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I'm going to go and get a drink.

  • Was this a normal weed smoking experience?

    I smoked a couple of joints yesterday. I had smoked a couple a few days ago and the effect then was a bit weird. Generally it made me very paranoid and worried and exhausted. But when I smoked it yesterday, apparently it was stronger stuff (some of the strongest my dealer has ever had) and it sent me a bit mad. I ended up being sick, passing in and out of consciousness, hallucinating all sorts of **** (like I kept feeling like the stones under my shoes were sinking through my soles into my feet and skin. It was cold outside and I kept thinking my fingers were stuck together. After I got home and laid on my bed I kept imagine this dragon thing coming through my windows and loads of other **** like that), I also couldn't control my body and it felt like I was someone else. I walked home and I kept talking to myself like a documentary and I hadtto tell my feet to stop walking because I couldn't physically control them (crossing the road was terrifying). Was this a normal weed experience?

    4 AnswersOther - Health7 years ago
  • What does this dream mean?

    So I had a nightmare the other day and it's been bothering me. I've never had one quite like it, but at the same time I've had similar nightmares which I'll explain in a moment.

    So in this nightmare I was basically in bed and then I was pretty much 'molested', for lack of better term, by someone close to me. Maybe a family member, although throughout this nightmare their face remained hidden. In the dream I tried calling for help from my sister who I am close to however she didn't help me in time. It was horrible to say the least.

    I've had previous sexual nightmares scare the **** outta me. However nothing as graphic.

    I've heard that having dreams like this can be a sign you were assaulted earlier in life and, quite frankly, I'm terrified this is the case with me. Not meaning to sound 'special' or 'look at me' but I've had a terrible relationship with my father all my life, to the point where I'm terrified of him. He used to hit me when I was a kid and although I don't remember him assaulting me in more promiscuous ways, I feel like my mind is hazy. It's as though a part of my childhood is blocked out. I feel I can remember when I was really young, and I can remember when I was a bit older, but a bit of time in between is blocked out. It's there, I just can't remember it. That said, my mum andthe rest of my family have NEVER mentioned any sort of sexual assault by my father and I know if I asked my mother about it she would think it was insane to suggest my father had done that. She's honest too so she wouldn't lie.

    I've had nightmares about my father chasing me and attacking me before. I just don't know what this new nightmare means. Usually nightmares don't bother me. They're just dreams. But this one was so vivid and scary that I can't stop thinking about it. What could it well mean? Thank you! I really don't want to go to a therapist. They cost a **** ton and I ain't got money lol anyway thanks again. Oh and by the way I'm 18!

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Would you like to suck this really hard and fast?

    This Chupa Chup I've got here that is.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What happens to money earned by Football(soccer) Clubs?

    What happens to the sponsor, ticket money etc.? Obviously a vast majority of that goes towards players wages but does the rest of it go to the owner of the club who then distributes out the money as he/she wishes? What's more, how much control does the owner of a football (soccer) club have? Do they pay for everything from the heating bills of the training facilities to the facilities themselves and do they reap all the rewards and profits the club makes? Are they kinda like the supreme ruler of the club lol? Thanks for answering!

    1 AnswerEnglish Football (Soccer)8 years ago
  • Can you make up stories about celebrities?

    Hi, weird question but I don't know about the laws in this area. Can I make up a fake 'news story' about celebrities (done as a comedy) but CLEARLY state in the title, at the beginning and at the end that it id FAKE and has absolutely zero relation to the real life celebrities and anything they have done.

    The actual story is about two celebrities doing something controversial (they haven't really done it, it's fake, but that is clearly stated) with 'interviews' with anonymous people close to them. Totally fake and everything. Thanks=D

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Official Android vs. Unofficial Android?

    So I'm looking into this pretty high spec Android tab which offers an officially licensed Google Play store, but an unoffcial Android 4.1.1 Jelly bean. I just wondered if anyone knew the main differences between the official Android OS and an unofficial one? Thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware9 years ago
  • Ways to get relax/high?

    OK so I have a ton of life issues and getting high is about the only thing stopping me from doing myself in. That said I am not a weed fan. It does get me high (obviously) but I am not a fan of smoking. I do not want to do any other illegal drugs. I have been on 'legal' high websites but they are bullcrap highs that will kill you so I don't want to do them either. I have been looking into sensestamps but I know nothing about them (I might try them, anyone got any info one how to take them, how they work?). I don't necessarily want to be smashed out my brain, but the thing about getting high that helps me is that it relaxes me and isn't time consuming. So all I want is a 'fairly' safe way of getting 'high' (or simply greatly relaxing myself) that isn't time consuming. A friend told me you can get high from your kitchen cupboard by using everyday things like nutmeg, spices and herbs and even gassing yourself (sounds a bit stupid but then again he is stupid so). Thanks.

    3 AnswersAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • Am I attracted to gingers or strawberry blondes?

    So my question is quite simply am I attracted to gingers or strawberry blondes? To give you an idea of who I find attractive, I think actress Isla Fisher is really hot (her hair being a fairly big attraction) but she describes herself as 'ginger'. Do you think she is ginger? I find her type very attractive. Or am I just getting ginger and strawberry blond mixed up? I never imagined i'd be attracted to gingers. I'm worried now lol

    4 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • What would be best for a zombie invasion?

    An AK-47, or SPAS-12 Shotgun?

    Also bread or cheese?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Agree or Disagree: A lot of Girls don't.....?

    ....appreciate guys enough?? I mean, women tend to be all moany about guys, how we like nothing more than sex and are useless. To be fair us guys can put up with a lot of sh*t. A fair amount of women don't seem to appreciate a guys (and remember, i'm talking about decent guys here, not jerks) dedication to his girl, how much he really does feel for her and what he would do for her. Also for a guy who wants to date a girl, the girl can sure make it hard as hell for the guy, and women can also be o touchy. It seems women get all the sympathy, and are made out to be the ones struggling to find a decent guys, and us guys are just buffoons to be sorted through by the women until they find a decent one. I'm far from saying all women are like this, and that guys can't be jerks, but you see what I mean right, i'm talking in a general sense. Vice versa, guys can not appreciate women enough as well. Anyway, what do you think?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Agree or disagree: A lot of Girls don't.....?

    ....appreciate guys enough?? I mean, women tend to be all moany about guys, how we like nothing more than sex and are useless. To be fair us guys can put up with a lot of sh*t. A fair amount of women don't seem to appreciate a guys (and remember, i'm talking about decent guys here, not jerks) dedication to his girl, how much he really does feel for her and what he would do for her. Also for a guy who wants to date a girl, the girl can sure make it hard as hell for the guy, and women can also be o touchy. It seems women get all the sympathy, and are made out to be the ones struggling to find a decent guys, and us guys are just buffoons to be sorted through by the women until they find a decent one. I'm far from saying all women are like this, and that guys can't be jerks, but you see what I mean right, i'm talking in a general sense. Vice versa, guys can not appreciate women enough as well. Anyway, what do you think?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Do you like fish-sticks?

    Do you.... like.... to put.... fish-sticks.... in.... your mouth? o.O

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What is this news about Eminem molesting children?

    I'm not a big fan of his music, but I was listening to a song on Youtube by him and I saw tons of comments about how he is a child molester, so I asked what was going on and apparently he's abused some kids recently or something... Anybody know anything on it, I can't find f*ck all on the internet except some short a*s replies to my comment on youtube???

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Question about putting on weight and muscle?

    So i'm a skinny guy who wants to bulk out and get nice abs and arm muscle, and i've been doing ab workouts and muscle workouts throughout the week(s) and also eating lots of food. However i'm noticing that I seem to look great in the morning with my abs really showing and everything, and I am gaining weight, however throughout the day, even after my workout, I seem to be bloated. I eat a lot more than I used to and only started this mid last week. I drink a couple of pints of milk a day, I eat a fair amount of fried foods, pasta, calorie high foods in general. It seems pointless to be putting in this effort to look great if my bloating is defeating the object by making me not so much look fat just, well, bloated as it were. Is this because I am not used to eating this much?, or am I eating too much of something? I eat less chocolate (far less) than I used to and usually stick to a few biscuits in the evening, I drink minimal fizzy drinks unless at the weekend and eat an unhealthy meal like Mcdonalds once every two weeks (or usually even fewer). Any help here would be awesome :-)

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Skinny guy trying to bulk out?

    So i'm a skinny 15 year old and all I want is to have some decent abs and nice sized arm muscles. I never ate enough but have increased my food intake and eat quite a bit each day. While not fast food from Mcdonalds I do eat fairly fatty foods as well as more nutritional foods. The thing is is i'm not sure if I'm on the right track. I work out 3-4 times a week, working, largely, my abs, however is trying to eat more and bulk out the right thing to do? Lots of websites make it seem very confusing to gain muscle, but is it as simple, for a skinny guy who just wants to have a nice body (nothing like OMG crazy)), as eating more and working out? Or am I missing some vital point as to having a nice body????

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Questions about weight gain, abs and muscle?

    OK I'm 15 and I am majorly overwhelmed by all of the weight and muscle gain advice on the internet. Simply put: I'm 5'7 to 5'8 and skinny (you can se my ribs) and I want to gain some more muscle in the form of abs and arm muscle. I don't want to be massive, just have some nice abs and bigger arm muscles. However all I keep seeing on the internet are intense weight gain diets that state you must never eat too much of this and blah blah blah. I have a friend who is 4 months younger than me (still15 though) and he eats more fast food than I do and the same amount of chocolate. Simply put: He does not stick to any special "diet plans" and doesn't really care, but he does various ab workouts and has a nice 4-6 pack. That is all I want: A nice, wholesome body, not massive, but not too skinny, without having to follow crazy diets religiously. I am not part of a gym but have weights at home I use. Any advice anyone can give me to get to my aim??? Thanks :-)

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Which phone should I get?

    I am undecided between the HTC Mozart and the Nokia Lumia 710. They are both the same price however each have different things I like and don't like.

    The 710 has a faster processor (does the 400Mhz lost on the Mozart really make a difference though?) and also, I believe, a longer battery life. However the Mozart looks, in my opinion, awesome and the Windows buttons are touch, not actual buttons, which I prefer.

    I will use it as my alarm for work, texting, calling and using the internet while outside mostly. I don't care for games that much on phones (that is why I have a tablet).

    Any help is greatly appreciated :D

    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Is this legal - Can I do this?

    OK i'm pretty sure it is not legal but I didn't know what to put as the title. So my question: I signed up to (UK version - although it doesn't really matter), a penny bidding website only to find it is very dodgy. I created a username and password and used my spam e-mail address to sign up. It then said I have a free bid (so I didn't have to pay for the bid, but I still had to pay for the item). I bid on a £35 amazon gift card that I won for about £3.27. Weirdly the item was being consistently bid on until I bid after which no one bothered to bid again (I now assume the website using automatic bidding bots). So I was taken to the pay page only to find out it is simply a give them your bank details and pray then are not a scam process - in other words, no paypal available. Before i paid I did some digging on the site which, yes I know, I should have done before. I found it is really dodgy and now do not want to pay, however it says I must. bottom line: They don't have my address, my proper e-mail (the one I gave them is real but I never use it), my postcode or any other info except a made up password and username. Can I just not pay? I mean, how could they know where I am and how could they sue me? Thanks, I need some advice on what to do - and yes, I know it was stupid to sign up and bid.

    5 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • Weight lifting question?

    When I lift weights (something i've been doing for 3 or so weeks) I find my weak arm (my right arm - i'm left handed) is actually stronger and lifts with it are easier. My left arm, which should be my stronger given i'm left handed, and footed, struggles far more and I get odd clicking/popping sensations in it when I try lifts using just that arm. Just wondered if this was normal and why it is the case instead of being the other way round.

    Also, is it normal I reach fatigue quicker than I did when I first started and find it more difficult the more I do weights?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What 3Ds game should I get?

    Hi I want to get a 3Ds game but I'm not sure which to get. I can get either:

    Zelda Orcarina of time

    Super Street fighter 4 3D

    Resident Evil Revelations


    Crush 3D, which you may not have played or even heard of but I played the demo and loved it.

    Thanks for any advice you can give :)

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago