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  • is anyone else having trouble with their mail alert?

    my mail alert doesnt work for some reason I have contacted yahoo because of this and havent heared anything back, I had to upgrade to messenger 10 a few months ago and I would like to go bac k to messenger 9 because I have had nothing but trouble since I up graded to 10

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • My Doberman Jack has been gone 5 years today and I still miss him like it was yesterday that we lost our big?

    boy Jack he was 12 1/2 yrs old when we had to have him put to sleep because of cancer of the tissues. I have 4 dogs and I love them dearly but Jack still has a big piece of my heart . Will the pain every get better ? Jack was a big part of our family and when he would see me put my shoes on he knew we was going to go bye bye and he would run to the door so he could go with his mommy & daddy .This morning I went out side to his grave and told him that mommy missed him and that I love him and he will never be forgotten even if we have 4 dogs now . Is it wrong that I still miss my big boy ?

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How can you stop tracking cookies ? Every day what AVG scans my computer they put tracking cookies in the?

    Virus Vault and when I empty the vault well the next day the same ones are back in there even if I haven't visited any sights on the web. So how can I put a stop to them ? I have only had my computer for 2 yrs or a little over 2 yrs so I don't know very much about these problems. Thanks

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • I got AVG 8.5 free back in july and every day when it scans my computer it shows where I had tracking cookies?

    and they put them in the virus vault so I will empty the vault and the very next day when they scan they put the same tracking cookies back in the vault. What I want to know is when you empty the vault isn't that suppose to get rid of the things and not keep putting them back in ?

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Anyone on Q&A that has the AVG anti virus can you answer this for me Please ? I donw loaded the AVG free anti?

    virus a couple days ago and it done a scan on my computer yesterday and found a bunch of cookies so they put them in the virus vault what I want to know is am I suppose to empty the vault or does AVG do it ? Thanks

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Hi everyone I am trying to get rid of some of my folders and would like to know how to go about it.?

    I have deleted everything in the ones I want to get off my desk top. Now how do I get the empty folders off ? thanks

    1 AnswerPreferences and Settings1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever fried to much beef liver & onions or how long will it last in the freg? My son loves it but he?

    doesn't know if he will be able to make it over tonight after work to get it because they are in the process of moving and I have never frozen it or have never had to worry about it not getting eaten. My sister said it would keep in the freg 2 weeks

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Hi everyone, okay I was on here last year with a question about our neighbor trying to steal some of our land?

    well it has been in my husbands name for almost 50 years plus our partial has been in my husbands family for over 150 yrs so we went and hired a real estate lawyer and the moron next door got papers served on him and he had 21 days to reply which he did 20 days later so now it has to go to court. last night his son and his girlfriend went back by our pond on the quads then came back up 2 minutes late and not even a minute later the moron went back there and was back there for a good 20 minutes I thought when someone got papers served on them they was suppose to stay off the land till it went to court.? Am I wrong or right about that ? Thanks

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Where can I get free anti virus protection ? I was paying for stop sign every month but I canceled that?

    yesterday because my computer kept freezing up and running real slow and my son told me to get rid of that stop sign anti virus protection. Thanks in advance

    12 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • My sons Rottweiler Keisha passed away this morning and my son , his wife and there sons are all heartbroken?

    When they got Keisha my youngest grandson was a baby . Needless to say Gramma is heart broken also. Can someone please send me the story of Rainbow Ridge so I can e mail it to my son..Keisha was a beautiful girl and yes she lived a long and happy life because my son got her when she was a puppy and she was 16 when she went to sleep.Thanks everyone

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • what is wrong with yahoo Messenger. When I turn this on of a morning it wants me to sign in and when I hit?

    sign in it doesn't let me in I can go to my mail but I can't get into messenger. what is going on ?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • What are the rules of having a cow in your garage and putting up a 19 x 19 pin for it in your front yard?

    It seems like there should be a law against that . After all the house are maybe 50 feet apart if even that.

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • High colostrol I am pretty skinng I weigh 109 and my colostrol is 414. I can't figure this out I'm not a big?

    eater and never have been. But since June I have been going through alot of stress me and my husband both because of our jerk of a neighbor trying to take some of our land because we stopped his little darling boys from riding around our pond and tearing it up. My doctor knows about this and he said stress can cause alot of health problems he put me on zorcor 10 mgs to try to bring my colostrol down. I watch what I eat and always have . How can a skinng person have such high colostrol ?

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How to get my little Misty to lose about 6-7 lbs. Took her to the vet Friday and she weighs 32.2 lbs. she is?

    a Jack Russell/Min Pin and she has really put on the weight. The vet told me to try to get her to lose weight because she is at the dangerous stage her brother is 6 mos older then she is and he weighs 27 lbs. The thing is she lays by the dog food dish and guards it so the other 3 guys can't get it and she won't eat it unless my husband says Misty what did Daddy tell you about guarding that food then she will growl at him and start eating the food. I have been giving her 8 pieces of her pedigree dog food aday instead of her doggy bisquits like the vet told me to do. The thing is is my guys aren't fat like my Little Misty is and all four of my dogs have been fixed. Please give me some good answers because I am really worried about my little girl. Is there any place I can get diet pills for dogs if so where ? Or can I give her people diet pills that you can buy over the counter ? I am desperate please help me our vet really scared me Friday when he said she is at the dangerous stage. I knew she gained weight over the winter but I didn't know it was that much. Thanks everyone

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do you find info about the Grandfather Clause on the internet ?

    Our neighbor is still trying to take some of our land and my husband has lived here all his life and our property is the only piece of land on our road that is still in the family. Our lawyer sent him a letter saying we was taking our property back by adverse possession plus we had it surveyed but he still says it is wrong. The jerk tried to poison our dogs on 3-6-09 by putting a empty anti freeze bottle with the cap off and turned it towards our fence on his side of the fence so we bought a privacy fence up and he called the cops and they came out and told him we have a right to put a privacy fence up and he said he was going to take it down and the officers told him if he did he would go to jail. Then on 3-24-09 he put a fence over 20 feet on our land. The lawyers are coming out Tuesday to see how this can be resolved and like I told our lawyer where our wire fence has grown into the tree in our very back yard is where we are going to fenish fencing in our property he said okay and Tuesday the 28th when they come out we will mark it with red paint. This guy is 44 years old and my husband will be 70 in August and I turned 60 last December. If anyone can help with a good answer I would really appreciate it.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I need a help. I have been on here a few times about our jerky neighbor trying to take 5 feet of our land?

    well that didn't work. The he started teasing King to get him to bark and then take his picture then the 6th of this month we got home and I let King out and he was trying to get something through the fence so I went out to see what it was and it was a empty anti freeze bottle with the top off and pointing through the fence towards our place so I took a picture of it and my husband took a broom stick and brought it over the fence so we bought a privacy fence and my sons and husband put it up and the jerk is madder then a wet hen.Tuesday he had 5 of his buddies over there and they came 20 feet over in our back yard and started putting up a fence so I called 911 and then I called our lawyer and he told my husband to get off our land he was trespassing. My husband came back in then they kept putting up more post so I called 911 again and our nephew came down so him and my husband went out and told the jerk to get off our land and our nephew told them that the property is right where the fence is that is grown into the tree and that they are on our land then the jerks brother knocked our nephew down so I had to call 911 a third time and told them we needed a officer now because the neighbor knocked our nephew down and kicked him in the ribs and the jerk of a neighbor threatend to shoot Bob about 30 minutes later the trooper was here and my husband & nephew told him what happened and that they was trespassing on our land and putting up a fence and Bob told him about them attacking him and I showed him the letter that the jerk got from our lawyer and that I was in the house looking out the patio door when I seen them knock Bob down. He then went over there and was talking to all of them for awhile then he came back over and gave our nephew Bob a card with a case # on it cause he said he wanted to press charges. My husband said they lied didn't they and the trooper said everyone has lied to him . He said he told them not to put up anymore fence and he had no sooner left then what they was back in our back yard putting up some more post so I called the sheriff department and while I was on the phone with her they went back up to their house and shot a shot gun twice and she told me to get off the phone and call 911 now so I did and 15 minutes later the same trooper was here and we told him he shot a gun twice and so he went over there and talked to them again but nothing was done. That night he called me and ask if I could e mail the pictures that our niece took when all that was going on so I did. Then I called him Friday to see if he had sent in Bobs complaint and he said he just got it done and he was taking it to the prosacuiters office and getting warrents for everyone that was here that day. Like I told him I was in the house and my husband & nephew just went out and told them to get off our land and they was the ones that done the attacking. What I want to know is how can he get a warrent on all of us when we didnt do anything except to tell them to get off our land ?

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • We have 4 dogs and our jerky neighbor will call our german shepard/black lab over to the fence and tease him?

    then he will take a picture of him when King starts barking. Our yard is fenced in so my digs can run and play when I let them out. We have 2 jack russell/min pin 1 min pin and then King . I called animal control yesterday and they called me back this morning and someone is suppose to come out and talk to the jerk. I also told them about their dog that they have in a 5 x 6 pin that they never let out and they dump her food over the top of the pin to feed her and they never clean the poor dogs pin out and they dump the food on the ground so she has to wat her food in her own poop. I would like to know what I can do to make him stop teasing my dogs.? Like our lawyer told me if King bit him then there is nothing the jerk can do because King is in his own yard and the neighbor was stupid enough to tease him. I just don't like my dogs being teased and what started this mess is because we said we didn't want their boys riding on our land and tearing it up like they have.. Please help he tried to take 5 feet of our land and we had to pay for a survey and also get a lawyer but he won't listen to the lawyer or the cops.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I was on Q & A a few months ago about our neighbor that was trying to take some of our land we got a lawyer?

    he sent the jerk neighbor a letter and told him that the fence was our property line and the fence was up there when he purchased his property well the jerk is still harassing us and now when I let my dogs out in their own fenced in yard he teases them. He called the police on my husband Tues because he was walking out back to make sure the jerk didn't take down our survey steak or tear down the fence post where we are going to finish fencing in our property. What can we do to get him to leave us alone ? Has anyone else gone through anything like this. ? My husband has lived here most of his life and our land has been in his family for over 100 years the jerk neighbor has only lived there for 9 1/2 - 10 years.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • People don't make since. Our neighbor looked up our land on the Internet?

    and now all of a sudden he says our pond is half his and the funny thing is we have our land survey that shows he is nuts. What started this mess is because they have 2 teenage sons and they would rude their quad runners on our land and around the pond which we didn't mind till they started leaving big trenches then we told them we didn't want them on our property anymore which didn't work because they kept it up and now my husband can't mow back there because of the deep roots so we put a cable up there with red rags on it and their dad took it down and jumped my husband and said that it was half his so I called the law and 2 days in a row the cops was out here and I showed the state police officer our land survey and she went and talked to them . He is still raising -ell I mean who is in the right and who is in the wrong.? The cops said we was in the right . Our yard is fencened in and when I let my dogs out the brats tease them and throw fire crackers. I just don't know what to do.

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago