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    You are in charge of a project to tag salamanders using visual elastomer implant tags (which we saw in class, but used for fish). You estimate you may need to tag up to 329 animals over the course of the study.

    How many colors would you need if you have 3 injection locations available (integer answer)


    How many colors would you need if you have 4 injection locations available (integer answer)


    How many injection locations would you need if you have 7 colors? (integer answer)


    How many injection locations would you need if you have 9 colors? (integer answer)


    Homework Help12 months ago
  • help writing a speech to my hockey coach who is retiring after four years?

    I am now in college but the hockey coach I had for four years in high school is now retiring.I was a captain so we were extremely close. I ve been asked to write a speech at a banquet to say goodbye to him but ive never written a speech and I need help. Im looking for possibly some kind of format or template to follow because I cant find one on the internet. If you could help me that would be great, thanks!

    2 AnswersHockey4 years ago
  • math question?

    If y is inversely proportional to x, and y = 5 when x=-30, then find the value of y when x=-24.

    Answer: y =

    when x=-24.

    5 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • help me please?

    The stopping distance d of an automobile is directly proportional to the square of its speed v.

    A car required 45 feet to stop when its speed was 80 miles per hour.

    (a) Find a mathematical model that gives the stopping distance d in terms of its speed v.

    Answer: d=

    (b) Estimate the stopping distance if the brakes are applied when the car is traveling at 62 miles per hour.


    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago
  • I cant answer this math question for the life of me please help?

    A man built a walk of uniform width around a rectangular pool. If the area of the walk is 115 square feet and the dimensions of the pool are 12 feet by 6 feet, how wide is the walk?

    ive used the quadratic formula and tried factoring and haven't gotten the right answer. Also the answer cannot be a decimal and the answer is definitely not 5

    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago
  • I cannot solve this math problem?

    Solve the quadratic equation by using the square root property. The answers cannot be decimals.


    I cannot figure this out for the life if me.

    3 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Second degree burn on face?

    I spent way to much time in the sun on Monday and got a really bad sunburn on my face. Monday night I didn't sleep and had really bad chills. When I woke up on Tuesday my face was very swollen and I blister covered my entire forehead. Tuseday night a little pinhole opened on the side and dripped yellow liquid but then stopped. I slept through the night and woke up this morning to more leakage in a different place. This time I have cut in the middle of my forehead leaking fluid and it stings and looks very raw. I know blisters can get infected very easily so I am wondering if I should seek medical care or just wait it out. So far I've only been taking Tylenol for the pain and swelling. Thank you


    3 AnswersSkin Conditions5 years ago
  • Kidney transplant?

    I live in Massachusetts and I go to a technical high school. At my school I am in health technologies and have to do a senior project. My project is to watch a kidney transplant surgery but my problem is that I can't find one to watch. I've tried to contact all the hospitals in Boston and my local dialysis center but have had no luck. My only option now is to find a patient for myself that is ether giving a kidney or getting a live kidney donator but I'm not sure how to do that so I need help. If you have any ideas or any resources that could help me that would be really helpful.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases6 years ago
  • Kidney transplant?

    I live in Massachusetts and I go to a technical high school. At my school I am in health technologies and have to do a senior project. My project is to watch a kidney transplant surgery but my problem is that I can't find one to watch. I've tried to contact all the hospitals in Boston and my local dialysis center but have had no luck. My only option now is to find a patient for myself that is ether giving a kidney or getting a live kidney donator but I'm not sure how to do that so I need help. If you have any ideas or any resources that could help me that would be really helpful. Thank you to anyone that helps.

    6 AnswersOther - Diseases6 years ago
  • sending letters to jails?

    If you send a letter to soneone in jail and its the wrong one will they re direct it and send it to the right jail?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • how to reach my friend in jail?

    I know my best friend is in jail but I don't know where.I really need to send a letter to him but I can't unless I know where to send it. I've done every inmate search on the internet and haven't found anything. If it helps I know he lives in Massachusetts and he is a juvenile. If I send it to the wrong jail well they send it to the right one? Im out of ideas any suggestions I really need to talk to him

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • how to reach my friend in jail?

    I know my best friend is in jail but I don't know where.I really need to send a letter to him but I can't unless I know where to send it. I've done every inmate search on the internet and haven't found anything. If it helps I know he lives in Massachusetts and he is a juvenile. If I send it to the wrong jail well they send it to the right one? Im out of ideas any suggestions I really need to talk to him

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • queation about a ranger patch?

    A few years ago my best friends mother died and she moved away to live with her dad and while she was gone they had a fundraiser to raise money anyways there was a guy that the mother used to be friends with and before I left he told me we was looking for someone special to give is "ranger" patch to and he gave it to me... It mean so much to me and but I need to know if he was from the military, army, navy ext. Is ther anyway to tell?

    3 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • queation about a ranger patch?

    A few years ago my best friends mother died and she moved away to live with her dad and while she was gone they had a fundraiser to raise money anyways there was a guy that the mother used to be friends with and before I left he told me we was looking for someone special to give is "ranger" patch to and he gave it to me... It mean so much to me and but I need to know if he was from the military, army, navy ext. Is ther anyway to tell?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • queation about a ranger patch?

    A few years ago my best friends mother died and she moved away to live with her dad and while she was gone they had a fundraiser to raise money anyways there was a guy that the mother used to be friends with and before I left he told me we was looking for someone special to give is "ranger" patch to and he gave it to me... It mean so much to me and but I need to know if he was from the military, army, navy ext. Is ther anyway to tell?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • help eith my english essay?

    Today in class we got a essay that has to be 5 paragraphs and its a creative writing essay im hopping that one of you will write it for me because I have so much other homework and im moving in 3 days so I don't have time. The essay is about a short storie we read called "the sniper" to sum it up there are two sniper the main one who's point of view you are reading from is trying to kill his enomy across the street on a different roof and then a lady comes through the street and trys to blow the main snipers cover so he shoots and kills her anyways eventually he kills his enemy but decided to look and see if he knows the person he killed and it ends up being his brother. The assignment is to just be one of the characters in 1st person and just make up a story of there own leading up to the real ending if the story. I really hope you guys can do this for me I would really apressiate it, thanks!

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago