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  • How many idiot Presidents have governed the USA?

    I can only remember back to Nixon, idiot. Ford, idiot. Carter, f***ing idiot, Reagan, idiot, Clinton, idiot (only coz he got caught), GWB, idiot, Obama, idiot. I'm detecting a trend here, anyone think I've missed any?

    Before anyone mentions George Bush, (the real one) I thought he was OK.

    1 AnswerGovernment9 years ago
  • Will China end up owning the world?

    At the rate wealthy countries (to quote Copenhagen) are borrowing money from China, a developing country (to quote Copenhagen) will the west ever be able to repay the debt?

    I read today that U.S. interest on borrowings exceeds what they collect in income tax.

    At what stage does this become a concern?

    If China floats the yuan and calls in debt, the west is in BIG trouble.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How much of the aid donated to Haiti will end up in the pockets?

    How much of the millions of dollars in donations given to assist the people of Haiti will end up in the pockets of corrupt government officials, warlords and the greatest thieves of all time, The Red Cross?

    I understand that these poor people need help, but I'm usually a bit reluctant because the poor b@stard doing all the suffering seems to get the least benefit from other peoples kindness.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How does socialism actually work?

    I'm at a loss. Maybe somebody can help.

    As I see it, it;s take, take, take from anyone who's successful, then give the money I've made to a sh1tbag.

    Is that how it works.....if so, the aforementioned can eff off

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do the bulk of Americans think that the President of the USA is the be all and end all of world politics?

    I care not for the flavor of your leader, but the most powerful man in the world should be able to lead the world.

    He's been in for less than 2 months, then decided to spend a trillion dollars, (that's a thousand billion dollars)

    Who is going to pay for this stupidity? Us.

    Who is going to pay for the new assault on Afghanistan? Nobody (Us)

    Who is going to pay for free money to the masses. (Us.)

    Who is going to pay for everything once the dust settles, our kids (maybe their kids as well)

    We need to band together and stop socialism before the nutcases take over.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are the voting public mental?

    The entire western world is ruled by liberal, socialist governments.

    How do we stop this blight?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should big business be allowed to go broke?

    Massive companies (GM, Fannie may, Citibank, etc) are being propped up by governments worldwide.

    If we live in a capitalistic society, shouldn't failing companies do just

    I employ people, but there's no handout for me. Just not big enough I suppose.

    Maybe I should tell lies and get my free money.

    It's only $1000,000,000,000. after all.

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can Bill Clinton hang his hat on destroying the US economy?

    He single handedly threw the worldwide economy into minus by being a d1ckhead. Let the banks run loose and we'll clean up the mess later.

    Admittedly it was a while ago,but he let it happen.

    Before you slag GWB, check out where the Sub-Prime disaster started

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How come Barack is seen as the Messiah, when he's got nothing?

    As an overseas observer, all I see is a pretty black man with a newsreaders voice.

    Does this man have any substance or am I wrong?

    We hear of US policy in Australia and are intrinsicly linked with your foreign policy, economy, everything really.

    I can't see anything coming out of Washington or our Capital that's going to make anything better soon.

    It looks like that around the world(mine anyway) The US, UK, Australia, we're pretty much locked in to a decade of lies and poverty.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How do you save the world economy by throwing away all of your money and then borrowing some?

    I don't know economics, but I know commonsense, hopefully someone can explain to me why sending your country broke is good, to help stimulate what?

    If I owe $100k on my house and it's worth $400k, I've got $300k in equity. I understand this.

    If my house is worth $400k and I borrow $600k, I'm in the sh1t.

    How come this doesn't work for governments?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • When is Obama going to become President for all Americans and quit with the "I'm a black man" mantra?

    Surely the most powerful man on the planet has to get off the "race" issues and govern for all the people of the U.S. (Probably the most culturally diverse country in the world.)

    26 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Spyware Guard 2009 how do I get rid of it?

    I've tried multiple ways of getting rid of this b@stard thing, but it seems that as soon as a solution is found, the virus blocks contact with any sort of security site or way to knock it on the head.

    Should I just nuke the PC and start again, or is there a guaranteed fix somewhere.

    Thanks... I hope.

    9 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Should there be 2 areas on Y/A?

    This area of yahoo is so clogged up with kids asking if their hair looks ok, or am I hot, or this guy looked at me.

    I like the concept of Y/A, but detest the puerile ramblings of 11 year olds asking questions about nothing.

    It's turned me into almost a troll, because I can't help but throw in smart-a$$ed comments to the stupidity.

    I think an adults area could be a good thing for the site to ask questions of other adults about adult things, without some kid thumbing you down because you wont get counselling for your puppy.

    Unleash the torrent kids.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • The bailout, will it help or not?

    I live in Australia and the world financial situation looks dire, but I'm very interested to know what the US public thinks of "The Plan".

    To me it smacks of small business getting smashed and carte blanche for the fat cats to do whatever they please. Is this the beginning of socialism for what is (was) a capitalist society?

    Another thought.... Obama and McCain would both be thanking their lucky stars that they weren't in The White House when the sh1t hit the fan, I doubt that either of them would have the guts to take on the debacle that threatens to send us into a depression brought on by big business at the expense of the plebs.

    2 AnswersPuerto Rico1 decade ago
  • Can you strap a hamstring strain?

    I strained my hammy a couple of days ago, it's not too bad, but feels like I've been punched in the back of the leg. Can I strap this and still participate in sport or should I sit on my @ss and ride it out?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is Obama on the back foot?

    It seems to me that Obama is trying his darndest to attack Palin over just about anything and neglecting McCain. Isn't it McCain that he's running against?

    Another thought, if the V.P. position is so important to rally the masses, where is Biden?

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What's the story on ads on Y/A?

    I posted this question in the wrong area earlier.

    What is the story with advertisements on Q/A?

    I had a guy answer a question of mine with what looked like a form letter advertising a certain company. Then I checked out his profile and he'd registered today and sent the same link to every question that he answered.

    Is this allowed? Should he be reported or is it within the rules?

    1 AnswerCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • Y/A coffee breaks, how many do they need?

    How annoying is it that what is basically an automated service needs a breather or a coffee break.

    We're being treated like idiots don't you think?

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What are the rules on advertising on Y/A?

    I've come across quite a few answers that are blatant advertisements. Then upon checking that persons profile, found that they are just sending what are basically form letters.

    Is this allowed or should I report them?

    2 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • Why do Americans need counselling/therapy for everything?

    Surely inhabitants of the greatest country in the world can make a decision on their own occasionally. I see so often in Q/A things like, "my husband has cheated on me twice in the last 3 weeks". All followed with advice telling the poor victim to see a marriage counsellor.

    Instead of telling her to leave the b@stard.

    Q. My dog died, what do I do? A. Get therapy.

    Q. My wife shot me, what do I do? A. Go see a therapist.

    I could go on all day, but it makes me wild.

    I'll bet your founding fathers didn't sit about p1ssing and moaning to some stranger about how hard their lot was. They got out and built a nation.

    Thank you for reading this. My rant is over.

    10 AnswersSociology1 decade ago