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  • How are our perceptions of attractiveness formed?

    I was wondering where do our perceptions of another person's attractiveness come from. If I see a woman in a room and I think she's good looking, without any input from someone else, why is that? Is it just a natural thing? Has someone either knowingly or unknowingly to us, told us what attributes an attractive person should have?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Can traditional Olympic sports be sustained outside of the Olympic Games?

    I'm certainly not alone in being a person that watches many Olympic events closely but when the games end we won't pay any attention to many of these sports again until the next Olympics.

    I was wondering if anyone thinks a traditional Olympic sport (which I define as one in which the Olympics is the biggest event/competition in the sport like gymnastics, swimming, track & field) could be successful on TV when the Olympics aren't going on. If so, which sport has the best chance?

    4 AnswersOlympics5 years ago
  • My NBA realignment plan - What do you think?

    I'd like the NBA to make some changes to their current alignment of teams and location of teams. Here's my ideas:

    1. Move the Orlando Magic to Las Vegas - Vegas has a newly opened arena and Orlando can survive with Disney World as it's only attraction

    2. Clippers move to Seattle - after the CP3/Blake Griffin tandem ultimately fails, if it hasn't already, the Clips will be as irrelevant as they were before that partnership started. Clips will always be in the shadow of the Lakers. Seattle was a great basketball environment

    Note: Seattle and Vegas are two of the biggest US cities in states without an NBA team (Baltimore is too but the Wizards essentially cover that market)

    3. Move the New Orleans Pelicans to the Eastern conference - specifically, the Southeast division to replace the Magic. The geography works and you get a young star (Anthony Davis) into the virtually starless East.

    4. West realignment - Northwest would be: Seattle, Portland, Utah, Denver, Minnesota; Pacific would be: Vegas, Golden State, Lakers, Phoenix, Sacramento; Southwest ("the Division of Death") would be: San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, Oklahoma city, Memphis

    4 AnswersBasketball5 years ago
  • Can the US Postal Service be trusted?

    Lately I've experienced slow mail delivery and misdelivery of mail both to my residence and to my Post Office box (which is only a three-digit number). Although traditional mail is dying out to a certain extent, I and others still send and receive important items the old fashioned way. I still get some paychecks (not at my request but the company won't use direct deposit).

    Has the Postal Service always been this bad or has it just gotten worse in recent years?

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance5 years ago
  • My debit card was used at retail store without my knowledge. I've already contacted the police & my bank. Should I contact the store too?

    The only reason I'm hesitant to call the store, is that if it was an inside job or an employee, they may try to destroy the videotapes. What do you think?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Are NFL roster size limitations contributing to the poor development of quarterbacks?

    Maybe it's always been like this I just didn't realize it but it seems that nowadays very few NFL teams carry three quarterbacks on the active roster. When I was younger it seemed like every team had three. I think this as hurt the development of the quarterback position because some of these guys just from team to team after getting cut after the preseason. Now when then starting QB gets hurt, teams are having to sign guys off the street and they're one injury away from playing without any knowledge of the team's playbook or offensive scheme.

    I think the NFL should expand the roster size to 54 and mandate that each team carries at least 3 quarterbacks on the active roster. This will allow teams to develop some younger QBs and be able to keep them on the roster the entire season to learn without having to decide whether to keep an extra QB at the expense of cutting another position.

    4 AnswersFootball (American)6 years ago
  • Are American-born non-goalkeepers really that bad?

    I'm watching Tottenham v. Everton right now and the sight of Tim Howard made me think about how few American-born footballers play in top European leagues other than goalkeepers. Right now we have only two outfield American-born players in the English Premier League (Yedlin & Geoff Cameron), one in La Liga, and none in the Italian Serie A.

    6 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)6 years ago
  • Why does a perceived lack of respect lead to arguments and even violence?

    I've been following the Sandra Bland case somewhat closely and the release of the traffic stop video is making me even more frustrated. I think the situation escalated or got of hand due the officer's belief that Ms. Bland was disrespecting him by not throwing out her cigarette. Was she being disrespectful? Probably so, but it was certainly no reason to turn the incident in to something it didn't need to be. Most police/citizen disputes are caused when the officer feels disrespected by the person stopped or when the person feels the officer is doing them wrong but they can't stay quiet and wait for his or her day in court.

    Police matters aren't the only situations were this lack of respect thing comes up. A lot of physical confrontations occur in public (especially between males) due to one guy thinking another is disrespecting, trying to "punk" him, or for "talking ****" (for lack of a better term). Think about this - we've actually had fights start in clubs because one guy accidentally stepped on another guys shoes. I think most road-rage incidents, particularly those were the cars actually don't collide, are based one driver feeling disrespected by being cut-off on the road.

    Why do some people have such a hard time with letting things go? If someone cusses you out, just move along. If someone cuts you off but doesn't hit you, just take a second to think about the consequences of trying to confront that person.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Does the NBA really need two teams in Los Angeles?

    I know my anti two teams in LA stance isn't as strong since the Clippers have actually been relevant within the last 4-5 years but I still don't see the point in having two teams in the city and even more so because they play in the same arena. If Clippers played somewhere else in southern California I could maybe be ok with that but it still seems like the league would be better off if they moved somewhere like Seattle. Even though the Lakers stink right now, we all know that the overwhelmingly majority of LA-area hoops fans are Lakers fanatics.

    I also think it's a little unfair the the Lakers & Clippers get two "road" games in the Staples Center. I know Ballmer said he wasn't planning to move the Clippers to Seattle but I wouldn't be surprised if he did once the CP3/Griffin era ends. Seattle had a very strong NBA fanbase but the city was too stubborn to get an arena deal done to keep the Sonics from bolting to OKC.

    8 AnswersBasketball6 years ago
  • Assuming total immersion is not an option, what is the best method for learning a foreign language?

    I'm very interested in learning Spanish and/or German but I don't know they best way to go about it. I'm not going to be traveling or living in any Spanish-speaking or German-speaking countries anytime soon so I can't go the immersion route. What's good way to competently learn a new language in a reasonable short amount of time: formal classes, computer software, or something else?

    4 AnswersOther - Education6 years ago
  • If the Milwaukee Bucks move to Seattle, what current Western Conference team should move to the East?

    The Bucks want a new arena but the city hasn't been receptive so far. Some believe if the team moves a possible destination is Seattle. If that move were to happen, the NBA would have an imbalance with the West having 16 teams and 14 teams in the East. I think the league would want 15 in each conference. Geographically speaking, they could justify moving Minnesota, Memphis, or New Orleans. If the NBA also wants to restore more competitive balance the could move Memphis or New Orleans since those teams are more likely to be better than Minnesota will be within the next 2-3 years.

    2 AnswersBasketball6 years ago
  • Do you think Aaron Rodgers injured his calf pulling the tank with Hanz & Franz in the State Farm commercial?

    I'm being serious here. I haven't heard anything about what game or practice the injury occurred in.

    4 AnswersFootball (American)6 years ago
  • What celebrity Dallas Cowboys fan is more annoying: Chris Christie or Lebron James?

    I'm generally loathe Cowboy fans but I have particular disdain for Cowboy fans are either born and raised in Houston and those that are not from Texas at all.

    Christie looks bad because he's a New Jersey native, went to college in New Jersey, and New Jersey is home to two NFL teams that have both won Super Bowls. He explains his Cowboys support by claiming an admiration of Roger Staubach.

    Lebron's (an Ohio native) Cowboy fandom seems to be more associated with his tendency to support successful teams only - he's also a big Yankees fan. So I guess he's a front-runner in that sense. The Browns and the Bengals weren't always terrible during Lebron's childhood.

    3 AnswersFootball (American)6 years ago
  • Other than the money, does it really make sense for Jim Harbaugh to leave the NFL for Michigan?

    Aside from the 8-8 season that was 2014, Harbaugh had an outstanding record with the 49ers and he was responsible for resurrecting one of the NFL's greatest franchises. I don't get why a guy that was a pass interference call away from winning a Super Bowl would walk from that to take a college job. As popular as college football is in this country, it's still not and never will be the NFL. Unlike many of the coaches that went from college to the NFL back to college, Harbaugh actually had great success in the NFL.

    He played in the league for 14 years too so he's actually been around the NFL game (as player & coach) much longer than the college game. Winning a Super Bowl just has to be a goal for him - he almost led the Colts to the Super Bowl, he lost a Super Bowl as an assistant with the Raiders, and he lost to his own brother in 2013.

    7 AnswersFootball (American)6 years ago
  • Why is it so difficult to play the quarterback position well in the NFL?

    I know this may sound like a simplistic question but I was wondering what people thought about the position that only a select few are very good at.

    Most of the pre-draft discussion with QBs concerns arm strength and height but it seems like decision making and accuracy are way more important when the games is actually played. Why are so many guys that are reasonably intelligent people bad at making decisions on the field?

    Are Rodgers, Peyton Manning, Brady, and Brees the only guys that work hard in practice and film study? I highly doubt that.

    7 AnswersFootball (American)6 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Do you think CNN's Christine Romans is attractive?

    I have been watching her on CNN for a few years now and I find her to be extremely good looking. She's got a sexy business professional vibe about her.

    What do you think?

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism7 years ago
  • Can I transfer files from the hard drive of a non-working desktop computer to an external drive or another computer?

    My HP desktop computer won't power on but rather than get it fixed I'm planning on buying a new one (I've had the PC for about five years so it's probably time to move on). However, I would like to transfer the files from desktop's hard drive to a new computer or to an external usb hard drive. Does anyone know what I would need to be able to operate the old hard drive?

    3 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • In Windows 7, is the "downloads" folder accessible on the Guest account?

    On my PC with Windows 7 I have a password-protected administrator account and a guest account. I was wondering if the the downloads folder that I use on the password-protected account is available for viewing on the guest account. I read somewhere that the "my documents" folder for an administrator account would not be available for the guest user but I'm not sure if the downloads folder has the same characteristics.

    2 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • Should the government tell us more about the consequences for violating criminal laws?

    It is well known that ignorance or lack of knowledge about whether a certain action is criminal is not a defense/justification for committing a crime. For example, people accused of stealing at Walmart cannot successfully defend themselves by saying they did not know stealing was against the law.

    Although ignorance of the law is not a defense I personally believe the government should do a better job of informing the public about the consequences of violating criminal laws. More information obviously would not totally stop crime but I think it would make certain people think twice before they do something stupid. For example, aggravated robbery (which generally involves a use or threat of violence while committing or attempting to commit theft) is a felony in every state. In my home state of Texas, aggravated robbery has a punishment that ranges from 5 to 99 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. I find it difficult to believe that presenting this information to the public would not change any minds before they tried to rob a bank, a convenience store, or tried a carjacking.

    What do you all think?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago