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  • How long will you think it will take to get results?

    I am 0 effaced and 0 cm dilated. And eger to get the ball rolling. This is what I am doing

    1. Evening primrose oil 2000mg

    2. 4 cups of red raspberry leaf tea

    3. Sex every night my husband is home

    4. 1.5 mile walks at 3mph

    So my question is how long of doing these things do u think I'll start effacing and dilating?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 34-35 weeks pregnant with cramping and inner thigh discomfort?

    I am 34wks 3days - 35wks 3days they do not know my exact due date. I had been on bed rest for contractions and then taken off when my fetal fibernecton test came back negative. After that I was diagnosed with a kidney and bladder infection and was told that it was the cause of my contractions. Well since yesterday afternoon after a 1.5 mile walk I started with some cramping. and have had them ever since. I just went for another 1.5 mile walk and had the worst cramping during and I have the worst pain and discomfort in my inner thighs. Do you think my little man has dropped? Is the cramping the thinning of my cervix?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • High blood pressure and contractions?

    Starting at 32 weeks I started with regular contractions every 15 to 20min apart. I am still having them and at my Doctors appointment yesterday I was having contractions every 5-8min. and my blood pressure was high. My son was born at 36 weeks and we are thinking that this little bean will be early too. My midwife and doctor told me that 5 weeks before my due date I should start taking Evening Primrose Oil and Red Raspberry Tea, to help with labor. I am going with an all natural VBAC. Could I start it this week? I will be 34weeks. I want to make sure it is in my system and does what it needs to do in case I do have him early.

    6 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • What kind of fish should I start in my fish tank?

    I have a 36gallon fish tank, we bought it for my son, It has been cycling for 4 days now. We went and got the water tested and it was at 100% so the people in the pet store recommended we start off with the Neon Tetras, We left them in the bag in our tank for 20min, water temp at 76 degrees. When we got home 2 of the tetras were stuck on the the intake of the filter, I read that they should not do that unless weekened, or dying/dead, I currently have my filter off, but wated to know what fish should I start of with?

    My tank was a starter kit, came with everything, so no doubt that the filter is the right size for the tank.

    6 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • would you say this house is a fixer-upper?

    So my husband wants to buy our first house, how ever we were told by the loan company that if it was a fixer-upper then he wouldnt be approved for the loan. We want to do alot of stuff to the house, but it doesnt have to be done. We are actually living in it right now.......we are renting it.

    This is what we want to do to the house once we buy it...

    1. new flooring

    2. windows

    3. Central Air

    4. Addition with a laundry room, inlaw suit, master bathroom.

    5. more cabinets and dishwasher in kitchen.

    I did pull up the FHA check sheet.... this is what needs to be done to our house that would not past

    1. steps and hand rails from back door

    2. vent in bathroom mounted

    3. Light in kitchen Mounted

    4. Window units removed from windows in bedrooms

    5. remove microwave or add an outlet (It is currently working but with exposed wires.

    6 half bathroom needs to be fixed.

    So would you say this is a fixer-upper?

    What esle should I make sure is done before the Inspector showes up?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Are these seeds still good?

    I bought vegetable/herb/melon seeds last July and they have been in the back of my car and then moved too a shed, are they still good? It has been as hot as 100degress and as cold as the 20's


    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Boy or Girl? how soon did you show?

    ok so when did you start showing and was it a girl or a boy?

    With my son at 14wks It looked like I had half a basketball in my shirt. this go around, I was lighter to start off with and I still dont look pregnant..... I am 18w4d now, we find out next tuesday if its a boy or a girl, but I am currious? I was always told that you show faster with your second, this is true with a friend of mine, but not with me :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Need an answer to these 10 Trends and Issues on children Literature. Please Expain your answers. Thanks?

    1. Who do you find reads the Young Adult books?

    2. What is Dystopian Fiction?

    3. Do you think that The Diary of a Wimpy Kid should be classified as horror?

    4. Do you believe that books that refer to people with disorders send the wrong message?

    5. Why should teachers keep an open mind when picking out books?

    6. How can teachers use books to promote the SOL’s

    7. How should teachers use books and diversity without being biased or racist?

    8. Would you recommend non-gender based Literature for teachers?

    9. Do you think multicultural books should be a requirement and the Material selected has been written and illustrated by individuals from that culture in order to obtain authentic representation?

    10. Do you think Genres should be taught to children in school? Why and which ones?

    1 AnswerTeaching9 years ago
  • obsessing about weight gain?

    with my son I was 5'8" and weighed 170 when I got pregnant and I only gained 10lbs with him through the whole pregnancy. I was 152 when I got pregnant this time, and I am 17wks only 155 and I am freaking out about weight gain. The doctors already told me that they want me to gain 26lbs but I only want to stay in 150's this whole pregnancy am I crazy. or get to 162lbs but thats it!

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Morning sickness at 17weeks?

    I got Diagnosed with hyperemesis at 5wks pregnant, and was really sick untill about 11weeks. then I started feeling better, even got back in the gym. I am now 17 weeks, and once this week started I have been feeling very nauseated. With my son I had no sickness, just food adversions that would make me vomit. but this time it is horrible. anyone else do this?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 14 weeks pregnant with #2 and not showing?

    With my first pregnancy you could tell I was pregnant very early an by 14 weeks I had a big ball, people thought I was having twins. I am now 14 weeks with baby number 2, and you cant tell at all that I am pregnant, if you know I am pregnant, then you cant tell I have a little bump. anyone else do this? and what did you have? I had a boy first.

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • weird acne with pregnancy?

    So this is pregnancy number two, and with my son, I had some acne at the beginning, but it cleared up....ALL my acne, I had it really bad, face, back chest! But this pregnancy I have it in he weirdest spots, Behind my ears, and neck. starting to go down my chest! It is the painful ones.....the big red puffy ones :( any tips?

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • I really want to do VBAC.... but dont know?

    Ok so my first pregnancy was an emegancy c- section. and I am pregnant again, I got pregnant when my son was 14months, So I am 8wks pregnant now, I have been thinking about doing VBAC, but What are the risk? I was so sick from the c-section and I dont want to go through that again. Please give me some tips?

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Gestational Diabetic Diet at 8wks?

    So I am 8 wks pregnant and my doctor has me on a Diabetic diet already! 1 is this normal? I had gestational diabeties with my last pregnancy. They also said they are going to check my sugar at 16 weeks. So my big questions Is calories. With my son I was on a 1600 calorie diet because of the diabeties, I am trying this time around to get my calories highter but I am only up to 1800, I should atleast be up to 2000, but I cant eat all that food, I always leave some on my plate. My diet consist of eggs, oatmeal, milk, greek yogurt, homemade granola, flax seed, ezekiel bread, chicken/beef(lean)/pork, veggies (2cups veggies hold a natural sugar), rice cakes, Sunflowerseed butter, fruit (1 cup natural sugars 11g in a cup), sweetpotato. I dont know how to get more calories and watch my carbs and sugars. Any ideas? I am allegic to fish and nuts!

    10 AnswersDiabetes10 years ago
  • why do i have morning sickness, this time around?

    So i have been looking for an answer for why I have such horrible morning sickness with this pregnancy when I didnt have any with my son?

    Women are more likely to have morning sickness if

    •You're pregnant with twins or higher multiples. This may be from the higher levels of hCG, estrogen, or other hormones in your system. You're also more likely to have a more severe case than average. On the other hand, it's not a definite thing – some women carrying twins have little or no nausea.

    •You had nausea and vomiting in a previous pregnancy.

    •You have a history of nausea or vomiting as a side effect of taking birth control pills. This is probably related to your body's response to estrogen.

    •You have a history of motion sickness.

    •You have a genetic predisposition to nausea during pregnancy. If your mother or sisters had severe morning sickness, there's a higher chance you will, too.

    You have a history of migraine headaches

    None to all of these, I actually dont know if I am pregnant with twins, I carry the hyperovulation gene tho

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • My doctor wants me to come in for a hyperemesis evaluation?

    what will be involved with the evaluation?

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • What are my chances for fraternal twins?

    ok so i have been having these dreams of having twins, when I went on to get my HCG levels tested the are doubling every 1.4days, my husband said twins, I am showing already, and very sick, i am 145lbs and 5'8" I look like I am 14weeks compared to my last pregnancy. and I am only 6wks 6days. I just found out from my grandma that fraternal twins run on her side of the family and the last set of twins were her cousins, my grandma didnt have twins but she had two boys, and her boys had me and my cousin (female) so do we have to gene to have twins? My great, great grandmother was a twin, had twins, those one of her twins had 2 sets of twins.

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Dehydrated in pregnancy?

    I have been really nauseated and vomiting for the past week and I have lost 6.5lbs this week, I am 6wks 6days today, and I have peed 2 times in the past 24 hours. I have been able to keep down some bread and some diet soda today. But should i contact my doctor tomorrow?

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • do I need to file taxes?

    I made $1600, this year babysitting. I didnt know if I have to fill out a 1099 or at it as extra wages on my 1049? or do I file it at all. It was all cash, if i dont add it as income, but the mom files it as childcare expenses, or vise versa what would happen?

    7 AnswersUnited States10 years ago
  • My son is 15months and is not speaking?

    My son is almost 15 months, and he is not talking, he doesnt say mama, dada, baba, gaga, nothing he makes noices but that is it. If you ask him to do something, he hears you and understands. If I ask him to clean up, or get his shoes he does it. If we go bye bye he will wave and he does if your happy and you know it clap your hands and he will stomp his feet. He loves art and can paint and he loves music and dancing. he is a very smart boy. I watch a little girl who is the same age, and she talks. Is this normal? What should I ask his doctor tomorrow at his check up!

    I am always working with him on words and flash cards, I even ignore him like his doctor told me to do and he gets pissed and will throw things. What can I do?

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago