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Lv 31,198 points

Zackary Jason Wong

Favorite Answers12%

Hello my name is Zackary. If u want to know more about me email me at

  • What should I do my brain hurts?

    I am in love with this girl name angel. When I first realize I had feelings towards her I told her right away. But after a few days she met someone and just went out with him in stead. So now my heart is broken cause their never break up. I feel like really horrible and sad. Sad because I cant show her how much I love her and how much she means to me. I feel horrible cause I shouldn't like her she taken she as a bf. So im really mix up how can I get over her? And I cant delete her cause then she say im going to kill myself or what ever.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Can anyone help me with this problem I have?

    Hi guys I know I shouldn't have wait till the last min it was wrong but I wasn't I really didn't know about the project cause I freaking don't know half of the stuff that going on in class. I been trying really hard to get better grades but its just not happing. So I was wondering how I write this essay? My language art teacher wants me to do a project on something we love so I picked the IPod 5 g. And I got the 25 note cards on county already and 25 note cards on people. Now I need to use those note cards and make it fit together in a 10 paragraph essay. And I was wondering how do u do that? HOW CAN U FREAKING MAKE IT FIT I BEEN TRYING FOR THE PASS 9 HOURS. Its 2:24 am right now.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • HELP PLEASE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Should I just start chilling in school or step it up? Right now I think I have all Es. I don't know what to do I been coming in for lunch I been trying to get what im doing but I don't get it and im to scared to ask for help cause I don't want them to think im dumb. so what can I do what should I do?

    4 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Witch IPhone 5 should I get?

    Hi I'm thinking about getting the new iphone 5 but I don't know witch one to get. The iphone 5 16 gb or the 32 or the 64? Witch one fits my life better? I don't take that much picture I only take about 50 pictures a year and record about 10 videos a year. I don't go on the internet that much either cause that what my laptop for so I don't need wi fi. So what should I get? And how much does each one coast? I have T-mobile

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • How can I get a job? HELP ME PLEASE?

    Hi I was wondering if there any jobs for a 15 year old? like baby sitting I baby sat my cousins before so I know what to do. I don't think this will matter but I'm a girl. So do u have any idea where I can find a job in Seattle Wa? its in U.s I don't know how to dive yet cause hello I'm only 15. but I'm willing to ride the bus. And I don't care how much it pays. Also it cant be on school days. So Saturdays or Sundays.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How can I keep my grades up?

    Hi my name is Lily I am in 8th grade. This year I missed a lot of school so from now on I'm planning to not miss another day at school. The first step of getting my grades better is to be in school. I think my teachers hates me I'm not sure how can I get my grades up from a E to As? or at least a B. And how can I keep it up? by the time I get home from school its 5:00 then I have to shower 5:30 then I have to eat 6:30. Then my la teacher wants me to read 30 min each day so what can I do? How can I keep all my class grades up? I have 7th grade math math improvement la Wa history science

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Feeling really bad HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Hey guys my grandpa died and I feel really horrible. I feel even more sad now that my gf just braked up with me yesterday. I was just wondering what should I do? my girlfriend said I change of Couse I changed my grandpa just died and im just really upset. What should I do? How can I win her heart back and tell her im really sorry?

  • What should I do HELP?

    My girlfriend lives abou 6 hours away from me. I have school tomorrow so i cant just dive up to see her im only 14 any ways turning 15 on nov 10th. But she has a fever of 105. What can i do to help her i feel horible im her bf and i cant do anything.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Please Watch this tell me what you think?

    Hey guy i made this on youtube for my girlfriend what do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago

    I missed like 1 month of school any idea how to catch up and make up my work? I skip school cause i hate it cause I dont understand what to do. Yes i tried asking my teacher for help but they wont help me. All they do is give me what im missing and tell me to do it. Well how will i do it if i dont know how. Sometimes i feel so ugh like there so much work. Why is 8th grade this hard i wish i payation more in school when i was a kid =c. HOW CAN I CATCH UP PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!11

    4 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • what do u guys think of this name?

    Benjamin Zayden Wong? Me and my girlfriend are thinking about names for our baby. I wanted Zayden to be my son name like forever. lol but she wants Benjamin so i just let her win and said fine. Then i was thinking maybe i can make Zayden his middle name. What do you guys think?

    11 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago

    Hello sorry this is a bit long im really sorry please read. Me and my girlfriend braked up about 3-2 weeks ago oct 15th was her birthday i called her and said happy birthday cause she said we are still friends. She did not pick up so i left a message saying happy 16th birthday. I just don't understand how she can thew all the good times we had always we went out for 3 month about 3 4 months and in a day she moved on already how can she be so cold? And im still on her i said i don't like her like that anymore i only like her as a friend but the fact is that i still love her. When she braked up I asked her why she said she loves someone named nick she wanted a boyfriend closer to her. Cause our relationship was a long distant one i live in WA she lives in NY. i told her ill see her as soon as i get a car or as soon as i can. It took me the hole 2 and a half month to tell me mom to let me go finally when my mom said yes out of the blue no where she said she needed space so i gave her space then 2 days after i said whats wrong she still wanted more space but i pushed her to tell me she said i ddon'tlove you anymore. I feel so dumb for falling in love with her she just used me. She said she did love me at the time but ddon'tanymore. i just feel so broken hearted i spend hour and hours with her i was always there for her when she was upset i told her jokes make her smile take funny picture so she will smile again. I did really silly things to make her happy. I even send my picture of to her i trust her. i spend 8-7 hours on facetime talking to her even on school nights when i have school. I got into a lot of trouble cause of her.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Where can you find a job?

    Hello my name is Zack im looking for a job right now i really need it to see my girlfriend. i mean is it really that wrong to want to see your girlfriend on xmiss? im only 15 so im not really sure where to find a job but i really want to see her. She lives in va i live in seattle wa. We been going out for 7 month 4 more days till its 8 months. i just want to see her for xmiss or for our 1 year annivery just to say i love you and give her a gift. i just want to hold her hand kiss her be able to be there for her. And stand up for her if someone picking on her. so is there anyway i can get a job in seattle wa?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is it ok to leave flyers on people's cars?

    I am trying to help fight animal abuse but im only 14 so i cant really join anything but they told me that i can post flyer's out to tell people not to leave their dogs in the car cause it can cause them to die. Im just wondering how do i pass these flyer's out to people i wanted to put it on people's car cause i don't think they will take the flyer's and im to shy to ask. But I really want to help out. I just found out that 85 degrees out side the car temperature can be up to 102 in just 10 min so in a half hour it can be up to 120.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Where to get a ring? how to get my girlfriend's ring size?

    hey i was thinking of asking my girlfriend to married me ik i only knew her for 7 month and i should wait but i really want to ask her now ill wait till our 1 year to ask her the ? but i was wondering where can i get a ring between $0-$4000. So where a good place i can find a diamond ring? i just want to get something that says i love you babyboo <3. something really beautiful i just want something really cool for her cause she a amazing girl but i cant get her a better ring yet cause im only 14 but i do have $4000 right now and don't worry i wont get married now im waiting till we graz from college. Thanks guys and please don't say im to young i really know what im doing here and i wont get married until we get a job or at lest graz from college

    5 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • What are some cute things you can do for your girlfriend?

    Hey im only 14 my girlfriend 13 im turning 15 on nov 10th i just was wondering what i can do for my girlfriend i want to just do something really nice for her cause she been a wonderful friend and she has been a wonderful girlfriend. she always there for me. i just need something to say thank you baby for being there for me and understanding that i was broke when it was your birthday cause i did not get her anything i tired asking my mom but she wont let me borrow money i tried asking friends they said no so i told her im sorry and she understood so what a really great gift to give her?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How can you get over your dog?

    Im on a trip right now and i did not bring her with me how can i stop missing her? I miss her so much cause we use to do everything together. when i showered she sit out side the door waiting for me when i eat she sit right under me. When i get back from school she all over me and I'm the one who help her shower and stuff so we have a strong thing and i never left her more then 10 hours. So how can i stop missing her and just enjoy my trip? i just miss how when i get home she not there. Well my aunt house but for some reason i miss her so badly. It was like she was my heart we will never be apart then one day someone just came and riped it.

    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • How do i stop my dog from chewing up stuff? HELP PLEASE SOMEONE!!!!!!?

    She chew up 6 pairs of ear phones already she chewed on the coach leg on my shoes, How can i get her to stop riping things apart and i bought her a lot of toys already and i tired hitting her already . She chew over $8000 worth of stuff. PLEASE HELP

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Can u still get hard? SOMEONE ANSWER PLEASE?

    If your a girl who changed into a guy can u still get hard and stuff? How would u pee? How much dose this cost? Does it act the same as a real penis? sorry im just wondering. CAn u answer my ?s please thanks.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What should i do i lost my ipod Touch.?

    im in china right now i told my mom to zip up my backpack and she did not listen to me so when she did not zip it up someone took it and now i lost it is there any way if i can track it or something?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players9 years ago