in the ribs, head, punching him, screaming they were going to KILL my DH. It took a minute but it seemed like hours for our friends to come to our aide and get these people off. Police were called, charges were pressed, restraining orders issued, small claim court to follow for hospital bills. It was a pretty big deal.

    Okay so now you have most of the background's the adbridged version. So this Saturday a friend of my husband is getting married and we are freinds with the couple. My DH went to HS with the groom I went to HS with the bride. The groom is actually who introduced me to my DH. But the bride is a cousin to the people that attacked my husband. So I am pretty sure they will be there. My DH told me I should go because they won't do anything to me - but I really don't want to go by myself. I called a girlfriend who is also married to a farmer and she didn't know if they were going to the reception because if they could be in the field that's more important. So we made a date to go together. But should I even go at all? I was thinking too that I should iron my DH's clothes and if these people weren't at the reception to call him and to tell him to come. But I just don't good thing is that the uncle of the bride is a sherriff of our neighboring county and he will be there so I am sure the attackers would be on good behavior but I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I feel like I shouldn't let these people control what I do or where I go; but I don't want to cause a scene at our friends wedding.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Please read - should I attend this wedding or not?

    I would like to get opinions from others on what they would do in this situation.

    Okay so I am married to a farmer, and am a farmers daughter. In the winter of 2008 a woman approached us about renting her farm ground. My DH and my dad who farm quite a bit of land together jointly rented this ground. Our first year to farm it was 2009. Some other farmers that we know got very angry that we started farming this ground because they believed that they should be farming it, even though the elderly woman repeatedly told them NO because their father farmed it years ago and would never pay the rent so the woman did not want the sons of the the father farming the ground for fear that again she wouldn't get paid.

    July 4th, 2009 a friend of ours had a get together with a group of friends, shot off fireworks, drank a few beers around a fire nothing too exciting....until the boys (one my age, one a few years younger) show up at the same place we were DRUNK! My DH was sitting in a lawn chair by the fire drinking a beer minding his own business talking to friends when these two boys came up and attacked him, threw him out of the chair, had him down on the ground, kicking him in the ribs, head, punching him, screaming they were going to KILL my DH. It took a minute but it seemed like hours for our friends to come to our aide and get these people off. Police were called, charges were pressed, restraining orders issued, small claim court to follow for hospital bills. It was a pretty big deal.

    Okay so now you have most of the background's the adbridged version. So this Saturday a friend of my husband is getting married and we are freinds with the couple. My DH went to HS with the groom I went to HS with the bride. The groom is actually who introduced me to my DH. But the bride is a cousin to the people that attacked my husband. So I am pretty sure they will be there. My DH told me I should go because they won't do anything to me - but I really don't want to go by myself. I called a girlfriend who is also married to a farmer and she didn't know if they were going to the reception because if they could be in the field that's more important. So we made a date to go together. But should I even go at all? I was thinking too that I should iron my DH's clothes and if these people weren't at the reception to call him and to tell him to come. But I just don't good thing is that the uncle of the bride is a sherriff of our neighboring county and he will be there so I am sure the attackers would be on good behavior but I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I feel like I shouldn't let these people control what I do or where I go; but I don't want to cause a scene at our friends wedding.

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Where can I buy crochet tube tops to use for a tutu dress?

    Does anyone know of a website where I can purchase the crochet tube top that you use for the top of a tutu dress for a little girl? A crochet tube top like the one in this photo


    Hobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • When & how to transition to a hard spout sippie cup?

    My daughter is getting the hang out of drinking from a soft spout sippie cup which I know is almost like a bottle; but this is a big deal for us because at first she wanted nothing to do with a sippie cup since I have breastfed her for the first year. Now that she is getting the hang of the soft spout how and when should I try to get her to use the harder spout kind, or the straw ones?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What to feed a toddler?

    My daughter is a year old and is a very good eater, at most meals I make her a plate of whatever I have prepared and cut it into small enough bites for her to eat. But what about when I fix things that she shouldn't eat like shellfish, or something that could be hard for her to eat right now like steak? Then what should I feed her? I know Gerber makes graduate meals like chicken and stars so they are more like real food rather than the mushed up stuff. But what other healthy choices are there? Advice please and thank you!

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Do you have this on your car seat?

    Before going on vacation my husband and I had a local police officer check to make sure our daughters new convertible car seat was properly installed rear facing in our car. While we were talking to the officer her informed us that we should have a CHAD sticker on our car seat. This was the first time I have ever even heard of a CHAD sticker or sometimes they are called WHALE stickers.

    The purpose of this sticker is to identify your child; and someone to contact if you were ever in a serious accident and couldn't respond or answer questions. If you child has to be taken to the hospital the whole car seat will be removed from the vehicle.

    The officer told us to put it somewhere on the seat so if someone walks by your vehicle in a parking lot they can't peek in the windows and see your personal information. We put ours on the back of the seat so it's easy to find but no one can see it from outside our car.

    As a first time parent I knew nothing of these stickers and was thankful the officer told us about them. So does your child's car seat have any identification on it for him/her?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago