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Well, I'm Jade, obviously. I am the same person as the user Jade E. I'm an extremely involved 17-year-old, and I won't bore you with the details....

  • What's this rock song?

    It's upbeat, rock, and fast and I can't find it on the internet! I heard it on the radio and sort of new it before... anyway the one line I can remember goes kinda like:

    I'm feeling GOOD!! ...on a Saturday nIIIIIIght!

    1 AnswerOther - Music10 years ago
  • iTunes help: How do I rename songs in my iTunes library?

    Please help! How can I change the names of songs that I downloaded into my iTunes library? Some of them are just called Track 3 and so on and then some are under Various or Unknown albums; how do I change album names too? (I miss simple old Windows Media Player... :( )

    4 AnswersSoftware10 years ago
  • ipod touch help: How do I get music from other devices to my ipod?

    I would like to transfer music from my brother's mp3 player to my own ipod. I was able to get the music I wanted off of his mp3 player and into the windows media player. When I first downloaded iTunes it automatically took all my music out of windows media player and put into my iTunes library. How do I get that music into my iTunes library?!

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • iTunes Help! How do I get music from a CD onto an ipod?

    I got the CD into my iTunes library. However, I can't figure out how to sync the CD's songs onto my ipod without erasing the contents of my ipod completely because when I go to 'Jade's iPod" and click 'music' and then 'sync music' it tells me that all my ipods songs and music will be replaced by those of my iTunes library - and if that happened, I would lose 3/4 of my music. Please help! I want to get the music onto my ipod from a CD WITHOUT erasing anything!

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Any ideas on a creative title?

    Alright, I know this paper sucks, I just threw it together, so please, don't mind my errors and terrible writing. I just need help coming up with a title! I suck at titles, and we need a creative one...? Please help! Any ideas?

    Here's my paper:


    I am interested in becoming a linguist because (so far at least) I am able to pick up on languages pretty easily. I also enjoy them immensely. Being a linguist would be extremely rewarding - not, perhaps in the salary department, but because the thrill of communicating in a different language - of opening a door of understanding for someone else - would be amazing. Despite their lack in monetary sustenance, linguists play a crucial part in the world - and becoming one of them would leave me with tons of options and opportunities.

    Being a linguist could mean having a variety of careers. As a linguist, one would, in all likelihood, do some work as a translator/interpreter. Translating and Interpreting could be part of a linguist's job, or it could even be all that the linguist does. I could, for example, translate in the financial world of banks and businesses, in the education field, in the court systems, or in the army.

    One may wonder what the difference between translating and interpreting is. Translators translate text from one language to another, such as legal documents, manuals, or government translators. Interpreters translate verbal content. They might translate for telephone conferences or seminars.

    To become a translator or interpreter, one must - obviously – learn at least one other language. I am learning Spanish, Italian, and hopefully another language soon. Taking Medical Terminology in high school would be a good idea. Also, employers prefer people with a lot of knowledge on the cultures of countries which speak the language that one translates for. They prefer people who read a lot - in both languages, since reading enhances communication skills and gives people more all-around knowledge. I must get a degree in a language if I decide to get a job with the government. If that's the case, I also have to acquire a license. Most jobs would require me to get a Bachelor's degree in my language.

    Another career option as a linguist would be in teaching. I could teach in some elementary schools, a lot of junior high schools, and nearly all high schools, or even in colleges. This also requires a degree, either Bachelor's or Master's.

    If I want to be a linguist but hate teaching and don't think I'd be content just translating and interpreting, I could always go into the army and be a Cryptologic Linguist, Signals Intelligence Analyst, or Human Intelligence Collector.

    Translators and Interpreters make from $20,310 to $59,950 in Wisconsin. Nationally, they make from $22,170 to $69,170. High school teachers make from $31,220 to $80,970. University Professors make from $28,630 to $103,960. In the Army, the linguist's salary depends on his/her years of experience and their rank.

    Since I am seriously considering this career, I have wondered about what a typical day in a translator/interpreter's life is like. However, almost every source has told me that when you're a translator or interpreter, there are no typical days. From what I could find, a typical day would include proofreading and correcting written materials which had already been translated, rewriting materials in a different language, and translating verbally for people. Of course, this could vary widely depending on which branch of translating and interpreting I decide to go into.

    As you can see, linguists are offered a very wide variety of opportunities. The field of languages is a pretty broad one. They may not make the most money, but their work is immensly important. It would also be a fascinating career. And, as Confucious says, "If you love what you do, you'll never work another day in your life." It's very true. And I know that I would love being a linguist.

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Will you critique my story? Would you read this?

    Here it is:

    I never knew my father. All the tabloids said he abandoned my mother and I. Got sick of privacy invasions, had an affair, decided to break free and start his life over. Whatever. One would have thought that these rumors would kill my mother, but, oddly enough, they had the opposite effect. Her fierce belief that my father was killed only grew stronger.

    When I was little, I used to believe her fanatical stories about my 'perfect father' that had died in some freak accident which, his remains never having been found, would remain a hidden mystery for the rest of time, hidden, as it were, behind hideous falsehoods. I'd believed that no one could be cruel enough to leave my frail mother alone in life for any reason. I used to love it when she would tell me that I was just like him. It used to make me proud. To top it off, according to my mother, the aforementioned falsehoods were the reason that the police wouldn't take her seriously - that nobody would take her seriously. All her intense declamations achieved were sympathy for a wife in denial.

    They still ask me how I feel about my father's sudden disappearance fourteen years ago. Each time, my answer is the same: I merely shrug and walk away. Of course, that response only gets me more unwelcome sympathy and assumptions on my sensitivity level. I'd LOVE to tell them all EXACTLY how I feel, both about my father, and about them. I'd love to tell them all to go to hell for butting in on my life... but I don't. The only thing holding me back is the pain it would inflict on my mother. For I know the truth.

    They're right; they've always been right. He left.

    See, when I was about twelve years old, I'd lost all patience with my infuriatingly calm, patient, trusting mother, and all the terrible accusations that had been scorching my mind for weeks had poured out of me in an angry rush. And she'd sat there and taken it. Her expression had gone from calm and patient to intense, growing more so with each wild accusation that hurled itself from my lips. And then, once I had gotten calm enough for my conscience to start working again, it had collapsed in sorrow.

    That was when she'd told me what she truly believed had happened to my father. As I listened, I'd felt as if I'd gotten the wind knocked out of me - no - worse! Much worse! It'd felt as if something was gnawing away at my insides; hallowing out my chest. She was despondent enough to make herself believe that my father had been kidnapped an murdered. That she was so despairing; that he had that power over her - sickened me.

    In her wild desperation to believe that only death would keep him away from her, she was willing to create and make herself believe the most outlandish of all excuses. And she did. It was obvious that she believed her story with every ounces of her being and it made my heart ache and burn, pulse with anger with anger toward the man who had forced her to create such a shield as to protect herself from feeling the excruciating pain of not-knowing of feeling worthless, not good enough, of not knowing why or how he had gone.

    She must have known, deep down, what I'd figured out that day. That he'd left us. Then again, maybe not. Maybe her formerly-assumed-insane way of dealing with the situation an protecting herself actually succeeded in keeping her ignorant. I only wish that I had that ability to believe in something so fantastically impossible. But I don't. And I can never let my mother ever suspect that I don't. It would lambaste her deeply.

    And, since the man who hardly deserves the name of 'Father' decided to take a hike, I constantly have to watch out for my mother. I hate it. That should have been his job. He's the one who decided to marry her in the first place. If he hadn't known just how fragile she was, he should have figured out how sick of it he would get a little sooner. Instead, I got the job forced on me. And I hate it. I hate it because some part of me believes that my mother wasn't always this unstable. That part of me believes that she was once a strong, independent woman before he came along and shattered her heart.

    What do you think? I know it needs a lot of work... :/ But would you read this?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Fanfiction: Help!!! How do I read my reviews?!?

    I have had a fanfiction account for a very long time, but, being busy, having a non-working internet, and being in the hospital, I haven't been able to get on there in a while. Now, having updated a story, I want to read my reviews, but they changed a lot of stuff on there and I don't know how to read them anymore; it won't take me to my reviews from the live preview.

    Please help me!



    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Twilight Question - Can anyone answer this?

    I have a question about Twilight (obviously). I've read the entire series over and over again. The first time I read them, I read them very quickly, and allowed my imagination to run wild, thus, I enjoyed them immensly. Each time I reread them, I began to notice more and more the almost-juvenile quality to Stephenie Meyer's writing. The characters all take on the same the traits, say the same phrases, and do the same things. Words like "Masochist" were used repeatedly throughout the series. The whole series was just repetative. On the bright side, Meyer's writing improved as the Bella's story progressed.

    My question is sort of a "Can you explain this...?" question. In Breaking Dawn, it goes into further detail on vampiracy and their enhanced senses. Apparently, (as it formerly mentioned the Cullens' driveway to be at least three miles long) Bella could hear "all the way to the freeway". Also, vampires are able to hear Renesme's heart a fairly long distance away.

    How then, in Twilight, does Alice not hear James on the phone? You'd think that Alice would be able to hear (with perfect clarity, I might add) the quiet voice coming out of the phone telling Bella not to say anything until he says to. She should even have been able to hear the continued conversation on the other side of the wall.

    Little things like this I noticed recently, and was wondering if anyone was able to work the previous example out.

    (BTW: I do still enjoy the Twilight series despite its many flaws)

    14 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I want to be an actress but have a lot of obstacles... is it still possible?

    I'm 15 years old, a girl, and I've wanted to be an actress since I knew what an actress was. I'm not too crazy about on-stage, I'd rather go Disney for kids or just Hollywood and in a bunch of movies... :D

    I consider myself a good actress, I practice expressions and looking like I feel one way and want to look I feel the other - type of things in the mirror...


    1.Anyway, I live in a tiny town full of farmers surrounded by little towns full of farmers... we don't even have a drama class at school, let alone somewhere I could go for commercial auditions or anything.

    2.Due to the problem described above, I have no professional acting experience. All I've done so far is be involved my high school play, summer school plays as a kid, and school plays in elementary school... which, by the way, is not much to brag about.

    3. Money - we don't have a lot of money in our family - let's just say that neither of my parents finished college and I have three little brothers that eat a LOT. I'm pretty sure that it would be really hard to come up with the money to go all the way to LA or wherever and back...

    4. Location - I live in the middle of WISCONSIN and, (in link to #3) don't think it would be easy for me to get to Cali. If, by some chance, I could come up with the money to go down there, it would have to be a one-time shot, probably.

    5. (To go with some former points) I can't get a job either. It's not because I'm unable or anything, but because the only jobs around here for ppl my age is working on farms... something I have no experience or knowledge in, and would not be happy doing, plus I have no way to get out there. In my tiny town, we don't even have a grocery store anymore. The only (and I mean ONE) place that they hire, they only hire 16+ and my mom works there, so they wouldn't hire me anyway. I babysit as much as possible, but, in my town it doesn't pay well - nobody has money to pay you well. For example: I babysat 3 kids under 5 years old for about 6 hours and got paid $10.00 for the night. Another example: Last night, I babysat for a $2.00 an hour...

    Anyway, so the point of my going on an on is that I don't have a way to get any money.


    So please tell me I have a chance and how!?!?


    9 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • What should I name my kitten?

    I just got a new kitten. She's:

    all light gray with a little darker shade on the tip of her tail.

    super cute.

    very, very lively, always in the mood to play.

    My top names:





    Christabel (Chrissy)

    What do you think? Which do you like best? Do you have a better name altogether?

    Please help!


    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How do you "pimp your profile" on facebook?

    I've already visited webfiti and picked out a layout and copied it... now what?

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • Apps on Facebook: What do you think of it?

    Just curious, what do you think of:

    Honesty Box

    Sorority Life

    The Mafia thing...


    Vampire Wars

    that dice game thing

    the quizzes

    Friend FAQ

    Compare Your Friends

    and any other apps

    on Facebook?

    Which is your favorite?


    Which do you spend the most time on?

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Soy americano - aprendo espanol?

    Ahora he estado aprendiendo el español para uno y una mitad de los años. Quisiera que una cierta ayuda aprendiera más porque mi clase adentro ahora hacia fuera para el verano. ¿Así pues, cualquier persona desea ayudarme a aprender más español? ¡(Conseguí el de un traductor en línea porque sé que no sé decir todo el esto en español.)

    también, ayudaré a cualquier persona que desee aprender más inglés! Contestaré a cualquier pregunta que usted tenga sobre inglés también.



    10 AnswersIdiomas1 decade ago
  • NEED ALGEBRA HELP.... please?

    We've been doing vertical parobolas - so that's h=1/2gt^2 + vt + s, right? Or is the s wrong? and then when they say that velocity is, for example, 16 meters per sec. to start when you throw the ball up, so when does it hit the ground again? An then usually they give you the last value too, so you just make a chart like:

    X - H

    1 - 14.2

    2 - 18.9

    While putting X in for t then you just keep writing out the chart until it hits zero again, right?

    Is there a faster/less complicated way to do this?

    I'm just asking because finals are coming up and I want t make sure that I do good on them.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Please help with my algebra homework!!!?!!!?

    OK, I was gone, so I don't know how to do these! We have to separate a trinomial into two binomials: (the quotes mean squared, I just don't know how to do that on here...)

    25a" + 20a + 4

    and here's another:

    2u" - 11u + 15

    Please, can someone explain how to do this???

    (It's due today!?!)



    8 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Is my way of thinking really weird?

    Grammar mistakes (my own included) bug the heck out of me. I can't even say something that's not even really that mean without feeling immensly guilty. I often think as if I was reading or writing something. If, say, I'm talking to someone and I'm percepting their attitute, the inside of my brain may be going something like this:

    He smiled. His smile was guinine; it lit up his eyes.

    I wondered if that meant he liked me. Maybe he just liked my joke. Maybe he was just a good actor and pretended to think my joke was funny even though it really was lame.

    I felt my heart thud. He was REALLY cute. His messy red hair was glowed in the light.

    ...anyway, that's really the actual words that run through my head. (Sometimes I think normally too.) Now that I'm attempting to learn Spanish and Italian, random Spanish and Italian words weave their way through my thoughts too.

    I often think about little things a lot. For example, have you ever really thought - I mean REALLY thought - about the concept of using people? Really, everyone uses everyone else, but there's obviously a line between the good kind of using people and the point where it becomes too much. You use the people you love. If you're a kid, you use your parents for food, a place to stay, someone to take care of you. You use your friends as companions, you use their time to get things for yourself. (a good time...)

    Anyway, I guess that's not a very good example. I've thought about keeping a journal, but that opened up a whole new example. When you write in your journal, you obviously write and expect no one to read it. However, when you write in it, if someone's reading it, then obviously it has been read, and when you're writing it you can take this into effect. Wouldn't you start it something like:

    I'm writing this journal for several reasons. Since you're reading this, you should know that I never intended anyone to read this, but, since you are reading this, it's obviously being read, and so you're violating my wishes. Probably, this journal will just rot on a shelf somewhere, but it's not since you're reading this and...

    Yeah. I was just wondering whether this was really weird or not.

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Twilight: Is Edward Cullen Really That Cute?

    In the movie, I think Rob Patterson looks incredibly unattractive. His face looks all pinched up and flat and his hair isn't even red like in the books except for in the sun. Personally, I find the guy that plays James a LOT hotter. (Maybe that's just because I read the books first and made a much hotter Edward in my head...)

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Twilight: Which is Better: The Books or the Movie?

    I personally prefer the books. If you do or if you don't, please tell me why. I'm curious...

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • A Writer That Needs Name Help!?!?

    I love to write, and I'm currently working on a story on I have been attempting to find an Ayorthian name for my character (From Ella Enchanted) to no avail. Does anyone know of a male name that starts and ends in the same vowel? Examples of Ayorthian names: Ijori, Aza, Areida, Elle, Ivi... (Those were in Gail Carson Levine's books...)

    Please help!


    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Do I take a job with this big amount of comitment required?

    Ok... so I have this offer for babysitting. It's everyday after school to about 6:00-6:30. It's for three older kids, maybe around 8 years old. Two girls and a boy. The only problem is, I wouldn't be able to go out for softball, drama or forensics if ever they are right after school. I wouldn't be able to stay after and work on homework or anything. Plus, it's my freshman year and I don't have any study halls, so I could use the time for homework. However, I'm not worried about handling it, it won't be problem and I won't be stressed out. Also, I really need some income and there aren't exacly many places to get jobs in town... especialy not for a 14-year old. Babysitting really is the only option here... and I enjoy it... so what do I do? Do I take the job or not?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago