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  • how do I get over my friend?

    I'm in love with my friend and I've confessed to him. He rejected me and ik he's in love with someone else too :/ ( he hasn't told me this though, I do know ) He wants to continue being friends and I've been doing that, but sometimes he brings up HER name in convo. how do I get over him while being friends?? do I pretend like it's okay or SomEhoW tell him I probably shouldn't speak to him anymore?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 months ago
  • how do I get over my friend?

    I'm in love with my friend and I've confessed to him. He rejected me and ik he's in love with someone else too :/ ( he hasn't told me this though, I do know ) He wants to continue being friends and I've been doing that, but sometimes he brings up HER name in convo. how do I get over him while being friends?? do I pretend like it's okay or SomEhoW tell him I probably shouldn't speak to him anymore?

    Singles & Dating6 months ago