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  • Is this guy totally blowing me off?

    I went out on a date with a guy I met online a few weeks ago on Monday night. We texted on a couple of occasions, then he asked me out. We ended up hanging out for around three hours and talked pretty much the whole time. We laughed and joked around a lot. Afterwards, he walked me to my car and kissed me. The problem is, I haven't heard from him yet. I've been on the dating website we met on, and his profile has been active even today. Am I getting blown off? Or do you think there's still a chance that he's interested but just hasn't texted/called me yet?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Please help with this dating situation?

    I went out on a date with a guy I met a few weeks ago on Monday night. We texted on a couple of occasions, then he asked me out. We ended up hanging out for around three hours and talked pretty much the whole time. We laughed and joked around a lot. Afterwards, he walked me to my car and kissed me. The problem is, I haven't heard from him yet. If a guy is interested, how long will he normally wait to contact a girl? Do you think there's still hope for me? Or should I just text him first?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Need some advice about my dog?

    I adopted my dog in April when he was only a few weeks old. I'm a college student, and my parents got pissed that I had a dog, so I let him stay at my boyfriend's house so that they wouldn't get even angrier. He has a decent sized house with a backyard and a cat who loves to play with the dog, so it was actually better than keeping him in my single bedroom apartment at the time. Well, my boyfriend and I broke up a couple months ago, and he still has my baby at his place. Because I live alone and was an absolute mess when he dumped me, I didn't try to get him back. He now has the dog in his name at the vet and everything. I'm in a much better place in my life at this point and want to get my dog back. Any advice on how to approach my ex about this? Does anyone think I even have a case?

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is it possible to block someone from Hulu Plus?

    I gave a former friend my Hulu Plus account name and password, and she's still using it. I changed the password a few minutes ago; is that enough to keep her out? Or is there a way I can sign her out of my account from my computer to make sure that she can't get back in? Any information would be helpful!

    1 AnswerGoogle9 years ago
  • How can I deal with my roommate?

    My roommate and former best friend has been screwing me over for a while now. She made my parents help pay to break her lease when she wanted to move in with me a year ago, and now she's randomly decided to move to North Carolina with a guy she met three weeks ago. I'm excited for her to leave already because she's been such a self righteous ***** lately, but she's moving out in the middle of our lease. So now I have to find a new place to live last minute right before school starts again. Not only do I have to deal with the stress of moving when I shouldn't have to, the fact that I have to move means I have to cancel a surgery I've been needing to have, and because the recovery time is so extensive, there's no way that I can have it before school starts now (I have to wait until December because of this). On top of all of that, she's been bitching at me for no reason constantly. For instance, I left the door unlocked when I left the house to sleep at my boyfriend's (which happens very frequently now...) at 9:30 at night, and she had to text me at midnight saying that I put her life and our stuff in danger by leaving the door unlocked "all the time" and that it's making her "really uncomfortable." Um, *****, why don't you get your lazy *** out off the couch and do it yourself?? She doesn't have a job and has already graduated, so she literally just sits around the house ALL DAY LONG and barely ever leaves. I, on the other hand, work about 11 hours a day.

    I'm getting really sick of her and am past the point of trying to fix anything. She's leaving in a few weeks, and I really just want to exact some kind of revenge. I've tried killing her with kindness, but all she does is stab me in the back. Any thoughts/advice?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How can I get back at my roommate for being an inconsiderate jerk?

    My roommate and former best friend has been screwing me over for a while now. She made my parents help pay to break her lease when she wanted to move in with me a year ago, and now she's randomly decided to move to North Carolina with a guy she met three weeks ago. I'm excited for her to leave already because she's been such a self righteous ***** lately, but she's moving out in the middle of our lease. So now I have to find a new place to live last minute right before school starts again. Not only do I have to deal with the stress of moving when I shouldn't have to, the fact that I have to move means I have to cancel a surgery I've been needing to have, and because the recovery time is so extensive, there's no way that I can have it before school starts now (I have to wait until December because of this). On top of all of that, she's been bitching at me for no reason constantly. For instance, I left the door unlocked when I left the house to sleep at my boyfriend's (which happens very frequently now...) at 9:30 at night, and she had to text me at midnight saying that I put her life and our stuff in danger by leaving the door unlocked "all the time" and that it's making her "really uncomfortable." Um, *****, why don't you get your lazy *** out off the couch and do it yourself?? She doesn't have a job and has already graduated, so she literally just sits around the house ALL DAY LONG and barely ever leaves. I, on the other hand, work about 11 hours a day.

    I'm getting really sick of her and am past the point of trying to fix anything. She's leaving in a few weeks, and I really just want to exact some kind of revenge. I've tried killing her with kindness, but all she does is stab me in the back. Any thoughts/advice?

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How can I get back at my roommate?

    My roommate and former best friend has been screwing me over for a while now. She made my parents help pay to break her lease when she wanted to move in with me a year ago, and now she's randomly decided to move to North Carolina with a guy she met three weeks ago. I'm excited for her to leave already because she's such a self righteous *****, but she's moving out in the middle of our lease. So now I have to find a new place to live last minute right before school starts again. Not only do I have to deal with the stress of moving when I shouldn't have to, the fact that I have to move means I have to cancel a surgery I've been needing to have, and because the recovery time is so extensive, there's no way that I can have it before school starts now (I have to wait until December because of this). On top of all of that, she's been bitching at me for no reason constantly. For instance, I left the door unlocked when I left the house to sleep at my boyfriend's (which happens very frequently now...) at 9:30 at night, and she had to text me at midnight saying that I put her life and our stuff in danger by leaving the door unlocked "all the time" and that it's making her "really uncomfortable." Um, *****, why don't you get your lazy *** out of bed and do it yourself?? She doesn't have a job and has already graduated from school, so she literally just sits around the house ALL DAY LONG and barely ever leaves. I, on the other hand, work about 11 hours a day.

    I'm getting really sick of her and am past the point of trying to fix anything. She's leaving in a few weeks, and I really just want to exact some kind of revenge. Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • How should I deal with this uncomfortable roommate situation?

    As of last week, I have found myself in a rather awkward situation with my roommate. She started dating a 30 year old man less than a week ago (she and I are both 21), and they met only three days before they became exclusive. So, obviously, neither she nor I know a whole lot about this guy.

    On the day that they started dating, she announced that she has plans to move to North Carolina with him in a mere two months, leaving me with no roommate until next August when our lease on our apartment is up. This is not only concerning for my living situation, but also for her sanity (no offense, but I think she's being really stupid).

    On top of that, her boyfriend has basically been living in our apartment since they started dating; because he is so much older than us and a complete stranger, the fact that he never leaves my home makes me extremely uncomfortable. It's so awkward that I end up eating and hanging out in my room by myself most of the time. I work every morning and most nights, so I give them plenty of alone time, but neither my roommate or her boyfriend have jobs right now, so they NEVER leave our apartment.

    She apparently doesn't understand why I'm upset and has resorted to being passive aggressive and ignoring me. She's been my friend for almost four years now, and I just wish she would snap out of it and respect the fact that I live in this apartment too and deserve to be comfortable in my own home.

    Am I completely off base for feeling this way? If I am, I am willing to apologize to her and make it up to her, but I am just so frustrated, uncomfortable and hurt. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do? Please let me know!

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • What are some good recipes to make for a potluck?

    My food and wine class is having a potluck tomorrow, and I have no idea what to bring! Does anyone know any crowd-pleasers that are quick and easy to make? I also have to lug whatever I make around campus with me for an hour or two, so nothing that will spoil quickly! Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Am I insane?? Please help!?

    I just brought home my long awaited puppy yesterday, and I was so happy at first. I've had dogs since I was born and had been preparing for my new addition for a year. I thought I was ready and was feeling great... Until I was left alone with him. I had a panic attack, got physically ill and (this is the terrible part) suddenly just wanted him out. My friends saw how upset I was and took care of him last night for me, and my boyfriend (who has been out of town) is taking him to his house when he comes home later today. I can't believe I'm even thinking this stuff; how could I want nothing to do with my sweet new puppy?? He's really not that bad behavior wise, I just can't stop freaking out. Has anyone ever felt this way? Please help me!

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What should I buy my boyfriend's mother for her birthday?

    I have been dating my boyfriend for two years now, and I know his family pretty well. They invited me to fly out with him to attend his mother's surprise birthday party. It will be a pretty big event, since she's been living with cancer for eleven years and she's still fighting and kicking its butt :) Any suggestions as to what gift would be appropriate to get her? Any suggestions would greatly help! Thank you!

    3 AnswersOther - Holidays9 years ago
  • Should I forgive my boyfriend or leave him?

    We got into a huge fight last night about something small and stupid and I tried to get up and leave because I was so mad and he grabbed my wrists and pushed me down onto the couch and screamed at me to shut up over and over again. I'm infuriated that he would ever do something like that to me, but this is completely out of character for him and nothing like this has ever happened before. Should I forgive him or leave?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago