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    I like a girl at my college. She is my junior. I had only three convo's with her. First one is where I got to know her name and place. Second one is where I asked her if we can be friends and she asked why? I said I just felt like that and she said oh ok. Third time, she walked fast with her friends when I was approaching her and she was discussing something with her friends and all her friends were seeing me. I went and asked her if we can talk and she asked why?(looks like she got scared). I said simply we are friends and she said she doesn't want to talk. I felt very heartbroken and said is it? Alrite and I turned back and went away. It was the worst moment ever. After some days When I suddenly looked straight I saw her coming in the opp direction and I caught her staring at me , she quickly looked away and she was looking down and her eyes seemed to look here and there. It was strange. why is that? thanks.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago

    I like a girl at my college. She is my junior. I had only three convo's with her. First one is where I got to know her name and place. Second one is where I asked her if we can be friends and she asked why? I said I just felt like that and she said oh ok. Third time, she walked fast with her friends when I was approaching her and she was discussing something with her friends and all her friends were seeing me. I went and asked her if we can talk and she asked why?(looks like she got scared). I said simply we are friends and she said she doesn't want to talk. I felt very heartbroken and said is it? Alrite and I turned back and went away. It was the worst moment ever. After some days When I suddenly looked straight I saw her coming in the opp direction and I caught her staring at me , she quickly looked away and she was looking down and her eyes seemed to look here and there. It was strange. why is that? thanks.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago

    I like a junior girl at my college. I have talked to her only thrice. first one was an intro and second time was a friendship proposal. Third time when she was with her friends If asked her if we can talk, she asked me why? I said we are friends so. She said she doesn't want to talk and I said ok and walked away very sadly. Some said like she doesn't talk to guys much and she doesn't like love itseems and some say she has a boyfriend. She seems to be really innocent and That is why I got attracted to her and she was so cute. After two days when I was at canteen when I was about to buy food I saw her standing with her friends to buy food. Her friends saw me and told her something and when I was close to them, they talked very silently. I went back to my table and I was staring her from distance and suddenly she looked at me and looked away quickly. I couldnt believe she caught me because she was a bit far away. My friends say not to speak to her for a while. Again after two days, I saw one friend of hers looking at me from distance. I was looking at my crush from distance and suddenly she turned and saw me and looked away quickly. She was leaving the canteen and didn't have to turn. I Did not expect this. Help me please. Should I talk or leave as such for some days? Sorry for my bad English.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago

    I like a junior girl at my college. I have talked to her only thrice. first one was an intro and second time was a friendship proposal. Third time when she was with her friends If asked her if we can talk, she asked me why? I said we are friends so. She said she doesn't want to talk and I said ok and walked away very sadly. Some said like she doesn't talk to guys much and she doesn't like love itseems and some say she has a boyfriend. She seems to be really innocent and That is why I got attracted to her and she was so cute. After two days when I was at canteen when I was about to buy food I saw her standing with her friends to buy food. Her friends saw me and told her something and when I was close to them they talked very silently. I went back to my table and I was staring her from distance and suddenly she looked at me and looked away quickly. I couldnt believe she caught me because she was a bit far away. My friends say not to speak to her for a while. Help me pls

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago

    I am Ram from india... Actually I love a junior girl at my coll. Im her senior, asked her name and place and she hopefully answered...the next day I asked like can we be friends she asked why? and I said I just felt like that,she said ok ... I see she seems comfortable when talking with other guys but she seems scared when talking to me?my friends say iam handsome and I get looks from girls,nt boasting just saying...after Like 2 days again I talked to her and she utters some words or nodes her head,barely speaks words...But I seem to notice a sparkle in her eyes(her eyes turned little watery)..That evening,she was coming opposite to me.......when I was seing her,she was coming with her head down pretending like reading something from the book she had... Iam very confused,sad and depressed :/ does she like me?help me :/ she is a very good girl itseems....She doesnt like love itseems,I think maybe she thinks abt her parents,But I would love to take care of her...

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago

    I am Ram from india... Actually I love a junior girl at my coll. Im her senior, asked her name and place and she hopefully answered...the next day I asked like can we be friends she asked why? and I said I just felt like that,she said ok ... I see she seems comfortable when talking with other guys but she seems scared when talking to me?my friends say iam handsome and I get looks from girls,nt boasting just saying...after Like 2 days again I talked to her and she utters some words or nodes her head,barely speaks words...But I seem to notice a sparkle in her eyes(her eyes turned little watery)..That evening,she was coming opposite to me.......when I was seing her,she was coming with her head down pretending like reading something from the book she had... Iam very confused,sad and depressed :/ does she like me?help me :/ she is a very good girl itseems....

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago

    So Iam darshan from india! Im 18!!!I love a junior girl in my college! I gave my number to her once and unexpectedly she texted me that night over whatsapp! She texts me well! One day we chatted fr 2 hrs in messenger !she asked my caste and said no My parents wont allow because iam of diff caste! Said she likes me, and that for her no problem but her parents would never leave for this :/ she always talks abt how her sister married someone of the other caste and that her parents would nt leave her inside the house! I asked what u like in me! She said my innocence -_-I hated what she said :/ she sent me her pictures in whatsapp on her birthday day ! I felt great! Coz i did nt ask fr her pics :/ Should I ask her out? Is it too early! Its been only 2 weeks since we r texting! I used to speak to her in person too! My friend says she was seeing u! But when I look at her ,she will be seeing somewhere!She always tells me that she is her father's princess -_-!!!!Yesterday she was inside the class ! When I saw her she smiled ,and when I was passing by the class,still she turned her head nd was smiling at me!...confused :/

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago

    So Iam darshan from india! Im 18!!!I love a junior girl in my college! I gave my number to her once and unexpectedly she texted me that night over whatsapp! She texts me well! One day we chatted fr 2 hrs in messenger !she asked my caste and said no My parents wont allow because iam of diff caste! Said she likes me, and that for her no problem but her parents would never leave for this :/ she always talks abt how her sister married someone of the other caste and that her parents would nt leave her inside the house! I asked what u like in me! She said my innocence -_-I hated what she said :/ she sent me her pictures in whatsapp on her birthday day ! I felt great! Coz i did nt ask fr her pics :/ Should i propose??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan from India! I study in a coll and I have a a crush on my junior girl! We make eye contact but have never talked , one day my friend spoke abt me to her that I always used to see her and mine and her native is the same and he wqnts to talk to you! She said like ok,ask him to come to amenity centre! Then I got the chance to speak to her for a minute! Actually she is an extrovert but she seemed so tensed! After that today When I saw her , she just looked and 2 friends were with her they were looking and giggling among themselves and my crush was talking about something to her friends and smiling!I felt so sad abt it :/ Could not talk today :/ feeling so hurt ! My friend is the mentor for her class! She has said to him like he turns and sees me and showed him how I did tat! Her friend who is not a close friend of her said like she has a bf who is living in another city! She also said like the relationship is strong! I donno why she mentioned that!But today my friend asked me to come with him, we met her and he said to her like many are saying tat u have a bf is it true? She sai d no I dont have ,Who said like tat? Im confused 0_0 ! Does she like me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan from India! I study in a coll and I have a a crush on my junior girl! We make eye contact but have never talked , one day my friend spoke abt me to her that I always used to see her and mine and her native is the same and he wqnts to talk to you! She said like ok,ask him to come to amenity centre! Then I got the chance to speak to her for a minute! Actually she is an extrovert but she seemed so tensed! After that today When I saw her , she just looked and 2 friends were with her they were looking and giggling among themselves and my crush was talking about something to her friends and smiling!I felt so sad abt it :/ Could not talk today :/ feeling so hurt ! My friend is the mentor for her class! She has said to him like he turns and sees me and showed him how I did tat! Her friend said like she has a bf who is living in another city! She also said like the relationship is strong! I donno why she mentioned that!I have always been a failure :/ feeling so hurt :'(

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan from India! I study in a coll and I have a a crush on my junior girl! We make eye contact but have never talked , one day my friend spoke abt me to her that I always used to see her and mine and her native is the same and he wqnts to talk to you! She said like ok,ask him to come to amenity centre! Then I got the chance to speak to her for a minute! Actually she is an extrovert but she seemed so tensed! After that today When I saw her , she just looked and 2 friends were with her they were looking and giggling among themselves and my crush was talking about something to her friends and smiling!I felt so sad abt it :/ Could not talk today :/ feeling so hurt ! My friend is the mentor for her class! She has said to him like he turns and sees me and showed him how I did tat! Does she have a boyfriend? Help :/

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan and im 18!!I like a girl who is a junior in my college! I live in india. I am so shy too :/ I always look at her during intervals! she would not notice me but her friend saw me seeing her ! She is so cute and friends say that iam so handsome and i would be perfect fr her! but I feel so inferior :/ in my point of view she looks like an actress! I want to talk but i dont know how to because she does nt know who I am :/ will she like me ?I saw her yesterday while passing by her class and she too saw me and this happ fr 3 secs! Toady I saw her ,she was wth her friend and she just gave a glance and turned to her friend and was smiling and talking about some other thing :/ I felt bad!then today I was walking with my friends and I was lookin at her and she was talking to someone with her head down ,suddenly she tilted her head up and saw me and was talking to her friends and smiling!! another time she just saw me and acted like she is seeing somewhere!! I have never had a gf and iam a virgin! But now many of them say that she has a bf :/ feeling so dissapointed : ( help pls :/ but I never heard it from her mouth although I still did not talk with her!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan and im 18!!I like a girl who is a junior in my college! I live in india. I am so shy too :/ I always look at her during intervals! she would not notice me but her friend saw me seeing her ! She is so cute and friends say that iam so handsome and i would be perfect fr her! but I feel so inferior :/ in my point of view she looks like an actress! I want to talk but i dont know how to because she does nt know who I am :/ will she like me ?I saw her yesterday while passing by her class and she too saw me and this happ fr 3 secs! Toady I saw her ,she was wth her friend and she just gave a glance and turned to her friend and was smiling and talking about some other thing :/ I felt bad!then today I was walking with my friends and I was lookin at her and she was talking to someone with her head down ,suddenly she tilted her head up and saw me and was talking to her friends and smiling!! another time she just saw me and acted like she is seeing somewhere!! I have never had a gf and iam a virgin! But now many of them say that she has a bf :/ feeling so dissapointed : ( help pls :/

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan and im 18!!I like a girl who is a junior in my college! I live in india. I am so shy too :/ I always look at her during intervals! she would not notice me but her friend saw me seeing her ! She is so cute and friends say that iam so handsome and i would be perfect fr her! but I feel so inferior :/ in my point of view she looks like an actress! I want to talk but i dont know how to because she does nt know who I am :/ will she like me ?I saw her yesterday while passing by her class and she too saw me and this happ fr 3 secs! Toady I saw her ,she was wth her friend and she just gave a glance and turned to her friend and was smiling and talking about some other thing :/ I felt bad!then today I was walking with my friends and I was lookin at her and she was talking to someone with her head down ,suddenly she tilted her head up and saw me and was talking to her friends and smiling!! another time she just saw me and acted like she is seeing somewhere!! I have never had a gf and iam a virgin! But now many of them say that she has a bf :/ feeling so dissapointed : ( help pls :/

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan and im 18!!I like a girl who is a junior in my college! I live in india. I am so shy too :/ I always look at her during intervals! she would not notice me but her friend saw me seeing her ! She is so cute and friends say that iam so handsome and i would be perfect fr her! but I feel so inferior :/ in my point of view she looks like an actress! I want to talk but i dont know how to because she does nt know who I am :/ will she like me ?I saw her yesterday while passing by her class and she too saw me and this happ fr 3 secs! Toady I saw her ,she was wth her friend and she just gave a glance and turned to her friend and was smiling and talking about some other thing :/ I felt bad!then today I was walking with my friends and I was lookin at her and she was talking to someone with her head down ,suddenly she tilted her head up and saw me and was talking to her friends and smiling!! another time she just saw me and acted like she is seeing somewhere!! I have never had a gf and iam a virgin! But now many of them say that she has a bf :/ feeling so dissapointed : ( help pls :/

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan and im 18!!I like a girl who is a junior in my college! I live in india. I am so shy too :/ I always look at her during intervals! she would not notice me but her friend saw me seeing her ! She is so cute and friends say that iam so handsome and i would be perfect fr her! but I feel so inferior :/ in my point of view she looks like an actress! I want to talk but i dont know how to because she does nt know who I am :/ will she like me ?I saw her yesterday while passing by her class and she too saw me and this happ fr 3 secs! Toady I saw her ,she was wth her friend and she just gave a glance and turned to her friend and was smiling and talking about some other thing :/ I felt bad!then today I was walking with my friends and I was seein her and she was talking to someone with her head down ,suddenly she tilted her head up and saw me and was talking to her friends and smiling!! another time she just saw me and acted like she is seeing somewhere!! I have never had a gf and iam a virgin! But now many of them say that she has a bf :/ feeling so dissapointed : ( help pls :/

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan and im 18!!I like a girl who is a junior in my college! I live in india. I am so shy too :/ I always look at her during intervals! she would not notice me but her friend saw me seeing her ! She is so cute and friends say that iam so handsome and i would be perfect fr her! but I feel so inferior :/ in my point of view she looks like an actress! I want to talk but i dont know how to because she does nt know who I am :/ will she like me ?I saw her yesterday while passing by her class and she too saw me and this happ fr 3 secs! Toady I saw her ,she was wth her friend and she just gave a glance and turned to her friend and was smiling and talking about some other thing :/ I felt bad!then today I was walking with my friends and I was seein her and she was talking to someone with her head down ,suddenly she tilted her head up and saw me and was talking to her friends and smiling!! another time she just saw me and acted like she is seeing somewhere!! I have never had a gf and iam a virgin! But now many of them say that she has a bf :/ feeling so dissapointed :'( help pls :/

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan and im 18!!I like a girl who is a junior in my college! I live in india. I am so shy too :/ I always look at her during intervals! she would not notice me but her friend saw me seeing her ! She is so cute and friends say that iam so handsome and i would be perfect fr her! but I feel so inferior :/ in my point of view she looks like an actress! I want to talk but i dont know how to because she does nt know who I am :/ will she like me ?I saw her yesterday while passing by her class and she too saw me and this happ fr 3 secs! Toady I saw her ,she was wth her friend and she just gave a glance and turned to her friend and was smiling and talking about some other thing :/ I felt bad!then today I was walking with my friends and I was seein her and she was talking to someone with her head down ,suddenly she tilted her head up and saw me and was talking to her friends and smiling!! another time she just saw me and acted like she is seeing somewhere!! I have never had a gf and iam a virgin! But now many of them say that she has a bf :/ feeling so dissapointed :'( help pls :/

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan and im 18!!I like a girl who is a junior in my college! I live in india. I am so shy too :/ I always look at her during intervals! she would not notice me but her friend saw me seeing her ! She is so cute and friends say that iam so handsome and i would be perfect fr her! but I feel so inferior :/ in my point of view she looks like an actress! I want to talk but i dont know how to because she does nt know who I am :/ will she like me ?I saw her yesterday while passing by her class and she too saw me and this happ fr 3 secs! Toady I saw her ,she was wth her friend and she just gave a glance and turned to her friend and was smiling and talking about some other thing :/ I felt bad!then today I was walking with my friends and I was seein her and she was talking to someone with her head down ,suddenly she tilted her head up and saw me and was talking to her friends and smiling!! another time she just saw me and acted like she is seeing somewhere!! I have never had a gf and iam a virgin ! friends say that iam like a baby :/ she talks to my friend because he is the mentor for her class,and he asked me to come with him so that i can initiate a conversation ! ?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago

    Iam darshan and im 18!!I like a girl who is a junior in my college! I live in india. I am so shy too :/ I always look at her during intervals! she would not notice me but her friend saw me seeing her ! She is so cute and friends say that iam so handsome and i would be perfect fr her! but I feel so inferior :/ in my point of view she looks like an actress! I want to talk but i dont know how to because she does nt know who I am :/ will she like me ?I saw her yesterday while passing by her class and she too saw me and this happ fr 3 secs! Toady I saw her ,she was wth her friend and she just gave a glance and turned to her friend and was smiling and talking about some other thing :/ I felt bad!then today I was walking with my friends and I was seein her and she was talking to someone with her head down ,suddenly she tilted her head up and saw me and was talking to her friends and smiling!! another time she just saw me and acted like she is seeing somewhere!! I have never had a gf and iam a virgin ! friends say that iam like a baby :/ she talks to my friend because he is the mentor for her class,and he asked me to come with him so that i can initiate a conversation ! ?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago