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  • My cousin is homeless, but told me not to tell anyone?

    About a month ago I found out my great Uncle's daughter is homeless. She is addicted to drugs and was put out of the house. I was walking home with some of my friends about a month ago and saw her with some other person sitting up against a building here in NYC with a sign asking for food..not money. I debated stopping but I did. I talked to her and bought both her and her friend something to eat and drink. She was very open with me about her addiction and her being kicked out. I knew this before but I always thought she went to Boston to stay with our other Uncle. That was over 3 months ago knew she left his house in Boston but no-one knew she came back to New York. She said she hasn't spoken to anyone in the family in two months. I'm the first one. She's 23 and I'm 14 and we kinda grew up together and were close before she got into drugs. I know her parents have tried getting ahold of her and stuff and even reported her missing. The Boston police wouldnt do anything because she's an addict. They said she as an adult and could leave if she wanted. I know her parents are super worried about her but she BEGGED me not to say anything about me seeing her. She made me swear I wouldn't. I've seen her a few more times since then and she still makes me swear not to tell. But its getting harder and harder to keep her secret. I know how worried everyone is and its really taking toll on my aunt and uncle. I want to tell my mother so maybe she could try to talk to her. Should I?

    3 AnswersParenting4 years ago
  • My stepmom keeps fighting with my mom?

    My Step mom is jealous of my mother in every aspect and its really bothering me. She keeps fighting my mom on everything. If my mom tells me not to do something, my stepmom will tell me to go ahead and do it. If my mom says I'm not allowed to go somewhere, my stepmom will go out of her way to try and get me there. My mom is gorgeous. My stepmom is pretty too but she constantly compares herself to my mom. She'll say stuff to my dad about him still loving my mom or how she can't compete with her. She fights with my mom and will say stuff to her about me and my brother to try to make my mom jealous, like we have some kind of super amazing relationship with her. She told my mom that I wanted to move in with her and my dad and there was nothing mom could do about it. She also told her that when we are at my dads house moms rules for us don't apply. She will also talk bad about my mom to me. My mother is the epitome of human kindness and love. She's a singer and a musician and is basically everything my stepmom isn't. And its really bothering me. I tried talking to her about it and so did my dad. She thinks her behavior is perfectly fine and see nothing wrong with it. Any advice would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersParenting4 years ago
  • What is your middle name?

    Mine is Noelle. My full name is Aurora Noelle.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • My brother took the blame for something I did?

    Earlier today after school my brother and I were fighting. I threw a book at him and he ducked it and the book ended hitting one of the living room windows and breaking it. My parents weren't home at the time so instead of calling my mom we waited of her to come home and tell her what happened. Me and my brother were talking before mom got home and we were talking about how I'm going on a weekend trip with my best friend and her family this weekend. I mentioned that I'm not gonna be allowed to go now because of the window. We both knew I'd be in big trouble and be grounded. When my mom got home she was mad and demanded to know what happened. I started to tell her the truth but my brother interrupted me and took the blame for the whole thing. He made up a story about how the window got broken and left me completely out of it. He did it so I wouldn't get grounded and miss my trip. Now I feel so bad because now my brother is grounded and going to miss out on stuff this weekend because of me. I told him I will tell mom the truth but he said if I do he'll be mad at me. He said he wants to do this for me. Im torn now between telling my mom the truth now or should I just wait till after the trip? Or should I just not tell her at all?

    10 AnswersParenting5 years ago
  • Can my friend live with my family?

    My friends mom is a heroin addict. So is her stepdad. Last night my friend spent the night at my house because her stepdad kicked her out of the house and told her never to come back all because she cleaned up the house and moved his "stuff" from the living room to his bedroom. The only family she has to stay with are her aunt and uncle in Hawaii or her grandparents that live here, but they are in their 80s. my mom said she could stay with us till it all gets settled. My mom did call and tell the grandparents what was going on though. My friend begged my mom not to call the cops, she don't wan her parents in trouble. So instead my mom and stepdad went over to her house to talk to her parents. But when they came back they said her parents didn't want her back, they said she needs to learn to be grateful for what she has and she can come home when she's straightened up. Last night my friend and I were talking in my room and she said she would love to live at our house and have real parents and a mom that is beautiful and not "a mess." So that got me thinking about what it would take to have her move in here. It would be fun living with my best friend. Is it even legal for her to live here and how can I bring the subject up to my mom? We are all going out to dinner tonight(me my mom, my friend, my stepdad and my brother) and my friend is super exited cuz they never go out. Maybe I'll bring up it at dinner. Should I and what should I say? Please any advice would help.

    7 AnswersParenting5 years ago
  • How can i get my strict mom to relax?

    Im 14 and my mom is so strict. She's is amazing. She's a sweet and loving person but she's super tough at the same time. She grew up in Manhattan and Harlem so she's got a lot of street still in her, but in a weird way. Like she's no joke, she doesn't take any crap and can see through all the bs. My problem is that she's way too overprotective i guess you could say. Like when i go out with friends she has to know where I'm going, what time i will be back(she gives me a time and if I'm not back she will come get me...and then its over for me), she gotta know who all is going i have to give her a detailed essay of my life. and if its not good enough for her i can't go. Like tonight i was at a pizza place with my friend and her brother and his gf. They decided to go down to the beach after and i asked my mom if i could go too and my friends brother would bring me home no later than 12. Of course she said no. When i begged her, her reaction was "girl I'm not playing with you. do i have to come get you?" So they dropped me off first. Im a little sad about it, and mad too. And tomorrow I really wanna go to another friends party, but then the whole "essay questions" will come out and i can't answer them because I don't know who all is going to be there and there is no time limit so I don't know when its over. My friends older brother will have some of his friends there too. And thats all I know. Please help me. I need to get her to chill out. But I'm not sure how.

    10 AnswersParenting5 years ago