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  • what would do with husband family?

    ok i am english and my husband is Egyptian ok my husband is in prison cause of my family we have 3 children he told me to go stay in egypt till he come out so i agreed but his family are treating me bad like you are rubbish all english people are you put my son in prison i really had a none just feel like crying i cry every night as so stress out i work but will it get better or should i leave now

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • dhl shipment help please?

    Further Detail:

    The shipment is currently awaiting the next planned movement or delivery cycle

    Next Step:

    Shipment will be processed further on the next planned movement or delivery cycle

    it going egypt as it miss it flights or not

    1 AnswerSheffield8 years ago
  • does master card work in egypt?

    does master cards work in atms in egypt please help

    5 AnswersEgypt8 years ago
  • it not moved why should I leave it a while?

    4 Arrived at Sort Facility EAST MIDLANDS - UK EAST MIDLANDS - UK 19:53

    3 Departed Facility in LEEDS - UK LEEDS - UK 17:43

    2 Processed at LEEDS - UK LEEDS - UK 17:37

    1 Shipment picked up LEEDS - UK 12:59

    2 AnswersAir Travel8 years ago
  • i started jogging on spot?

    i am full time mum

    every night i started jogging on spot i started with 10 minutes i want to move up to 15 minutes after 1 week i jogging every night 7 days will this lose weight for me

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • help with my son eating habbit?

    i need other mum to help me out ok my son is 7 years old wont eat meat or fish, or drink milk

    when i put meal out he say he need second we give he come back thirds also we give 2 bread cake with cheese he need 7 after that he still hungry he say if say no he cry he not fat he tall for age what should be right for his age please mags

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • periods problems help?

    i had period's normal since last month when i bleeding light red blood then i get brownish discharge then 2 days no blood then 3rd i get belly pain and i start bleeding again light red blood not heavy only light i get full After 9 hours or more i want for info if this normal i have in plant in for just over 3 Years now x

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • westoun union money transer?

    how many days do i have pick it up my sender said 1 day is that right ?

    1 AnswerCredit9 years ago
  • help my wireless internet?

    i have wireless internet it work fine yesterday today i open it no need work it sending not received any packet it say Limited Access why it as yellow this there why also when i troubleshoot it it no vailed ip adress why ? it also say unidentified network?

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • is better to wait or move on?

    ok my husband in jail i missing him everyday i love him loads we have 3 children should i wait or move on will he still love when he come out or not

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • i been married since i was 18 years old i know 27 years old?

    i been married since i was 18 years old i know 27 years old

    ok i 3 sister all younger than me cause of family problem my little ended up in foster care so she used to come and stay at my house every weekend

    and she said my husband did some to her and he went jail we have 3 children together when i went to see him last time he did not kiss or hug me and he don't he even say i love you any more do u think he blame me for this and he want me to move on or he waiting to he come out of jail and then tell me i love him so much

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • hi i need advise please tooth and gum numb?

    i started with toothache and score gum yestday today my chain and side cheeck little puff out are numb gums still score toothache got worse

    1 AnswerDental9 years ago
  • if my mum was born august 10 and she 30 what year was she born?

    if my mum was born august 10 and she 30 what year was she born ugent quick

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • my chomper problem PLUSase help?

    when i turn my pc on it start up go to window xp then turn it self and start back up why???????/

    1 AnswerScanners9 years ago
  • Sorry – we've not been able to confirm your details?

    Sorry – we've not been able to confirm your details

    There is a system error. Please contact a Money Manager

    what does this error message am getting when i log in to my online banking this there error with online banking or my account closed i use my card this to buy a top work ok but cant to online banking pls explain this error am getting

    3 AnswersCredit10 years ago
  • i am a prison wife we been married 8 years now?

    i am a prison wife little hard to explain my life here

    ok when i was 15 years old i fell in love with 1 man from egypt my family did not agree with it my mum did not mind my dad died before this my 3 sister hated him cause he is brown so we moved to ireland and my little sister who was 13 years ask me to move back to the uk we did as she in Foster care my hubby love here to bit 1 days she said some think very bad about him that got him sent to prision i really feel so sorry for him we have 5 years old boy 3 years old girl 2 years old boy last time my hubby see the kids was when my 2 years old was only 1 month old i miss he every days my hubby family say it all my fault do think he love me or hate me for it everyday i sit and cry can some i looking for friends i talk to and open up to pls leave email address if that ok

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • help my 5 years old mum and dad help?

    hi all pls help

    i have 3 children 5 years old boy 3 years old girl 1 years old boy ok when my son was 1 month my husband went prison ok ever since my 5 years old son as got worst i tell him of he hit me throw at me hit his sister and brother i give him every think he need i put in time he just open the door and come and hit wont eat only junk food like egg and cheese all time what else can i do to help him

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • my visa as fished i forget 2 month?

    i staying in egypt and my visa as fished 2 month ago and am scared now my kids are what will happen will police take me am born in the uk pls help

    2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates10 years ago
  • my husband will do 7 and half years in prison?

    my husband will serve 7 and half years in prison do you think he will love after all this time in prison we have married 8 years now and my sister say he wont love when he get out is true? pls answer honest

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • help me i get 250 pounds a week?

    how much do i earn a year? i trying to work out my working tax credit form i just started work 1 month i earn 230 pounds a week without tax

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago